. '_"___.. .r.... - ' ' •
<br /> . . �� � .. - ' • _ . � � ' -:r,
<br /> • 2 � '
<br /> g tpqN3�Ep QF THE PROPERTY:ASSUMPTION.If cill or any part of the properry or inwrost tharein ie sotd.tranafertod or , �. � •
<br /> otharw�sv oonvsyad Dy Trustor�vahout BsnofidaNs Pnar wrdien wvreo:�L :xw�:�o g(s)i�•••,.�inn ot e Gon or aneumbrene� -:_
<br /> , subord�nat�to thu Deod o!Truai(b)tho croation ot m purehass money srsunty intor4s�tar houaeha(d epptiances.(c)a traneter by .
<br /> Qoviss,deseent ar by oporarion o41av+upon ths daath of n joint 4�nant or(c�the qrnnt of any leasehotd�nmrest of three yeere or lesa � , '
<br /> not eontaining an option to purchas�.weh edion�s braorh o1 thb uflroomont,ond Benefieiary may,at BQnefiCtuy'o optian,dedaro �
<br /> all tha sums a�eured by this Oaad of Trust tv ba immcdintey dus end payabla.or enuae the truatee to fila �nd the�pore n to � .
<br /> BonabdauY shah heva weivad oaeh oytion to nxstarate if.priflr to du sal�.transfar of eoaveyanee.8enetkinry �• .'
<br /> whom tho proporty Fs to b�, n ths s�mIIe qeu d y Ui�s 0 sd of T�shaU bo ei st�ech rnte a Ben�uty►6��q ost Bensf.eiary � , , . `,-.'
<br /> .' end tfiat ffio int�rost payeb ent or to perform eny of �`. -_
<br /> 8. ACCELERATION UPON DEPAULT:RQ�fl�lES;SALE.The imlure bY tha Trustor to maka eny paYm .
<br /> ' the terms en d eon d i t iona o t t h e N o t e.o r a n y reee�rals.modfisxbons ot oxtanriona thereo�or tfie pnyment o1 csny other indebtedness ,
<br /> secured haraby or in the pertortnnnca of any of iho eovonanta or agreements hereundor ehaU ba a bteaeh o f e�d the 8^ame 6� �_ ` , _
<br /> � Benefi 'cmrSt�ssaY dee!�rs a dafrwit►e without presentnnant damand,protast o natiee of anY iund The aR�r.B�sfi�iary may deGver . . , . .
<br /> thereupon beeoma dua and paynb
<br /> � w Trusi�e n written daelaration of defauR�d deeides the Pro&e �to 6 sold d s al depos�witi�Trustee Ui�s Oeed of'Ttustond � . � •
<br /> � power ot salo of ths Property F►nd if Beneficicuy P RY ,
<br /> Yno Not9 or notes end nnY other dacuments avidendny exPenddures saared hereby.and shall deliver to Trusteo n wrdien notioe of
<br /> defauft md elecdcn to caas0 the Pcope+ty to be soid.and Tnuta�.ir►tum.shall prepare a simlar notica in�'a fortn requ'ved by law. i . ' .
<br /> � wt�ich shail bs duly filed tor racord by Trusbae. s � : � _
<br /> (a)After the�apse of such time as may ba raquired by taw toflowinp the recordation at Notiea of DotauB,and Noties ot DefauR ' .�. �,
<br /> , and Notiea of Sate havinp 6een�an es requ'uad by Iaw.TnuWe,vnlhout demand on Trustor,sha.l seU the ProPertY in one i
<br /> or more parcals erid in sueh order es Trustor may dnormins on the date end ths time and p!aee designated in caid Natie� i , . ,
<br /> � of Sele,at pubfic auciion to tha hfighest bidder,tho putdsaso Dri�PaY�13 m cash in larftul money otffie�n n�e 3��te�m ; . ` '
<br /> tha time of sde.The poison condudin0 tho sela mey,tar any cause he or she deems axpodiant postP ',,��.;.':'�-
<br /> tuns tu tima untii it shail ha compiatsd and.in�vary wct�tad tor fh�tali:providad,if tfu saio is poslyon�d fo�r bnq��att i - -�:. -. _
<br /> th�root by such p�rwn ai tha tima md plaa last+iPP � , , '
<br /> anr(i)day bsyand th�day d�siynWd in tlu Notira o!8a4s.noUa th�r�ot ahall b�giv�n in th���mo mann�r as th� . ,�. v-
<br /> oris(nd Natla of Sa1�.TasW shaU axseuto and drlivor to M�purchas�r its O�ad eonv�yinp th�Prop�rry w sn1d,but i . _ ,� _-
<br /> wittmut any eownant at warrantY.uW»�s.or knpli�d.Th�r�eitW in ths Da�d of any mann�r�or torL sfiall b�wndusiv� [ . _„_
<br /> . proof ot d►s buthtutns�a thawf.My p�rson.inctudh�p NrMhoul(imltatbn Boneildsry or Trusue�maY Purehas0 n4 th�0nt�. � . .�,�.-_
<br /> , (b) WAm Tru�alw punusnt b tt��Pn�n ha�in.TruQt��h�l1�ppN thi procs°do 04 tho oaln to pcymont of th�eoft� •_�;,-=
<br /> �nd�xp�n�u o1 u�rculnp Ih�powar o1�ata and o1 U�.���I� �ou�baaad uyon�ths amount,kua0 �
<br /> meun�d.arh{eh Truat��'�FM�shW not tn tl+a aypr�a d 1hm to th�ft�m�in subparaqrnph(e)In th�orQ�r ' ' ,���,�
<br /> � h�nby en d nma�n l np u n p a l d:6 p��a n t u m o n l h o D�i e n w I h o n a t�n � . ,
<br /> thonatat�d. p . -
<br /> (c) A1t�r psy�ny th�itoms apac+Pad fn ousgarapre�h @).
