, . __ __ .. . . .
<br /> :t_�_.�.'_ '_ .... � � �. .. . . . . ,F
<br /> , . . . ':� . � . ...tir•'
<br /> . . __ _'._'__�. ..'""'.• _" .'_ _' ... '. . ..'_""_' . .- .. . •—'_,.__a...�_--�.-._ ...
<br /> L�_ - C __
<br /> . , '�.-_ . . _'.
<br /> , . ,uh.tanUalh ryui��knt nu,rtca::�nt.uranir r���rr;�g� i�nut a�ail�hlr. kiu�rnwrr ,hall �,,� t�� I:n.lrr�,��h m„nth.� ,um cyual to ` ' < ,� ,
<br /> .. • 'i+ne-t��rftth ��I thr}earl� nwr[gage�n.aranmprem�um Dc�n_pai.l h� t3un�����r whrn�hr�n.ur.in��.�,<<r.��r Iap,ral��r cra.rcl w . �. ` -
<br /> hc m rttcrt- L�nJcr:�ill a��Ypt,u.tit`��tc'fain thC.0 pa�mrnt..�. .�I.,.. rc,cnr in liru ��t murt���r in.ur.inic l.�,•• rr,enr� �
<br /> . � pa�mrnt.rn.�� rn�6�n_rr he rr�{uircJ.at th�op[�un uPI.�nJrr. �t ui�,ng;��;r in.ur.�n������rraLr nn thr anwunt an� tur thr�rr�ud y �-.- .� __ . . _
<br /> - � th•rt Lrndr. rryuur.i pro�id�ti�+y an 's�tiurer appru�ui h� LcnJ�r.��,�m h«„m�.a�.ul.�hic and �+��ht.siiic�J Hurruwrr .iaali pa} � ` _.
<br /> [�1C(�iCItltUttt�fCUUI[C�Ai nt�lilta�n nwrt�•.�ac• �n.ur.in,'�• in,•I lr�t nr hi nrna p�_• , 1...�.... ...i '�. - • ��_ •.—_-,-_
<br /> ___ _ � y..:..;.6� � i�iyu�icnrcni i�,r �fl��rtL8,1'. - ---�
<br /> ^ III�U�JII�C l'11�J�Itl.ir.�,rdan�r«i�f�:�m Rflti�•n :�an•�_m_•[�t f�a..m{l..rr,._.���...�� � •�„7ii!'i, i ii�ai�ic i.���. .
<br /> hC.. ._.. .F.F�
<br /> . � 9. In,pertiun. Lrndrr ur it,�e�rnt ma� nwtie rw.unahlr cninr. up�,n .md �n�prrnun.ul thr F'rnp�rt} I.�n��r,hall �,i�•�� . '.
<br /> , B��rr�racr n�eu�'r at thc umr�rt�n pnur ti,�n m,prc[iun.per�tytni rra.unahl�.;,u,e lur thr�n�pc�ttun. • _
<br /> j 10. Condre�mation. Thr pru:rrd. ,�f am aw.�rJ ur rl�mi t��r .lam.��r�. Jirrrt �,r �un,cyucnuat. m ��nu�c�hun ��Uh anr� �
<br /> . �und�mn:�uun ur othrr t:d.�n� �H .un p.irt ��! thr Pruprrh. „r litt r��mr}anc� m hru��t r�m��nm:sU�m. arr h�rrh� a..ign�J and.�° �
<br /> � ,hall he paid tu[.end�r. � '
<br /> � i In thr r��nt��f a t�ual tal.in,���t thr I'ru�rrt).Ihr prurrrd.,hall hr appl�rd tu th�.um..rrurr.l h� thi. 1r�unty 6i�trumrnt N =
<br /> . � whcth�r ur m�t thrn Ju�. ��ith �m rvrr.. pa�J t�, Bnrrourr In thr <<rnt „t.� p;�mal tal.ing ul thr Pruprrt� in ..furh thr tau '
<br /> �- mar6rt �alur ��I thr Pruprrt� imm��iiat�h hcti�r;thr tal,m,� n�yual tu ur�rratrr Ihan thc atnuunt ul thr•um. .r�untl M thi.
<br /> -, + S�curit� ln,[rumrnt itnmed�atcl� he9�m thc ts},ing. unlr+,Burruurr anJ l.en�rr�ith�rH nr aLrrr nt�n�:n�:. thr•um.,rcured hy - .-� -, • - -
<br /> � thiy S�cunt} Im[rument ,hall hr rcJu«tl M thr amuunt „t th� pn�rrrd. multipl��J h� th� I�•Il�,winz �f1i(UIII. I;I) llll` tutal . .
