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<br /> �; 13.Notices.Any notice ta Bwma;er provided for in this 5ecurity rn �mPni St12ll be giveA by deliverillg iLOI by �", ,- ------ - --•
<br /> _, mailing it by fust class mail unless applicable law requims use of annther method.The aotice s6a11 be daected w the � . •
<br /> • Propeaty Address or any other address Boimwer designates 6y notice tn Lender.Any aotice to L.ender shail be given by � .
<br /> fust class mail tn Lender's address stated herein or any address Lender designates by notice to Borrower.Any notice • � � .
<br /> provided for in this Security Insoiumeut shall be deemed to have been given w Borrower or Lendes when given as . . z• �• ,
<br /> provided in this paragiaph. `� . ..
<br /> a
<br /> 14.Governmg Law;Severability.This Security Inspn�ment shall be gavemesi by Fedeaal law and me law of the � • . •
<br /> � jsuis�idion in s:�h:ch ttse Progerty is located.in the event that any provision or clause of this Seauity Ynsuvment or the � _ _ _ ______ _ _ __
<br /> Nate conflicts with applicable law,such conAict shall not affect other provisions of this Seauity Iusn�ument or the Note � . . -.— .
<br /> which can be given effecx without the conflicting provision.To diis end die provisions of diis Seauity 1nslrument and ' ,:� ; .
<br /> � the Note are declared tn be seveiable. .t;,�.;�-_-;:__"
<br /> ' ' l5.Borrowes's Copy.Bom�wer shall be�ven one conformed copy of the Note and of this S�urity Insuument , � _-
<br /> lb. Hazardons Substaaces. Borrowea shall not cause or peamit the presence,use,disposal,stoiage.or release of . �
<br /> any Hazardous Substances on or in the Property.Boirower shall not do,nor allaw anyone eLse tn do,anything affecting ' � ` ^':•�`"`
<br /> � the Propeny that is in violation of any Envuonmental Law. The preceding two se�tences shatl not apply to the preseace, ��� �'�
<br /> � use, or storage on th;. Property of small quantities of Har.ardous Substaaces that are generally recognized to be ,' •- . -+��-��
<br /> gm
<br /> � ''-�-
<br /> _ appropriare tn normal residential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> - Boirower shall prompdy give Lendea wriuEU noti�e of any mvestigation,cla'vm,demand,lawsuit or other ac6on by • ��;'���—
<br /> u
<br /> ..`� any goveramental or re '�ry agency or private party involving the Property and any Ha7ardous Substance or � �
<br /> . Environmental Law of�vhich Borrower has actual lrnowledge. If Borrower teamc,or is notified by any gov�nmental or .�.'. :
<br /> regulatory authority, that any removal or other remediauon of any Ha7ardous Substances affecting ohe Propercy is � �
<br /> ' n Bonower shall rom tl take all n remedial aaions in accordance with Enviranmental Law. . ' �',.j . ,.�.!' .
<br /> . ��Y, P P Y ��Y .
<br /> • • As used in this paragrapi� 16, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as tnxic or hazardous �� _ ' ��' �
<br /> ` substances by Environmealtal Law and thc following substanczs:gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petmteum . `. . , i.-., �~
<br /> ;;�
<br /> products, toxic pesticides and herbicides, volat�7e solvents, materials containu►g asbrsws ar formaldehyde, and •
<br /> ,� . ,. .. .���;;�i
<br /> ' radioactive mat�eaials. As used m this paragraph 16. "Environmental Law means fcdetal laws and laws of the i . -,• -
<br /> ' jurisdiction where the Propeaty is lacated that relate w health,safety or environmental pmtection. i � =� .�q : .
<br /> . ��� .. ';)
<br /> . s NON-UNIFORM COVENAIV'IS.Bamnwer and Lender fmther coveuant and agree as follows: .:.:�`.`_..;` ': r�� ;: .
<br /> ; 17.Ass�gnment of Rents.Bonower unconditionally assigns and transfers to Lender all the rents and revenues of : t: '
<br /> • � ihe Property.Barrower suthorizes Lender or Lender's agents to collect the rents and revenues and hereby directs each ::�.. . �! .f��-,
<br /> t tenant of the Property to pay the rents to Leadea or Lender's agents.However.prior tn Lender's notice to Bomower of �� '�`�'
<br /> , r',`�� _ �=��
<br /> .j Borrower s breach of any covenant or agreement in the Security Instrument,Boaower shall collect and receive all rents
<br /> •`t �;_ � ..�-_..
<br /> and revenues of the Properey as tnutee for the benefit of Lender and Borrowex.This assignment of rents constimtes an '<��'° ,.�=�-
<br /> �:^,+,,:•_:�
<br /> absolute assignment and noi an assignment for additional secnrity only. • °�--^-�;
<br /> 1f Lemdra gives no6ce of breach w Horrowea: (a)all rents received by Bonower shall be held by�osower a4 ���"_��
<br /> mistee for benefit of Lender oNy,to be applied w the sums secured by the Security Insuumen�(b)Lender shall be ' �
<br /> entitted w callect and receive aU of the rants of the Properry;and(c)each tenant of the Pmperty shall pay all rents due �
<br /> and unpaid w Lender or Lendea's agent on Lender's written demand w the tenant • .� .: , �:�r, `
<br /> Boirpwer has not executed any prior assignment of the rents and has noi and will not perform as�y act that would . - _ �"":
<br /> ;�- •
<br /> - prevent Lender from exercising its rights under this pardgraph 1T. :?'a` -���.�
<br /> r gr '.
<br /> Lendea shall not be required w enter upon,take control of or maintain the Property before or after giving notice of `���• �
<br /> breach w Bairower.However,Lender or a judicially appointed receiver may do so at any dme there is a breach.Any ���'���'�._`
<br /> � application of rents shall noi cure or waive any default or invalidare any other right or remedy of Lender. This '. � '� '�
<br /> assignment of ma►ts of the Property shall tenninate when the debt secured by the Se�urity Instrument is paid in ful1. � . • • �
<br /> �4R(NE)rosoat.o� Paoe e m e imn.is: . �:_��,.
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