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<br /> 16.Borrov�er's Copy. Borrower shall be given one sonformed copy af thc Noie and of this Security Instcument E::
<br /> ' I7.TransPer of the PrapertY or a 8en�ctal Interest in Borro�ler. If all or any part of the Property or any interesc in it is � :`�y,
<br /> ' sold or uansferred(or if a bene�ici�al interest in Burrowes is sold or transferred artd Borrower is not a nawral person) without f
<br /> � Lender's prior wriuen consent,Lender may,az its option.require immcdiats payment in full of all sums secaimd by this Securit.y _-
<br /> • ; lnstrument However,this option shall not be eacerc�sed by Lender if execcise�s protubitsd by federal law as of the date of this F .
<br /> ; Security Insuument ? �
<br /> , , If L.eBder exercises this aption,Lender shatl give Boaower notiae of acceleration.'ihe notice shail provide a period of not less
<br />. ; than 30 days from the dare the norise is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Security � - . _
<br /> Insuument ff Bortower fails tn pay these s�uns prior to the expirauon of this peciod,L.ender may mvoke any remedies permitted 4
<br /> by Ihis SeCluity I[1511uIriC[1L ' OS[€��31E�-BO��°�*�d�BOiTUwCt. , . , .
<br /> . � 18.Borrower's 1Qight �tp�1���'��'�+ �� �� COnditions, Borrower shall have the right [o have
<br /> � ' enforcement of this Se�aui � ent�nt�ili��eny.ti�ne prior ro ihe earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such othea periad as
<br /> , ui t iusuant to any power of sale contained in this Secunty
<br /> ; applicable law may specify r��E��.t�f�Biii�la�f+hC�R�Y P a s Lender all .
<br /> Instrumenfi or(b)entry of a�u � en s�sity I'i�suument Those condiuons are d�at Borrower:(a)P Y
<br /> surns which thea would be due nnder this Security Insinunent and We Note as if no accelecation had occarred; (b)cures a�►Y - ,�
<br /> • ` • defauit of any other covenanis or agreements;(c)PaYs a11 expenses incurced in enforcing this Security Instnunent,including,but :
<br /> � noi lunited w,reasonable atiomeys'fees:and(d)takes such acnon as L.ender may reasonably require w asswre d�at the lien of this - _�; „{;_:
<br /> , ..: .
<br /> Sec�rity tnstrument, L.ender's rights in the Property and Borrowea's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Security �
<br /> ��
<br /> � � InsOmment shall continue unchanged Upon reinsmtement by Borrower, this Se�unty Instrument and the obligations seciued ;. , i��: --
<br /> r
<br /> � hereby shail remain fuUy effeaive as if no acceleration had occurred.However.this right to reuutaie shall not apply m the case of � . <<_:'---_. •,._
<br /> acceleiarion under paragraph 17. �.•�-
<br /> Y9.Ssk of Note;Chaoge of Loan Servtcer. The Note or a panial interest u► the Nate (together.with this Se�aitY . � ti:�r
<br /> Insuumern)may be sald one or more times without prior notice tn Borrower.A sale may result in a change m the entity(lmown � ;.: y�,-,�
<br /> i as the"I.oan S�vicer'�that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Ser�rity instrumen�There aLso may be one or ',�;�_ •�
<br /> �. �. � more changes of the Loan Servic�unrelated m a sale of the Nate. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be . �_'-�.',�-
<br /> given written notice of the change in accordance whh ParaSraPh 14 above and applicable law.'Ihe nolice wi11 state the name and �`,�X.�,
<br /> � address of the new Loan 5ervicea and the address tn which paymenLs should be made.The notice will also wntain any other �
<br /> h"
<br /> mfomiation required by applicable law. �`�
<br /> • �,�� Z0.Hazardoas Suhstances. Borroaer shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal. stnrage. or release of any , . . "{•,,i._
<br /> Ha7ardous Substances on or m tbe Property.Boirower s h a ll noi do,nor a 1 1o�v a n y o n e e l s e t o d o.a n y t h i n g a ff e c t i n 8 t h e P r o P e rt Y ' 7 1�f?� _
