£._ ' . .� .s � , . . � � . _. � ` . . . . _�.._.- . . . _K:.
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<br /> � .�. _ .: - - - - � -_ �_ ... �`g��g,t��`��2 F.�4,�� � ��.. . � � ,�
<br /> MHR 18 '97 09�13RM NIFFI ' < �
<br /> . � tdt a writ ot ea�aeudonra'�a�n�ihereoi or}inicrest�thnrein'0 d sucA earecutfon�attachmer►t cr simi al� - � • �-
<br /> ' become�lisn on tttis Tnui E�tete a Y D . . ' '�` __
<br /> process of judpmeM is nat teleased,bonded,satisf�ed.va��d or stayed witt►in sisc4Y(601 days Sftet its enVy ar tevy:ar ,
<br />� (ei there h�s occurred a Arese� af ar detauli under any term,wvenant. a0�ement, conditian. provision. . ( �� �-
<br /> represenrafian or wnrramv comained i�a�ry�rtor Eeed of msc or martgYQe afteNng tt+e T►ust Estate. .
<br /> 10. Aetcla+�Bmn uFon aelavl ft�Additi�Q q�a��mea8�11 tt+ereupofn be ome d eeanddp Ya�te wtthout any • t . '- �`.:�
<br /> - lndebzedness secured haeby ta be due a 9 Y �`-=;- -•-:--. - - _-
<br /> . presenm�e�t� demand.Pro'[est ar nosee ot any kind. Therqiu�.8anetidaTY maY� n ' . -- �_ ' _
<br /> ' Uy either in pe�son d1e ad���o��swe�ri YbeMer upan a d rake possession�of the T�ustive�8�ppor anv `�,h. . ,,,:
<br /> by a eouR and withaut repard To �G _..-- . . ,--
<br /> -.�.':�..
<br /> � part ihereaf,in its o�n o m�b,�of 4he�rf u7ss�epa Dart�eie�o!ofhntheiest���3^�ncrease the�come zher �from I � . � �a;�
<br /> zhe vatue,markerab ►tY ���on ot the Ttust F.st3is.sue for or otherw�se collees tt�e ' ' '�_ ,_. -
<br /> ot proteet the seeutitll�of and�wid�ot wlttfout takin0 D . , �.•,`•c -='`_—
<br /> 1 thB asme, less cos[s and �penses of _'-ti,s �
<br /> rerrts. issues and proftts diereof,includinp thase Past dua��b�dness se ured hereby.all in suen order as Benefiwary , , _' ::_ . _
<br /> operation and coUecdon irtclu�n9 attornsys'fees.upon any -,. , ; ..:_ :�,,•'"
<br /> may de�►ine- 'Phe er�tarin9ereof s aforesald shall noi cure w wdi�e anY datau�= o'��°nee of defaul hereund am '
<br /> profits�nd U�e appltesuon th ,' -=�•
<br /> [nvalidate en11 act done in response To suct►detatAT or pwsuans to such ���on oftrertt�?lssues or p�n�T►ustee
<br /> cantinuance in possassion oi the Trust Estate or tha coUeetton.receips ond aDD .
<br /> Es
<br /> or Beneftciary ahail b�een i�ault,t clud�g the gM io e:erdse the power o4f sale;Loan InstrurneMS or by law upon . . ,� '. W
<br /> accurrence of ar►y a rt . �.•• .
<br /> � ,r ' _' ::_�.,.�
<br /> _ 'r�r%..:
<br /> � (i,) evmmence an action to toreelose this 9eed of Trust as a rnortAaB$. oDPDint s receiver o� speeifieally _ �-.,_ _
<br /> ,��. ,:�. .�'
<br /> entorce an}I of the eovenartts hereof: . �.�� .. -
<br /> ` Itiil daliver to Trustea a wd e Td�a�°�^�ae s�ida which natiee Trust e sha r ausa to beodulY filed for �� � _��ti��.•1L;;..
<br /> eleeuon ta eausa Trustor's tmerest in th - . •`�'-
<br /> recerd in itfe aPVropriate olftces af tha�ountY in whiCh the Trust Estate is loeated; or -.• '� �:
<br /> � (iv) esercise such oths►ri0hts ar romsdies at law or in equ'tty.
<br /> -.� � '�:.,�`_�`
<br /> �-
<br /> ��. ��p�ay�ro byiower ofSale. It Beneficiary eleats Tn foreclo5e by exetcisE ot tha PowBr of Sate herein contained, ::t _� _.
