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<br /> 13.Notices.Any notice to Borrower provid�d for in this Security Instruu�eat shall be given by delivering it or . . -
<br /> by mailing it by first class u�ai1 unless aPPlicable law requires use of another method.The notice shaq be directed to . . . . � .
<br />--- the Proper[y Address or any other address Borror�er designates by notice co Lender_ Any notice to Lender shall be , ,
<br /> given by fitst ctass mail ta 1-ender's address stated herein or any address Lender designates by notice to Honower. `
<br /> ,. Any nouce ptnvided for in this SecuritY Instrument shall be deesned to have been given to Borrower or Lender when _.
<br /> given as provided in this paragraph. . . ._
<br /> � 14.GOYCTl1Id�I.SWi SeYerabilrtg•T��n�l' ��ent shall be govemed by Federal law and the law of , _ +
<br /> the jurisdiction in which the Property is located- In the euent that any provision or clause of this Securiryl�n� . . -
<br /> or dne Noce wnIIicts with agplicable lau,such contlict sh�ll not affect other provisions of this Securiry _ . _, _��.�
<br /> . the Note which can he given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security . T::.-,;;�-__ __
<br /> Insuument and the Note are declared co be severable. ' "°` �
<br />' 1S. Borrnwer's Copy. Bormwer shall be given one confonned copy of [he Note and of this SecuritY ;:'"`..�.
<br /> .��r.._.,
<br /> j�S(iU�C11L. � ,l;-sxvi-'-
<br /> 16. Narardous Substances• Bvmoa+er shall not cause or permit the presence.use,disposal,storage,or release __�
<br /> ^u�r"
<br /> � of any Har.ardous Substances on or in the Property Borrower shal!aot do. nor allow anyone else to do. anythinS ' '� x."ts�_�
<br /> affecting the Property that is in vivlation of any Environmental Law. The preceding taro sentences shaU not apP1Y to . . , �'��-�"
<br /> '�;..=.z r_-��_
<br /> .' the preseace. use, or stonge on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances �hat are generally ., .�,,:�_ __ -
<br /> . r e c o g u i z e d to be a p pro priate to normal residential uses and to maintenance of the Property• ., .....;_. ;
<br /> < . . ' ���
<br /> Borrower shall psumptly give Lender written norice o f any inv e s t i g a t i o n,c l a i m,d e m an d,l a w s u i t o r o t h e r a c d on .� ��
<br /> by any governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Properc}+ and a�ry Hazardous Substance or ; ,
<br /> •r�:
<br /> � Enviranmental Law of which Borrower has accual knowledge. If Borrower learus,or is norified by any govemmental �;�:.� —
<br /> or regulatory authoriry.that anY iemoval or other remediation of any Hazacdous Substances affectinS the Property is � ,_: y`��!' _ —
<br /> an •- ""
<br /> .. necQSSary,Borrower shall promPdY take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. . ;�_
<br />. �. As used in this paragraph 16, 'Harardaus Substances' are those substances defined as toxic or ha7ardous .';�_ j.� ����.
<br /> substances by �►viranmencal Law and the following subscances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable ar toaic ,_
<br /> � petroleum pro€r�s. touc pesricides and heioicides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbestas or formaldebyde, _ ..:�1-
<br /> --r� '.- •
<br /> and radioactive materials. As r.ued in this paragrap� 16, "�'nro����w" means federal laws and laws of the ,, �. - �.,���•_; -
<br /> jurisdidion whe�e the Propen is located that relate to health.safety or environmental protection. ' •�:is�-. �� :,:�
<br /> ,.�:.
<br /> NON-UNIFURM COVENANTS.Bonower and Lender f�nher covenant and agree ag follows: f�::.�
<br /> � 17,pssignmeat of Rents.Boaawer unconditianallY assiSns and transfers to Lender all the rees and revenues S.•
<br /> � o:the Property.Borcower authorizes l�ender or Lender's agents to collect the renu and revenues and hereby directs , � �,.
<br />�� rach tenant of the Property to pay the rents to Lender or I.ender's agents. However. prior to Lender's nouoe to �:'��
<br /> ��=—
<br /> Boaower of Boaower's breach of any covenant or agreement� nefit of Lend�and BorrowerWThis assi 'gnmen of '�'R"'
<br /> enues of the Pro ertY as trustee for the be �r��.�-:::'�'<--._:
<br /> receive all renu and rev P `•�__`r',�•• .• -
<br /> rents constitutes an absolute assignment an�l not an assignment for additional security only. _ ___
<br /> If Lender gives notice ef breach to Borrower: (a)all teuts received by Boaower shall be held by Borrower as ;°.�'-.�---=�,��„�,-.��
<br /> uustee for benefit of l.ender en1y,w be aPP�ied to the sums secuted by the Security Instrument; (b)Lender shall be _ � _
<br /> entitled to collect and rece��"e au of the rents of the Propeny:and(c)each tenant of the Property shall pay all rents _ �_
<br /> due and unpaid to Leader or l.ender's agent on Lender's written demand to the tenant. ':__�;;��,_,.,_
<br /> � Boaower has not executed any prior usignment of the rents and has not and will not perform any acc thaz w'ould : .
<br /> prevent G.nder from exercising iu righu i:r.der this paragraph 17• `''
<br /> �sr-�
<br /> ' • Leader shall not be reqi:ired to enter upon.take conuol of or mai�tain the Property before or after giving notice �,,; .,
<br /> • of breach to Borrower•Ho�"ever, Lender or a judicially appointed receiver may do so at any time there is a��ch. '�°;���_
<br /> :. , ,. ,�-�
<br /> . pny application of rents shall not cure er waive any default or invalidate any other right or remedy of I.ender.This "��: _.
<br /> , assignment of rents of the Property shall terminate when the debt sec�►r�by the Securiry Instrumeat is Paid in fu»• �"�'`"•�`i�` '
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