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<br /> � G.ASSIGN�1'T OF LEASES. Upon Lender's request,Borrowea sf�all assign to Lender all leases of the I ' , . . `. . � _
<br /> � Pro�ty and all security deposits made in oannection with le�ases of the Froperty.Upon the assignment,I.ender " � : ;. -
<br /> .._, shall have the right w nodify.extend or terminate the existing leases aixi w exerute new 1�,in Lender's sole f ` • . - ,-
<br />:� � discretion.As used in this paiagrapd G.the aord"[ease"shall mean"sublease" �f the Secarity�nsorument is on a ' -. -- -- ,:-r—t—�_.-.-
<br /> � lpsehold .
<br /> Barrower absolutely acd unconditioc�ally assigac and transfers ao Lender all the rents and revenues("Reacs")of the ..
<br /> property,reg�dless of w whom the Renu of ths Fro�pearty are payable. Borrower suthorizes I.ender or Lender's _........ ...:-:., _
<br /> agents to collect the Rents,and agrces d�at eacto teaant of ths Property shall pay the Renu w I.ender or Lender's . . . .. :,�_._
<br /> agents.However,Bonower shall receive the Rents u n t i l(7 L x u dez h a s Biven Bo r r o w e r n a�c e o f d e f a n l t p u r s u an t t o : ;��_-'�
<br /> �r�ragrdph 21 of tha Security Insavment and(u�Lemder has given notice w the tEnant(s)that the Rents are to be ' �,._._,,�.
<br /> paid to Lensier or I.ender's agent This assigament of Ttents consdwtes an absolute assignmeut and not an . �' ;' • `° '
<br /> '•t�P
<br /> assigament for additianal security oaly.
<br /> � 1f Lendea gives undce of breach to Borrowes:(�all Reats received by Borrower shall be hedd by Bosrower as � . �'"'�-.�
<br /> uustee for the bene8t of Lender only,to be applied w the snms sec�ued by th�Sec�uity Instrumen�(n�Lendea shall ;���:.
<br /> , be entitted w collect and receive all of the Rents of the Prope�ry; (in� Borrower agrees that each tenant of ihe _ , ,�,' ���_
<br /> Property shall pay all Rents due and unpaid to I.�nder or Lend�'s agents apon L.eader's wri�ten demand to the � ' � °
<br /> � tenanfi (�) ��ePPlicabte law provides othera�ise,all Rents coIIected by I.endea or I.ender's agents shall be � ..-. -: �'�- -
<br /> � applied Srst tn the sosts of takv►g control of and managiug the Propeity and collecdng the Rents.including,but noi �- -
<br /> :,�"�'--�:_..
<br /> limited tn.suomeys'fees.ceceiver's fees,premiums on receiver's bonds,r�pair and maintenance costs,insarance •_�=L —_
<br /> , �• pr�in�s. tax�,assessneats and other charges on the Property, and then to the sums seaued by the Security . . ✓ - -
<br /> � Instrumen�(v)Lend�,Leader's agents or any judiciallY aPPointed receiver shall be liable to account for only those .�-
<br /> Rents a c t u a ll Y recen'e d;an d(vi�L en der s h a ll b e e a ti d e d w h a v e a r e c e i v e r a p p o i n t e d t�t a k e p o s s e s s i o n o f an d •'�•`„ •:- �.
<br /> . r'. �► ,=;�.
<br />: manage the Pmperty and callect the Rents aad profits derived from the Property without any showing as w the .;: �,•. _ , .
<br /> inadequacy of the Ptopeaty as secauitY. E'��; . '�; :.`:__�
<br /> if the Ra►ts of the Pmperty are not sufficient to cover the costs of taking control of and managing the .��- _
<br /> , . �.�•-_��::._
<br /> :. Prope�ty and of oolle�g We Rents any funds eapended by Lend�for sucd guzposes shall bec�me iadebtednrss of . . •- ,�•..:;_;
<br /> Bonower to Lender secumd by the Sec�ity Insuament pnrsuant w Uniform Covwani 7. . _ ,f#-;-_�,
<br /> Borrowea represents and wanants thaz Borrowea has not ea�ecated any priar assignment of the Rents and has � 4.-. " ��:',' ;�;�'•, . `.-
<br /> . not and will not perfona any act that would preveat Lender from exercising its rig6ts uader this parag�aph. _ •Ai=;; .
<br />. Lendea.or Lendear's agents or a judiciafly aPPointed receive�,shall not be requfred w ent�upon,take contcol , �. .
<br /> � of or manit�n the Property before or after giv�ig notice of defanIt to Bortower.Howevea,I.ende,r,or Lender's -
<br /> ., ageats or a j�dicially appointed receiver,may do so ai any time wheai a defaWt occuts.Any application of ReuB _ __ � •;;;�.
<br /> � shall not cure or waive any default or invalidate any other right or remedy of Lender.This assignment of Rents of •v _ `�_
<br /> . the Avpeaty shall Lenninate when all the sums secareA by the Security Insnument are paid in full. ,�,_____
<br /> I.CROSS-DEFAULT PROVISION. Boirow�'s default or breach under any note or agreement m ';; _ __ _'""'=�°
<br /> • ahich Lender has an inteaest s�all be a breach under the Serauiry Inswment and I.ender may invoke any of the . --.-
<br /> remedies pertnitted hy the Seauiry Instrument ;� �,;
<br /> � BY S NING BELOW.Borrower accepts and agrees w the terms and pmvisions conta�ed in this i�Family -=-.._
<br /> Rideat. ;;���'��
<br /> • J ����� .."�"~� _-
<br /> �»���--- � � �g�� (Seal) - - - � ,
<br /> DENNZS W AARDER -Sorrower CHL�RYL K BR -Horrowet "'�"�-'��.�`
<br /> �-�--r-
<br /> ����!��
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