<br /> d th��da Is by Ttustee.ot Ih�p�op�t eouR and othar cotls of i , w"�r
<br /> aato M th�ad�b pursuant to judkitl fonciosun.th�praea�d�of sal�shail b�appGad in th�ordar statod ( �,..•. ,:.. .
<br /> tondosuro and �
<br /> � bolow to ths paym�nt ot ° � �� .
<br /> � (1)Attom�yr�i��s�nd aosb of coU�ctt�n: � •
<br /> . r '�.
<br /> (�)Cozt e}any ovidmc�ottitt�prowr�d in eonnodien vrith such eala and of�ny r�wnuo roquvod to ba paid: . . } __'.
<br /> (3)Ati oblgatIons s�wrad by this Trust d�d; '. �� �, ,t _
<br /> (4)Ths nmaJndar,it esny.to th�p�rson iapalty�nttll�d th�wto. .
<br /> r to ffie Benefiaary.promPVY�P�� `�,,'`•'� !
<br /> 7. AODITIONAL 8ECURI7Y IN9TRUMENTS.Truttor.at its wcponso,will exocuto and deGva .� :t�� �
<br /> demand.su e h e�eu ri l y instrumonte as may bs�equir�d by&nst�ciary.tn fotm and substartc�satbtactarll to Ban�fidery.ooverfna , r
<br /> nny of th�Prop�riy conwy�d by tht�Oaed of Trus4 whkh aaeuritY instn'manb sheD b�ndd�lionel socur�y f er Trustora t�tt+tu! - .
<br /> �"_� , .'.:
<br /> podormanca ot aU tha tsrrtw.wvenanb�with thfa trensadlon.9ueh finstrum nte shall b raeordad ar fited atTrustoPs expen e�ar r ' ,). _
<br /> security inshumanb��cacuWd in con . ����+ `' -
<br /> ...<<.i�:�
<br /> d, qppplPiTNAENT OF SUCCESSOA TftUSTEE.B�nafieiaryr may.irom tirne to tune.by n rrtiCen insttument axoaRad and •��,;�;__
<br /> �r _ r:;:—
<br /> n c k r rowtad sad b y 8anofietniy,mm7od to Tn�tor and rocordod in the county ar cout�tia in xrhkh tha ProPortY ia located end by . � .
<br /> o�o�o�omPlyinp wRh ttro provtsiona of the app�teabla laur�o f t he S m t�o!N a b r a s k a a u b a t i t u t�a c u e n s s or or suaescoro to tho . • --L,=a::�;
<br /> v ..��'
<br /> Truyieo nemod horein or actfny haraundor. � • �s�:
<br /> ..�•�
<br /> g. I N S P E C T I O N 3.B e n�fi s i a r y.o r i t a a p an i s,n pros�ntstivas or woriansn,are suthorizad to ontor at any reasonnbte timo uyon _
<br /> or in nny part o!th�Prap�rry tor th�purpoc�of Inspactlnp th�sam�and for tha puryosa o!pa r t ortnmp any o f t h�a c t s 3 i�a u l h o r f z o d ��'. .
<br /> to rform undor th�t�rms o!tha Daad of Tast ,.,�=.���. _
<br /> p� _
<br /> 10. OFT10N TO FORECLOSE.Upon th�o�urtonc�ot any 6raad�and upon th�d�cterntlon o1 doteuft horoundor.Bonaflciary •s- - _
<br /> �hNl haw tha optian to toroclose thts Ooad of Trust in th�mann�►Drovidad by Iaw tar tha torecbsuta of moRpeaes on roal proporty �� �•� _.r..