<br /> Beneficiary shatl noYlfY 7�ustee snd shall deDosit with Tn�sta°t��s Second Oead af Trust and any noie evfidendnp the lndebtedness � `� i. ---•
<br /> and sueh reeeipu and evideneo ef axPanditures mada and securad hereby as Trustee may reQUiro. ••� , . ---
<br /> (e) Upon reeeipt of suc�+�o43ee from Benefidary,T►ustea shall esuse to be reeorded,yublished and Oeliveted y ` :....�
<br /> to Trusior suc h No 6ae o f Oefault an0 NoiieQ af Salo as then reGulmd bY�$W and by this Seaond Dead of TrusL. Trustee 4 ��-�� �
<br /> shatl,without demand on Trustor,atser such tlme es maY�en be reqvired by law and at[er reco►da t ioe+o f�u c►�N o tice of .H ,,�,._ ._
<br /> pefaulf an0 atte►Not�cs of Sale havinp been piven as required by 1aw,as�l the Trust Estate at tha tlme and p�aee of sale . �;�-.�
<br /> fixed by K ln such No�ice of Sele,eRher as a whole,at�n sep���te lots or pueels or itema as Trustee shalt deem e:pedient, �.�� .��,
<br /> and In such ordet es it may detefmine,at public auctfon to the hlphes�btdder for eash in tawtul monaY ot the Untted St�tes - :�, . T
<br /> payabte at the Ume of sate. Trus2ee st+�ll dettver to such purchaser ar purchasers t�ereo�Its good�nd sutfleient deed or t��� i-
<br /> deads eonveylny the proDeRY co 8otd,but without any cavenant or warranty.express or�fg n�,alnc1Td�n9 w thouts�imitat on � � y
<br /> of anY maTt��s or faets shel{be condusive prool of the uuthfumoss theteot. any p �'�gf:��-�-�..�_,-.
<br /> Trusto�. Trusiee or 8aneflctary.maY putehase at such si�a �•` . �.��---
<br /> � {b� As maY be pormhsad by law,after deductinp atl costs.tees and eYpenses ot Trustee and of this Trust, _�. ;_ �
<br /> inelu�n�eosts of evidenea of tttlo jn eonneeslon with sale,7rustee shall apply the procsads of rala to paymerrc of (i)the '..;:.:?•�_
<br /> .:.� , .
<br /> Indebtedness lii)all othe�sums tfian seCUred heteby,8nd(iii)the remainder,if any.to the Derson or persons lepeUy ertitled �,.'��-...• -. , _,�_
<br /> ..,:���.
<br /> rnerew. ,'`r="�r-
<br /> .. ,,:rt',•, ;�• �
<br /> ti a :�•.__
<br /> �e) Trustee maY in the manner providaa by law postpone eale of aIl or any pordon ot tha Trust Estate. ;:,��,�: .�
<br /> ._�.....,:---
<br /> . - -.�.-.�. ,,-�-,,.-.
<br /> � 12, Remedles Rtot Esolaslv�• T�ustne and Beneficiarv,and each of them.aha��be eMltled to Crtforte payment an0 ,
<br /> � � performance o1 anY inde6udnesem ar�otBer ag eemeni or any aWs o orhereafter�n toreetl notw'rithstandinp,some or�alDl of the , _'• ^-
<br /> Trust or under any Loan Inztrum � w'�"�-.--
<br /> ��
<br /> sucA indebudne�s and obllpattons seeutad hereby may nqw or her¢atter be otherwlso seeutod,whather by mortQaqe,daed of ttust. � ,
<br /> pledQa,lien,essi0nment or otherwise. NeltTser the sccaptsnce of Ws SecO�d Dead ot Trust not its erttoreement,whether by coun . . , ; ,.r; .
<br />� � setlon or pursuant to tha power af sa�e or other powers�e►ein cooulMd, shnfl prejudice or in any mannsr,t be np aQreed that : ,•�.
<br /> Beneficiary's ripAt to reali=e upun or enforce any othar secvrfry now or harnatter Qeld by Trustee or 8enaficiery.
<br /> � trustee�nd Beneticlary,and each of them, shatl ba en�itled to enforce this Seeortd Ceed of Tfust and any other seeurity now or =
<br /> � � 3 � �. t-..__
<br /> � . .
<br /> �
<br /> .. � �:
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