• _ `�
<br /> . . . � _�� �. :�-
<br /> � —�.�'��.�� ° . ` ' �-<
<br /> 4. INSUAANCE. Ttuato��ita axpanae.wHl maintnin witi�insuten approvad by Benaftciary.mauranq�rRh rospsct W the ! . --
<br /> Improvemenm and personal property,eona6tutinp the Propsrty,ateinst 6osa by fire,Lgfitning,tomado,ana o?her pen�s er�8�a�arcie ' . � �� __
<br /> � wvared by standard extsnded eovemgs�ndoraomenR m an emcunt oqual to nt lees!ons Aun�red percent o!th�fuil roptasemen! . �i;
<br /> va►us th�r�of nnd insurene�agt�a!�uch alhtr hAZards end in auch amou�rts aa ta astomerily cnmed Dy ownero end op�taton of As
<br /> � aimilnr propsrttoa or as BeneRdary may roqu:n tor rts prote�on.Truator wiil compy wRh such othor requ�romenta es BeneP,dnry mny •
<br /> from time to time roqusst for tha prot�eWn by lnsurance of th�iMarosts ot the reap�cth�parties.A[►inaurenea polkloa mnintnino4 F•`; _
<br /> pumuant to thb Oafld of Truat shall nams TntsMr nnd Bsnefietary es ufsun6s.ea ihoir reapoetnro intorcr.�ta may sypear,and provtd� �
<br /> thai thero ahNl ba no cane�(tation or modificatior►vtithout no tess than 15 deye prior wntton notif�cat�on to Truatee and Benoftdary.In �.
<br /> ths avent any poGry hmund�r is not renewed on ot beforo 1S daye prior to its�xpirntion dat�.Tnistes ar B�nefidery mny proeuro
<br /> � such insurena in soeardanee with th�provistona of paraprnph AB h�nct Trustor shafl d�fivar to Benofiaary the orlginel policies oi _
<br /> irtaurencs a+nd ronewais th�reof or memo eopies of aueh poli�es end tonbvrat�thereat FaCura to tumi�h such inaurnnes by Truatar. "_
<br /> or ronewaSa aa roquired horoundor ohM,ut tho option of Boneficiery,eonatituto A dofauFt ,
<br /> ' S. TAl�3,ASSESSME'f�1T3!WD CHARtiEB.Trustor thall pay nl1 tmns,essessmenb and other ehevges�,induding,wdhoat " _�
<br /> Gmifabon, finea nnd impositiunt n2tnbutable tn the Property, end leeaehold pnymenta or ground ronts,ii any, beforo ths sams 1
<br /> beeoms delinqueni Truator cha(I prompty fumish to Benefldary a7 notieea af amourne due under tha paragraph,and in ths�vent .� •
<br /> ; Trustot ehNi make paymant d'uectty,Truator shM promptty fumiah to Bsn�fidnry ncsipts svidendr.g such paymonta T►ustor shaN � . �
<br /> pay nii�s and asaossmente which may bs tevted upon Bonoticiar�o iniorost horofn or upon thla Doed ot Trust vrithout rsgetd W � �
<br /> any law that may b��naeted imposing payment of tha vrhola or anyr part theceof upon the 8eneficinry. •
<br /> �. .
<br /> e. AODITIONAL LlE�I9 AND PROTECTION OF BENEFICIAHY'S SECUAI'1'Y.Trustor�hnll mafn a�paym�r�ot UttACO=t and ' , .
