. . . . .. � . . . . , ... _ . . ` . ., ' � . ...F-
<br /> -- • " - � ' . . . . , , , . � . . . . � ,, _,...�.,, � c .
<br /> - , -'-"- '_.-'. . . - �. .. . �.7- .-
<br /> 1 -
<br /> ' � . . -'�i..
<br /> j , • 17. �eans4er of the Proper4y or a Be�eficiaf Interest in Bor:ower. it an or any part of the Property or � � � � _� .
<br /> � ; any interest in d is soid or transferred (or A e benefival mterest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Bortower is not a�atural � • -
<br /> � � person) without Lender's pnor written consent. Lender may.et ds option requue unmediate payment m fuil ot aU sums secured by �- , , .' ,
<br /> this Securily Instrument. Howevet.this option shell not be exerpsed by Lender A exercise is profiibded by federa�taw as of the �
<br /> • date of this Security Ins2rument � • . • •� n
<br /> • � If Lender exercises this opUon. Lender shall grve 8ortower notice of acceleration. The notice shnil provide a penod of not(� ' •
<br /> less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or maiied wdhm which Bortower must pay eU sums secured by th�s�
<br /> Securily Instrument. If Borrower tails to pey these sums prior to the expiraUon of this period. Lender may invoke any remedies ' . �• " `
<br /> � permitted by this Secu►fty Instrument without further nonce or demand en Borrowec � . -
<br /> ' 18. Borrower's Righ4 4o R�iostate. if Bonower meets certain condNoos. Borcower shad have the dght to have �ppp��� ; � •-
<br /> erlfOrcement of this Security fnstrument discontinued at any time prior to the eadier of: (a) 5 days {or such othet penod as � ; �
<br /> applicable law may specity for refnstatementS before sate of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contamed m th�s Securiry I . � • • -.
<br /> _. � Instrumerst: ar (b)entry of a judgment enfwcing this Sscu�ty InsWmeat.Those conditions aze that Bortower (a) pays Lender all � � � -- - __• :1:,-�
<br /> sums which then would be due under this Seariiy Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurted; (b) cures any ,
<br /> de(autc of any othe►covenarrt or agreements: (c) pays alt expenses incurred in enforang this Security instrument. mciuding. but � _ . . _
<br /> i not limded to, reasonabte attomeys'fees: and (�takes such action as Lender may reasonabty require to assure that the lien of _
<br /> ,{ this Sewmy Instrumen� Lendeis rights•in the Property and 8orrow2rs ebligation to pay the sums secured by this Security , - � ; -
<br /> j Instrument shail continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Securiry Inshument and tha obiigations secured
<br /> hereby shall remain tulty efteCtive as rf no acceteration had occurted. However,this dght to reinstate shall not aQpy in the case
<br /> of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> � 19. S818 Of Note; ChBngs of Loan Servicer. The Note or a a parual interest in the Note (together with this � ,.
<br /> � Security Instrument)may be sold one or more times without pdor notice to 8orrower.A sale may resuft fi a change in the entiry � � •
<br /> (known as the'Loan Servicer') that coUacts monthty payments due under the Note and this Security InsVument There also may , �=-�
<br /> be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrefated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer. . �±_�Y���
<br /> Borrower will be given wrftten noUce of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The noUce will °
<br /> � state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments shouid be made. The notice w+ll also � y ��
<br /> . conta3n any other infortnaUon required by applicabie Saw- � '�
<br /> a0. Harapdous Substances. Bortower shell not cause or permit the presence,use, disposai, storage.or retease of : �.�
<br /> � any Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shail not do, nor altow anyone else to do, anything aftecting the - � -
<br /> ��` Properly that is in violaUon of any Envlronmentel Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presencR, use, or __�:.��`-
<br /> storage on the Propetry of smail quantlties of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to nortnal ' `�
<br /> residential uses and to maintenance of the Aroperty. '•'���j
<br /> '" •� Borrower shail promptiy give Lender written notice of any investigaUon. claim, demand, Iawsuit or other actien by any , ��
<br /> �} govemmentat or regulatory agency or private party invotving the Praperly and any Hamrdous Substanco or Environmental Law ot -y�,''�'--°—
<br /> whlch Borrower has actual knowtedge. If Borrower Ieams, or is notifled by any govemmental or regutatary authoriry, that any ' _ �
<br /> . l, removal or other reme�ation of any Hazardous Substance aftacUng Rroperly is necessery. Bortower shall promptly take all ' �' .`ii
<br /> �. � nec�ssary remedial actions in accordence with Environmental Law. ��, , -
<br /> � � As used in this paragraph 20,'Hazardous 3ubstances' are those substances defined as toxtc or harerdous substances by :.,.::� .
