C ___-.�__S, a. �...> � ` .. .. .
<br /> 4. INSURANCE. Trustor,nt its expense,v�n�maintau�w�lh insurer� approved by Beneficiery,insurenee wit�resned to the [
<br /> " ... b,q �v fire.fiohtmnp,tomado,snd other penls and hazards . � •
<br /> ; ►mprovamo�ts and personN pmperiy.cvr���u�.-.y�.a S'.s^^.,.srty�s:ns�---�-• .
<br /> wverod by standnrd extended eoverage endorsement in ae amount uqual tn at leest on9 hundred pereent of the fuli rep�acement �
<br /> � vaue thereof and mauranes nga�nst sueh other haznrda and in such amounte aa�s customerity eartied hy ownars and operatnrs of , ,
<br /> � eim9er pmperties or aa Banefieiary may roqu'ae tor ita proteetion.Trustor wiU eompty wRh au�h other reqwrementa as Benefitiary may ' .
<br /> from tim�to Ume requast tor tha protedion by msurance of the interesb of the respedive putios•AI��nsu►enca PoEdsa malntt�ned s
<br /> � pureuant to ihis De�d oiTruat ehall nama 7rustor and 8enefiaary es maureda,na thav respeeGve interests may appoar.end provida : :�-f,
<br /> that there aheli be no eencell�ion or modification vrithout no l2sa then 15 days pnor writto�nofifieation to Trustee and Beneflefnry•�n � ,
<br /> the event any poGcy hereunder�s not ronewed on or batoro 15 days prior to dss oxpiration date.Trustee or Benef.dary may proeuro �
<br /> - �aueh insurtmnes in nxordanee with!he provro3ons of paregraph A8 haroof.TrusDor ohn0 defiver to Benefidary the ariginN poiicies of
<br /> insurence and rono�vals thereofi or memo eopies ot auch po6des and renewels theraot Fniluro to tumish such insurance by Trustor.
<br /> , � or ronawals es roquirod hereunder ahatl,at the option of Benefleiary,eonatitute a defauR ,
<br /> � 5. TA�S.ASSE35MENTS IWD CHARGEB.Trustor sha11 pey a114axes,assessments and other eharges,ineiuding,wehout ' .
<br /> �° Gmikdion,fines and impositions attributabla to the Properry, and Ieasehold psymonts or ground renta it anY. before tne same _
<br /> � become daGnquent Trustor eheli promptty tumich to Benefiaeryr ei1 notices of amounts due under this pera9raph,and in the event
<br /> Trustor sheil make payment duedy,Trustar sha11 prompUy fumish to Beneficiary reeeipts evidenang such payments.Trustor shali ,
<br /> � pay aA taxea and esseasmente whieh may be levtod upon Beneftcieryre interost herein ot upon this Daed of Trust withou<<eBerd to
<br /> aoy Imy tfiat may be enacted imposing paymeat ot the who(e or any p+ut thsreaf upon the 8enefiaary. , :
<br /> i `
<br /> 8. ADDII'IONAL UEN3 AND PROTECTION OF BENEFICWRY'9 SECURIIY.Trustor shali make efl payments of interest and
<br /> • prindpal md peymenta o}any offier charges. tees nnd expenses corittaded to he paid to nny existin8 Gen hoidera or prior �
<br /> ' � benefielaries under any pdor deed of trust or mortgage 6eforo the date they en de6nquertt end promptly pey end diacharge arry and
<br /> j er�t m fcls
<br /> nll o;har Gens,cieima or chargea which mey jeopaMae the seeur�y graMed herein.it Trustor fa�7s to make arry such paym
<br /> � to perform any of the covenants end ngroemertts wntnined in this Deed ot 7►ust,or in eny priar moRgage or dsed of trust.or rf eny .