<br /> . ! princfpel and paymenta of any other chnrgea, feea and expsnaea oontraetod to bs pald to anY�dstln8 Cron Ao(Een or prEor � , �
<br /> i benefrdertes under any pdor deed of truat or mortpape bstoro th�daU th�y en d�Unquerrt and pmmptiy pdy and dlscharp�eny end
<br /> all atfisr iisns,clelma or eharqes whkh may teopsrd'w ths sacurfty granted herein.M Truator taUs to maln eny weh p�rmmt or fa�s ~ =_
<br /> � to p�rtorm any of th�eov�nants and agnamonta contatned in thts Deed ot Trua�or In any prior mortgags or deed of trust,or if nny • f"���.�
<br /> action or proeesding b oommerteed whkh materfaily�ftecb B�nstiaiar��intonat ir�th�ProA�rh►. induding. but nflt fimded to. .
<br /> emtnsnt domatn proceedings,or proeeedinge inwivtng n deeedent or it Trusmr fmis to pay Trustors debta generaliy w they bswms ' , s!
<br /> ; due,then Benefrcinry,ai Beneflaaye opUon and wrtfiaut notics to or demand upon Trustor and w�Thout releasing Truator from arry , , `
<br /> obGpetion hereunder, may maks cueh appearencea disburss such sums end taks such adion a� b nacessnry w protect ` � �� Y
<br /> , Benefidary'e interesf, includinp, hut nat pmded to. disbursommt of roesonabls attome�s fesa, paymen; pureh��, wntest ar
<br /> ecmpromise of any enwmbranca,charge or lien,and enby upon the Praperty to mnke ropairo.ln the evertt ifiat Trustot shell fa�7 to , � __
<br /> procun insurana or to pay taxes.assesementa,ar any otha ehargss or W mak�ury paym�nta to any�dstin9 Prb►G�n holden or •
<br /> Denefldaries.Benefidary may proeuro oueh fnsuranco and mNce eueh payment Any amou�te Oiaburs�rJ by Beneffeinry purauant to '�
<br /> thts Parngraph A8 sha0 6scom�additlonN tnd�btsdn�as ot Trustor s�eund by tfils O��d of Tast 8uch amounta �hati E�paynbl� • � ����-
<br /> �• upon noties from Benefidnry to Truator nqwstlng paym�rtt th�nof,Rnd shaA Wu inUnat from th�daU of dfisburs�msnt�t th� � . . • ;,•�-,
<br /> reis payabk trom tlm�to tlme on outatatfdinp prtndyai und�r tfu tVot�unt�sa paymcnt o1 interast st cucA rata woutd be contr�uy to ' '�.._:.�i,��'
<br /> appUeabl�law. in which event such amourrta shaff b�ar intentt nt th�fi;ghsst rat�permisa�N und�r nppPkabl�law. Nothtnp i .
<br /> eontnlnsd in this Paragraph A.8 shatl requiro Bensfle(ary to incur nny�snw or tako any acCon h�roundor. � ��� b; �.
<br />• _ B. IT IS MUTUALLY ACiREED THAT: � . ...", j
<br /> SIf3NMENT OF RENT3.Benefr shall hava ihe rtqhi powar and authordy during tha contlnuenea of thb Owd of Truat { , �• " .. ���.
