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<br /> - . . - - -: , �
<br /> �
<br /> - . , ' . . � � a�,
<br /> . ., � - . . �
<br /> , . . ' �a������- ''�--�. � .`'��,
<br /> payments may no longer be reqaired.az the option of Lender,if mortgage insur'ence coverage(i�the amount and for ihe period . . . ,, '—
<br /> that I.ender requires)pm v i d e d by an i u s u r e r a p p r o v�d b y Lender a gain becomes available and is obtained.Borrower stiall pay the . ` , -
<br /> . p�� required to mainlain mortgage insurance in effect,or to provide a loss reserve,until the recluirement for mongage ,4 _�
<br /> insurance ends in accordai►ce wiih anY wntt�°agreemeat between Borrower and L.e�►da or a�plicable law. �ndec shall give . •
<br /> � 9.Inspectioa. Lender or its agent may make reasonahle entries upon and inspectians of the Property . , _ _
<br /> y Bormwer notice at the time of or prinr to an inspection speci:ying reasonable caose for the inspecaon. . -
<br /> �� 10.Condemnatioa 'I]�e proceeds of ar►Y award or claim for damages.direct or cons�equential. in co�►ectian "vith any . -..
<br /> ' condemnation or other talang of any part of the Property.or for conveyance u►lieu of condemnaaon,aze hereby assigned and . ' .:.�
<br /> ` shall be paid to Lender. hed to the sums secaued by this Security Insuument, , . ' ,.
<br /> � In the eveut of a tntal taking of ttce Property,the Proceeds shall be app� ul wtuch the fair market � • .
<br /> � whether or noi ihen due,with anY excess paid tn Borrower.In the event of a partial takinB of the Property� �
<br /> value of the Property iwmediately before the taking is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this SecuYity 1 . -_-
<br /> in writin the swns secured by tbis ::'' .$;>
<br /> Insttument immedia2ely before ths ta3dng,unless Borrowea and Lender otherR+ise agree g. , '����,-.,_
<br /> � gecauity Instrument shall be recluced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the fnllowing fraction:(�a�th���before the , . ...-..
<br /> the sums secaued immediately before the taking,divided by(b)the fair maTket value of the Propercy � Y : __�-�
<br /> ta3ong.Any balance shall be paid w Borrowa.In the event of a pattial taking of the Property in which the fanr market value of the . ,�-- �-�_`�:-—
<br /> propaty immediately before the taking is less than the�unt of the sums secured immed�at�lY before the takin ed to the � . } '��K�+►��
<br /> � Bonower and Lendes otherwise agree in writing or unless licable law othenvise mvides,the proceeds shall be app� ' -'.- �l
<br /> . �.�- .
<br /> sums secured by this Secxuity Instmment wbether or not the snms are then due. � J4M
<br /> Jf the property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by i.ender to Bnnower thai the condepnnor offexs to make an -_
<br /> �� award or seule a claim for damages,Borrower faiLs to respond w Lender within 30 days afrer the date the notice is Siven..Lender --- '?s:=-:
<br /> '' is authorized to collect and agply the proceeds,at its option,either ro restoration or repair of the PropertY or to the sums sec�rad , . ,. ' �'—
<br /> ..� . • :�.—�`�,
<br /> by this Secvrity Insuument,whether or aot then due. .
<br /> ! �writin an a lication of to principal sball not extend or postpone � � x ��•
<br /> Unless L.euder and Borrower othavvise agree S, Y PP p�s I � �. '�`�.
