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" ___ •_• _ .�_��_. .. . _ � _ .� . ... . . . , • . .- . . ' ' ' . . _...a..�._....l. ._ . ._. . . ° __ <br /> .. , <br /> �_ _— -__'_��_t"' <br /> . � . f � -�- � � ��:�-- <br /> < i .. <br /> � <br /> ; 9?�it���9 � ; ' ti,. <br /> � � . <br /> . i . - Y-'-R_. <br /> B. Atl future advances fmm Heaehchary to'1'tustor or other tuture abligati�ns vf Trustot to Hzncficiacy under any ;� ` � ;� <br /> � . proailssory aote, wntract,guaranty, or other evidence of Ccbt existing now or uecuu;tl at�r,r this D�of Trust � ;� <br /> � wh�eher or not this Oted af Trust is specifically refernd to in ths evidaue af debt. ? � . ' ` ' __ <br /> jC. All obti�ations Trustor o�Ves to Beazfittary. which now cacist or may luter arise. ta the excen[not prohibit�l by F ` a` <br /> �, � law, fneluding, buc aot limited co, liabillties for overdrafcs relattng to any deposit acwunt agttem�nt hetween ; � � _ <br /> ' • � 'd'mstor and Benefi�tiary. � � - <br /> i D. All addirional sums advanceA and expenses incurred by�eaeficiary for uuuring,preserving or otherwise proteaing �, , M_ <br /> ' the Progeay and its value aad aay othu su,�ss advanced and expenses incuir�d by Beneficiary unda the tarms oF � <br /> � � ' tt►is Deed of'ttust, plus intrnat at the hi�hesc rate in effoct, from tirne to ti,�oe, as provided in the Evfdcuce of - - � - : ; <br /> Debt. < " <br /> E. Trustor'6 perforIItante undCr the tetms of any instrutnent tviAencing a debt by Truswr m Benesiciary and any D�d . '.+� <br /> f af Trust securlag,guaraa[ying,or ocherwise relacing to th�dcbt. • • '" ' <br /> , . --3 <br /> ; lf�more than one yerson slgns this Deed o€Trust as Tiuswr, each Trus�or agroas thac�his Deed of'l�CUSt will secure all � • .•�.:�� <br /> � � fu[ure advances and future obligadons describod above thnt are given to or inc�ured by any ane or more'I'ruswr.or any � . ,�..: <br /> oae or more Truscor and othr.cs.'[h�s Deed of Taust w�11 nnt securc;any oiher debt if Beaefcclary fails.wich respecc to such .. = '�.. <br /> _ : � other debt,to mak�any nquircd disclosure abnut[his IIeed of 3tust or if Beneftciary fails to give any:equired notice of ` ...' '.-:�=%°'� <br /> the right of cescission. �� � "'� <br /> `=Wir...: .._,.�. <br /> j . 1.':�e;--:4A <br /> � � � 5. PAYNiENTS.Trustor agras w matcc all payments on the Secured Debi v,hai due and in acxordanee with[he cerms of chc � ! �-., -; � <br /> .`; ; Evidence of Debt or this Derd oP Tn�st. � <br /> , � .�:'�: y <br /> ' � 6. WARRANTY OF'II'iTLE.Tn�stor covenaats that Tsustor is lawfiilly s-eized of tbe esYate conveyed by this Dexd of"lYust _ �. � �'� <br /> aad�as the righc io ircevoeably grant.convay and seil w Tn,st�,in wsc.with power of sale,the Property and wa�rants '. '. _�;,��-ar` <br /> � that the Propeny is unena�mberccl,�xce:pc for einvmbrances of racord. . - _'=: --- <br /> ' .Y <br /> ; <br /> � �� ' 7. CLAIIbiS AGAINST TITY.E.'Tn�swr wil!pay all caxes,�nenu,lie,ns,encumbranu�,le�se payments,ground renu, : -�' ;,� <br /> � utilities.and other ciiarges relating ca the Propeny whea due. Beneficiary may ru�uire Tn�stor co provide co Beuehc[ary :s,�- <br /> � copies of all notic�s[hat s�ccd amounts are duc and the receipts evid�ncing Truscor's�ayment.'lYusior wUl defead title io : •�� - ;_ -�: <br /> �he Pronerry asainsi any claims chae would impair�+e lien of thts Deed of Tn�st.'Cruscor agrces co asss;n co `���`•: <br /> � requca-[al by BeueRciary, any rights, claims or dcfenses which Tmstor may have agains! panies whu supply labor or �- <br /> ' materials co improve or maintain the Property. •;� <br /> ':�:. . <br /> �. pltlUR SECUEtH'6'Y INTERESI�. Wi[h regard w any other mortgage. deed of[cust, security agrecnu�t ar och�-r lien ' -,. � .� - <br /> documeut that crcx:al a prior secu¢iey in[eres[or e�cumbrance on the Propr.rty and chat may have prioricy ov.x this Duxl T''�' 't�`�.,• i' <br /> of Tcust,Tnsstor a.grees: `_�_ ::' -_ <br /> A. To make all paymtnts w�cn duc and to perform or wmply wttL all cov�aanu. ,�� ��; <br /> . B. To promptty deliver to Brneficlary any nodces that T:ustor receives&om the ttalder. - ' '-� <br /> C. Not ta make or pe�it aay tuodification or e�stension of,and not to tr,ques[or accept any future advaaces under any S' � ° <br /> � note or a„areerneat sea�reA by,the o[her mortgage,deed of wst oz security agirxment anless�eneflefary cansents � • <br /> }n wdt[ng_ � <br /> . . "��,,:���`' <br /> . 9. DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRP.NCE.Boneficiary may,a[Its option,declare the ware balance of the Secuted Debt to °`�'�� <br /> � be inuned'ustely due and payabla upoa the creation o!any lien, encumbrd;:.ze,transfer,er snle,or oanuact for any of these . ,, .d,� <br /> on the Proputy. HawevCr. if the Propeny includes Truswi s rCSideatce, �his section shall be subjoct to thc rrstaictions `�,_ <br /> � irtywsed by fedesal law(12 C.F.R. S91),as applicable.For the pu�posrs of thi�s�:c:tion,ihe term"Propeity'also incladcc �- , <br /> anp interest to a:F or any par[of the Properey.This covenant shall tun wich the Propeny and shall ceraain ln sffect nntU the ":'�" �;T <br /> �-riL��N.�..-'— — <br /> Secured Debt is paid in full and this Deed of Trust is sdeasul. <br /> ,f,a�-n�a�-�:: <br /> �0.12�CANS�LR OF AN INTEL�t1EST IIV TSE GRANTOB. If Trustor is an enzlry otber than a nawral person(such as a .;��� `•aY�� <br /> .,�: <br /> wrporation or ai�er organ��a6on). Bene����ry may demand immutiaw payment if(1)a beneficia? intcrtst in Tcusror is �. .���,;,,�.., <br /> aald or transfer�ed; (2)thert is a cbapge:a eithet [he iAenGty or numb$z of inembers of a partne�:�ip: or(3)there is a :.•••.:3;•�. <br /> change ln ovmers'�ip of more[han 25 percont of�he voring swck of a carponaon.Howavrr,Heaeficiary may not demand �''�'�� <br /> � ;. payment In tht abovc situatlons if it fs pmhibited by law as of the date of this Dde�i of Trus't. "" <br /> �" - . . . . �_- <br /> � I1.ENTI'1CY WABR�NTIF.S AND REPTtESENTATiONS. if Trustor is an enticy u�+er chan a nanual persoA (such as a �,�,,,..�,,.,•„r,�.. <br /> cocporatlon or otRer organizatlon).Trustor sralces to Benefldary the following warranties and representations whieh shall <br /> be watinuing as long as the Setuced DeOt r�ains outstandiag: ' .