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<br /> .:I - �ereafier hetd by Ben�eiary or Tnutes in snd'►ordor aRd eetaru+�r�s'�tsay or eishar of tfism �nay in then sbsetuia diseretion • ,��.._r-:_
<br /> � Geie►mine. No remedy har�in wnfetre0 uDn�or resenred to Yruse�e or.9eno5ciary is intended to Ea rxclusive ot�mr other remedy ' � ��.,,,.-�
<br />_� I hercin or by!aw D��tded ar pe�mitted,bu�eact+alia��6t cumulsttJC snd sttali b4 in additfon to ay¢�Y o�er remedY g�sn hereunder , ' i ';:.�,-��',��;, _
<br /> or n�w ar A�t@aftar�cisring ai Iaw or in eQuhv or bY��'. �ery Oow�or�efiedy Biven by any ot the Laan InsE�urrients To '�� �' � . , .. . ��:
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<br /> a 7rus[ee a Bsnstictary or Eo whtch ettt►er ot�3m mait 6e OU+an�uisa ontided.mev�Q esercissd.wnwrten�ly or�°�°e anc�r siscem -:-�'=:�.-`'-.--".`'�`
<br /> ; ume�o vme and as ot4en as msy Oe dumed expedteM by Trustee or 6enefldary and ather ot them may p ' - -- �. �,, ,
<br /> remedies. Idoihinp herein shaii be canswed as prohibitinp•Benaflei�ry fram sQaking a defleianay judgmerrc agalnst the Tnistor to �
<br />.-=r� the exierrt such aeticn is permitud 6Y law. -- . - -_ --�-�' __
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<br /> t 3. R�qusss For Katlr�. 7rus[o*and a11 other patties set torth herein hrtaby requests a�opy ot arv���of DetauK , ; .
<br /> and a copy of arry No�ice of Sate hereim�er be maUad u o'�em ac the address sa[toc[T+in rt+e firsY Da�aBraPh of this Seennd Desd ,, .,,; •.,' _
<br /> ; ot TNSt. �'' _—
<br /> �� �
<br /> 16- Govs►�vny�aw. This Seeond Oaed of Trus�shall 6e govemad dy and eenswed in aecordance with the laws ot -:`��;�j��i4r-`:._.;:=:
<br /> t!►e State ot Nehraslca. In ths evem that eny Frovisfon or datuo of ar►y of the Loan Instrureiems cor►�liets witfi applicabte laws,such �. ,,t.: . . . .' . .,
<br /> cenflici shatl not affect other pro�isions ot such Loa»instrumants whtch ean be piven effeCt witt�aut ths ear►fficenp provision,and ��.`�y;,�;,,,��„•,�„_
<br /> a�
<br /> to ch�s end il+e provisions of the Loan Instrumeats nre declared to be sevenble. T�irr insaument cannoi be waived, changed, �:�r,-,__��y_ ; �.
<br /> a
<br /> dis�harped or urminoted orafiy,6ut only by an insuument in wrfting siQned by the paRy aQainst whnm enforeement of an�waivu, ` _ , ^
<br /> chany^e,dischar0e ot urmination is snuphL ,,•�. � ? --='�-
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<br /> �5_ q�comneyraitee by 7iustee. tlpon writ[er.raquest of Bene�icia�►siatinp ihai n�)sums seeured harebY have been t�,.,_-;,
<br /> paid and upon sunende�ot this Sacond Qeed of Trust a�d any note to Trustee tor eanceliation and retentton an0 upon payment by •;�_= - ___
<br /> - Truswr ot Trustee's feas,Trustee shaq recan�ey xo 7rustor,or the person or persons Iegaiiy enttded thereto,withoui warranty.any __ __ _
<br /> partion of ti�a Trur[EsQate then hetd hareundet. The recimis in sych reeonveyence of any matters or faets shall be candusive proot
<br /> af.the trushfuiness thereot. The prantee in any recom►eyance may be described as'the person or persons legatty eMiUed thereto.' T�i��_.;:^':
<br /> �� 16. Notla�a. Whennver 8tsnefidary,Trustor or Trustee ahalt desiro to give or serve eny noti�e�demand,roquest or � ._ -_—�_-
<br /> °ti other communlcstion with respect io this Sxond Deed of Tnist,each sueh notlee,damand.requeai o►other communieation shalt :�' ' ,��
<br /> �•. a he in writinp and shap 6e effeetive anly if tha sama is deliverad by personal service or mailed b�r c�ad mail,pos4ape prepaid. „�, ' ._;�
<br /> ; ', retum rece�pt reQuestad,sddressed to iha addresa set foKh at tha begtnning of ihis Seco�d Deed of Trust• Any partY maY at�ny �-� —�F.�-
<br /> time chnnpe its ad'drecr tor such nottces bY deltvering or mailing to d�e other partiea heroto,as aforesafd,e notice of such chanpe. -,� ��_
<br /> � 17. Aecaptanu ay Tit�stea. Tnutee aaepts this Trust when thts Seeond Deed of Tnist. duly exeeuted and ' '
<br /> �i acknowtedpe�, is made a Dublic racord as orovt0ed by taw. - �
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