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<br /> . March 19.'1997 � ` • .• � -
<br /> TO SECURE to Lender the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by BorrowePa note dated Wnh interest thereon, providing for � .�
<br /> and extensions end renewals thsreof lherein'Note'1. in tha principal sum of U.S. 932.000.00 I ,
<br /> monthN inataltmenta o f princip e l a n d i m e ree o ei othar sums,with irttebest�ereo�n�d�anCe d pn'ac c o r d a n ep h e r e w i t h t o protect the security k , •� � _
<br /> Mareh 29.2017 : �e��^ t� � �,
<br /> of this Deed of Trust; and the pe�farmance of the aovanants and agreemants of Borrower herein contair.ed.
<br /> �
<br /> Bortower covenants that Borrov�er is lawfulty seised of tfie estate hereby�o f 8yaaien ghanted by orrower to Conuacto�a d heroby� • �
<br /> � and that the Property is unencumbared except for encumbrances of record except P
<br /> a
<br /> _�y assigned by Conttactor to lendar. Bottower covenants that Borrower warcants and wilt defend gsnerally the tiUe to the Property against all
<br /> ` .� ctaims and demands,subject tc an*.umbrances of record. __
<br /> � � —. .�- . _- ,- -� ; - :'
<br /> UNIFOAM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agres as to��nws. ,
<br /> � 1. Paymtrtt of Pdndpal and InteTSS�- Bonovsrer shall promptty pay when due the pri�cipal and iMerest indebtedness evidenced by the� • . , . v
<br /> �"1 • •�
<br /> .� . '• ..-�-,_
<br /> � Nots and tate charges es provided in the Note. -__,_
<br /> �:
<br /> 2. Funds for Taxe�end tnsureace• Suhject to applicable law or e a.rritten waiver by Lender,Botrower shall pay to Lendat on the day.j� _— _ `';.f`.,��r f``-
<br /> maMhly peVmems of Pnncipal and��nc udin conQom n um and pla n d unit deve opmentdassassments if any)which may au����P���°��� < ,. _ _
<br /> of the yearlY taxes and assessmeMs l 9 lus one-twelfth of yearly Premium instalt:ne�ta for huard insurance, ptus . .
<br /> this Deed of Trust. and grour�d ronts on the PropercY. "rf any, p �m�ed initi&Iiy and irom time to tfine by Lender • �;-�r��
<br /> � ona-tweifth ot yearty premium i�stal�ments for mortgage insuraace,if anY,ali as reasonabiy _ , ,�'_�
<br /> o�the baqis oi assegsmerrts and bil�s and reasonable sstimates thereof. Bonower shall not be obligated to make such payments of Funds to r •`�`:=F _`
<br /> Lender to the extent that Bonowet makes such payments to the holder of a prior mortgage or deed of trust if such holder is an institutiona: ' `, L`
<br /> . lendsr. �:�
<br /> lf 8orrower paya Funds to Lender,the Funds shall ba held in an insCtution t he deposits or accouMS of which are insured or guararteed • :
<br /> . i I the Funds to pay said taxes.assessments, � T .y ,
<br /> •
<br />, , by a tederal or stata agency fncluding Lender if Lsnder is such an iastituda�)• �-endei snal�ae�nds,ana►yzing said accouM or verifying and .��_��-
<br /> insurance premiums an d g round rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and e0D Y� 8
<br /> comPiiin9�d Lender may a9 ebo writing at the time of execution otethis Deed of Trustathat n te e lest o°ethe Funds shai be paid to Borro er. -•- _ -�-�r�
<br /> Bortowe
<br /> and unles9 such agreemeM is made or app��cable law requires such interest to be Daid,Lender ahall not be re4uired tn pay Borruwer any interest --_ �� ��-.
<br /> ar eamings on tfie wn for which achldehit to the Funds was ade.efThe Funds ere p edg d as add�naRS cuhrity fogthe s ms�ecured V��s , • . � '
<br /> ..'�.: Funds and the purpose '-,��
<br /> � Oeed of Trust. , ; '�'
<br /> �}�8 amount of the Funds hald by the Lender,togethar with the future monthty instaltmenta of Funds payable prior to the duo dates of
<br /> - ��, aysessmenq, insurance premiums an suchuaxcess shall be, at Borcowers ouptian 9e'��the propmpttyarepa�to Bottower o�r creditred o • +. �,r'•' � �
<br /> pramiums and ground rents as thsV fall dus, �;� . ,��,?�; `'�
<br /> Borrower on monthly irtsta��merrta of Funds. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender shall not be sufficient to DaY taxe�•essessm8�' • �?.L 1 ' c,:
<br /> insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due,Bortower shalt pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the de�efency in one or
<br /> more paymems as Lender may require. retund to Bortower any Funds held by Lender. -"r-�: _ �!• � '
<br /> ' Upon payment in full of aIl sums secured by thia Deed of Trust.Lender shall prompUy :'•i4:::: .,! ':
<br /> � �_:.r_,:._:
<br /> . r,-�, .
