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-_ . . . .... . _ _. . . ;�� <br /> � ��� 1��� . � : "__- <br /> ,� Thr FunJ. .hall he helJ �n sn in�.utunon uh��.e dcpu�its are intiured by a fcderal agenr�, in>trumentalitc. or entity <br /> �inclu��ng Lrnd.r. if I.rnd�r i.,u�h an in.titutionti ur in any Frderal Home[.i�an B:tnk. Lc:nder,hall appl} the Fund.tu pa� the <br /> � .� F,r�uw Itrm.. [.rndrr rrw} nc,t rh:trgr Burru�a�r t�,r h�,l�lmg anS appiymg thc Fund,.arsnu:dly :zn;►hnng thc ruroa arruunt. ��r , - �,;>� <br /> . . : � <<nf}ing thr E,rmµ Itrm.. unlr.� L�ndrr pa}•Burcuwrr interz�t on the Fund,snd applirable law pernuts[xnder tu n�be>uch f <br /> a rhar:e. H�+wr�rr, (xnJrr ma} reyuat Burruwrr tu pa}a�me-t�mc rharge tor an indeprnd�nt rcal��,t:�te tar repurting ��n ire � <br /> _ 1 u,�J h� LrnJrr nz runnctitiun w ith thi. luan. unlr,. :�pplirahle taw pnn��se, u[hCiw't�C. Z�tlic» an ag�ee�uc��i „ �usd� �;r --_---=-__-�"�- <br /> r - <br /> . � 3pplirahlr Iaµ rcywro, mt�re,t tu h�paid.LrnJer,h:�ll nut be rrywrul tu �a} tlulTO�cer an} in[cr��t en wrniug,vu Elic i u��S.. -_--�-_ -,_ <br /> 1 Burrua�r and L�nder ma� aLr�Y in «rinn�;. ho«e��er, th;�t interr,t,h:ill hr p:�id un thr Fund�. txndrr.hall give t�� Born�wrr. �. . �.o:-_ <br /> ? Hithuut charge, an annusl arcuunt�nr of thr Fund.. +huxmg �rerJit.anJ drbit, to �hr Fund+ :uid the purprne ti�r wh�ch earh <`. <br /> , i Jrhn tu th� t�und, aa,m��c. fhr}=unJ�:uC plCJged:�.+additiunal .ctiunt} ti�r all,um.+�cured b� thi�S«unh Imtrumrnt. � • �v <br /> � i If thc FunJ.held b} LrnJrr r+c�nd thr amuunt�pem»nrd ta be held b} applicahlc law. Ixndcr.haU :trcuunt to Burn�wer . . -- <br /> � tur thr rtrr+.Fund, �n a��c�rJanc� with the reyu�remrniti��f applic:tblr law. IC the amuunt u(ih�FunJ+held b� L�nder at am , <br /> � tune i, nut ,ufti��ent tu pa� thr E+cru�e Item,ahen du�. l.ender ma} ,o rn�tif� Burr��urr in��,urh w,r Bum�arr . , . <br /> - .h�Il pap t.� Lrndrr the :emuunt nec�y+:in to ma��up the drti�irn�}. B��rruar:,hall make up the drtiri�nry in nu murr than <br /> twel�•e mu�uhl} pa�mrnt,.:�t I.rnder'„uled„cretiwz. ` -- - ''�` <br /> � l`pun pa}mcnt in tuU uf all ,um, te�ured b� [hi�Serurit} In,wmrnt. Lrndrr .hall prumpth ufuns t�, B�,rrotier .�m � • - ` � _ <br /> Fund, held h� l.cnder. [f. unJcr para�raph_'t. LrnJrr�h:Jl acywrr or+ell thr Prc�prrt�. LcnJcr.pnur tn thr acyw,rtiun��r.�le � } �:-. <br /> ut thr Prupert}. ,hall appl� am FunJ,held h} LrnJrr at tl�r time uf acyw.iuon ur+.