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. ' i.. • ' • ,iG, ( .:<. •.. ` .. . _ ' . -.•' � : .� . . ' ' . �` � g . : F . , • . .'�r� �:c. t - <br /> ' . � ' . �' . . . . . _ . . . . . . ., - . . . . `t <br /> . , -.- _ <br />. . . . • � ' . . ' . . _ ' . <br /> . � - . , <br />. .,- . .. '' - �._ �. . _ __; .—_ _- .__.. _ _-_ . _ . __' ; ' . _. . _ _�� '_ _ '. ._ �_' '�; ,F .� . . . � ..... '_ '.� �-. -_ <br /> . , .....�..L. .�_.�.. ` ... ...-_"'_....,..._"'_ _ _. "---..� ..._.,. ___'__'.-`.s. ' ._..,. _ _ '_"__" '" ':. _..��' _..�a_'"_.ti__._. �� . Sc :�`.,t �.- <br /> .... � . . . '. �",'',. - -. <br /> ' , . • is <br /> ' 7. Rrobctlon of L�ndds 8ocuiiry. If Borrower faifs ta perform the covenants and agreemsrsts contained in thia Deed of Trust,or if . : �: <br /> cu . <br /> any actlon or proceeding is commonccd v�hiCh matarie!ly atfoCts LnndoYs intereat in the Property,thsn i.ender,at Lender's op4ton,upon noUco ��_`� <br /> ' to Borrower,may maka such Eppearancea,disburse auch eums.irtcluding reasonabie attomeys'tess,and take such action as is nec9ssary to <br /> . C..�" <br /> ' protect LendeYs interest If Lender requlred martgage insurance as a conditton of making tfie loan secured by this Deed of Trust.Bortower shall �,,�=a- <br /> ' pay tha premiums required to maf�ein such insurance i�eifect until such time as tfie requirement 1`or such insurance terminates in accordance� •� , „ , <br /> � wtth Borrowera and Lender's written agreement or appUceble law. ' � � `` � :� � <br /> i Qny amounts disbureed by E.ender pursuarrt to this paragreph 7, with interest thereon, at the Note rate, shall 6ecome additional � . . ,_ ,.�'; <br /> .,;;:;�� <br /> indabtedness of Bortower seeured by tfiis Oeed of Truat. Untesa Bonowsr and Lender agree to other terms of paymerrt,such amounts shell be s:_��� <br />_j payabts upon notiee from Lenda�to Borrower requestir�g payment ffiereof. Nothing coMe�inad in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur� i _ .` <br /> � eny expense or teke any action hereundar. � <br /> � 9. (nsp�ctloa. Lender may make or ca�e to be made reasonable enVtes upon and inspections of the P►operty,provided that Lender� r� <br /> � shaU give Borrower rtatice prior w any such inspactio�specityfng reasonable cause therefor reiated to Lender's enterest in the Property. � � � -,-�_�. <br /> '_.z�r.�--_---.0 <br /> � .t..,.�,.___ <br /> • S. Cond�mnallon. The proceeds of any oward or ctafm fat damages,direet or eonsequer►tial,in connection with any eondemnation or� _ _ ._r:�_:-� <br /> ° other taking of tiie Pro� part thar".af,or for conleyance in lieu of condemnation,are here4y assigned a�d shall be paid to Lender,subjac� _ ._ -,_ �_^ <br /> to the terma of eny mortgage,dee d o f trust or o ther secu r i ry a g r o e m e n t w i t h e t i a n w h i c h h a s a prio r i t y over this Oeed of Trust. �._����":F•-; <br /> " 10. Sonawar Ho4 Rolsaaed;Forbearanco BY Lender Not a Waiv�r. Extension of the time for payment ar modification of amorvzation - - �• � <br /> of the sums sacured by thi3 Oeed of Trust grentad by Lender to any succossoT in interest of Borrotivar shaU not oparate to reiease,in any -� <br /> manner,the liablity of the odginal 8orrowe► and BorrowePs