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<br /> - APPL# 001-6123I022 j - �
<br />_ �� � 9T—i0� � �# o00000040o s . ` ` , ,�
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<br /> 1-4 FAl!/III..Y RIDEIZ f. ..- —=� = .--: -;_ ._ �=
<br /> : asdgmmenc ot Rents � , . ` . .
<br /> THIS 1-4 FAIum.Y RIDER is made this 2oTt3 day of �� . 1997 ,and is � : . . .
<br /> . incoiporated intn and shall be deemed to amend and supplement t�e Mortgage,Deed of Tnist or Seciuity Deed(tSie �. � .. _
<br /> '. "Secu�ity Instrument"}of the same date given by the undessigned(the"Borrower")to secure Borrower's Note w �. ,
<br /> . , . �•
<br /> • (the"Lender") • . �
<br /> . ` ,}'�qrf•�
<br /> of the same date and covering the Propeny descn'bed in the Security Instrume�►t and located a� . ' �� _
<br /> • • � `3
<br /> 3941 MARY LANE ,. � '��3-"
<br /> CiRAND ISLAND, NSBRASRA 68803 . " . �
<br /> • �::.�<'_
<br /> . I�P�Y AddreaaJ : . , :. �.•<>, -`_
<br /> . . ... . � r_'�_
<br /> �. . 1-4 FAIVIILY COVENANfS. In addition w the covenants tmd agreemenu made in the Security Insbrument, � � i:,�:�:..;�
<br /> • Borrower and L.ender further covenant and agree as foltows: :*�� ._�
<br /> ,.� A.ADDTI'IONAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO'TE�SECURITY INSTRiJMENT. In addirion to the f. , -..'� .'r , °'• _
<br /> � `, r;: " .'','i:
<br /> .. Prapaty descdhed in the Security Insuument,the following items are added tn the Property description,and shall �r.y _ ':; _
<br /> atso constitute the Property covered by the Sea�rity InsuumenC building materi�ts,aPPliances and goods of every . ' • . .� _ '}_:Y
<br /> ' aaUue wh�tsoever now or hereafter located in,on,or us e d,o r i n t e n d e d t o b e u s e d i n c o n n e c ti o n w i t h t h e P r o p e rt Y, � ' � .' �J:
<br /> including,but not limited tn,those far the puc�osrs of supplying or distn'buting hearing.coolin8,electricity.gas. �_' ��.i�_� �'�-�'
<br /> Suishw8 aPParat�s. y,
<br /> water,aff and lig6t, fire prevention and extu► security and access wntrol apparaws.Ptumbing, , �;�- `�
<br /> bath tubs,water heaters,water closets,sinks.ranges,stoves,refrigerators,dishwashers,disposaLs,washers,dTYets, • ..�,'•.� `•< <
<br /> ets ..�,
<br /> • . awnings,storm windows,storrt►doors,screens,blinds,s6ades,cmrtains and curtain rods,auached mmors,cabm , ;<.�` � ,� .
<br /> ..,.,,. .
<br /> panelling and attached floor coverings now or hereafter attached to the Propexty, all of which, including � ,;
<br /> • rep]acemants and additions thereto,shall be deemed to be and remain a part of the Pro�ty vovered by the Seauity �-�.�.'. ' sf� _
<br /> `1i Inst�ument All of the foregoing wgether with the Propaty descn'bed in the Security Instrument(or the leasehold .'+�=h��.. i
<br /> ..���:--. �:. . '
<br /> estate if the Seciuity Instrumes►t is on a leaiehol� are refetred tn in ibis 1-4 Family Rider and the Seciuity '
<br /> •.,.,.'�. ,
<br /> ' Instnunent as the"Prop�ty." .~�'`
<br /> , ' �;RSm.� -
<br /> � B.1JSE OF PYtOPERTY;COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Borrower shall not seelc, agreE w or make a :,:, �;�_--
<br /> :r���.. . ,,:'�. :-�
<br /> , , change in the ase of the Property or its wning clas�ificadon.unless Lemder has agreed in a+riti�g w the chan�e. :�,•_ .. = . -
<br /> _�� -
<br /> � Barrower shall comply witb all laws, ordinances, regulations and requiremenu of any governmental body .. : • F .._.-
<br /> � aPPlicabte to the Property. �?�s= . ,",�,�
<br /> � C.SUBOYtDDVATE LIEAiS. Except as permiued by federal law,Boaower shall nat allow any lien infeaior ��•;�
<br /> to the Seaairy Instrwnent w be perfected against the Properiy without Lenda's prior written permission. . ��_,—
<br /> D.RENf'LOSS INSURANCE. Borrower shall maintain ins�uattce a8ains�rent loss in addition tn the other � . . ;�,_
<br /> : ' hazards for which insurance is requimed by Unifo7m Covenant 5. ..;-�� ,
<br /> � E."BORROWER'S RIGHT TO RF.INSTATE"DELETED. Uniform Covenant 18 is deleted. ��'���A-
<br /> ��°'``'`°""�e'�'—
<br /> � F.BORItOWER'SOCCUPANCY. Unless Lender and Borrower othcrwise agrce in writing, the fust ..,.��y_... .
<br /> sentence in Uniform Covenant 6 conceming Bonower's occupancy of ihe Propecty is deleted. All remaining �'`•' '
<br /> _ .:��, ._•..�: •
<br /> p ty �
<br /> covenants and ageements set forlh in Uniform Covenant 6 shall remain in effect _'����= '�
<br /> �,:�...��._
<br /> � f�ULTISTATE 1•4 FAMILY RIDEH-F�nnls NaNFnddt�µao Unitorm inatrumont Fovm 3170 3l93 �� �� 'J �
<br /> . . "'f�Y.•;.-4�- �
<br />. ` Paye 1 of 2 . .
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