�k a,a�rrdrt aLain+t thr,um, ,trureJ h} , <br /> ' . { thi.Sccur�t} In+trument. _ - � <br /> .: 1 '. .apglicati�rn eF°a::nznt:'. �'^IC••-ri 1�_•�hl�•�;tN'nr�,��i�I�_.nth�•rui.�� :ill n:��na�nr�rri�'i�r.I h� 1 rn�lrr urnl�r p�raeranh• ------, --– __ <br /> I and._' .hall hr applied. tir�t. tu an} prepa}mcnt charg�y due under the '���te: ,rr�md. t��anu�uut� p:t�ablc undcr para�raph_': <br /> tturd, tu intrretit due: tiwrth.tu pr�ncipal due:and latit. tu any late chargc�due under the Nute. - . .� r�:_�_�_-� <br /> , . �3.Charg�: Liens. Horroaer tiha:l pay a(1 taxes, a+ties�ment�,charge�. fines xnd �mpo+itiva.attributable tu the Pruperty , , � . <br /> ; � whrch ntay attain priurity nvrr thi� Sei:urity Instrument,and lea�ehold pa}'mrnts or gruund rent�. if anp. B�>rrou•rr tih:ill pay _ _ - --_ <br /> � 1 tn�tir ubii_a[ivu, �u thr�ifaiiiicT(SPUL 5��.:;ir p:uagra�h�.or if;�ot p::id in thsi m3nner. B��rr�,wrr.h:�ll nav thrm on time dirn:th• --� _ ��- --'-' <br /> • • tu the penon u«ed pa�ment. Burm��er,hall pr��mpdy fumitih to L.ender all nntire,of amount�to hr paid undrr thi�paragraph. �. -:����;�:� <br /> • ' ` � If Borcowrr make�the�e payment,Jirec[ly.Burrowrr�hall promptly furni�h tu Lender receiph e�iJenrin=the paymenn. .� '�: �._:, _ -. <br /> � Bc�nower+hall prumpdy di.charge:iny lien ahich ha�priority over thi+Serurity Imtrumznt unlc�ti Burrunrr: ia)a�.rre+�n � <br /> , . t ariting te�[he payment uf the��bligatiun tiecured hy th� lien in u mannzr ac�rpt�blr to Lc:nder. �h)�ontc.t�in g�wJ faith the lien . � �`�`•-"___ <br /> hy. ur d�fcnd, again.t enforccment of the lien in. I�gal proceeding+ w�hirh in thc Lxndcr'ti ��pinion ��prr:�te t�� preven� the . �� <br /> ,., � emi�rccmem uf the lien; ur�r),ecure.Irum th� holder utthe lirn an sgreement.:cti�iactory tu LenJer +uhurduwting thr lirn to ; 'r,' "" <br /> . thi.Security in.trument. If Lendrr determineti thut:u�y� part uf the Propertp i.whject m a lien which ma}• attain prioriry o�er � • �-� � <br /> th�ti Serurity (mtrumrnt. l.endrr ma��eivc Borrow�r s noU�e fdentifying thc lien. Be�rru�cer�hall wti,h the lien ur t:il:r une��r � •` �' <br /> . �'��.'�_ <br /> , more.�f the actiun,�et t��nh ahu<< within 10 da�+af the givim_uC notirr. . - <br /> . 5. Hazard or I'roper[� lasurance. Borrow�r �hall I.rep ti�e imprcirrmcnt� ni��a esititing ur h�r�atter rrected nn thc � ' ''� •� � = <br /> Proprn� in,urcxi againtit loti�by tire. h:u.�rdti incluJed µithin the trrnt extenJ�d �u�crage" and �n� uther h:verdti. mcluding .' �� �.