<br /> :� thai is in violation of any Environmental Law.'R te pr e c e d i ng two sen t e n c e s s h a ll n o t a p p l y w m e�r e s e n c e,ormal r Sesidential uses .. `i'•' .,
<br /> Property of small quanuties of Hazardous Substances that are geaerally recognized w be aPP P :
<br /> .i and tn mau�tenan�of t�e Pnoperty. . • :
<br /> 0
<br /> Bouower shall promptiy give Lender wtittEn aotice of any investigation. claim, demand. lawsuit or other action by any i_��;•,:., . ; `
<br /> Y
<br /> - govemmental or reo,tar�ry agency or private party invofving the Propeaty and any Ha7ardous Substance or Environmesital Laa ��.,.• - -
<br /> of which Boirower has actual irnowledge.If Borrower leams.or is notitied by any governmental or regulaiory anthority.that any ;
<br /> . removal or osha remediation of any Ha7ardous Substance affecting the ProPerlY �s necessary.Bonower shall prompfly take aU ::.�, �''':;� , _
<br /> necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> ps used in ttus paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as coaic or ha�zrdous substances by •_ � �
<br /> " Environnmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toaic petroleum products, touc ��
<br /> ' . ..�.:
<br /> � ticides and herbicides.volatile solvents,materials containin8 asbestns or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials.E1s used in ����
<br /> �his paragraph Z0,"Environmea�tal Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that relate �";-.: .- ;;� ::•ry
<br /> to health,safety or environmenffi1 protection. "������'
<br /> � �='�
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agcee as follows: • . �f, l� '".-
<br /> nder shall ive notice to Borrower pdor to acce[eratton[ollowing Borrower's breach of , � �' ' <,_-
<br /> Zl.Acceleratlon;Remed�es.Le g
<br /> any wvenant or agreement in this Security Insdrument (but not prtor to acceleration nnder paregraph 17 unless ,� �
<br /> appllcable law provides otherwise).The notice shall specify: (a)t6e defaWt;(b)We actioa reqaired to cure the default;(c) _�:.,,�-�.�
<br /> a date,not less thtuo 30 days fsom tde date t6e nottce Lv given to Borrower,by wluc6 the defaWt must be cured;and(d)
<br />• Ws4�ailure to cwce the defauit on or before the date specified in the notice may resWt in ecceleration ot t8e snms sccared .��
<br /> : , by this Secarity Instrument and sale of t6e Property.T6e notice shall further inform Borrower ot the rlght to reinstate ° __a�—
<br /> ' i a�ter acceleradon and the right to bring a court actlon to assert the non-existence of a detault or any other deteose of . ,• • •
<br /> Borrower to acceleration and sale.Ii t6e defaalt is not cared on or before the date specified tn the nutIce,Lender,at its �
<br /> opnon,may sequire immediate payment in fnll of all sams secured by thi�Securtty Instrument without Purther demand � ""� �-
<br /> � and may invoke the power of sale and any other reffiedles permitted by appl�cable law.Lender sha0 be entitled to collect , � .
<br /> a11 expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragrap6 21,including,bu!not Iimited to�reasonable ' � '*4�
<br /> attorneys'fees and costs of titte ev[dence. '
<br />' If the power o!sak i�invaked, Trustee shatl record a not�ce ot delault in eacH county In w6io6 any part of the � ..
<br /> Property is located and s1�aU mall copies of such norice in the manner prescn'bed by applkable taw to Bor►oNer and to the
<br /> ; other persons prescribed by appUcable law.Aiter the time requirFd by applicable law,Trustee s6a11 give ptiblic notice ot
<br /> sate to the persons and tn t6e manner prescrlbe�by appHcable law.7Yustee,wtthout demand on Barrower,sha0 seU t6e .
<br /> Property at public suction to t6e hig6est bidder at the Wne and place ant!ueder the terma desi�,mated in the nottce of sale �
<br /> Fo�m 30Z8 9190 • ,
<br /> � �•eR(NE)tsz�s�.o+ Pngs5o18 �^��a�+ .
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