<br /> - 1 i. FOR��ARAr:.^.S BY BEN�ICUUiY OR THU9TEE NOT A WAIVER.My torebaaranca bY B�n�fi e l a ry o r TruatOO in _ ' '�w"`'
<br /> ' oxerebinQ nny dpht ar nmady N�r�und�r.or otherwlsa atfordad bY apPlicebM Iaw.ehnu not ba a wsi��.or predw''a tha uee.*etso _—.-:;:��--�,� -
<br /> ' ot any tueh dpht or romady honu�dar.Likawtca.th�waiwr by Bonoficiary or Trustss o!any defauN o1 Trustor und�r thb Daad o1 ,,_ _
<br /> Trust shail not ba dsrm�d tn b�a waiver ot any offi�r or simUu dohuita subwqurntiy oc�urtino. �'• • •wr.�
<br /> , 12. TRUBTOR NOT RELFJI3ED.Extonsion of th�Um�(or paym�nt or modiftcaUon or amortlzetion of th�suma e�eund by thia . '. ..
<br /> Oa�d of Truat qmnted by B�nafieiary to any suxassar c�int�rost of Truator shall not oporats to ataas�•in anY mannar,th�liab1ity o1
<br /> tho oripinN Tniswr snd TruQtoPa succossor in intvraei B�n�fietary eh�D not b�nq:.�`�d to commenca praca�dinpa apNnat such _
<br /> auoeassor or rofuso to udand tlm�tor paymont or offi�twka madity�mortlzntlon of tha aums aeurad by tlUs Oaad of Trost by �
<br /> rsason of any damand mad�by tho o6Q'snti Trustor and Trustor's sucasson in InWrasl , .
<br /> 13. BENEFlClARY'8 POWERB.YUdhout atHetlnp ar n�aeinp th�Uabil;ty of th�Truttor or ar.y oth�r ponon IiabN tor tlu � • �
<br /> paymm!o!arry obUpatlon Mnin mmtbn�d.and wAhout a1(actlnp th�Il�n or charQ�of thls Dsod o1 Trust upon iu►y poRion of tf►� _
<br /> Prop�rry not th�n or ih�ntolon roi�asad as s�eurih Tor th�tu9�mouM of etl unpcld obit�atbns,B�noficinry may,trom Um�W Um�
<br /> and wAhoN natlaa at th�raQuatt of ono or man T�ustoro n ni�o any p�rson ao Ilnble,(i)oxt�rtd or ran�w iho maturity or aNar any _
<br /> of th�t�rma of anY sueh obUpetbns,(�qrant oth�r indul��ne�s.(M rotaaa�or roconvey,or cauuo to be released or roeonvay�d at —
<br /> eny W�w at Ban�fltint�/o optlons nny pnraf,poRion or d10}tho Prop�rry.M tak�or rotaas�u►y othw or addiflonal ucurdy 1or any � . . _
<br /> oDl'�ation h�rain m�ntion�d.(v�) m�k�composiNons or othn�rtan��m�nb wrth d�btora in roiatbn thoroto.All Truaton shall b�
<br /> JolnUy and sw�renyr oblis�ad nnd bound by th�aedom o1 tht Benefieluy or any Wator aa hersin stated. f .
<br /> 14. ATTOANEY FEEB.COSTS ANG EXPENSE8.1!the Bsn�f'iciery of thls Owd o!Ttust N a 6ank as dofinsd by tJobmatm law,
<br /> nny statemQnt contnin�d in any o1h�t eactlon of thi�Caod notwithstftndinp,tho Beneficinry chall not ba�ntiUod to rocoive or tnk�and .
<br /> deDtor chail not ba obliQated to pay or yivr,any confassion of judpmont,powsr o}attamey to contosa judgmenL pawar ot attomoy to ;
<br /> eppaer tor a bottower in n judictal procaodinp or aproem�nt to pay tha oo¢b of cottaction or tha Ntomoyo'teos.un(ess tho intarest �:
<br /> paynpb by tho terms c}tha Nota roferred to in this deed is 16%p�r annum or le:ta.or the note refertod to in this daed ts repayabto 1n _
<br /> two or mon aqual or unequnl instnilments and ovar a perbd of mon than one hundred tortydroa(145)momha.Provldod,however,
<br /> thnt ihis sestion does not nppy to tha Uustes fee re:arrad to in Pnregreph 8.6(b).ProvWed turther ihat thb Puapraph 8.14 shtsll not • �
<br /> • npply to this Oeed of Trust.if the Banefiaiery horein q not a bank , �
<br /> . j � � �•
<br /> � �owa►r+n�t» .
<br /> � �p7t qEV.t45 N�Omafu BORROWER COPY(1) oo7�'xm • --
<br /> i pETENTION COPV(1) ,
<br /> r
<br /> . . . . . . . . • : "..�..,..—...-�-1�"""'- ___�„e.._;�,_-�.--rr�... �"!' .
<br /> . _ ,'1 . . , ;y.. „` ' � . �. � ' -� ... . ' ... i , ' ` �,� ; - ' .. . - - ' • r' .
<br />