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<br /> � ent in full tuider paragraPh 9,Lender may . ' - �-'F
<br /> � 18.Forectosure]Procedure.If Lender requtres tmmedIate papm
<br /> • invoke the power of sale and any ot��e reffiedles und�thtsaparagraPh IS, iacluding, but no�limtted t�o. : �`�. -�:_—
<br /> f; �il expeases incurred in pvzsuiog ` .�...A�_-
<br /> 4 reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of tiUe evtdence. . . ,. ._ ''�-��'
<br /> .. �. _
<br /> � Ip the power of sale is invoked,Tnutee shsll record a no4ice oS default in euch county in wh�c6 aoy p�mf . • . ..--�_.... .,�.:_
<br /> f Ls tocated and shall maiD oopies of sach not[ce iw the manner prescribed by applicable law to .:'��`i�"-
<br />_ j the Propert3+ uired by appHcable l��e, � �''`�""",,�
<br /> rescrtbed bY aPPHrable law. Atter the t[me req �•' '
<br /> Borrower and to the other peisons p �,s and in the manner prescribed by ap�lfcable law.Tn�stee. ' �.._
<br />—� '�r�stee shall give public uotica af�1.,iu t��rso --- _�'_��`�
<br /> at ubilc audIon to t�e t►ighest bidder at the tlme and � =%-�,>a.�,�_�.�
<br /> � without demand an Borrower. shall seU the ProP�Y P ��.�:;_�--°�—
<br /> pls�ce and under the twass designated in the notice of sale i�one or�ore parcet5 and in any order Tr�stee i ,.. : ��_ ,_ ^
<br /> deterudn�s.T r a s t e E may g o s t p one saEe of sil ar any parcel of the Property bY Pabl�c announcement at We time . � _
<br /> _ . und.?!ace oY any previoasly scheduled sale.Lender or tts designee may purchase the ProPertY at a�Y sale. . . `,�.;,• ' � °- .
<br /> if the Lender's intescst in this Security iastrument is hetd by the Secretery and the Secretary ocecl�es _
<br /> ;,; .
<br /> • imffiediate payQeen4 in faU ander ParagraPh 9, the Secretary maY invoke the non�udIcial Po `=`� _,.._
<br /> ' .��.��:.-:. .
<br /> provtded ln 4he Single FamIly Moitga�e Foreclos�ae Ad of 1994("Ad")(12 U.S.C.3751 et seq.)by reqaesting . :, _ _
<br /> a for e c tasure commi5stoaer designated under the Act to �mmence foredosere ansl to seU the Property as ;�,��;:�—
<br /> in the precediag �f an ts otherwise .-
<br /> pmvIded in the Ad. Noi6ing sentence�"_:aD deprive the Secretary Y � `'•°��-
<br /> ``,r,.i�
<br /> � avaiTable to a LendQr nnder tlils P��aS►sPh 18 or applicable law. �`
<br />��••} . , �.°__ --
<br />: � ppon receipt of payment of the price bid,Trnstee shall deliver to the pnrc6aser Trustee's dced�°nveytng �•�- --
<br /> � 'Phe recltaLs in the Trustee's deed s6a11 be prima fade ev[dence of the truth of We statemeuts ,�. .,-- -
<br /> the PcopertY• .�, "'r� �.r,
<br /> f order.(a)to aU custg and expeases of F;' `''`` . _
<br /> ��' made therein.'Crostce s�all apply We pmceeds of the sate in!he following
<br /> We ent of We Tnistee's fees adusilly ieicurred,not to -=W=�. �:-—�
<br /> ? exercjsing tlie power of sale,and the sale,including Pa3'� .. � �...; �-,
<br /> ; �c� %of We principal amount of th�nole a3 the time of the dectaratIon oi defaalt, , �* :. �
<br /> + b taw• T to all sums secared bY th�s StcurEty lastr�e�rt,and(�) ;°�. #�.^=��
<br />' ��� and reasonable attorneys fees as per�[tted y .N , ., '_ { : .
<br /> �:3 any excess to the p�soa or persons legally eutitled to it. .
<br />. � :ii j. ':`-�
<br /> . 19.Reoonveyanee. Ugon payment of all sums secured by this Security Insuument, Lender sha11 request Trustee ,�c.s;,�:. ' , .
<br /> Instcument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this "•�""`�'- �"��:��- --
<br /> to reconvey the Property and shall sw�render this Security without warranty and without charge tc� the . _ .+'�. `�
<br /> t �'!f • E-
<br /> ' Security Insqument to Tnutee. Trustee shall reconvey the Properry • � , .
<br />� ' person or�e*soas?e,;ally entitled co it.Such person or persons shaU pay any roc°rdation costs. .
<br /> •!._ _:.r' ° ?� �; �
<br /> `_ • '±.t�^•. �
<br /> `; 20.5nbstitute Trustee• 1.ender, at its option,may from time to time remove Trustee and appoin�a s�ccessoi ;•:y_-f_.-_
<br /> � ... ,:�'.,.
<br /> ' trustee to any Trustee appoiuted hereunder by an insuument recorded in the county in which this Security Instniment "•: ; .`��r,=_•'
<br /> ' �`+1M"�"';�,�:a. w.
<br /> �� is recorded.Without conveyanse of the Properry,t�►e successor tn�stee shall succee�to a11 the title.power and duaes „. � ,
<br /> conferred upon Trustee herein and by applicable law. _��,;�"��� �
<br /> .. �=__�.
<br /> Zl.Request for Notfees.Borrower requests that coPies af the noaces of default and sale be sent to Borrower's �
<br /> . Address. ... •�--��
<br />. address which is the Propeny _. �_--
<br /> :-r;::,,`"�'•",�'"__..
<br /> . �— --��— -_
<br /> - �=• - �_
<br /> . � Z2.Ridets to tiils Sewr[tp Instnu°ent.If one or more riders are ezecuted by Borrower and reoarded together -;.;:.- ,��`.__•,.._,,_, `R
<br /> with th;s gecurity Instrumem. the covenants of each such rider shall be incorpora:ed into and shall amend aad �fi' _
<br /> , ^2�, �M,...-
<br /> � ' supplement the oovenants and agreements of[his Securiry Insuument as if the rider(s)were a part of this Secwiry . T�����•`
<br /> . . tnsaumenc.[Check appiicabie box(es)]. � [�fy M o r t a e . ,, _ .. .
<br /> [] Condomininm Etider � Growing Equity Rider X Other � l 9 9 . �. . �•�.a- • !.-
<br /> . ` [] Graduated Pa ent Rider A d d e n d u m . .,�..::�.��;:�_ .: .,
<br /> , ❑ planned Unit Develop m e n t R i d e r Y� ,�„�.• . .
<br /> __1 . -'
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