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. . , `. .. r <br /> . • • , . . . �- .. � .y t: <br /> _ . _. . . � �--_ gt�21�'" ; � , ':;�. <br /> �� � °� �� <br /> • • 8. TRA.NSFER OF THE PROPERTY:ASSUBflPTtON.14 tL7 or any pcR of th�properiy or irtterost thereln io cold.tranaterted or :hd. <br /> ` othemisa conveya� by tr�ar�ih.,"sst E_n�F^'..�y's ps�s�n cos��±nt sxM�ding (a�tha creAiton o4 a lien or oneumbmnp ;_. . • .� ..- -_ <br /> subordinnto to Uus Oaod of TrusL @)thv aroa3ion of n pureht�so monoy se��y/mteroat for hausehold eppleneea.(e)a transfar by f . . W <br /> dev[sa,de3eant ar by operafion o!taw uRon thv danth of a joint tsn�rtt or(d}th�yrani of any leasehold interest of thrQe years or lass i • ;.� <br /> not eontaininp en option to purchase.curh adion is a braaeh ot ihLs+�qreamant an d�ona ficinry may.a t Beno ft e i a r ya o ption,declare � � , ; <br /> a0 th�cums esturod by thia Daod of Trust to 6�immedial4ly duo and puyabl�,or cawse tho Vusteo to filo a no5co of dofauR k <br /> B�asfieinry shnll hav�waivod such option W aseeNmt�"A,prior to th�snl�.tranatar of conveyenoo.Baneficinry and iho pQraon t� � '� <br /> whom tha propaRy u ta b�said or transtarrsd reaeh apraamant tn wrCinp that ths credd of eueh person b saticfaGOry to BenaSciary <br /> and that tho intorost payabis on ffis suma sseured by this Os�d of Tnist sha9 be ai sueh tat�aa B�nafitiary shaU�quasL 1 �" .� <br /> ' 6. ACC0.ERAT[ON UPON DEFAULT;REMMEDIE3;BALE Ths faIIun by ths Trustor to mak�any paym�nt or to p�rfortn any ot t ' <br /> RE � �' <br /> tha terma and eonditions o}the Not�,or any ronowata,modifieattons or oMonstona thareof,or the payment of any othor Indobtedness ! . . � <br /> seeveed hereby ar in tho porformanc�of nny of ths oovsnanis or ayrsamenb heroundsr ahaU Ds a broazh of this ngreomant end tho � . <br />- 8�nofianry m.ny declara n detauR end may docfara aD sums wwnd hsraby unmed�y dua end paya4to snd tl►c aarna ahal! ; <br /> thareupon haome dua and payebt�wRhout presontrnonR demand,protoct w no�►ot any land Thsreaftar,Banefkinry may deGv�r . <br /> to Trustee a writton deciaration ot dofaug and demend for eals.Trustor agreea e+nd hereby grants that tha Trustea shaU hnw the i <br /> power ot sate o!ihv Proparty nnd'd 8tnsficiary da�as thc Proporty e►to ho so�d i4 chaU deposit w�7h Trusiee this Caed ot Trust ond � <br /> the Note or notea artd any other daeumente ovidanciny aapondituns socured hereby.and shaU deGver 4o trustao e wrdisn notica af � <br /> defauft end election to causo tha Proparty to be sold,and Tncstae,in tum,aha0 propare a simaar notisa in tha torm required 6y Iaw, ! <br /> whid�shNl be du.y filed for reoorcf by Tnistea. t , � ' <br /> (a� After tha laps�of sueh tim�as may bo roquicad by faw foVowinp tha�ecordatian of Notica of Qofau�,end Notiee o}Defau� f . _- <br /> end Ptotico o!Sels ha�imy been qiven us roquired by taw.T►usWO,wdhout demand on Yrurior,ehell aoU thm Propsrty in one ; . , . ; -• <br /> ' or mon pareofa and in auch ordar as Trustar may det�rmme on tha date and tfia Uma and p!acc desipnat¢d in said Notiee , � % <br /> o!8ala,at pub@c audion to ths hiffhost biddar,ths purchnao prica payahta in cash in lawtul monoy of tho United SffitoQ ai • . <br /> � tha timo oi sa{o.Ths p�ROn eonduefmp th�cal�mmy,fot any eauso he or she deems axpedien;poclpons th�sals irom •�"'�" '° <br /> � tima to Um�unN R shaA b�oompMUd and,in�wry sueh rasv,notice of postpon�m�nt shali ba Qivon by pubfic d�daretion ~ ��� <br /> ��. <br /> th�wof by euelt pot6on a!ihs tim�and plac�Isst appointad fo�ffio se1a:provfded,i1 tha 4ale is postponod tar bngor than <br /> � ona(1)day bayond tfio day dastanaLad'u�tha Dtotitw of Sal�.notiea thoraot ahall bn pnron in tho�am�m�nn9r�s tha ' , - - �, '° <br /> , o�fyinsl Na�eo ot Snlo.Tn,staa shaU�a�end d�Gwr W th�purehasor its Daad conveytrep tha PropaRy co coid.but ' ' '::� <br /> wGhout any eov�nant or wertenty.wcProsa.or trnpfsod.Th��citaia in tho O�ad of euty manners ar fnds shdl be conclusiva f ` s.