<br /> �. as �v
<br /> to eoQact the rards,isauss end profita of the Properry and ot any personnl property lotated ihereon with or without taking possession • • %�. ' r
<br /> ot tha property eNeeted hereby, and Trustor hersby ab3otutely and uneandiHonallyr aaaigns rili sueh renb,issws and profrts to • ��•:�:+� : -
<br /> Bsnefidary.BsnetF.�inry,hawawr.hereby oonssnts to ths Trustor's oollection and ntsnU,m of sueh rents,iacuea end profid�as th�y► , r=' .:i�
<br /> acaus and becom�payat�la so long as Truator is not,ai such tlmo,tn dafauR with reapect to payment of nny indsbadn�as seeured ..�:; :
<br /> hs»by,or in th�psrfonnane�of any agnemont hsrou�d�r.Upon any sueh d�fauit B�nsfielaryl mny e!any tun�,�ithK in p�non,bY ';:�;`-
<br /> agenR or by a rocetusr to be nppofited by n couA,withant noUa and without repard to the adequeey of any sxurlry tor th� '--� .��. �
<br /> ind�Et�dn�ss huQby sacurod.(e)�nt�r upon and tak�poas�ssion of th�Prop�rty or any pnrt th�reof.end tr�ils ovm nem�su�for or r. �� '
<br /> �
<br /> otherwtss eoliect auoh ronts,ltsuea and profiU,inetudinp thos�past dua and unpaid,and apply ths esmo,bas eoab and expenses "'.-='
<br /> :�}� '
<br /> ' of op�raUon and eoll�cUon,ineludinp r�asonaht�attomeys fees,upon any indebt�dness aeund h�nby,and in sueh ordor as •-.;��•:�—
<br /> _ 8sn�ficinryr mey detertnfir,(b)psrfortn such acts of ropair or probction as may b�me�ssary or prop�r to wnserw th�velw of ths . ky i %. :��._--
<br /> Propsriyr.(a)kasa th��am�or any psrt tl+oroof for ouch rantai,torm,and upon euch eond�ione ae its Judgment mny diGat�or ,
<br /> t�rtntnab.or adjuit th�brms end cond�tton�of�ocisUng Naias.UnNss Trurtor anC B�nsfidary►th�nol agn�oth�rwb�in wriHnO� . _
<br /> any�ppikatfon of nnts,Fssuss or profite to any indebt�dn�a s�cund h�nby shall not�xtond ar poatpon�th�dus dat�of the ,,
<br /> n ta or ehan � th� amounl o! such InstaVm�nt�.Th� �nt�dng upon and , ' ��-�'
<br /> Inetaflm�nt paym�nts as provided In satd promhssory o p � : . .
<br /> taidnppoaeaaalon of th�PropeRy,ths eol(eerion of such nMs,isauss nnA profit�,end the npplictiUon thereof ei atoreaeld,ahdl not r.
<br /> wtil»or au�nny dsfauR or notics of detauR henundsr ar 6�val'�dat�any ad don�punuant to sueh notla.Trustor elao aaaipns to , .�"Ya=
<br /> Bsn�Nelary.as fuAher sswtity for 1h�pertormanes oi th�oblipatbns seaind heroby,all pwpaid ronb end all monin whlch may • •-,c,r.,:>-
<br /> ' hav�be�n or may h�teatbr b�depoaited wflh snid Ttustor by any ItsaN of fh�Ptop�rty.to s�cur�th�paym�nt ot any nnt or • • • _.
<br /> damayes,or upon dafnuR in Lhs porforman�s af any of the provhbns h�r�Tru�tor aprNS to d�Cnr�r�uch nnb and E�posft�to . �*,:_,_
<br /> B�n�fleiary.O�fiv�ry o}written noUa of Beneficiary�exsreis�ot th�ripht�Qranted henin,W any t�nent oowpylnp sWd pnmb�� , � . _
<br /> shafl b�sufifeNnt to nquln eakl tenent to pay ront W th�8�nefleinry untU turth�r notic�. • � � �- ;�_
<br /> 2, CONDEMNATION.(1 t�to any paR ot tha Proporty ahali Eo telton in wndemnatton proeoodinaa,by rtght o1 ominon!domafi � � _ '"
<br /> or�imitar actlon,or shM b�sold undsr Nr�at of eond�mnetlon,ell nward�,damag�t and pme�sQa nr�h�nby aasipn�d and she0 b� .
<br /> pnid W B�n�ftclary who shM apPly wah ewerQa,Eamapea end procsed�to th�sum uwad by thi�Qnd ot TrusR vrith th�uce�s�, � • � ��
<br /> H any,paid to Trustoc I}Tm�tor naiv�a any notfa or oth�r informatton roQerdinp sueP�ae4tona or procoodinya,Trustor�haN yiv� i_ . . � , !