<br /> acGOn or proeeedng is eommeneed whieh maieriallyr afteete Benefidary'e interect in the Properry, induding, but not fimitecl to, _
<br /> • eminerrt domain pmeeedinga,or proceedings inwlvinp a deeedent,or itTrustor tal+to pay TrusDor's debts gonera�y as they beeome � •
<br /> due,then Benef,dary,at 8enefieiary�e op8on end w�lhout noUa 40 or demend upon Trustor nnd wdhout raleasing Trustor irom nny � , , _
<br /> obGgation heroundet, may make sueh eppearaneea disburae aueh sums end take suah nGion as is necessary to proted :
<br /> Benefidary'a interost k��uding, but rtot fimitnd to,dis6ursement of reasonable tdtomsye foea, ptrymen� purehase,contest or 4 ' . _ _
<br /> ' eompromise of any eneumbrance.chnrge or lien,and entry upon ttie Property to maks rep en In��y e�n�do�n ho dere or -
<br /> . praarrs insuranea or to pay tmces,essessmsnts,or eriy oth�r ehnryes or to mnke enY paYm 9 P , '. :.,:
<br /> beneficiadea,BeneBanry mny proeura cuch insurar�ce nnd maks eueh�aymoni My amounta dts6ursed by 8enefidury punuant to ;��
<br /> , thfa Pnragraph A8 shatt beeome additionel inEebtsdnsas of TrusMr eecurad by this Deed of Trust 3uch amounte afinll bo pnYabto ;
<br /> � upon noea irom B�rt�tictary to Trustor nqu�ating paymurt tl►moL and�hafi beer int�nst trom fho dat�of diabursement at the i "�� ,���
<br /> '' rnt�payaDte hom ttme to tlme on oubtandin8 p�indpal unQ�r Ih�Tlot�unNss pnym�nt of Intetost at auch roto vroutd bo oonVaty fo , , . ;
<br /> epplieabN law. N which svsnt sueh ammmts shafl b�er Uit�rrst at th�hlpA�st rnt�p�rtntabl�undu npplienbl�It�w. Nolhinp �. • , ,�:��
<br /> ° eontainod m thb Paragraph A8 shell requln Brnofldary to ineur any ucpsna�or tak�erry aetton hsrsund�r. 4 ; - � ;�,.�
<br /> ` : �.i �`' _
<br /> • B. IT IS MUTUALLY AtiREED THAT: I . _ . . � '4
<br /> 1. ASSIGNMEM OF RE1JT8.Benefidary shnit hav�th�rfghx pawsr end authority during th�cantlnunne�ot thb De�d of Truat j� • ., y �
<br /> to eolteet ths renu,laauae ena profds of th�Propsrty and of any p�nonn1 prop�Ay Ioeat�d Msroon with or without tnhlnp posussion I � : � . .. �
<br /> of the property nHeded hereby,end Truator hereby nbIIOtutoty end uneond�inna0y esalgns a0 weh ronta taauae and profda to • .#_ �.:: .;
<br /> ' • Beneftctery.9eneficiery,however,hereby eonaento to ths Truators eollsdion and retanUon of such rente,Isauea end profitn as they `_�t,
<br /> �a`',�
<br /> neaus and beeome payabte ao tong aa Trustor hr noR at euch Ume,in dafauft wiGi respect to payment of eny indebtedness seeured _ , _��
<br /> � hereby,or in the paAormnna�of any agreement hereunder.Upon any such dsfnuR,Bsnefldnry mny at nny tlme,ertfier fn peraon,Dy
<br /> agenL or by e receiver to bs aqpotnted by e eourt,without nattcs and w�hout regnrd to the ndequacy of any aewrity for the �::�;1t
<br /> indebtednvsa heraby saeured,(a)enter upon and tnke posaess�on ot ths Proparty or any paR thereoL nnd in i�ovm nam�sus tor or � , �. ;
<br /> othsrwfa�coUeG such rents,iasues and profite,inctudinp those peat due and unpaid,and apply th�rama��esa eosts nnd expenaea ,{,
<br /> � of operallon and eolledion,ineluding reaaonnbls attomeye tess,upon any indebtednsss sseurod hereby,and"m such orGer aa � 't .,•�
<br />� . Benefreiery may detennine:(b)perform such ade ot ropair or prot�edon aa mey bs necesaary or proper to eonaerve th�vatus of ths :���i,-
<br /> � Property:(c) tease the cnms or nny part thereof tor sueh rental,tsrtn. and upon suoh conditions w ib ludgment may didats or �:- .;; .
<br /> termtnab,or aduat the terms and condiGona ot exrstinq kesas.UnNss Truator nnd Beneficiary lheroof agres offierwlss In wrding,
<br /> � nrry appfieation of renta,fsaues or profib to eny indebtedneas securod heroby ahalt not extend or postpone the Quo date of the �'�: :
<br /> i
<br /> InatnRment paymento ae proWded M snid promisaory noU or ehange M� emount of sueh fistellmenta The entedng upon nnd �, .�y_;
<br /> tak(np poaaesaton o1 the Property,the calbelion ot eueh rente,is,suea and profit+.nnd the appfrcaUon theroof es aforssetd,ehnfl not
<br /> ' ' wahrs or eure eny dsfauR or noUes of defauR herounder or invalidet�arry aet Qc:+s purauant to such noUce.Tnssior aL�o neatgna to � , �^'��r
<br /> � � i Bensfieltuy. as 4�►lhet aewrity 1or ths per(ormana oi ths obfigaHona searsd hareby,all prepald renta and a'1 monles v+fileh may � �+i°•�;�
<br /> hevs been or mny hero+�Rer bs deposfted with sald Trustor by eny leaaee of the Prop�rty.to sewro the peyment of a�ryr rent ot � -�,,,�.:�
<br /> . � damage�,or upon defauR in th�pertormanes of any of th�provlshns henof,Tnrs2or eqrees to del'rtnr sueh nnts and dsposits to „ .