� <br />. A. Truseor is an entity which is duly or�anized and validiy exisiiag in ihe Tiustor's state of incorporauon (or � . . �'� _ <br /> ' organlr��lun).Trustor is In good standing in all seates in whtch Tnutor uanaacts business. Trustor bas U�e power • • <br /> and autl�oriry to owa the Property wd ro carry on its bnsiness as now being conducted and. as applicable, is ' : . � <br />. � qualifiod to do so in each state in whicA TnLCtor nperates. � � � <br /> e_ 't7�e exewtlon. deUvery an�pedormaace oY ihis Dccd of Ttust by T�ustor and the ubligation evidenced by tl�e <br /> � Evidence of Debt nre within �hc power of Trustos, have been Quly audtorized. have re�xivtld al1 neeesssry . � �, <br /> govemmcntal approval,and will not violat�any provision oP faw,or order of coun or govemmental agency. ' � , w <br /> C_ Other than disclosed in wdting Tnutor Aas not changed Its name�vithin the last ten ye�ars and lias nflt used any � <br /> � other uade or fictitious name. Without Beneffciary's prior writtcn consent, Tnsstor dors not and will not u��any � <br /> other nsmt and will preserve its existin�nam�,trade nam�s and franchises until t6e 5ecur�cl Aebc is satisfled. � ,� <br /> 12.PROPERTY CONOITION,ALTEItATIONS AND 1N3PECTIQN. Trustor will ketp rhtl Propeny in good condirion � <br /> and make all repairs that are reasonably necessary. Truator wil!give Benefleiary prompt notice of any loss or damage to <br />• tne Property.'l�ustor wUl kap the Property free of noxious weeds and grnsses.Tn�stor wiD not initiate,jnia in or consent • <br /> �o aay ehange in any prlvate reetdetive covenaat, wning ordinance or other publie or pri�ate rrstriction limiting or �� � � ,r <br /> , defining die uses which may be maJe uf the Propeay ur any pan of�he Propercy, mithouc�neficiary's prlor wriacn � ,�• <br /> ��: <br /> consent. Tnutor wili aotily Beneflciary of all demwds, proectdings, elain�s, anJ actions agalnst Tru�tvr or any other . • <br /> owner made undcv law or regulaiion regarding ust, ovmership and occupancy of the Propeny.Truscor will cumply wiih a11 . <br /> ' l�ga! tequircm�:nts and testrictions,whethet public or private.with n:spect to tl�e usc of thcs Property. Trustor atso agrees ' � �. <br /> that tLe nature of du ac4;upancy and use wiil not change wnhout Benctteiary's pnor written consrnl. ( � <br /> •_ .. � No*Jonion of�he Property will be relnoved. s!cmol��ed a:mssrrisll�altered ti�it��a IIencsicis:y';pzfor::ri:un ca�scrt , . - - -- - -- <br /> except that Tnutor has the nght to remnve items of personal propeny compnsing a part�f the Property that become worn � � <br /> � . t <br /> I neye 2 0!L i , ' <br /> I '- '—_�,.. <br /> ,. .�.;� � - .�.,,...-•,--�--- . . . . . . . <br /> �. . .. . •. . <br /> . <br /> •' ' —� • • � - — - - - - - - <br /> ...-�--- - --- ' - - _ <br /> `—��' ---_ — -'�-_.�—,-.-._����.. <br /> .- . , .,. — ; . . .. .. <br /> ._. <br /> . <br /> . . : , . , �. , . . <br /> �7�:-• <br /> , .. .. � ' ... � . -' . • . . . . .�� ' . . , . � ,• • , • ' �. l�: .. . <br /> . . � , . . .. ' , u � . . . , .1 . . <br /> . . . . . _ •.t" . . . .. . f. ' ' " _. _ . . . . . . , ' . �. .. , . . . • • . . , t . . ' " _ <br />