, _ ___ _ __ � . - d 97_ ����9� � � �` ; =-�
<br /> � •?rocncds")In eannecUOn with oond8rnnation or other taking of t�he ros��ntits o ne name any a�ctionyor pracee�n9s a"d shall alsu . � • �; ' . :�!'�'
<br /> � Londor shall Do ontitlad at its opiton to oommence,apPear m an P , _
<br /> bo ontstfed to mako nny compronnlso ot se4Uomont in ConnecUen w+th such taking or dama�e.In thea"SUCh proe d�°after deducting • ' ,
<br /> so tnkon or d�mogo0, Lendor chall havo iho option m ita sole and absciute discretion,to ndebtedness secured hereby and in such , ; � � �x,�
<br /> tharotrom ctfl wata nnd oxponsoa incurrod by it In constieetion with such Proceeds.upon any u n such con- . °':L
<br /> ordor n9 londor muy datormino,or Eo np91y a��oucl�P�oceeds•after such deductions,to the restoration of the Praperty pc �� ; �J
<br /> 1 di�lons au Landor may dotormino.Any 4Qp!�catfon ot Pr�ceRds to Indebtednsss shall not extand or postpone the due date of ariy psy- , , : �
<br /> � . � .. �-_�
<br /> ments undDr tho Noto,ar curo nny Cotault lhorounder or harounder.Any unajtptisd tunds shatt be pafd to Trustor.
<br /> 8. Perfovtn�tncs by��Qd cct3 Londor�n�torost n�ihe Property.Le�de�r mayen ts own d s�tion,but wiV►out obl ga�onr to do so. � .�:
<br /> �'� cammoncad w�:ch maton�ty •
<br /> � and w�thout not�co to or Qomnnd upon Trustor and wsthout re teas tng Tru s t o r t ro m a n y o b l i g a ti o n,d o a n y a c t which Trustor has agreed
<br /> � 1 but fa�tntl to do and muy a�3o do��nQQ f�I costs a d expenses8 ncuirred and sums expe ded Y Lender inrconnection�ithtthe exer- • . ` °
<br /> i� demand thorotor by Landor,pny - � .
<br /> cisfl�y�p�a af�he torc�i�t{��?gl�t�,tu�othnr rrlth interest therean at the defauft rate provided in the Note,vihich sfiall be added to I _ ."��
<br /> th9 indobtadnoss cocurad horoby.Lantlor chalt not Incur t�ny liab�lity because of anything it may do or omit ta do hereunde�-
<br /> � g. M�ardous M�tsvtata.Tru�tar ahc�1 kaflp ihe Praperty in comAtiance wi4h alt apRticab�e iaws,ordinances and re9utatiorts , ^
<br /> re�etlng to Industrfal hyg�ono or environmontal pro4ectlon(collectively reterced to herein r.s"Ern�ronmental l.aws')•Trustor shall kesp —
<br /> . the propeAy freo Irorr�a0 substanco3 dnomad to be hezsedous or toxtc under eny Environmental Laws(colle�tive�Y referred to herein ,
<br /> , �'Ha;ardauy Matertflls'). Truato� ndemni�end ha d hartntese Lende L de ectors.office►s.e a o���a^d agentssand any uecces�' -. - '- - .- -_-
<br /> . { p m p e r ry.T r us t o r h o r u b y a�r a a a ro t N -
<br /> I sors to Landors intorg et.�o'Q^°1HaZerdous MBtenels'on,�under�,from or about the P p IsRY-TME FOREGOIIYG�WARRANTIES AND : • �� �
<br /> u s e,d i a p o s a l o r I r a p o Y 4
<br /> RECO1dVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TFiUST. p , '�,��� �
<br /> `"t ' 1 0.A s s l a fl m Q a�U o f R Y n U.Trustor horeb y asrov ded t ai Trustor shall�unUl t h e r o c c u r r e n c e o f a n Ev e n t o'f D�s u l t,here�d r�, -
<br /> atter ansing rents,lssues and profits o1 the Property:p �.. . "• .
