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<br /> 18.Forectosure Procedure.If Lender reqoires immedia4e payment in full under AaragraP6 9.i.ender may . . �� , �_
<br /> . invoke ttie power of sate anrl any offier remerlies permiEted by applicable[aw.Lender shall be entitted to co4led � , .
<br />.. ap�pPnses iacurred in pursuiag the r2me�oniler R4�is para�raph 1�,inclading,bnt not lim�ed to,reasonable ! _-,. - ,k__ �
<br /> _� �
<br /> a3torneys'fees and costs of titte evtdence. '
<br /> It the pmwer of sale is invoked,Tr�aslee shaa record a notice of defauIt in eac6 conntg in aF►ic6 b e law w . `` . .
<br /> ttie Property is located and shall maii copies of sncL nohce in the manner prescrIbed bY aPP� . . .
<br /> Boreower snd to the otfler persans prescn'bed 6y a piicaDte Iaw.After the time required bp apptirable law, . . . .
<br /> and in ihe manisser przscribed by applicable iaw.Tru�tee, • _�
<br /> Trustee shaD give puHlic ttbt�'�c '�Tsa� a y �
<br /> sa e
<br /> N;:� without demawd on B r`�'ar}�f,2r,sh�Jt�dhQ�9 pnblic sucbton to the 6ighest bidder at the tnne and place - _ -_=
<br /> '._.;��:_
<br /> a���der t�+te�s �tl�!i�tke•no8+�.°e�ss� one or more parceis and in any order Trastee determiaes. _ f. �`� �,R.�:�,,.__
<br /> Trastee may Pastpon or aay p cel�o We Froperty bY Pnblic anuouncemEnt at t6e�e au8 plm�o! -�=:�;.�,�$_T-
<br /> �{ �Y p�nOII�'9 schednted sale.Lender or i1s designee may pnrchase We 1'roperty at any sate. .' . ;..�:.,._,
<br /> If the Leader's intesest in thLs Secarity Instramen4 is hetrl by the Secretar9 aad the Secretar9 *eclnires : '�._.�_.-.,-.�
<br /> immediate paymeat ia fnll ander Paragraph 9,tbe SecreQary may invLke t�e nonjudtcial power ot sale pmvided , . �:�'s:''�"
<br /> �� " 12 IIS.C. 3751 et seq) by requ�g e T.�.-'=-.A_
<br /> in the Singte Fam�y N4ortgage Foredosure Act o� 1994 ( Ad ) ( �,::-�:_—
<br /> .. toreriosnre wmmLssioner d�gnated �under the Act to commence toreclosm�e and to sQ11 th,E Property a5 .. ���_�.s..
<br /> of aa tg otherwise : ` "`�" .`
<br /> provided in the Act. Nothiag �n the preceding sentence shall deprive thQ Seceeta*Y Y *� �-.�— _
<br /> :. availabte to a L,eader andYr this ParagraPb 18 or appl�Cable Isw. _ _ ' �;=,- -
<br /> Upoa receipt of payment of the price bid,Trustee shall deliver to the parchaser Trasiee's deed caDVepIng -� �`_-
<br /> • the Property The recitals in the Trustee's deed shaD 6e prima facte evidence of the trath of the statements made . —
<br /> therefn.Trnstee s6all appiy We proceeds of tbe sale in the toIIoR'in8 arder: (a) to aU costs����to ' �- .- �.
<br /> � . ,,,� .:
<br /> �erdstng the power of sale,and the sale.indnding the Payment of the Trvstee's Pee.s actuaDy .,_._.«:. ' ' ,,,;�. ,.
<br /> ��
<br /> 3.o 0 0 °.b of t6e princip�l amount of the note at the t�me o�the decfaration ot defan(t, '.. }=4 fie�
<br /> � and reasoaabte attorneys'fees as permi4ted bp law, (b)to aU sam�sPCaret!by t6is Secarity Instrument;aadl(c) . ,,:?a �r�
<br /> `� '�;k.?� •';s'�° �
<br /> any escess W the persan or per�ns leg s i ly en t t t t e d to i� �� ,.: .
<br /> :r' .
<br /> sesured b this Security Instrument,Lender shall request Truste�ro � �
<br /> f sums Y . �''�'L"�''•.
<br /> 19.Reoonveyance.Upon payment o all 's •:. . •:;,s•
<br /> reconvey the Property and shall s�urender this Security Insuument and all notes evidencing debt secaured by ihis Secuiity ,�: � �,y,,.
<br /> Inswment to Tru.4tce.'Trostee shall reconvey the Propercy without warr�ty and without charge to the person or pe�sons �,� ;;�; -
<br /> legaliy entidled to it 5uch peason or persons shall pay any recordation costs. � �..�-
<br /> �� . .
<br /> 1A.Snbstitnte Trustee.Lender,at its option,mF►y fran►time to tin►e rcmove Tru.vtee and appoint a successor '
<br /> m► �
<br /> . 4 . 1•
<br /> : wstee w any Truste�aPPointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the counry in wtucb this Se�a�rity Ins�ument is =�_
<br /> � recorded.WitDout conveyance of the Property,the successor uustee sha11 succeed w a11 the fide,PflH'e�and duaes �-..
<br /> � conferred upon TrusteE herem and by applicable law. -�"—`
<br /> . : . ;;
<br /> �
<br /> •• Zl.Reqnest for Notices.Borrowea requests that copies of the notices of defautt and sale be sent to Borrower's =-����`''
<br /> address whicfi is the Prop�ty Address. F�-
<br />