successora in interest. Lender shaU not he required to cammence proceedings <br /> against such successor or retuso to extend time for payment o�othervvise mod'rfy amortizatian of the sums secured by this Daed of Trust by . ,..;� '','.s'.; <br /> .' reason of any demand made Ey the ortginai Bortower and Bortowera successora in interest Any forbearance by Lsnder in exercising any right - <br /> �•_ . <br /> or remsdy hereunder,or otharvvise afforded by aQpiicabie Iaw,shall not be a waiver ot ar preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. . ' ,-, <br /> • 11. Succaaaars and Aeatyns Bound;Jaint Nd Sovaral LIab�Ity;Co-S1�9Ta. The covenartta and agree:nents herein contained shall ' "�.:�..o�.: <br /> � bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to,the respective successars and assigns ot Lendar and Borrowe:, subject to the provfsions oi :'.: - __. <br /> � paregreph 16 hereof. All eovena�and apreemertts of Borrower shail he joint and several. Any Bottawer who co-signs this Daed of Tnist,but <br /> � does not execute the Note,lal ia co-signing thi�Oeed of T�ust onty to Qrart nnd eonvey that Bonower's irrterest in the Property ia Trustee under ;I_ ��=.�- _ <br /> :� Uie terms o f t h is Oee d o f Tru s t,(b)i s n o t p e r s o n al i y Ii able on the Note or under this Deed of Trust,and(c) agrees that Lendar and any other - _ <br /> U �;�, <br /> ,•� BoROwer hereunder may agree w exter�d,modify,forbear,or make any other accommodaUore with regard to the tertns of this Deed of Trust or ( __� -- <br /> the Note,without that Borcowera cor►serrt and without releasing that bonnvrar or modifying tfiis Deed of Trust as to that Borrower's interest in �.,,,. :: <br /> , j the P►operty ''�9' • . .a , <br /> �,� 12. 14toUc�. Except for any notice reqWred under appiicable law to be givan in another manner,la)any noUce to Borro�nrer provfded for ._: <br /> oUe <br /> in thie Oeed of Truat sheil be givan by Ealivering it or by maiiing euch notice by cerdfied mail addressed to Bonower et the Property Address or � - � <br /> at such other addresa as Boaowar may deaignate by nottce to Ler+dsr es provided herein,and(b)any notice to Lender sfiall be glven by certified :� <br /> .:�� maii to Lenders addresa stated hereSn or to such other eQdress as Lender may designate by nouce to Bortower ea provided herein. Any noUce _ . -_ <br /> ptovided for in thfa Dead o!Tnist sha11 bs deemed to hava heeo given to Bortowar or Lender when given in the manner designated herein. _�:• <br /> ..:,� -.T <br /> 13. Qov�mtnp Law: S�wrabUity. The state and local laws appRCabte to this Deed of 7rust sfiaU 0a tha Iawa of the jurisdiction in � ' � �" <br /> whicfi tha property is located. TFs foregoing seMence shaii not limft the applicability of federa!Iaw to this Qeed of Trust. In the evertt that any o-: '.'�'"= <br /> provision or ciause of thia Oeed of Trust or the Note can t iiCts w i t h appii cable law,such conflict ahall not affect other provisions of thie Deed of .