<br /> have ih9 dght to colleLt end retaln such rents.lssues and proflts as they D$aome due and payable.Upon the axurrence of��b a R ;� ��,�_
<br /> , Oefauft,Lender may,eeher in pe►son or by aflent,wfth or without bdrtging any sction or proceeding,or by a receivef aPPo'n� o • �. _'
<br /> i c ouR and without regard to the adoquacy ot its sacu�ity.enter upon end take possesston of the Proparty,or any paR thereof,� , � �:.�
<br /> � ! name or in the name ot the Trustee,t e�000 nntarest therein,or to increase the Income he'efromror pr ect the secunty hereef ar►d. � . ' •` . '� ---
<br /> � r e n t a b i l i ry o f t h e P r o p e rt y,o r a n y p a A --�-T�j` '
<br /> with or without taking possession ot the Property.sue far or otherwise co l le c t t he r ei t se��I�ssuas and profds.�ess�°s�s�d�� ;��� -�-_-
<br /> � ' dua and unpald,Dy noUfying tenants to meke payments to Lender.Lender may app y
<br /> 6catlon •�::�.`"
<br /> es of cperation and collection Including attomoy's tees.to any indebteEnsss secured hereby,atl in such order as Le+�der may deter- s� ^ ,
<br /> mina.The entedng upon end taKing possesslon ot18 e P�a�PQ�of da'u�hereunder orenvalidate any actdone inresponse to such ,.�"'�'.��. -�
<br /> • thereof as aforesald sha�!not cure or walve any do or�s cotlectton, �t.. _-, . :;
<br /> ' dafault or pursuant to such noUco of detautt end, notwlth3tanding the continuance in possession of th hP�rovlded for in any of fhe �'z
<br /> recelpt and app►ication o1 renta,issues or psoflts,Trustee and Lender shalt be enUUed to exerclse evary d9 P t
<br /> ot an Event ol Detautt,induding without IimitaUon the dght to exercise the pow�r oi sa1e� •,; _�.� �,`: ;'; �,
<br /> Loan Instrumants or by law upon accu��enoe y ,
<br /> � IFurther,Lenders dghts and remedies undor 1h19 paragraph ahall be cumulaUve with.and in no way a IimitaUon on,Lenders
<br /> remedies u�der arry assignment of leases end ronts recorded against the Property.Lender,Trustee and the receiver shall ba liable to `_ '`'�� ,,'
<br /> • account only tor those rents aCtuatty recelvad. ;�: '{�� • —
<br /> 11.EvsnU of DehuiL The fol��i ut yr��wN+o+w�w.w ui Yn DBarttw.t.wne�aaursw�necauy wn�eAa+e: - -- - - - '•.. ,... ;<t
<br /> . (a)Pauure to paY any �
<br /> � . (b)A breach of or detault under any provlsion contalned in the Note,this Deed of Trust,anY ot the t-°an'nstruments,or any •..�+e. v- ��j , ..__
<br /> - other lien or encumbraace upon the PropaRy: ''�""" �
<br /> , __ �.,. ,r. --�
<br /> (c)A wdt at execution or attachment or any slmitar process ahall be entered against Trustor which shalt become a lien on ..�T ;.
<br /> fhe PropeRy orany portlon thareof or interest therein: ��'�" ���`� .
<br /> : (�There shall be filed by or agalnst Trustor or BorcoNer an action under any present or future federal,state or other statute. - ��- .
<br /> ��, .
<br /> law or�egulaUon retaUng to bankor of altior an�paR c1 the Propertyro rthe rents�i s es or�proflts tt��erteof,or Tr�usttoeor 8orrower •�,Y-.- ;+~'�""-�--
<br /> tlquidator ot Trustor or Borrower Y -� .��' . -�,�_ °
<br /> shall make any ganeral assignment for the benefit o1 creditora: � .�_• -�,
<br /> . �e��dher votun adl� Ioa nvol8un�dtyewlt aut the express wrlrien consent of Lender'provtded at Trustor shatl be permit . ` " .-- ' �
<br /> � Property.e !I �`-��
<br /> that doe�nat contain an opUon to purchase and the term of whtch does not exceed one �-Y_�,...,"_
<br /> � � ted w execute a lease of the PropeRy : :;`--
<br /> . � year, ..,,�-•�'"': �.��
<br /> ���
<br /> � (q Ab�ndonment ot the PropeRy;or _ .µY.,� -
<br /> (g)11 Trustor Is not en Indivldual,tho Issuance,salo,transter,a�slgnmenl,conveyance or encumbrance of more than(if a �
<br /> coryoratlon)a total of percent of Its lssued and outatendlnp stack,or(il a paRnership)a total of Pe�- ..,��`�
<br /> eroent of the Iimited Uability compa- :��
<br /> � cent o1 partnershlp Interest�,or(i1 a ilmlted liablllry company)n�o1al of P ::,�;.:��. �,� �
<br /> � ny Intereais or voUng rlghts dunng the podod thls Oead ot Tru�t romalno a Ilen on the praperty. .. :-�. _
<br /> ' . 12.Remedla�;flcceferetton Upon O�hu1t In thn event ot any Evont ot Dataull Lttnder may,vAthout notice except as requtred '°��`�
<br /> � , b y l a w,d e c t a r e a I l i n d e b t e d n e s s s ecured horob y to bo dua end paynbte and tho samo shall thereupon become due and pay+able wlth- •
<br /> • � uut any ptesentment,damand,protest or notice of any klnd.Thoros ttor Lon der m a y:
<br /> (a)Demand that Trustee exerclse the POWER 4P SALE q►untod hereln.and Trustee shall thereafter cause Tnistors inter-
<br /> � est in the PropeRy to be su'd ranhte erov dedf or�n nny of h Loan tnstrumente or�by law uDo o�cu�rrence o arry�Ev�ot __ , �;���
<br /> (b)Exerclse any and a g P ,
<br /> Detaulr,and int e recelver,or speciflcalty entorce any ot the .
