� . . , . . . `, . � � ��.
<br /> _ _'_ �_._._:.--. .. . .. . � . _ . . .. _ , . . . .. - . . ;�:,.
<br /> < <. � '�::
<br /> : ; ��`� 1Cli�'1.�"y , . . . <�
<br /> ti by thie Mort�sga.Mortgagor ehatl payt w Mortga�eo the amount of any defioienoy between the as3ual taicea.asses$' _-
<br /> ments,insurance pn�miums and gmusd i'enES aud the doFoaits hereunder miEhia SO dqys attsr domsnd fa mede upoa =
<br /> � Mortgngor isquestln8 Payment thereo3. , ''.
<br /> �i`
<br /> � air.restore or rabuild aRy buildinge or impravements aow or �°�
<br /> 8. �e�ait.��3ennuae ead IIse.To psomPKY�P .
<br /> II
<br /> ; heragtter on the Properiy:to Ic�ep the Prope�ia Baod condition and rBpeir.without weste.and�ee 5com meohaaio'a or ; •�
<br /> otIIer tiens not eaPrassiy aubordfnated to tha liea herao�not to make.sufier os permiL�ny auisaaae to m�aor� ��
<br /> �m;ntah or�mp8iT the vslue o1 the Peopert;4 by A�Y 8ot o!omisBtoII to ea�eIId W Coffip�y th all require . _
<br /> � � with reapeot to the Property ` . �
<br /> , �
<br /> � T. Coademn841on.In tIIe eoent the Property. or say psrt thereo�aLsll be tatien by eminent domain.the
<br /> _ � Mor�gagea is empowered to oolleat aud�eoefve all compansation wi�ioh mr�Y 6e paid for aay PraFar�y ts�ken or for d�ffi- _, . ._ .--.-- :---
<br /> , ages to pmpart,y noi taken.anfl Mortgagee sbali ePPyY suoh compensation.at ite optioa.either to a reduaE[on o!the , :�.
<br /> indebtednesa seaured hereby or to repsir aad sesto:e the property so dsimaged. , . : .
<br /> s. �orm�co�r�[o�a�as�.�ozr�ee may.bnt sh�nll have no obligatfon.4o do anY sct whioh the�ortgagor . .. . �
<br /> has a�eed but fails to do.�nd Mortgagea ma3r also do aay aot it deems neoessai9 to Pmteat tt�e iien heraoL Mortgagor . , . ; •
<br /> " � agcees to rep�y.upon demand.any anms so ezpeaded by the Mortgagee for the above purposes.end anY sume so _ •�' _
<br /> . � �pended by the Mortgagee sLall be added ta the indsbtednas$se iaured herabyomit to do hereunderto the Iieu hc�r+eoL : '
<br /> , Mortpgee shall not inaur at�y Aareonal liabil[t�r beaause ot anythin$ ma,Y -
<br /> .�_. -`
<br /> � { g, Default;Aad�ment oi 8ea4a.Tlme is o1 the essence hereoi,and upon Mortgagar a default in Sny covenent . '
<br /> � A d , ,�.��,e'"_,a.
<br /> or sgreemenL oi this Mortga$a.iacludin�covenente to pa,Y when dua the sums seaared bY tbis Mortgage.the Mortga6ee . '
<br /> ehall be ensiiled,at#a sole opttoa and withouL notice.to deolare all sums�roa9edings:and.pravtded further,tha�i � :3.
<br /> . due aad payable and may oommence foreclosura oi Ehis NiortgaBe bY Su ._ .. . ,
<br /> upon auoh defautt the Mortgagee.or a recefver appointefl bg a aourt.ms,y at its optioa and withonf rega:d to the adequa� ° : ,�,, i.__�.
<br /> cy of the seourlty.enter upon and take poPSessian of the Proporty aad colleaL the renta iasues and psofite thereLcom and . •..
<br /> :..�:� .��-�
<br /> app�y them fdret to ihe aosE oi oolleation and operai4oa of the Propsr44 and then upon the indebtednesa esonred b9� _:_ `'� �-_.�, .
<br /> Bsortgage;said ranta,issues and pmSffi being assfgned to tlie Mortgag+ae as furthar seonrity for the paymeat oi the • ��,
<br /> iatlebtedness seaured hereby. . � .'�:
<br /> �, .�� ... -
<br /> , �.,. � .
<br /> •�� f0. ZYaaster o!Property.Ii all or any part of the Pcoperiy ia sold or transierred withont the e�ress writtsn con . �.+�,�.r;� _ _-_--
<br /> • � sent oi the Mortgagee.Mortgagee msy at its sole optioa,deols:e all enme seuured by thi�M°�6e LO�i�'��T� . . -�-`'-7��' ._ '-
<br /> hia
<br /> • due snd p�yaHle. ' ,�',_., ; �,
<br /> _ .. Y i ��'_� � .