��+, <br /> .a �1R:�x��, <br />. . � floo dti or t lcw ding. for a•hir h L e�n drr rrymrr�i nwra n�e.T h�,i m u r a nc e�h a l l h e m a i n t a i n r J i n t h e:u n u u n u a n d f u r t h e p e r i u J+ _ ..,:.:" ,�„1.: � <br /> • � that Lender rryuue.. The imurance carrier pmcidins� the inwranre.h�ll hr rhu�cn by Burtt�wcr �ubjert to Lender'r approval - , -,. -=r.?� . � <br /> u•hirh .hell not he unrea,unahla u ithh�ld. If Bi�rruwcr tail+t�� maintain c���•rragc de.cnheJ above. Lender m:�y, at LenJer'ti • Y . � __ <br /> � uptiun_uhtuin coverage tu prutect L�nd�r',right,in the Pmprm� in acrurdenre with peragraph �. '. � �. '`� .:� <br /> All mtiurance p��lirie.and rcne�+�al,+hall hr arreptahle d� lander and .hall includc a .tundard mnrtgagr rldu�e. L.rnder � - • _' <br /> .� tihall hs�e the right tc�hulJ the pnli�ic,and renrwal.. If IAnJ�r reyuireti. Borrower�hall prumpdy gnr<<�ixnJrr all receiptti of � � <br /> paid premium+:u�d renrµal noucr�. In�hr evrnt ut lu...Burnn�cr.hall gi��r prompt nuucr t��thr m�ur,mcr carrier and L,cnder. �;.y <br /> � tAnJer may makc pr��ut uf lo,�if nut maJr prumptlr hy B�,rruw•�r. � " �� �,. �• <br /> Unle..LxnJer and B„rri�«cr�Hher���.r a�rrc in �vtrttng. in,uranr�pr��cecd.,hall he appl�ed tu r"turauun ur rrpair ul'the ,l . 'j'', . ; � <br /> :. Prupctly damaFed.if th�r�,turauun��r rcp,ur i.ram�+�ur.all} (r.�.�M�and 1.cnSrr'..r.unty►le„roe�1. If thc rc.a�ratiun,�r ��,, . `b� -- <br /> rep:�t� t�nul«utu�nticall) I�a��hl� �a I.�nd�r + .�runt� ��auld h� IC���t1C�1. ih�nt�ur.�n�r pn��cc�lr �h.�ll h�:tpph�d lu Il�c�WIt� ' ' � ' , . <br /> .. ,ccurrJ hy Ihi, Sc�unt� In.irumrn[. ��hrU�rr�,r nut Ui�u dur. «ith am rtir„ pa�d i,+ N��rr����rr It fi���ru��ri ahand�,n� thc �`; ' � <br /> . Prupcny.��r Jar, nut an.urr ��ith�n ��� �I.i?..� rn�urr Ir��m L.rnJ�r tiwt lhr mwranrr�.irnrr I�.i.uUrrrd t��.rttlr:� �la�m. thr�; '�,.�� <br /> �. : lxndrr may� roUcrt thc in.uran.r prurcrd.. Ixn�lrr m.i} u,c thr pr„cccd. tu rrp:ur „r �r•ture Q�r Prnprny ur tu p:�y ,um, • ' <br /> ,r.ur�d hy Ilu,Sccunty ln.trum�nt. ��hrthcr��r u�,t thcn Jur 1 hr?U-day prnoJ���II hc��n�tihrn thc nuucr i,g��rn. -, . -�,�!.� : <br />� Unlc., l.rnd�r :tnd Hurnn�cr ��thrn��,c a�:r�r in ��ntinc. an� �ipplirau„n „1 pr�ur�J� tu pnncipul .hall n��t rttenJ ur � �� . '-- <br /> p��,tp+mc thc Juc dat� ul thr m��nlhly p:iymrnt. r�lrrrrd tu in p�ra�raph, 1 anJ 2 ur rhangr th� amuunt ul thc pa)n:rnt+. lf �� <br /> . unJrr paragraph 21 th�Prup�m i, arquirrd h} I.cnScr. Hurro�crr',nEht tu any inwrancc pulicir.:�nJ pr�xcrd.rr.ulunE frum ,.• �"��._ <br /> �' Janiage to the Prupert�•pnur u�thc aryu�.iuon,hall pa+ti t��I.