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<br /> � ( _._..._.. "_ .... .�`..______�...�__"._._.. �_� ' ` . . .. ..._____.�._ .. ___.— .. - ' . .. _ . . . .� - .. .`.....!_` , _ ` � c .0. _
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<br /> . . ` '3.
<br /> ' �;
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<br /> .! _ . _ ` , _
<br /> j Boaower shall atso be in default if Borrower,during the loan apptication process,gave marerially false or ina�curate 4 � � � . ° .
<br /> infom�ation or statements to Lender(or faited to provide Lender witb any mateaial infam�ation)in ca�ecuon with the �
<br /> loan evideuced by the Note, inclading, but not lunited to, representations conceming Borrower's ocaipancy of the � . �
<br /> Property as a princi�al residence. If this Secanrity Instrument is on a leasehoid, Borrower shall comply with the I - - - -. -; _ -
<br /> • provisions of the lease.If Barrowec acquires fee title tn t6e Property,the leasehold and fee afle�hall aot be merged . , -
<br /> ' unless Lend�agrees to the merger in writing. , _-
<br /> � 6.Condemnatfan'Ihe proceeds of any avrard or claim for damages,direct ar coasequeatial,in connecaon with ,
<br /> any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property,or for conveyaace in place of condemnarion.are hereby ` °
<br /> ' assigned and shall be paid to Lender to the extent of the full amoune of the indebtedness that m,�nains unpaid under the . � . : ''��
<br /> Not�and this S�uity Inss�ument Lender sGall apply such proceeds w the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note E � '` - '=-' .
<br /> and this Secwrity Insinuuent,fust tn any delinquent amounts applied in the ord�provided in paragraph 3.and thea to � , . . � ; „�„�_,_.�.
<br /> . prepayment of principal.Any application of 1he proceeds w the piincipal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the f � ,
<br />� monthiY PaYmentg.which are iefeamd to in pazagtaph 2,or c6ange the amount of such payme�ts. Any eacess proceeds • _,�--
<br /> ovea an amount requued w pay all outSKanding indebtedness under the Note and t6is Securiiy Insuument shari be paid tn . f --
<br /> .. the e,nmY legallY enafled the�to. � Tj� �
<br /> ' . 7. Charges to Borrower and Protectiou ot I.ender's Rights in the Property. Borrowea shall pay atl . - ��j
<br /> ' � _�-.�---
<br /> gove�amental or mnniapai cLarges,fines and imposirions tLat are noi included m paragraph 2 Boaowes slrall pay these "' �l��i,.
<br /> �. abligations on time d'uectly tn the erm�ty which is owed the paymeni If fa�7w�e w pay would adveasely effect Lenctar's �'��� . . .�. -
<br /> interest in the Pmp�ty. ugon Lenda's request Bormwer shall promptty fumish ro Lendea receapts evidencvig these • �:`"'��.'�R-:,::�
<br /> ::� pa�� : �— �.�•
<br /> If Borrawer fails to make these paymea�ts or the paymettts requited bY puagraph 2,or fails to perform any other n:��
<br /> cov�ants and agreements consained in this Secauity Insuumer�t,or there is a legal pioceeding that may sigai8cantly � � `� `` --..
<br /> � affect Lender's rights in the Propeity (sucd as a proceeding in banlauptcy,for candemnauuan or to enforce laws oz -.:-.t `���` ..� .-":
<br /> n�' :. �..: .
<br /> , � [egulations),then Lendea may do and pay whatever is necxssary ro pmtect the value of the Property and Le�der's rights '' �
<br /> � in the Fropeaty,includ�8 payment of taaes,ha7ard����nce and other items mentioned in paragraph 2.
<br /> 4 � '�•*�.
<br /> � { Any asnounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph shall become an additional drbt of Borrowea and Ue -- ;_;,=. t�_
<br /> f se�ued by this Secauity Insmiment Ttiese amounts shall bear interest from the date of disbiusement,at�'n Note rate, r �. :'y '� �
<br /> -....__.. . ,.
<br /> and at the opdan of I.ender,shall Ee immediately due and payab2e. � ;;''�':. -=-_
<br /> . f Bomnwer s�hall pmmpdy discharge any lien w6ich das priority ovea this Security Instrument unless Bo:rowea:(a) � _ �.� ---
<br /> 1 agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,@)contest4 in _� .� .i�j� -_.„
<br /> good f�the lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Leader's opininn _�,���
<br /> to ent the enforcement of the liea;or(c)secures from the holder af the lien an agrcement satisfactary w -- �'�
<br /> . � v�► } .f;._._ ..--
<br /> L.ea�der subordinadn8 t�e li�n w this Secauity Insuumeat If Leader deteamines that any part of the Property is subje�t to »� ;'�__-
<br /> a lien which may attain priority ov�this Seauity Inslrument,Lender m:.y give Borrower a nodce identifying the lien. �"�'"�""' ^�
<br /> Bomnwea shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> S.Fees.I.ender may collea fees and charges authorized by the Secretary. _���-`y
<br /> as��, :-�'=�
<br /> 9.Grnunds for Aoceletation oP Deb� � �
<br /> (a)Defaalt I.ender may,except as timited by regulations issued by the Seae�y, in the case of paymeni -.:*���=�
<br /> default�s,requQe immediaLe payment in full of all sums seciued by this Secamry Instrument i� �F�
<br /> e-±'.
<br /> � (�Bormwer defaults by failing to pay in fiill any monthlY PaYmeat required by this Security InsUument �.�:
<br /> prior to or on the dae date of the next monthty paymen�or � r
<br /> (ri)Bormwea defaults by failing,for a period of thirty days,to perform any orher obligations contained in � -_ --.-
<br /> this Seca�iry Insmiment . �,��.�_-�
<br /> (b)Sak Withont Credit Approval.L�der shall,if permiued by applicable 1aw(including Secaon 341(d)of .�±�,s•s•,.... '
<br /> the(iam-S�Ger�nain Depository Instiwtions Act of 1982,12 US.C.1701 j-3(d))and a+ith the prior approval of ;,��q�;�s�. .�. �__•
<br /> the Secretary,require im�Ediate payment in full of all sums secumd by this Security Instrumea�t if: , q._ ,".:.,' ,rs;:,
<br /> �,±.
<br /> � .'��s'�=_�"r+►+'`"�_,'y'f�:'.�'�
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