<br /> amuunt ul thc •unt+ .erur�til imm�dt:itrh hr�i�rc Ihr tal,me, di�iJrP ub �hi thr lau uuuk,rt �aluc nf thr Pn�p�rt� immrJiately
<br /> _ � hrti�r� the ta6ing. Any halanre .hall h� p�id tu B„rru��rr. In thr r�rnt uf a p:smal tal.in� ut thr Prnprrt} m whirh thz fau - -
<br /> m;�rl�rt valur��C thr Pruprrtl• nnmediatel� her��rr thr takmg i.1�„than the.�muunt��t thr+um+,«ured intmeJiateh hefiur th�� ����-'�
<br /> - c.i�i���:. unir., 8urroa�r and Lrn�cr�ahrn�nr.�grr� �n wnt�ng ��r unleti>apPl�cabl�law ��then�i.r pro�idr,. th�prucccd..hall . _ �
<br /> • he appli�i tu the sumti aerured b} thi�Security Inurument wfiethrr��r nu[the�ums arc then due. � ���`
<br /> If the PropeRy is abandoned by Burruwer, or if, alter nouce by i.r.nder to Burrower that the cundemnor offen to make an "" � `
<br /> aaarJ ur+ettle a rlaim tix Jam;tge.. Borcuwer f�il, to respond [o L,ender w�ithin 30 days after the date tiie notire i, gicen. � ' � ' '�.` -
<br /> L.ender iti authorizetl ta collect and apply [he prott�eciti,at it�option,c�ther to restoratic�n ur repair of the Prnperty or to the�um� -- -.�?�=-_`
<br /> _ - �rcurc�I oy[hi��ecunty Instrumrnt. ahether or not then Jue. ,��,,,,,r,u
<br /> - , l;nles, Lender and Borrower otherai,e agree in writing, any applicatinn of pnxeeds a� principal �hall not extend or
<br /> , postpaae the due date of the monthly payment�referred to in paragraph� 1 and 2 or chan e the amount uf,uch a ments. � �T��`�'� ��.<'�
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbearance By I.ender\oi a V4'ai�•er. Extension of the time for payment i r moditication � � ��
<br /> + uf amorti,r�tion of thc sums�ecurrd by thi�Sc�uriry In.trument granted by Lender to any tiucre.sor�n intern�t uf B�rrouer yhall , .' �'•'
<br /> � nut operdte tn relra,c the liahilit} of thr uriginal &�rro�ver or Bonowrr',�urcesu�n in intcre�t. Lendrr.hall nut hr reyuir�d tn ' �;,�;��4�:�T •--:
<br /> cummence proceeding�agdinst an}�wrres.ror in interes[ur rcfuse a�extend time for payment or utherwi,e modify amortiz;itinn �`;�=
<br /> of the ,um. �erureJ by thi, Secuntq In,trument by rea,un i�f any d�mand made by the uriginal Burrc�wrr ur Borruaer's ����"�-:��;
<br /> .ucce�son in intere,t. Any fi>rbearance by Lender in exerci�ing any right or remcdy ,haU not be a weiver uf ur prrclude the �"� �.,,;.�'
<br />, exercise of any ri�ht ur remrdy. �.:
<br /> • 12. Successo� and Assi�ns Bound;Jolnt and Several Liability; Co-si�ners. The ro�enant, and agreementti ut thi� . ` - �� fs ',�
<br /> Securiry Inxtrument shall bind and henefit the ,ucceti.un and a„ign, of Lender and Borro�ver. ,ubjert tu the pr�visions of .:,�.•.,� ' :��: :
<br /> paragraph i7. Borruwer', ruvenant, and agreements ,hell hr�omt :uid ,everrl. Any Borruwer whu co-,ign, thiti Se�vrity -
<br /> . lnstrument bu[ doe. not execute thr Vote: ia) i+co-,igning thi� Security In�trumem unly to mung�,e, grant and convey thet �
<br /> Burrua•cr'ti interetit in the Property under the tcrm.of thi,S�cu�itJ• Im[rument; (h) i� nc�t er+unall ubli�atrd w a th , � .i"�'r
<br /> P Y b P Y c.ums ;�,•_. c _
<br /> .��ured hy thiti Sccurity Intitrument:anJ Ic�agrees that Lc:ndcr and am uther Borruwer may agrce to rxtenJ_ mudif'y, titthwr or
<br /> makc:�ny arc�m�modation,with regard to the tcrm,of thiti Sccurity In,trumrnt or the Note without that&�rruwer',rumrnt. �� `-
<br /> . 13. I.oan Char�e�. If the lu�n,rcurre!by thi.Secunq In,trumrnt i.,ub�rct tu a law whirh ,et, maximum luan ch;�rgc,. • •�'�'
<br /> . :�nd that la�c i, fin:tlly interpreteJ .0 that thr intertht or uth�r luan rharge�cullrrtexl ur tu hc cullected in romie�tian wUh the �"" ��
<br /> luan ercuxl thc pern»ttcd hmit.. thcn: 1ai an} ,uch luan rhargr tihall bc rrdurcJ by thr ami�unt nere.+ary to ruture the chargr �
<br /> • tu Ihc `.�t .