�ndrr►u the ett�nt ui ihe+umti.cwrcJ by thu S�curit� In�trument � 1 _ -- <br /> � � immeciiately pnor to the acyui.itiun. '-+:�-.` '� <br /> • 6. Occupancy. Prescrvation. lfaintenance and Prot�rtion of the Property: B��rroHer'.le�an Applicati�n; Leaxeholds. _ .;,��"' <br />' " ' Burruwcr,hall u�cupy.e�tabli�h. and u.c thc Pr�+perty a.Burc��tirr'.principal rc,idrncc a•ithin,itity da��,atirr thr cxrcuti�m��f .�,,,�.. <br /> .� thi.Security Instrument anJ .hall cununur tu occupy the F'ruperty a►Burruwer"+principal rc�idrurc ti�r at Ic:t+t unr�wr atter '�'"-�"�'�`'"�� <br /> .�=.�y:�'�'�� -• � <br /> , � . the date of urrupancy. unlr.+I�cncicr nthcrwitie agree+ in wntin�:. which umxm +hall not hr unre:i.�unably whhhclJ,ur unl�.+ <br /> a+ei�iiE: �•,' <br /> . � extenuating rircum�tance� eri.t whirh are txyc�nJ BoROwrr'. rontrol. Burruw�r .h.,H not de�truy, damage or impair thr .�r.-_.�.�, - <br /> Propert}•. alluu� the Pri�pcn} to dr[criuratc. ur commit�va.te cm thc Pr��perty. &ttr��wcr shall hr in default if an� tittfeiwrc ._ � �_'°�_�"' <br /> ' act�on or prucerding. wh�ther ci�il nr rriminal. i.hegun that in Lendrr'.guud farth juJgment �uuW re+ult in ti�rtei�ure uf thc ,;����,;:.� ,t•: , � <br /> Property or i�therwix matrrially impair thr lien creat�d hy thi,S�curil� Intitrutn�nt nr LcnJcr',,r�uritJ•interc.t. Bi�rcuKrr tnay _ �L <br /> cure tiuch a dc(ault anJ rcimtatc.a.pruvidcd in paragr:�ph 1 k, h� rau,ing thr actiun c�r prurrc�hng a�bc di,nu,.rJ with a ruflng t�; . � � —_ <br /> � tha[. in I.cnJer', gooJ fsith Jctcr�ninatiun. preclude� (nrfriwrr uf the Horroµcr'� mtrrc.t iu the I'rupcn} ur ��ther m�tenal � �� <br /> � imp�irmcnt ��f thr lirn �rr�t��l hy thi+ Srcurity In�trumcm ur Lrnd�r'. .rrurity interc�t. R��rrawcr .h•rU rl�u h� �n Jrfault if . <br /> � Burrc�a•rr. .lunng thr luan apphr,�ti�,n prnrrti..gati�r materiall� I'alw or inarruratc inlurnuiunn ur,tat�mcnt,tu LcnJrr lur failcd ; � <br /> � � to prcn-iJr l.enJer�aith•rny matrriul inl�mn:uioni m aron�ctiun ��ith the luan cvidcnrcJ hy Ih� Nat�. imluding. hut not Iim�teJ ... ..:,x,_. 'F ._ <br /> . u,.r�prc+cntatium cunrrrmn�Bnrruacr',orrupancy ��t ihr Pr��prny a.a pnncipal rr.�d�nrr. II thi.5rrunly Intitrwnrnt i.un� �,' <br /> leatiehold. Borrowrr +hall cumply ��'�Ih .�II thc pro�n�ott> u( lhr I�a�C. If Burru«�r a�'yu�rc� ��r ullr Ii, �h� t'n�prr�y. Ihr . . <br /> : lca,chulJ unJ Ih� fcc UUc.hall not mcrgr unlr++L.cnJcr rgrrr�tu thc mrrg�r in�criunz. ' <br /> ' 7.Protection of Ixnder's Rl�hts in the Propert}•.If Borrnwcr failti tu prrfarm the ruvenant�and agmcmrn�.c�mtained in . . � ' �= <br /> • thi, Scrurity Intitrumcnt, c�r thcrc is a Icgal prurrcJing ihat ma}� +igniFicantl� affcrt I.