<br /> Boneftdary. Delivery of written noUce ot BeneFziary'n exereise of the►ight�gttsnted heceln,to any tsnant ooeupying oald promtsse �_
<br /> - , ;;,a;;o'a�K to r�:::.�:.s+�'-^!^-�!^^"Y'mnt to ths Benefieinry unUl turther noUes. ,__ _
<br /> �_ _ ; .,_�.. -
<br /> �� i 2. CONDEMNATIOiV.If titte to arry part o1 the Property shn11 b�tak�n fn condemnaUon proceedings,by right o!eminent domaln .
<br /> . � or eimiler nctton,or sha11 be eald unQer threat of condemnatlon,aIl awarde,dnmapo9 esnd proeoad9 mo Aoreby c+satgnad and ahell 6e ' ,
<br /> • . pald to Benefidary who ehnll appy such ewarde,damages and prooeeda to th�sum eacurod by thia Deed of Ttust with th��ceae. L
<br /> . . if eu�y,peid to Truator.t}Truator roeeivea nny noUee or other informatton rogardinA such aedon�or proeeedinga,Trustor ehall give
<br /> • prompt written notiee thereo!to Benaflclary.Eeneflelnryt shall Ee entitled,at its optlon.W commsnes.eppenr in end prosecute in IW •
<br /> own ntuns nny sueh aeiion o�proceedmga and ahall bo entillod to mak�any compromis9 or aottlement in connection with any aueh �. �
<br /> action or proeeedinge. . .,
<br /> 3. FUTURE ADVANCES.Upon request of Trustor,8enefieiaryr at Benefielery's optlon,prlot to reconveyenee o1 the Property to � _ •
<br /> Tructor,may meke future ndvaneea to Trustor.Sueh tutun advancea,with Interest theroon,shalt be aecured by this Trust Deed 4�.
<br /> � when evldeneed by promissory notsa etatlng that enid notea ars aeeured hereby,provlded that at no time ehn0 the seeured pdnclpal, i
<br /> � tuture edvanee�,not including auma advaneed to proted the aecurily,exceed Two HunGred peroent(20096)of tfie orlginal pdnalpal �
<br /> ` amounteseeurod heroby. �
<br /> ' 4. REMEDIES NOT D(CWSIVE.Trustes and Bsnefrclary, nnd ench oT them, shall b�sntiUed to entoree pnyment end � .
<br /> � �i peAormanos of nny Inde�teQness or oblignUons eecured h�roby and to axsrelse M rtghts and powen undsr thla Deed ot Truat or . _
<br /> � under any other agreement exeeuted in connectton herewith or any Inwe now or hereatter In fores,notwithstending aoms or all of the F .
<br /> , oueh indebtednesa end obligations escured hereby may rtow or hereafter 6�oth�rvvia�seeurod,whether by mortgege,ds�d of trust �
<br /> � plodge,fien.assignment or othervvise.Neither the axeptencs o}ihie Oeed of Trust nor ite onforcoment whether by eourt aetion or �
<br /> pursuant to ffio power of salo or othor pov�ore herain conteined,shnU preJudiee or in nny mtufner aHeet Tructee'a or Benefidarya
<br /> � � right to reaJ¢e upon or enforee any other security now or horonfter held by Trustoe or Beneflaary,it being ngreod that Trusteo and
<br /> � Beneficinry. end each of thom.ehall bo ontitlfld to onforeo this Dood ot Trust ond any othor eocurity now or hereeftor held by ,
<br /> Benefielnry or Trustee in auch ordor end manner es they or orthor o!them may in thelr absotuto discretion determino.No romody
<br /> ' hereln eonferred upon or roserved to 7rustee or Benefielnry is intendod to be oxefusivo 01 eny other remody hereln or by Inw , . `
<br /> , provlded ot permitted,but eaeh shall be eumulatnre and ahap bs ln adddion to every other rsmedy givan hereundor or now or t _
<br /> heraatler exlsting at Iaw or in equity or by atatute.Every povrar or remedy provlded hereunder thts Deed ot Trust to Trusteo or
<br /> Beneficmry or lo whieh either o}them may ba othervviso ontitled,may be oxerdsad,eoncurronUy or independently,from timo to time -
<br /> and es of[en ns may ba deemed expedient by Trustee or Bsnefianry and edher ot thom may pursuo incanaistent remedies.Nothmg
<br /> herein ehatl be consWed ns probibihng Bonofieinry from seoking a defiaen�y judgment ageinst the Trustor to the extent such aetion
<br /> g psrmRted 4y I�w -
<br /> oo�s�s.o�
<br /> C07071 Ndraaka � .
<br /> - , . ' .. "',� ' . . :- � , ' i - , � � - ' j. ��`f' .. T- � . .. . • �_�.
<br />.. •' Y. , ; .� . _ ' - . . � �y� .. '.i• • . � . . . _ ' •� ' ' ; .- . . . :i�� , . ' . . .
<br />- n - _.. .. . _ _ . .. .. . . .. . . . . . � . . . . _ - ._ . � . . . . .. - . _
<br />