<br /> prrniittrJ limit: anJ Ibi any .unn alrwdy wllutul(rum Bnrruwr�whtch cxceecied permittul limits will be refunded tu
<br /> „ Burrower. I.rndcr may rhnu.e to makr thi+ r�fWtd by rrJucing the pnncipnl ow•cd under [he Nut� ur hy making a Jircct �•�
<br /> .�.
<br /> �...'� �
<br /> � payment [o Borruwer. If a ret'und redurr. principal, thr reJurti�m will be treated a� a partial prepayment without any r
<br /> . pmp:,ymcnt chargc und.r[hr N��te. ,�?1�:;,_
<br /> 14. tiottees. Any notice to Borrower pro�idrd ti�r in thi,Security In+trument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing • :n-�
<br /> it by fint cla�,mail unle�.applirable law r��yuire,u.e of another method. The notice,hall be directeci to the Property Address '° � ��R%`
<br /> �� ._�
<br /> or any uther �ddre.� Borrower detiignate. by noticr tu Lender. Any notirr to Lcnder shall be given by first clatis mail to c. --�='� '
<br /> • Lender'.addreti� staicd herein ur any other addre,ti �nder designxteti by notice to Borrowec Any notice provided for in this -�:s�
<br /> Security Instrument shall be dcemul to have been given to Borrowcr or L,ender when given ati provided in this paragraph. �='_-
<br /> l5.Guvernin� Law; Severabi8ty. Thi, Security Ins�rument shall be govemecl by fedcral law and thc law of the ,'"�-�'-� =�
<br /> juri.di�tion in which the Property i,lorated. In the event that any provi,ion or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note ���
<br /> � canflicts with applicabte law,sach conFlict tihall not affect c�ther provitiions of this Security Instrurr�ent or the Note whieh can he � �-
<br /> given effect without the conflicting pm�•i�ion. To this end the provisions of this Securiry Instrument and the Note are declared - = -` �
<br /> • to be severable. `'�`i.,�„���;-""
<br /> ;' 16.Borrower's Copy.Burrower,hall be given one conformeJ r�py o1'the Note and of this Security Instrument. '-�-. ' -= -
<br /> , 17.Transter of the Property or a Beneficial Inter�t in Bnrrowe�.If all or any part of the Property or any interest in it �- `�+ �
<br /> , i>>old or transferred(or if a benefirial interest in Bnrmwrr i� .old��r transfcrreci and Borrower is not a natural person)withaut '
<br />• �� Lender'ti prior written eonsent. Lender may, at it.r option. rc:yuire immeciiate payment in full uf all wmti �ecured by this '`�°'
<br /> , Security Instrument. H<�wever.thi�optiun.hall not be rxercised'ny Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of the date �: '�-`
<br /> ; of this Security In�trument.
<br /> '' `� :�!..._.:t •.
<br /> : (f Lender exerci5es this opti�m. Le�nder,hall give Burrower niuice i�f arceleration. The notice�hall provide a period of not �;:-. �.,..;•;' •,': .
