c .0 , , ' .. �_ ��_...�._�.,v..-. ..---�.��.�_�"�= _�.—,_.�.�._-...�,_.—"---" .- � ..�'�_— - e �" . o- . F 4� ..
<br /> . 1 L. s � )t�..
<br /> � _ _ _
<br /> �� , . . 22. Re�onvsyance. Upo� paymeM of all sams secured by this Sewrtty Instrument, Lendet shall request Trustes to
<br /> reconvey the Proaerry and shall surtender this Securiry Instrumert and ail notes evldencir►g debt secured by tMs Secwity � , _ . •
<br /> r,� Instrumen2 to Trustee. Trustee shall reconveyr the Property wiihout warranty and witi�oui ch�rge to the person or persons legally� t . , ` _
<br /> • et�iL'ed to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordatlon costs- y � , �
<br />. .� 23. Substitute Trustee. Lende�. at its aption.may irom time tn tlme remove Trustee and appotnt a sucxessor trustee 1 . • • � � <. _
<br /> to any Trustee appoirrted hereunder by art InsVUment recorded in the county in which this Sewriry Instrument (s recorded. �
<br /> Without convayance o} the Property,the successor trustee shall succeed to aU the titta. power and duties conterted upon O � . • -
<br /> Ttustee herein and by appGcabte law. .
<br /> ' 24. Request far Noiice�. Borrower requests that copies of the notices ot defautt and sale be sent to 8orrower's � � ° , --
<br /> address which is the Property Address. � ' ' � ' � �
<br /> . :`
<br /> - 25. ElldBrS t0 t111s $OCtl�ity Itf9t►umetlt. It one or more riders are executed by Bortower and reeorded together � . , •
<br /> wRh thts Security lnsUUment, the covenants and agreements of eaci� such rider shali be Incorporated hsto as�d shaA amend and ---_.- -_-_ -_._ -
<br /> ,'� supplament the covenants end agreements of this Security fnstrument as H the rider(s)were a part of this Security Inswment . .
<br /> � . . � ,..z. . -.
<br /> -t-� . _. :t,i',
<br /> • ; . • .�.:��=
<br /> � - • .
<br /> ` i �cne�x�pn��e boX�e.» � �:. ;�;,-`�� .
<br /> �° ❑Adjustabte Rate Rider ❑Condomtnium Rider ❑1-4 Famity Rider , : ':�'�'�
<br /> - '• ❑Graduated Payment Rider ❑Planned Unit Devetopment Rider ❑Bi Yl'eekly Payment Rider , �. ` ^*�-�
<br /> �_:::_�.�_
<br /> ❑Balloon Rtder ❑Rate Improvement Rider ❑Second Home Rider ;
<br /> . . ❑Other(s) Spedty ��
<br /> , � _;��;.t - - ==-
<br /> '• BY SI�NINCi BELOW.Borrowsr accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained In this Securiry Instrument and in �
<br /> _' �; any r(der(s)ececuted by Borrower and recorded with it. �'�'"p��
<br /> .t -_'�-1==,�-_
<br /> . �G;.--�_.
<br />.. . � �� �`� '
<br />.. y � � i�. '`_; .
<br /> -:.�� �SeaQ "".�.,'*� • �.:."'
<br /> ; Bortower a�R�WB�Richard L 8eckstrom ""'-°� ���"" `�"`��
<br />.. • .. T�.�,.r.
<br />' . ` ' ,�•:
<br /> �` (seaQ � : ��n _ -
<br />+ . ; .
<br /> Borrower 0ortower Carrie I. 8C 01q '{-�. *'�a%�• '7�'
<br /> _ ;i�;
<br /> . t-,->. - _j.��,�� .
<br /> , ---z...z^. ]
<br /> /a•v r.. � �IE�
<br /> �
<br />' �•
<br /> -_ STATE OF N�braske ' :. � �:
<br /> •; �ss: . . : �_.
<br /> ; COUMY OF Hall v ,�'-t1"`-
<br /> ��.
<br /> � On thts 18th day of Ma�Ch . 1997 . beMre me,the understgned,a Notary PubUc duly
<br /> � �h'��_� '".F}--��•
<br /> °' commissfoned and qualitied tor sald county.pe�sona�ry came Rich�►d L Beckstram and Carrle !. Beckstrom . _
<br /> r
<br />' �tusband and Wite As Jaint Tenants - • � � �=�-'=�=�
<br /> ' �. to ma Smown to be the IdenUcal person(s)whose name(s) are subscribed to tfio foregoing insbvmec►t end acbmowiedged the � __� �,
<br /> � exet�rUon thereo!to be titeM voluntery act and deed. �.�==Q
<br /> �, ��:�—'^��- =--_.
<br /> - ,...1�' L'•i��i-f hai'tC'.ati3 t0at0.�'°.M.,� ffi R!wq�l lelnnd �n aairi rnunty,the date ato�eseld. �� __ ---
<br /> ' ••.�.+_�awpw..-. . � -
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<br /> . Mty Commtsslon ire C�E�LHOTAAY.4T�b01f�Lttltt -�,,,�_�=__-.,�-'
<br /> KELLY l�ENCK Nomry Puonc -��"
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