<br /> . 97o i�2t�9� . -T�
<br /> . : ::,. .. _ ,��:
<br /> principal amount of tha indebtednas5 sscured by this Deed of Trust,not inGuding sums advanced to protect the securiry of this Deed of • • , , � • -
<br /> g� p p 55.@00.00 ,whicheva�is greater. �` :�
<br />: Trust,exceed the ori 'nai rinci al amount stated harein,or$ � .• � -
<br /> � � 16.Miscollan$ous Provistcns. • .
<br /> � ' (a)Borrawer Nat Released.Extensian of the time for payment or modification of amortizz�tion of the sums secured by this � �
<br /> r
<br /> Dsed of TruSt granted by Lendar to any su�essor in interest of BorroNar shall not operate to release,in any manner,ffie liabili- ��
<br /> " ty of the original Borrower and BorrowePS successors in interest Lender shali not be required to commence proceedings � � �'
<br /> �s aga�nst such suxessor or refuse to extend time for payment or othenrrisa modity amortization of tt�e sums secured by this � '_ '�-
<br /> Deed ot Trust�y reason of any demands made by the original Borrower and Borrowers suocessors in interest. , °
<br /> ; (b)Lender's Rowe�s.Without aHecting the liabil'rty ot any other person Iiable 1or the payment of arry obligaIIon herein men- ` � , -`
<br /> tionad,and without aftecting the lien or charge of this DeBd of Trust upon any portion ot the PropeRy not then or theretofore � �� � • :
<br /> � released as security tor the full amount of all unpaid obligations,Lender may,from time to time and without notioe(�release � . . . - ' ' "
<br /> ' any person so tiabls,(ii)extend tha maturiry or 81ter any of the terms of any such o6ligatians,(ii�)grant other indulgences,(iv) , . � �;• '� --
<br /> . release o►convey,or cause to be released or reconveyed at any dme at LendePs option any parcel,portion or all of the � . �
<br /> = PmpaAy,(v)tatce or reteas�any other or additional securily or rewnveyed at any time at l.enders option any parcel,portion or � . �
<br /> all of the PropeRy,(v�)take or release any other or additional security for any obiigation herein mentioned,or(vi�make compo- ' • -
<br />- sitions of other arrangemenLs v�ith debtors in relatian thereto. - - �-- �- ,-
<br /> (c)Forbearance by Lender Hot a Watver.Any torbearance by L.ender in exercis9ng any nght or remedy hereunder,or oth- , --
<br /> erwise allorded by applicable taw,shall not be a+nrai+rer of ar preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.The procure- � • � ` • �
<br /> ment of insurance ar the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver or Lenders right to acceler- � • � � �- •• .
<br /> � ate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust �
<br /> - (d)Suxa�sors and Assl�ns Bounsl;Jafnt as�d Savem!Llabllity;CapUans.The covenants and agreements herein con- - = =- ----�-:--
<br /> tained shall bind,and the ri hts hereunder shall inure to,the ��--�'
<br /> g respective successors and assigns of Lender and Trustor.AU -�--
<br /> covenants and agteements of Trustor shall ba joini and several.The qpUOns and headings of the paragraphs ot this Deed of �'�''��-�'��-
<br /> . Trust are for convenience onty and are not to be used to interpret er define the provisions hereof. � . . `-� :x�-���"
<br /> • - (e)REGuest tor NoUces.The parCes hereby request that a copy of any notice of default hereunder and a copy of any r��ce • -==��=1��-� -
<br /> _ of sale h:reunder be mailed to each party to fhis Deed of Trus;ai 4fie address set faRh above in the manner prescribed by �•.�r�;-:�
<br /> appticabte law.Except for any other notioe required under applicable law to be givan in another manner,any notice provided for ' " "'"""s" "—.,-�
<br /> in this Deed of Trost shall be given by matling such notice by cerGfted mail addressed to the other par6es,at the address set 4 '
<br /> Pa� �.,
<br /> forih above.My notice provid�d for in this Deed of Trust shall be effecUve upon mailing in the manner designated herein.If ���. `
<br /> Tnistor is more than one person,notice seni to the address set torth above shall be notice to all such persons. � , _r.�'' �---
<br /> � (fl Inspectton.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property,provided '� '� _�.��" '-_,:
<br /> that Lender shaJl giva Trustor natice prior to any such inspeciion specityring reasonabla cause theretor reIaled to Lender's inter- � ' � � - , .:��i' �_
<br /> • est in the Ptoperty. �=•.:�....�.� �-
<br /> , . (g)Reconveyance.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Oeed of TrusY.Lender shall request Trustee W reoonvay the .• .'-� l�
<br /> Properly and shalt surrendar this Deed of 7rust and all notes evidencing indebtedness secured by thls Oesd of Trust to r'
<br /> Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Properry,without warranty and without char�e to the person Iegally entitled tt►ereto.Trustor � �`�
<br /> . shall pay all costs or recardaUon,if any. � ��.�.t i'.`.