<br /> the due date of the monttilY payments refeared to in parag�P�1 and 2 or change the amounc of such paymenu. ` � • .« ' . _
<br /> 11.Borrower No!Released;Forbearance BY E.ende*Not a N/aiver. Extensioa of t4►e time for payment or modificazion � _�_ �
<br /> � of amortization of the sums secured by this Security lnstrumeat granted by I.ender to any successnr in inte�st of Borrowec sha11 � • ,.�.� �, _
<br /> E ,...,
<br /> -} not opeiate to telease the liab�7'ity of the original Borrower or Borrawea's succFSSO�s in interesG�.ender sha11 not be reqn'ued to ;--.-,•
<br /> 1 a st any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for paymeut or otherwise modify amozti�arioA of _ _ .___� "`� : —
<br /> commence prnceedin8s Sain 1:
<br /> the sums secured by this Seciuity I n s a w nen t by re a s o n o f a n y d e m an d m a d e b y t he ori g i nal Bormwer or Borrower's successors ;,��-.. �
<br /> in interest Any forbeazance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy sha11 not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any � • ..�'` r-;;�
<br /> . #� .
<br /> right at remedy. , ^�
<br /> 12.Snccassors and Assigns Boand;Joint and Several LiabiIIty; Casignea�."Ilie covenants and agreen►ents of this . ,.,.; : '. ;t
<br /> g�rity Insirument shall bind and benefit the succ.essors and assiSns of Lenda and Bonower, subjest to the provisions of ':�,:: � r' �: —
<br /> .• { Fatagtaph 17. Borrower's covec�ants aud agreements shaU be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs ihis Sec�a�ily _ , __ _ . , •�.�t` . .�-
<br /> ( Insuument but daes noi eacecute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Se�urity Insuument only to mortgage,Biant and convey that .�•`r ��-��_,-.
<br /> I ' Borrower's interest in the PrapertY under the tem�s of this Securiry Inswment;N)is not pe�sonally obligated to pay the sums ..-#.�--
<br /> ee to eactend,modifY.forbear or . � `�`�"• -'�•.
<br /> �, seaued by this Security Ins�rumen�and(c)aSrees that Lender and any other Bmrower may agr . �., ��.� �
<br /> �e�y�mmpdarions with regard to the terms of this Security Insvument or the Note without that Bozrower's consen4 � =. �
<br /> 13.Loan Cherges. If the loan secured by this Securiry Instrume�►t is subject w a law ahich sets maximun►loan charges. � ��:^�,�:�_�`_
<br /> and that law is finally inir�preted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the loas� .,,;. F., -i
<br /> ex��e p�m�i�ed limiu,then;(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the.+mount necessary w reduce the charge to the ,,F�
<br /> iued limits will be refunded to Borrower. „__„��°�-:,�
<br /> ;:r`, peamiued limi�and @)sury sams already collected from Borrowet which eaceeded perm . .'�:';� ,- -
<br /> Lcnder may choose to rnake tbis refund by reducing the princlpal owed under the Note or by maldng a direct payment to .'��^', `
<br /> Borrowea. If a refund reduces princlpal.the ceduction will be treated as a partial prepaymeat without any prepayment charge . : ... L
<br /> . :,,,,,,
<br /> under the Note. � ,;`-- ---�
<br /> 14.NoUces. Any notice to Boaower provided for in this Security lnswment shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it . � � —
<br /> by fust class mail nntess applicable law requires nse of anaWer method.'14ie norice shall be direcred to the Property Address or _•: . =�..�-y'. i"".' .�..
<br /> any other address Borrower designatES by nouce to Lec►dcr.My notice to Lender shaU be given by first class mail to Lender's . . ' �
<br /> address ssated herein or any other address 1.ender designates by notice to Botrower. My notice provided for in this Security . : �
<br /> Inswment shall be deemed to have been given w Boaower or L.ender when given as provided in this paragraPh. . : � � ',,�,a.,--�`.
<br /> 15.Governing Law;Severability. This Security Insuument shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the � . � �r-
<br /> � jurisdiction in which the Property is located•In the event that any provision or ciause of this Security Insuument or ihe Note � �. .
<br /> � conflicts wit,h applicab2e law.such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Insinimenc or the Note which can be
<br /> � �ven effect without the conflic►inB provision.To this end the provisions of this Security lnstnunent and the Note are dectared tn
<br /> � be seveiable. • �
<br /> ; .
<br /> Form 3028 9/90 . . � �_
<br /> i � •
<br /> Pagea m s init�a�e:
<br /> �-dR(NE)roz�z�.o� . . .
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