<br /> �� leti� than 30 day. from the date [he notice i.delivrred ur mailed within which Borrower must pay all wm� secureti by �his � ' '
<br /> � Security lnstrument. If Borcower fail�to pay the.re�um�pnur tu the rxpinstion of this erioJ, L,ender ma .� •� ' �
<br /> pemiitted by this Security(n.wment without further m�tire ur Jcmand on B��rrower. P Y����ke any remedies '...,,�;,: ;.�.,,;.�.� ,
<br /> , i 18. Bnrrotser's Ri�ht to Reinstate. If R�xruwer mcet� crrtain cund�tii�n.. Borr��wer �hall have the right to have ���
<br /> � enti�rcement uf►hi� Securiry In+trument diximtinueJ at any time pnur h� thr rarher ai'� la► S day. iur .uch uther periud a. • {�;`''"'��'�
<br /> • , applicable law may specify fi►r reimtatemenU before sale of the Property pur.uant to any power of +ale wntamui in th�s � � =.°
<br /> Se�:uriry In�trumenr,or(b)entry�f a judgment enforcing thiti Security In�trument. Thme conditions are that Bormwer:(a1 pays � �
<br /> L.ender all +um�which then wuuld be due undrr thi� Security In�trument and the Nc�te as if no arcrleration had occurre.�i; Ib) • '�
<br /> cure�.my default uf any other cuvenant. or agreement�: Ir► pay+ all expeme.r i�curred in enforring this Security Instrument. '
<br /> , including, hut nut limited tu, rw�unable aUurney.'fre�: rnJ Id1 taAr� wch action a� LAnder may rra.unably reyuire to s,wre
<br /> that thc lien of thi�Sccurity Imtrumcnt. I,cnJer'ti right, in thr Propcny and Borruwer'.obligatiun to pay the sum.�ccurrd by ' '
<br /> thi, Security (n�trument ,hall continue unchangul. l�pun rcm.tatement by Burrnwer. thi� Scrunry Instrument and the � �
<br /> i�hli�:atiun�xrured hereby �hall remain f'ully effertivr a+ il no acceleratiun had uccurred. However, thi. nght to reinstate.hall '
<br /> not�pply in thc ca.re af xrrcicratii�n undcr paragraph 17. ` �
<br /> 19. tiale of Note: Change oP I,oun Servlcer. Thc Notr i�r a partial intere�t m thr Nute (together with thiti Scrurity � '
<br /> In>trumenU may hr wld une ur mure timr.without prior noticr tu&�rruw�r. A,ale may re.ult in a change in the entity(known •
<br /> ati the"la�an Servicer")that rollects nu�nthly payment.Juc under the Nutr and thi,Serunry In�trument. Therc altio may he ane � � �
<br /> or more rhsngeti of the I.oan Serv�crr unrrlatrJ to a ti�lr��f the Nate. If there iti a rhange uf Ihe L,uan Servicer, Borcuwer will be
<br />� given written nuticr uf the rhange in�ccurdanre with paragraph 14�buve and applicable law. Thr nutice will �tate the name and �• � ' �
<br /> addre+�uf the new la�an Servicer and the addre�ti to which paymentti +hnuld he m�de. Thr notice will :�lso c�mta�n any i�ther '
<br /> informatiun rcyuircd by applicablc law.
<br /> � 20. Hazardous tiubstances. Borro«er ,hall n��t rduu ��r perniit the pr�unce. u.e, di,pu.al. +tnrage, or rclu�tie of�ny i �
<br /> H:uarduu. Sub�tanrr, on ur in the Prupert�•. Bortower tihall nut do, nur aUuw anynne rl.re to du, anything afferting the f � ' �
<br /> Pruperty that iti m viulatinn ��f�ny Environmental lau. 1'he precedmg twu .entenre. +hall nut epply to the ptt,encc, u.e. vr �
<br /> +torage un the Pruperty i+f�mall yuantities of Hafardou. Sub.tances that are�;rnrr,illy rerogni�ecl tc�hr :�ppropriatr to nurmal �
<br /> �Cti1tiBON,I Uu�:ttttl tn nt:pntrn2ln�r.,f r�,_p.,;....n _ -•�
<br /> =7 ,... }. - ---•----- .-
<br /> � �„'"s"" Form 3028 9/90 ' .
<br /> , _
<br /> , _
<br /> , }
<br /> -_ ------, - ----__...::.::._..-.,....------ -•_� -..-- : �- --� ,
<br /> �_�--�,�--�- �,—' ..y--:•`=°�- --• -- `--. • ` . . _ '`��..�.� � .
<br /> '�G ' 1 . - . . � � - ' , V� ��•.1�'�'� - ' .I ' Y , . ,`•�� • . • ' - .
<br /> ., . .�-�' . • ' . . . .. . � � - ._ � _ � . . . _. . • . . .. �t . . � .. .. . . . . � � . . . . .. ` • ., . . v , . . .
<br />