<br /> (h) Personal Property; Security Agreement. As additiona!security for the payment of the Note.Trustor hereby grants . • '�`- ' ,_�-
<br /> Lender under the Nebraska UnHorm Commer�ial Code a securfty interest in elt fixtures,equipment,and other persona!property -. -�,•r , `..
<br /> used in connection with the real estate or improvements located thereon,and not otherwlse declared or deemed to be a part of ?
<br /> the real estate secured hereby.ThIs instroment shall be construed as a Security Agreement under said Code,and the Lender .� ,�,.� , i ��� .�
<br /> shall hava all 4he rights and remedies o}a secured party under said Code in addition to the rights and remedles under riiis � ' • .;.�_
<br /> paragraph shali ba cumutative with,and in no way a limitation on,Lenders rights and remedies under any other security agree- - �:; ` _
<br /> ment signed by Bortower or Trustor. � '�!1 ::` � _
<br /> (i�Uens and Encumbrances.7rustor hereby warrants and represents that there is no default under the provisions of any �?• �
<br /> moRgage,deed of trust,lease or purchase contract describing all or any part of the Property,or other contract,InstrumerYt or ;��� .�'
<br /> .��•; agreement constituting a lien or encumbrance against alI or any part of the Property(collectively,`Liens� existing as of the . ��E;:". �_
<br /> _ , d a t e o f t h l s D e e d o f T r u s t,a n d t h a t a n y a n d a t l a x l s t m g L l a n s r a m a l n u n m o d N i a c 1 e x c o p t a s d i s G o s e a t o L o n d a r 1 n T r u s t o r s w,i t- ' `� ��� �_ -
<br /> ten dlsclosure of lians and encumbrances provided for herein.Trustor sha11 timely perform all of Trustors obligatlons, � t'�' '�•
<br />� •. covenants,representations and wananUes undet any and alt exisUng and future Uens,sha11 promptfy torwaN to Lendor copies f ������.
<br /> �'% oi all notices of default sen2 in Connection with any and all exfsting or future Uens,and shalt not withoui Lender's pdor written ;
<br /> � � consent in arry manner modify the provlstons of or allow any future advances undar any existing or tuture liens. '�`---
<br /> ✓�._
<br /> � (j)Appllcatlons o!Payments.Unless otherwlse required by law,sums paid to Lender hereunder,induding without imita- ��,�; �
<br /> ' tion payments of principal and Interest,insurance proceeds,condemnaUon proceeds and rents and profits,shall be applied by �'�'•r�n �����'
<br /> L e n d e r t o t h e a m o u n t s d u e a n d o w i n g tr o m T�u s t o r a n d b o r ro w e r I n s u c h o r d e r a s L e n d e r i n i t s s o t e d i s c r e ti o n d e e m s d e s i r- ::,
<br /> � , al�te. - -- -
<br /> �:_�
<br />. �.�----
<br /> . .•-.-,.
<br /> (k)Severabttlty.If any provlsion of this Deed of Trust conflicts with applicabte law or is declared invalid or otherwise unen- ••.� •
<br /> - -
<br /> , ' forceable,such conflict or invatidity shatl not atfect the other provlsions o}thls Deed of Trust or the Note whlch can be given - • � -
<br /> . ,:. - '
<br /> .� effect wiMout the conflfctlng provision,and to this end the provlsions oi thls Deed oi Trust and the Note are declared to be sev- ,+ I ��
<br /> •� erable. ..-..�..��_. _ .
<br /> ,��_�_
<br /> '� p)Torma The terms'Tn,sto�'and"Bortowef shaN include both singular and plural,and when the Trustor and Borrcrwer are �,�,;,��, � !�.w�=--�:.-
<br /> `� the same person(s),those terms as used in this Deed of Trust shall be interchangeabte. �-��=- - ---_•°
<br /> (m)Ooveming Law.This Deed of Trust sAall be govemed by the laws a!the 3tate of Nabraska. �'""�"'"���.""�y"
<br /> ��. +11�.�_'.
<br /> _ ..4i�y��'.
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<br /> • Trustor has executed this Deed of Tnist as of the date written above. ,-
<br /> 'J �.
<br /> -�J ' -�- . �� � . �=
<br />� eroy ote , lfarried Pereon Trustor Trustor � . .�`
<br /> . . . . ��
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