<br /> If under paragraPh 17 hereof the ProPertY is sold or th�nProperty��ndseheld by Lender at he Ume of applicaUon Des a c ed t gelnst the sums , , 's�: �.'`
<br /> prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by ;� �� i;
<br /> secured by thls Deod of Trust. '+���^'
<br /> 3. AppUcatlon of PaymsnU. Unless app��cable Iaw p�ovides otherwisa, all payments received by Le�der under the Note and _,�. � � i* .
<br /> � ' p a r a g r a p h s 1 and 2 hereof shatl be applled by Leoder1fia,of�e Not t of amounts payable to Lsnder by Borrower undet peregmph 2 hereof,then � '`•�••�;�i�`, �i���
<br /> to interest payable on the Note,and ttian to the pdnc p � ,� ___
<br /> 4. Pr1or Mortp�p�s and Duds of Tpust:Charflea%Uerts. Bonower shall Derform all of Borrowers obligations under any mortgage. --:,�" t:; S�
<br /> �6.,,>�r�_._
<br /> � payme^ts when due.e Bortower shall pay or cause to be patd allhtaxes,assessYments�and o r che gesnfines and imposfttons attributable t the ���=- -� � `
<br /> o e whlch may attain a priority over this Deed of Truat,a�d Ieasehold payments or ground rente,if eny. ���''�
<br /> � Pr P rtY �_'�' '
<br /> 6. Huard Ins�nco. Bonower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected an the Piroperty Insurad egainst loss by
<br /> �i:---�'�'•-�`"'
<br /> flre,hazards included within the torm'extended covetage,'and such other hezards es lender may requtre and In such amounES tar suah petlods ' _ ,�'_ —
<br /> as Lende►may requtre. roval _. `r
<br /> The insurence certlar provlding t4�e insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to approval by Leader;provtded,that aueh epp � �_'
<br /> sta�ndard mortgage cteus'e In favor o f e n'd i i n arf o r m a c c�e p t b t e t o L e d e r9 L ender sihalt�have tha r ght to hopd the policeea and renewaflsnthereof, _
<br /> .. _ .: - .J, �`�.
<br /> eubject to the terms of any mortgage,deed of mast or other sscurity agreement with a lien which has Or io r ity ovor t h i s D e e d o f T r u s t. �. i
<br /> In ih0 even!of loss.Borrowar shall give prompt notice to the iosurance cartier end lendet. Lender may make proof of loss if not made �`��u��.
<br /> ' ; promptly by Bortower. " '
<br /> �.� If the Property is abanQoned by Bortower,or If Borrower fails to rospond to lender withln 30 days from the date no Uce i s mai te d b y Y a - �'.�_
<br /> , Lender to Barrower that the insurance canier oftera to sottte e ctaim tor insurance benefits, Lender is authorized w coltect and eppty the ' r �
<br /> insurance proceede at Lenders option elther to restoretion or repeir of the Property or to the sums secured by thts Oeed ot Trust. •y�:•=��.
<br /> . -.,� , :-,.:4-.
<br /> • g, Fnastvatlon �ad Ma!nt�»anes of Prop�rty; Leas�hold; Condomintuma: P�ann�d Unk Dovoloymnnttt• Borrowet shall keap the .�:'x -� ,_
<br /> . - prpperty i�good repair end ehall not commit waste or permit imDairment or deteriorAtion of the Property and shall comply with the provlsions of ;'jb��, �� —
<br /> �+�:,: d�'-'cyc a
<br /> any lease if thia Dead ot Trust Is on a leasehotd. If thls Oeed ot Trust is on a unit in a condomtnium or a planned unit Qevalopment.Borrower �� .
<br /> ehall perform all of Borrower's obligation9 under the docla►aUon or cove�ants creating or governing the condominium or plenned unit _�:y.,j,��_-_;��i= '
<br /> _. �„�_ --
<br /> ' developmant,the by-towe artd regulatlona ot the condominlum or Dlanned unit devetopmerrt,and constituent documente. .•�.,�-:y����Y-r'
<br /> �.
<br /> 'p APP+� SAMBOY-97-03507 .:.., ' . �-7 ••• -
<br /> . _,,,;•_;_
<br /> . • � . ,-:,_.. .
<br /> �. + � - �
<br /> Initiats: Initiats:
<br /> . �nttlals:� f.� InRials: �1 ' —
<br /> NEBRASKA-Second Mortpage-1/80-FNMA/fHLMC UNIFOAM INSTRUMENT-Porm 3828 (Page 2 of b1 � _--
<br /> ' CoAYright Ic)1994 '
<br /> Manegement Syatems Oevelapment,Inc. (800)984-8060 Title-One fne�ghe�!� �lNE DEED :• � _
<br /> .�l-..:
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