�-_ <br /> proai of the truthtufneas th�eeot My person.ln�(uding wahout Um�7ntion Baneficiary or Truatss,may purcfiasa nt tha cala. t � : � <br /> @) VYhen Truste�ae0s puBUant to ffie powsrs htrain,Trustaa sha0 npPiy ths ptax�ds of tha�ala W paymar►t ot the casts ' - - . `•' ' �y- <br /> , �r1_ . <br /> nnd oxpense9 oi exere(sinp th�power of oat�m d o!t ho ca1o,indudinQ,wwithhout Gmimtion,the payment oi Trusteee Feea • ?��:,:.�;<! <br /> inwrred,whieh Trustee'o Fesa aheti7 not in tha appreIIats euc���e fonowing nmounts baaed upon th�emount sewrod • '� '�,� .._ <br /> ' haroby end romain(np unpaid:5 porwn6�m on th�btdanco C�a�of,and than to tho itoma in eubparayraph(c)in tha ador •., <br /> it <br /> fharo stntod. . . . T a�t.� .; <br /> (e) A1tor pnytnp th�rtQma cpacitwd tn subparnp►aph(b),d the c:ale is by T►usteo,or th�prop�r eoutt and othor eosb of : � ��;''� , . <br /> tondosure and ea!o if tfie sale ia pursuant to iudidal toroctosure,lhe proeaeda oi sate shall bo app5ed in the order sffited • _ ' �� <br /> � batow w th:payment ox �� . ` r <br /> � (t)Attnm�ya hss and oosls af coll�ction; � � <br /> Coat of an �vtdone�of t� mcured(n eonnoetion vrifh cuch erite and o1 any rovonua roquired W be paid: - ;: .� <br /> R) v v <br /> (3)Atl oblipationa iawrod by thb Trust d�ed: .�� :;,�� <br /> (4j The�emaindor.H tha parsoe�Iapally�ntitlad th�roto. � <br /> 7. ADDR►ONAi.Sr�-CURITY IN9TRUMENTB.TtusDor,at ib�xp�ns�,wU ucewt�and det'iver to the Ben�Setnry.promptty upon � . ;=`-.y � ` <br /> ; demand,suefi soarity instrumenta as may 6a raquUad by Bonofidary,in torm end substancs Qatisfudrorfr tu Bon�fiasry,covorh�8 '�'�i•�'.�6 <br /> ? any ot th�Pcop�rty oonvsy�d by thls Dwd of Truat,whieh s�arity instrum�nb shaN b�a4ditlonal wcurity tor Trustor�faithtul .:�lr._.`� � - <br /> j �ariormanea of eD tho torms,oovenants nnd cond@lons o}thta D��d of Trust,th�promisaory notos s�curad hor�by,and any othor , � '�. <br /> � sacurity instruments exoeuted ln wnaec6nn wilh thl�trnnsacRon.Such instrumsnb ahall be ncordad or filad a!Trustors axponta ��.•.`°' ,'= <br /> � �'; :,�_ <br /> j 8. APPOIMMENT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE. Ban�fidery may.trom llmo to timv, by s writtan fnatrumant�cut�d and . � �'.'�.:_ <br /> ' acimawl�dy�d by Banofictacy,maifed to Trustor�nd coaordod in th�eounty or wunUas 6n which th�Proporty is bcat4d and by , .� <br /> ..� � � <br /> �t otherwlc�wmpylnp wAh ths provis3an�of ih�app�eabf�faws of th�S�of Nabraake cubstitut��auco�ssor or suce�so�s to ths . , :='� ` <br /> Tnrsto�named heroin or eetinp ho�under. � ° • ° <br /> 9. INSPECT10N8.B�n�fieltry.a Cs ap�nb.wprsNnhtiws or workm�n,ar�authoriud W�nUr at any r�onabla tim�upon � . _`' .`� .