<br /> prompt writton notk�thono!to B�nsfiNaty.Bensflcinry�hell bs entitf�d,at it�optlon,to eomm�ne�,epp�ar in and prosacuts in Itr � �
<br /> awn nams any sueh aWon or praa�dinps and shail b�ontit(ad to mako uny eompromiso or aotttcment in connodlon with any auch � . . �
<br /> � •
<br /> . aetlon or procaedings. � '
<br /> 3. FUTURE ADVANCES.Upon request of Truator,Benstidary nl8ensflcleyo optlon,prbr to reeonvoyance of tho Property to ! � -
<br /> Trustor,may mek�futun advnnc��to Tructot.8uch futun nQvanc�t,with int�n�t thereon,shaU be aeurod by this Trust De�d ' -
<br /> when svld�need by promissory note�ataUng that sald notee are secured hsreby,provldsd thnt at no Um�shNl th�taeuted prinelpel, � . �
<br /> tutun advancs�,nat ineluding suma ndvanc�d to protsc!lhs sseurity.oxca�d Two HunEtad p�r�nt(20096)of th�orlginnl prinetpN ;
<br /> amounb e�cursd h�r�by. i
<br /> 4. REMEOIES NOT IXCLU8IVE. Truate� end Beneflciaryr, end eneh oi them. ahatl b� �ntit(ed to entorcs pnym�nt end � � -
<br /> pertormanc�of any indebtsd�ess or obllgnUons secured h�nby and to�x�rels�all rtghts and povr�»under thb Oe�d o!Trust or
<br /> under any othar agre�msnt sxocutod in oonnectlon horoviith or cny Iavro now or horonfter In forco.notvr�fhstandinp eoms or all of th� � .
<br /> sueA ind�btedneai and obfigations secured h�reby mey now or hereettor be otherwiss eewraA,whether by martgage,deed of trust. , • _
<br /> pl�dpe,Gen,eealgnment or otherwiso.Neither ths exeptnnc�o!this D�ed oi Truat nor ira onforament whethar by oouR action or
<br /> � purtunnt to th�powsr o}sN�or other powero herein contelned,ehall pnJudin ar in any mann�r efteet Truste�'�or Brnsflciary's . • _
<br /> Ngh!W nalas upon or entore�eny oth�r seeurity now or herenR�r held by Truetee ot Boneficinry,i!being agreed thnt Truates nnd
<br /> B�n�fklnry,and�aeh ot th�m, �hell 6��ntitl�d to�ntorq thh D��d o1 Truat and nny othsr sseurity nov�or Aenetter held by
<br /> Ben�fielary or Trust�s In such order and mannor eo thoy or oithor o1 thom may in their abcofuto diserotion dotormins.No remedy
<br /> � Aeraln conterted upon or reservad to Trustee or Benofidary is lntended to be exctuatve of any other rem�dy h�rsin or by Iaw —
<br /> � provtdod or pormittod,but oaeh ahall be eumuiative and ahatl be tn addAlon to every othsr romody piven heroundor or nov�or
<br /> hereeRer exiaNng nt Inw or in oquity or by stetuts.Enry pow�r or remsdy provided heraunder lhia Dsed of Trust to Truate�or ,
<br /> BeneflWary or to whieh either of th�m may E�othsrvvis�entNsd,may b�exa7cisad,concurtentiy or independontiy.from time to�me
<br /> � � end e�otten as may bo Eesmed expedient by Truste�or Beneflaary and�ithar ot them may punuo imm�tbtant rem�di�a.Nothirmg
<br /> herein ehall ba eonotrued aa prohibitlng Beneflciary from seek!np a deficteney Judpm�nt egainst th�Truator to tTis extent suet�t�an .
<br /> i3 pertnrtied by law. �
<br /> G0707t N�raflu OOJ520.Q3 �
<br /> . .' •- .��._ .. .`• • . • � . .. .,a . .3,, r � ... '. � . .P� , . � .• .. . . �. ,� i �
<br />