�ndcr'� nght� in ihe F'r�+prrty i.uch a.a ' , � <br />' Prncccding in bankruptcy. pruhatr. li�r cunJcmn.nwn i�r f��rfriture ur tu rnfurcr la��. �tr rrgulatiom�. Ih�n I.ri�Jrr may d��.mJ • . � <br /> .. � pay ti>r whatever i� n�rr,�ary tn prutrct thr �:duc ut thc I'n�pert� and LrnJcr'. nght. m thr Pr„perty. L�ndcr'. �r�iun� m;�Y . . . _-- <br /> mcludr paying �r.y ,utn, ,icurrd h� :i lirn µhich ha. pnuri►y ���rr Ihi. tirrurit� In.trum�nt. app�ann�; m r��un. pa}•tng <br /> rea.unahle auurney.' Ire�and ent�rm�;��n thr Proprrt� lu mal.� np:un. Althuu�:li Ixu�kr m.i� tal.r actnm undrr thi.para�raph .. . • <br /> 7. I.CndCf t1oCs nuI hacr tn du.u. . <br /> .1ny amuunt� di.hur,rd hy Lcndrr uudrr thi. par.i�:raph 7 .h:�ll h�cunu .uldrtn,ii,d .kM „f Hnrru«rr .�rurcd h} tl�i. . <br /> Secunty In,trumrnt. l'nlc" Hnrr��arr and Lrndcr agnc u,othrr trnn,��I paynu•nt. tiir,r,un�,unt� �hall h�ar intcmu fr��m thc ' : . . <br /> • Jatc �,1 Ji.hur,rmem at thc ti�,tc r.itr and ,hall hr pa�aMr. �ti�th intrrr,t. upun u��urr Irum LcnJrr In Fl„rr„u�r rryur.Ung . _- <br /> � pa}mcnt. � � <br /> 8.�1ort�;a�;e Insurancc.1f I.�ndrr rcywrcd murtr�a�r in•ur.mrc a..i ri,nd�u�m�d inal�in� thr Inan,ciurc�h�� Ih�� Srcunt} �' <br /> ImtrumcnL Rnrruurr .hall p:n thr prrnnum, nyu�rrd t�� m.untain thr murtga�r iu�ur.�n.•� m rflrct. ll. t„r am rr.n�m_ ilir <br /> mnrtgacc m,urancr r�nrra�r rcyuinJ hy LenJ�r lap,r.�+r«a.c.t„hc in rflrct. f3urn,wcr .hall pay ihr prcmiuro� rryuir�.l t�� ' . �' <br /> i+htain ruvrr:��;r ,uh,�iall� ryunelcnt �o thr m„rtt:�gc in,urancr prcvinu�lc fn �•ffrct. ,ir .�r�,.t .uhtitant�alh ryui�,d�nt t�+Ih�• <br /> i��,t t�, li��rro«rr nl ihc nwn�agr m,uranrr prc�iuu,l� in cl(�ct. Innn an .ihrrn�tr n:��;!�.r�: in,urrr .i(�prrnrd h} L�nJir II � <br /> � <br /> � � . , �. <br /> Fnrm 3028 9%90 c �' <br /> . � . .. __... __. � <br /> � �. t..—,; <br /> . . , . . . -- • . ._ .;_��..__. ._ _... • .`... . .�' �•. <br /> . __. � , <br /> ,. -- .. . . <br /> � . .--�---- . .. • . .. _ °��., � — <br /> . .. _ <br /> - — -;:� . _.-_ .—,�_____,_ .. _ . __ _ . .. _. - <br /> . . - • . • , ..�: • . . � . ,. i-�-�� . . . , . . • • . . .- , . <br /> . . � .,• . .. . . � .. • , �... • • • ..: <br /> • • , ` ,• '`; � .i � . .. • , " ,. . x <br /> .t ' . .. �1 � . ' . . •. . _ ' ... _• .. . . ' . A•' . . . � _. .. . . � .. . r - -.1•_. . . � _. .. . . , ... .. - . . . - ♦ . ' �. . - <br />