<br /> Envlronmzntal Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxlc petroleum products, tox� '� F �i .�.,:
<br /> pesticiCZS and herbicldes,volatile soMe�ts.matedals containing asbestos or formaldehyde,end rad�oacUve materials. As used in ,, � ���( �;••�`
<br /> paragraph 20, 'Envlronmental Lsw' means tederal laws and laws of the jurisdicUon where the Prop2riy is located that relate to . '
<br /> . '• heatth, safety or eovlronmental protectfon. "''� `:� ������ �
<br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COVENRNTS.Borrower and Lender turther cove�ant and agree as toflows: �• 1+ .• �
<br /> �' 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shalt iv� nottce 4o Borra�or rtor to acceleration • '•��' � u-���•
<br /> . g P 5►,.k.:,. .�i.
<br /> �' following Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreement In thls Sec�i3ty Instrument (but not � � �__f
<br /> ` prlor to accele►ation under paragraph 17 unless applfcable taw provides otherwise). Th� nottce ��•�-
<br /> shall specify: (a) the default; (b) the aMion requlred to cure ttna deiaul� (c) a date, rtot less than +• �7���
<br /> �.s.. �" _
<br /> `. 30 days from the da4e the nottce is given to Borrawer, by which the default must be cured; and • : �.�.:;.
<br /> , (d) that failure to cure the �ef�ult on or before the date specifted in the natice may resuft i� .�
<br /> acceleratlon of the sums secured by this 5ecurlty Instrument and sale of the Property.The notiae �,y. :,�.��.�
<br /> $hall iurther irNorm Borrower of the right to reinstate after acceleration and the rlght to brtng � _—
<br /> � court action to assert the non-exister�e of a default or any other defense of Borrower to ° ��t�
<br /> acce�e►ation and sale. ff the default is noi cured on or betore the date specNled En the noiice, :; ���;'"'-T"'
<br /> ,.. �,.r--:;..
<br /> Lender at its option may re�z�ire immediaRe payment In 4u11 oi a!1 sums secured �y thls Securlty ' ' , ,,��r'-
<br /> _- 0� �a J L.i .!_���J J t J aL J�__ - _ .
<br />.-- n�auii�Tiona ii�iiivaa w�aila�i �rvr+�a��u u�u iiia�/ {iiiit7Si8 �`i8 �'i8W3i fi� 8&�n &du b�� Gutt7i ivtit8urea .,--t.-`...
<br /> permitte� by applicable Iaw. Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses tncunetD ln purautng • ���:�
<br /> t.:.
<br /> . tho remedlea pPCVided ln thts paragraph Zi, Inctuding, but not limtted to, reasona'�Se attorneys' ' . ;�;A; �-.:
<br /> fees and costa af titfe evidence. �
<br /> �,,��v�-
<br /> . If the power of sale ts Invoked, Trustee sh�ti vecord a notice of dafault In each county in • � � ��•
<br /> whlch any part of the Property ts located and sP�a7! mail coptea of s�ach notice in the manner . . � .
<br /> prescribed by applicable Iaw to Bonower and to the other persans prescrlbed by appllcalble law. . �. . _
<br /> After the tlme requlred by appUcable law. Trustee shall give public notice of sale to the persona '' �
<br /> and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Tr�stee. wtthout demand on Borrower,shall sell �. • �
<br /> � the Property at publtc auctlon to the hlghest bidder at the tlme a�d place and under the terma ' � � �
<br /> deslgnated in the notice of saie In one or more parcels and in any order T►ustee determinea � r�'��
<br /> Trustee may postpone sale ot all or any parce! of the Property by publlc announcemen4 at the � -
<br /> time and place of any prevfousty scheafuted sale. Londer or Its deslgnee may purchase the • . ' -
<br /> Property at any sale. ' =
<br /> : � Upon receipt of payment of the prlce bid. Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's �,,�_
<br /> deed conveying the Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prtma facie evidence of
<br /> . the truth of the statements made therein. 1'rustee shall apply tha proceeds of the sale in the � '
<br /> ! fotlowing order. (a) to alI costs and expenses af exercising the paviar of sale, and the sale, .
<br /> ; Including the paymen4 of the T�ustee's fees actually incurred. roo!to exceed three � ,. ��°�
<br /> 3'0 of the principal amouret of the � • �`'
<br /> � note at the tlme ot the declaration ot default, and reasonablo attorney's tees as permitted by law; � !
<br /> � ' (b) to all sums secu�ed by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excesss to the person or persona � �� � ��
<br /> � legally entitled to i� � . �
<br /> i �
<br /> � . .
<br /> ` ci�tRlMr,�tNn v:v. a .•. . � �-._
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