<br /> • iL Fbtnse Advsncea.Upon request of Mortgagar.Mortgp.gee may m a k e a d d i t i o n a l a n d f u t u r e a d v a n o e s t o .:
<br /> Iyiostgagor.Sucb advaaaes.wlth intarast theseon.ehall be seaured by this Mortgage when evidenced by psomissory aotes . .�.'�' "• .:� '� `
<br /> eRat[ng tUat eaid notes are seaured heraby.At no time ehail the prinaipal amount oi tha indebtednesa aeoared hy tMe
<br /> . ' Mortgage,not inoluding aume advancsed to proteoq the eeaurity'of this Moatgage.e�eed the orfginal Nota. �'�: � �.+
<br /> se �.=•n
<br /> .. :r �:�� _.
<br /> 12. M�SC811sII80II6 Pr0918iOnl. � �4:
<br /> � �'i�
<br /> �.� ' rei , �i
<br /> .� (8) An,9 forebearanoe in ezeroising aRY rlght or semedy ahE►ll not be a wafver thereoL _.`:"-:-� �,� � �
<br /> a;Y"•, `
<br /> (b) All remedies provfded hsrain a�ne distinat aad cumulative to a�y other righL atiorded by law or eqn9� ..� , �c ,,..
<br /> and mey be ezesaised oonousrent�y.independently or euaaessive�y. `'''? . �-��_��__
<br /> �--:��i�
<br /> • ' '�:�-'�"' .
<br />. .': � �o� The covenaate aad agseemenfe aoatained Lereia sLall bind.aad the rlghts inure to.s�re��uQe sno- � ,z�;_ ,_
<br /> aessoss and as3lgns oi tha Mortgegor nad the Mortgagee. =�:f�r;
<br /> . : � � --� ; .±E�,:=,_-
<br /> l (� All covonaute and a�eemenEs of tha A4ortgagas are ioiat and several. ,,
<br /> . � - are for convenience o and shall noL be used to inter � V�.
<br /> � (e) The headinge oi tha para�eDhs of tbis Mortgaga � �
<br /> . pret or deflna the pruvlsione hereoL lA�,�-.�•
<br /> . . ,.. � -
<br /> . 13,Releasa Upoa pa�rment of ell oums seaured by thia Mortgage,MortgaQae ehall disohazge tLis Mortgage aud "��''� ,
<br /> , .��r.f.�:.:;_—.:
<br /> eha11 e=eouts aud deHvar e eaUadaotor9 rolease therefor. .. ""'�'�` �
<br /> , � •�.
<br /> �v wrrrrESS w�x�oF.l4iortgagor 2�as ezeouted thls Mortgage on the 18th�,ot March �19 97 . : � �: --
<br /> , , —
<br /> . � � � —.
<br /> nne ever ngt n H�� � � �_-`---� .
<br /> i • .
<br /> � � ear . ever�ngton ��
<br /> � Stais of Nebrask0. H 11 County sa: . . �-
<br /> � On this l Sth da�q of �4d t"C h .19 9 7 .before me.the uade:si�ed.a Notery Publio �
<br /> , duty commissloned and qualiried for said oounty.pereonauy aame Kenneth �•�. Leveri nq ton and � _
<br /> �_ .
<br /> ` Pparl F IP�Pringtp,n��^°�°^'� '^� �.,if .tomelmo�vatobethe . �
<br /> . ldentfaal peison(s)whose name(s)ar8 subsaribed to the toregoing inatrumenL and aoknowledged the eseaution theraoi . . �``
<br /> to be thei r oolunts�y aos and daed. • �_
<br /> � witness my�ana ana noxa�s�seat ac G ra nd I s 1 a nd in eata counsy,sne , � —�
<br /> • '- R:r.'�:
<br /> � dats sioresaid � --
<br /> ; --- '
<br /> � . � My Commission eapirea: �EAAL HO1ARlSt�t101 NlLqfh �� ��,1 . . -
<br /> DEYRA MtELROY Notary Publio : -
<br /> . � „��D���'� ' �
<br /> J � _..
<br /> �+ Nec�aGs eiss ' ��.
<br /> r 0 Na6onal Bank ot Commoroe Trust and Savings Assxiation,Lincoln,NeDraska I,
<br /> 1 � �-.
<br /> ,-..:._ .
<br /> ,
<br /> �. .
<br /> ' � . . . , . . , '" .' • �_ , .,'� ` :.. �. . � � } , :' � " ,.:;.. . . , . . . .��r�, . . , ': '. � .. . ,` � . �. . . .
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