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<br /> � 5tate of Nebraslc� � Spaec Abo•e Thb Line For RccorS�ng Data , •�
<br /> � I�AI,E�°fATE DEED UF TRUS'I` � � . -���'
<br /> - � (With Fuuue Advance Clause) `�3 i , _ 'Y,:s
<br />, _ , . .. ._=---
<br /> ' 1. DATE/�ND FARTIES.The date of this Deed of Taust is...._._.�?�'�.z�,..19�:?......-----•...and tlie parttes and Weir .. - � .�`�r�:�-= _
<br /> .�_:._
<br /> . . addresses are as follows: ��-~��— .
<br /> TRUS70R: ��..�r�.��.A:............... ���z .��1��- . -�:..���........ . ;. ��: -
<br /> SrAR�Q�r�, ........................... �?��I4��.. . .......................--• . �::��--;,.e
<br /> D � D Invastments. �++�.�.��. ����.�.��� ��................. ........ . k ...�,.m.�__
<br /> , A Partnership .��+. .............. .... . _�.• .e.. ...�.i...�$$��.....__...._........ . ._... . a`+�?-�•�-�„f=.�
<br /> . 715 Siest Anna St. �7�5�P_ ,,,,l� ... .............. ..t..................................... .......... '
<br /> Suite 202 �-��?���..�$...6$$9�.. ............... .......... ��'-_��__
<br /> . Grand Island. NE • ' .
<br /> Cl Refer to[tie Addendvm�vdic4 is attached and'►ncorporated Uercin tor additional Trus�a�s. • -,--�
<br /> . TRUS'CEE: �.s.�T..�'�'t�i.$��S.141�?._��..4?�`!�..�.�?.A�1R�?A�. .......................•-...... :`;:
<br /> ��.o�.���. .............. . .......................................... ................................ _ -Y,• .• , :.
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<br /> 2. CONvIL�YANCE. For good and valuable eoasIderarion. the receipt and suffic�ency of which is�►owledged. and ro � ,,�
<br />. secuce zhe Saured Debt (hereaBer deHned). Twcor irrevocably grancs. wnveYs aad sells w Trustee. in m�st for the ��
<br /> , '�--
<br /> benefit oi the Beneflciary.withpowec of sale.the fallowing dessdbed pro erry:IdrS 1, 7,, AI� 3, S'TI�RaSi'I� .:��''�., r�•-
<br /> SDOOI�ID lADDTTTCYJ. AN ATAITIC�T T� � CIZY OF �•�. SI7FFAIID �Y• ��► "� . .---.
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<br /> � . � ...................... .�neGreu)..................... , ............. ... .`C��. �1p Code)� ;�--•;�:=
<br /> Togethet with all rights, easanenu. appurtenauces. royalties. miaornl ti ts, oil and as ri ts. cro s. timDer, all ; ,'�'�` '���_ —°
<br /> P� 8 P� P �.`�;;::=��:,,�._
<br /> � diversion payments or thtrd patty paym�ents made to aop yroducers,and ail existin�and futnre Im rovementa.strucwres. �`�-°-`*�';�'.�
<br /> p ..�r.-:�, . . ,a r
<br /> fixt�.-�ss. and ctplacemtnts that may now� ot at any time in the ftnure.be Dart of twe real estate deseribed above (all :�..�r..- �. -:.�-
<br /> J"'�'fS.a'_
<br /> � • nferrad to as°Propecty").The term Propeny also inctudes,but Is not limit«1 to.any E.Zd a11 water wells,aauc,�::tcttes. ��.�"�`�
<br /> reset�olrs.reservoir sices and dams located on the real estate and all riparian and water aig�is atsnciatr.d with the Propetty. �: „ y
<br /> hoWeveresta0lished. r Y;�: .
<br /> . : . .: ,
<br /> ' 3. MAXIIMiJM OBLIGA7ION L1M1T.The total rinci al anwunt of the Secuttd Debt(hereafter d.�ned)atcured by thls � .�;�� .
<br /> ��� �,,,,,, . 11ils litnitation of amount does �`:�.'
<br /> Aetd of Trust at any one time sI.all not e�cceed S��Z�. : ....................... .. . • -
<br /> � noi�ncl�de interest. loan char��,commlt�at tces. brokerage commiasions. atto�ys' !�es and other charges validly �.�_�=��: �
<br /> . •. made pursu�t to this Ueed of Trust aad does not apply to advanses(or interest acem�d on snch advancw)macie nader the _ , ,
<br /> � cecros of this Deed of Tmst to protect BeneRctary secuaty and to perform any of the wvenants wniained in this Dad ot . , -
<br /> Tnu[. Future advances are contemplated and,along with other fucure obligatians.ace secured by this Deed of Tnut even . .
<br /> �hough a�l or part may not yet he advanced,Nothing in ihis peed of Trust.h�wever. shall constitute a commitment to � _
<br /> � � mahe additional or future loans or advances in arry amount.My such c�mmitment woul�l need to be agreed to in a separatc . . ��
<br /> , writing. �
<br /> � 4. SECIJRLrD DEBT DEFIIVED.The term'5a.�uted Debt"in�:ludes,but Is»ot limited to,the fo1loW+ing: • •
<br /> A. 'I�e promissory noce(s), oontrnct(s), guaranty(s) oT other evidence of debt Hescribed below and �ll extensions. ' • �
<br /> � rene�vals.modificationsorsubsdmtions(EvfldenceotDebt): �,.p�9�'!4���Q�.�.�.�•1��•���••••••• ,• •
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