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<br /> � �` A�iOgiTt�A�E ;
<br /> � . , • ` .
<br /> This�iortgage is eatsned iato between iCenneth L•� Leveri n$+^n aori PPa rl F ����eto►1_
<br /> � , -
<br /> u (herein'Mort�ago�7 wnd/ .. -_
<br /> �_--- �_....._ o_.,� � �IAF1MaGL� rorQoration (hezein"1tHostgugeay. G� I ' • •
<br /> r 1 vr r 1 u� nnn �� ( . . -� '�` �r e: —*;.
<br /> Mortgagor is indebted to Mosi�xgee in tlze prinaipal sum of l.4, 17� 11 .evidencsed by Mortgago�'s note ` � _ ..,. ��
<br /> . �d R1a rr h 1 g_ 1 A9 7 (hereW°Note'�provEding for pe�tmenta oi prinoipal aad in4eses�.with the balaaae of the �',� �_.'��
<br /> , ..Y—'
<br /> indebtedness,i1 not eooaer patd.due amd pa�yable on Ma rr h 9� ?fl(16 • _ --
<br /> To seaure the pa,yment of the Note.with interest se Provided therein,the p�ymenf of all other sums.with inier r . . .. �1_':�_-
<br /> � ! est.advanoed hy Marcgagee to proteat the seourity oi this Mortgt�e,and the performanoa of the oavenauts �nd sgrae- . . '=1 -
<br /> ments of the Mortgagor oontained herein,Mortgagor doea haraby mortgaBe and aoavay to Mortgagee the tollowing � , 'd:.:��—
<br /> , desaribed � .��.
<br /> -• praperty looated in Ha 11 Coun;y.Nebxas3sa. : ,; '=J`^ —
<br /> �.TR:�I�I� •. �
<br /> Lot Five (5� and the North Half (N�) of Lot Four (4), Block Two (2), �. ' ..�"�' —
<br /> llest Park Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall CoUnty, Nebraska. � � �°s .: � �
<br /> �, -� _� -` ,: .�
<br /> � ,�Y
<br /> `�``�;{,�
<br /> .� �.
<br /> --. - ==:� - ��
<br /> . ...-. � �� �
<br /> �� �. . .. ���;,:.�_
<br /> Tog�ether with all buildiuga,impzavements tlxtures.et:eeta.aAeya•PaqsaSewa58•easementa rights.Privlleges � r
<br /> -�-�.,;��
<br /> and appurtensnuea looated theseoa or in eaywlee pertaiaing thereto.and iho rente.isaues aad pro$ta.:eveseione and �. �8��`�-
<br /> •� ramainda�thereo�inoluding,but not limited to,heating and 000ling equipment and suoh pessoaal p=oge�,►that is ." � : �=�;��',��_:'
<br /> attaohed to the improvemente eo ae to constitute a i�t�are:ail oi whioh.iaoluding=eplecemente and sdditions thereto.is . ;�,.:
<br /> ! hareby deolas�d to be a part ot tha seal estate seaured by the lien o!this Mnrtg�ge sa8 sll of the fora�oin�boing reierced �f 4;�
<br />� ; to horein as the"Prnperty". -
<br /> ' Mortgagor further oovenante and a�eea.witb Mortgagee.es followa: �~� °
<br /> ' . 1, psymeni.To pay the indebtedneas and the interest theracn 8s provided iu thie Mottpge and the Note. - ---..
<br /> g, nw�,,,. ��,to�nr is tho owne=ot the Property.bas the rlght and authority to moitgage tho Property.and war � • '�`-�'a..-.
<br /> ' rante thst the llen oreated herby 1s a fiist nnd prlor Hen on the proper�y.esaeps as may otheiwlse be set fosth herefn. . •�,;: --..
<br /> . �.
<br /> R] The Pmgerty is subleat to a MortgaSe wherein Bank Ameri ca Plortaaa — � • .
<br /> � of Ehe Mortgage Reaords of Hal l � � ��
<br /> the Mo:tgegee.racorded at Book___.pe8e�_ � � . , __
<br /> , . . , �-.:-
<br /> County.Nebraaka.�vl�ioh Mortgage ie a lien prior to tha lian oreated ha�hy. ,. ��=
<br /> . . p Other prlor liens os enaumbranaefl• � _
<br /> � 3 Ta=es,Nseasment�.To pay when due all taYea,speoial assessmeate and all other ohargoa o�ainst the - .
<br /> Property and.upon wrltten demand byi Mortgagee.to add� suoh taueeo t�se�semente o=oihe o�b�ges ao they become
<br /> • affiount as may be ouftioisnt to enable tha Mortgagee to pay
<br /> � due. . �
<br /> �4. Inauraaae.To keep tho imp�rements now or IIereaRer IoaaLed on the real estste desoribed ho:ein insured � . �
<br /> against flamage by fira and auoh oSher hauarde as Mortgagee may:'eQuire.in amotu►ts aad with compaaies aacepteble to . �
<br /> tho Mortgagee,and v1iLh losa payable to the Mortg�°'ee.In oese of loss under auoh polioiea the Mortgag6e is authorized
<br /> . to ad�usi,oolleot ond compromisa.in its disoretion.fill olaims thereundes at its sole option,authorized to eithar spp�y fhe . ,
<br /> proceede to the restoration of tha Property or upon tho indebtednesa seoured herebyr.but p�yments nereuade:ehall con- _ v
<br /> tiaua nntil the sums seaured heseby aie are Pald in full. . �
<br /> � � 6. � Esornw F'or Taies and Insuraace.Notwithstanding a�yihin6 contained in paru�raPl�s 3 and 4 nereof to - .,�..
<br /> tho oontrary.Mortga�os ehall pa�y to fhe Mortgag�ee at the time oi puying the montD�y iastsllmonts of prinoipal and intar ; . _
<br /> • est,one�twelfth oi the year�y taaea.asseasmente.hazatd insuranoe Premiums•und gronnd ronts(if eny)whioh may attain
<br /> a priorii.y ove.this Mart�g�.all r.rarsoneb�es*1ma*ed fmm tiTne to time bq the Mort�ee.The amoun4s so p�id ahall , _
<br /> be held by the Mortgagee avithout intereat and applled to Lhe paqment of the items in respeat to which suoh amounte ;
<br /> � wese deposited.The sums paid Lo Mortgagee hereunder are pledged us additional seow�ity for Lhe indobtedness seoured . �;
<br /> . ' �..
<br /> --- -
<br /> _ . . ,, , . .. , . , .
<br /> _ . ... . ..,, . , . . . . . .� . . . . . . . ..
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