•�'" <br /> or in any part of th�Prop�rty ior th�purpot�of inspaetlnp th�aam�and tor th�purpos�01 psr7orminy at►y of tha acta�Is authorizad , � . <br /> to p�rfortn unde th�t�rtns of th�Gad of Trust " . ' �. <br /> � 10. OPTION TO FORECL08E.Upon th�oecun�na ot arry br�ach and upon t!u d�deratlon af d�feuR hor�undar.B�not►dary � ��''r <br /> '� ahall Aaw tha optlon to foracPosa th�Oaod of Trus4 in th�m�nn�r provld�d by taw for th�taroctoauro of mortpnsas on roal pcoporty. . � '''' : <br /> � •_� ' <br /> 11. FOREBEARANCE BY BENEFtCIARY OR TRUBTEE NOT A WAIVER.My torob�uana by Bonpficlary or TrustN ln <br /> �reislnn any Hphi or ramedy h�taundar,or oth�nrrtas aflord�d by nppL�cabt�I�w,ehaU no!be a waivor o!or prqclud�tho�x�rclsa • •� �,�� <br /> of any tueh riaht or romedy heraund�r.tik�wlr�,th�waivar by 8�n�fieiary or Trusioo o!any d�fauH of Trustor undu th(a Do�d of � <br /> Truat�haU nut b�doerrwd W bo s watvor o!any ofh�r or aUnilu d�fauft�su6caquantly oceurtlnp. — <br /> 12. TRU9TOR tHOT RELFJISFA.Ctid�n�bn of eh�Um�ior psymant a modifl�atlon or smortlia�on o}th�wms��curad by this , <br /> D�ad of Trutt yrant�d by 8�n�fl�tary to any sua�tsor in intan�t o!Tnrstor shaG nof oparate to wleeso,in arry manner,the liab:lity o} • . <br /> th�orlpinat Trustor md TrusUor��ueusta in inbnst 8�n�flrJuy shnY no!Oa nquir�d to commsnp proc��dinas apainst such • � <br /> wccossor ot talus�bo s�d�nd ttrn�for paymonl or oth�rvrls�modity amorttseflon of th�sums aeuad by thN Ooad of Ttutt by ' <br /> rcason o!any doman�mads�y tha orlpinal Truatar end Trua2or'�su�ston�n Intor�at • . <br /> 19. BENEFlCIARY'8 POWER8.tKrthout afffeNny or nMraln�th��i�b�litY of thv Trusta or Rny oth�r panon Bebta tor tha � __ <br /> paym�nt ot any obUpatlon h�»In mantlonad,ans withaut aH�etlny th�Ilan ar oharq�of thls O�ed of Trust upon any poNon of th� . ' <br /> Prop�rty not thon or therotofore reteased es sacuidy fo�th�tuV emount of�ll�npatd obGpntton�,Bonoflelary may,irom Umo to tlme � . _ <br /> and without notia ai tha toQuost of ona ar mora 7ruston n nl�u�any p�aon to Itabf�,Q)�xt�nd or ren�w ths maturity or nit�r any <br /> � o}th�terms of any such obtpations,[�prent oth�r indutp�nas,(n�nfoua or roeonvsy,or eaus�to b�nlaas�d or raeonvay�d a! � <br /> eny tUn�at B�mficiar��optlans eny pareal,portlon or all o}th�Propatty,(h teko or nl�ao any oth�r or additlonal a�curityr tor any <br /> � oblipatlon h�roin monUonsd, (+n)make wmposdbna ot othoi artnnp�manU with dobto»in nlation thoroto.A!1 Trustore chall ba <br /> � joir.ay end saverally oblipated and bound by tha ncUons ottha B�n�Rekuy or any trustor as haraln s�sd. <br /> � 14. ATTORNEY FEEB,COSTS APJO EXPEN9ES.If tho Banaftctnry o}this Daed o!Trus!Is a bantc as defined by Nebraske law. � <br /> any ctatamon!conteln�d in any oth�t Netiot►of thb d�ed rtoMrithttnndiny,th�Ben�fieiery shM not bo ontittb W�acaiva or tak�and k <br /> ti debtor shall no!be obliqnted to pay or pive;any oonf�ssbn o!Judpm�nt,powor of attornoy to oonfass judpmont,powor o}aHomey to � . <br /> appear fo:e bortowor in n�udicial procaodiny or ayrs�ment to pny ths costa o1 ootlect►on or the ettomeys'feos,unless tho interest . . <br /> � payablo by th�tarms of tho Nd.,e retsnad to in tha do�d l01696 pe annum or Mss,ortha nota retarted to in this d��d is ropayahl�in � t <br /> � lwo or mon�qunl or unaqual instnllmonti nnd ovar a p�riod ot mora than on�hundrod fortydivs(14�months.ProvfB�d,howaver, <br /> " � that thls seetion do�s not eppty to th�trusteB fes rafert�d to 1n Punprnph B.8(b}.ProNd�d further that thia Puayreph 8.14 shell not , • <br /> appty to this Oeed of Trua�if the 8onofieinry hornin i�not e bank � <br /> � i <br /> ORlfift�Ai(1) . <br /> Gp�e»aEV.t45 Naonab+ BORROtf/HR COPY(t) �+xp <br /> I IHE7Ef/T10N COPY p) 1 . _ <br /> . • [: <br /> ......-r.. <br /> � . , _ . � �. � _. .. . .. ' .. �t: � t' .��.. . : ' . �'.. . . ' . _ , • ., , <br />. �.. . � � . .. . r •.t � � . . . i'. . .. . .., ,.. ... . '• . . - .. .1 _.�.� . . � . . . _ �� �li ,�,f' ,,� . ' . • . .. ' , _. •. <br />