� <br /> Trwt or the Nate which can be g(ven effect without the confllcUng provisicn,and to this end the provisions of this Oeod o}Trust and the Note ;�� <br />_ are deciared to be severable. As used herein, 'costa,' 'expenses' and 'attomeys' teea' inciude ali sums to the extent not profiibited by '� �: ',L: <br /> applicabte law or limited herein. <br /> !Y <br /> 14. Bortowds Copy. Borrower ahail be fumishod a conformed copy of the Note and thts Oeed of Trust at the dme of executlon or - - <br /> after recordation hareof. ' <br /> ^�� •� � �������_ <br /> 16. R�h�biGptlon Loan Agr��m�nt. Borrower shall fulfill alt of BortowePa obligations under any home rehabifitation,(mprovement, �. �` � <br /> •�� repair,or other loan agreement whi�ch Borrowor entere into with Lendar. Lender, at Lendet's opUon, may require Borrower to execute and f <br /> .-�'"�.�-_, <br /> detiver to Lender,tn a form eccepubte to lender,as assignment of any BgMs,ciaims or defenses wfiich Bonower may have against partiea who '�:~-.``-�� <br /> supply labor,matedata or aervicea In connection witb Improvemonts made to tho property. _�_ <br /> �-�._- <br /> 18. TransT�r oi th�Prop�rty ar s B�n�fielal Int�nst tn Borrower. tf all or any part of the Property or aoy interest in it ia sotd or �.,r•.=��*_ <br /> tranaferred tor if e benaflcial tnterest in Borrower ia soid ar uansterred end Borrower is not a natural persont wtthoat Lendefa prtor wrttten ^ '� � . � <br /> consent,Lender may,at its opUon,requlre immediate paymeent tn full of all suma aecuted by this Deed of Ttust. However,this opUon shall not �__:-:�`:�_n� <br /> be exerci�ed by lender(f exercise ia prohibtted by federal lsw a�of the date of this Deed oi Tros� �' _�.,,,�.�_�:_-=.: <br /> If Londer exercfaea thie opUon,Lendor shall give BoROwer noUce of acceteraUon. The notice ehall provlde a period of not fesa than 30 <br />� •�. days from the date tho no4ice l9 dolivered or maitod within which Borrower must paY all suma secureA by this Deed of T�ust. If 8orrower fails to � _ --.� - <br /> pey these suma pdor to the explraUon of this poriod,Lender may invoke any remedie9 parmitted by thia Oead of Trust without turthar notiee or ��'��;,:;,_ <br /> ����-"_ <br /> domand on Borrower. .7 __ � <br /> ,.� rv --.....- <br /> O�, <br />' .=�1��+w�±'. <br /> `s�M✓r-'s.*x• '� .. <br /> � <br /> .���.w-�-,-a�.��-P..:�-�,.,. <br /> "'�;i'Pl18ir�4'a" -. <br /> '.�t::�'}.-. . . . <br /> App N SAMBOY-97-03507 •--.--,�.r,- • • � <br /> - ,__�..: <br /> .:. - - <br /> _ . ..{.,-��,.:�`T' <br /> p �flIt18�S• '"•=t,.""�P7.!u.;=i`�- <br /> • Initiels: �,f,T• Initiefs: } �� ' Ini3ials: . W_,����M:. ..z <br /> NEBRASKA-Second Martgape-tl80-FNMAIFHLMC UNIFORM INSTRUMENT-Form 3828 (Page 3 of 6) � <br /> • ManagametK Syotems Oevetopment,Inc.(800)9846060 Title-One Energiznrl+� NNE_DEED Copyright fc1 1994 . � . . , _ <br /> . .. <br /> . _ . - . � ._ � .� ... , . • <�, . . � � .. <br /> .. . . . . . . . . . . • : • �. . • � • ' � . <br /> � , • . • .. . . • ' � ' k <br /> . . . , . . . . _ � . ... , .� <br /> � _ . . - - . � . . � � . . . • . . ,� ' . . • � ,;. • � � . . � � - - -� . j.: <br /> . .. <br /> .. . . _ . .. . _ _... . - . '-- . . . <br /> . • _____»,.,...,.,._. � �.._.._..�AY....�.-s_—,.. _ ._--`__....-'-." . .. <br /> ...- . — - +�_�._..._.- . � .- -r _ ' . . . . • -.' . , � " . ,. . .. . .. - :� .. • . <br />. . t. .. ' _ � . .. . .� ... � � , . ., ' • �- - .. _ . . . " .• '„ . . .. . � . . • . . _ _ , ' .. , <br />