<br /> � (c)Commence an action to forectaso thi3 Daod ot T�uat u9 a mortgago.appc
<br /> wvenanis hereol. ' r �
<br /> No remedy herein conterred upon or reservod to Trusteo ar Londor�s Intondod to be oxcluslve o1 anyryther remedy he v�e ihereunder, • �
<br />� Instrument�or by law provtded or pormlttod,but Qach ahnll bo cumutotYvo,chell bo in additlon to ovo othar remedy 9 ndently � � _--
<br /> • In ths Loan tnstruments or now or hereatter extstinp at law or In aqulry or Dy tUatuto,and may be exerclsed concurrently.Indepe =
<br /> or succesivoly. �
<br /> 13.Tnistee.The T►usteo may roslgn at any tlmo wilhout cuusnct d1n�wl�t�houtllm�tatontLo dortlBorrower.BTrustooine�►Y D�� ' � .
<br /> cessor or subs8tuta Trustee.Trustee shall not be ttabto to uny paRy. p
<br /> chasnnecUon wttht e�enforcE►ymont ol�lhl Oeodnol Trust uolosa mdomntlioduln wr�it�lnA,for o I costo"com ensati'on o expe se�wh ch - .• �A
<br /> • in co udidal or undet the powet ot ..
<br /> ��:.
<br /> may ba assoc�atad lhe�ewtlh.ln addiUon.Trustoo mny bcicomo n purchaser et nny cato ot tho Property U
<br /> sate grantod herein);postpone tho safo ot nll or any poAton ol tho Proporty,ns V�ov�dod bY�Hw:ar sell tho ProPeriY es a+�'hole,or in
<br /> separate parcets or lots at Trusteo's discretlon.
<br /> 14.Fei�and Expente9•�n the evont Trustco colla tno Propo�ty Dy oxorc�aa o1 powa�01 eato.Trustoo Ehatl be ontitted to apyty -_
<br /> any sal ap ttomeg e�etos,pastua ry�ncurr dsto ontant pormittod by appt cablowaw�ln ho ovonlBorro orr or�rusto e erclses anY r88hT . �
<br /> • Truatee' Y'
<br /> ' provlded by law to cure an Event o1 Defaufl,Lende�chall bo onbtlad to rocovor Uam Truotor nU costs nnd oxponses 8ctur.aetb1ena�rre as �--
<br /> a rosult ot Trusto�a delault.inctuding vrflhout Ilmitatlon nl1 Truatoo'o und attarnoy'c foos,to�hv oxtont pormitted by app
<br /> 15. F�wer.Such edvancosnand oadvanecoa wth ntoroat hr,ryaon�.�chalpho c cu od by Ih�n0oad ot Trust At noCtme shae he � ��.'�
<br /> vancos to eorro
<br /> . . . r. - -----=--•�-- �
<br /> f
<br /> ' _��� _ _,.. --�-------�-•�-•---,-...�� ; -,---;_.��....,,-... -��� _ , .�;- ,
<br /> --,.-r---�-----.._.,...,....---.-:-,—�.__. � . _ . . . .
<br /> ..
<br /> . . , . .. � � _
<br /> •
<br /> -- �_�--�-__ -.-,. - - - - -- — - - - - � _ -
<br /> ' , `.4• . - .. .. . , j .. � .
<br /> . � ,. , . .. .... . . . . . . • �. . . .. -� , . - . � . . . . . . . . . .. . :. . .. . .
<br />