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<br />, ` . If ihe amounts held by L.eader for Fscrow Items eaceed the amovnts permiued to�e held by RESPA.Lende�shall % �".
<br /> account to Borrower for ihe excess funds as reguired by RESPA. If th2 amounts of funds hetd by L.endea at any time . .�,
<br /> .;;.
<br /> �� � are not suff'iaent to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may notify the Sorrower and require Borrower to make up � _�`F.
<br /> �.- - the shostage as permitt�d by FLESPA � � �
<br /> . �---_
<br /> 'llie Fscrow Funds are pledged as additiona!security far all sums secured by this Securiry insuument If Borrower - - — _
<br /> tenders to Lendea tt►e fiill payment of all such sums,Borrower's accaunt shall be credited arith the balance remaining for � �.F=
<br /> all �allmeut itrms(a),(b}�and(c) and any mortgage insurance premi�un installment that Lender has not become ' . ;
<br /> obligated to pay to the Secretary,and Ixatder shall pmmpfly retwid aay excess fimds tn Borrower. ImmediaLely prior to � __
<br /> a foreclosure sale of the Propeny or its acquisidon by L.ender,Borrowu's account shall be ae�itEd with any balance : � _ .. —
<br /> remaining for all installments for items(a),@),and(c). _ .. ::-_-"""s'�:'
<br /> . . 3.Applkatto�af Payments.All payments imder paragcapphc 1 and 2 shall be applied by Lender as foltow� . :.�:i J
<br /> �,to the mortgage insurance premium tn be paid by Lender W tha Secretary or to the monthly charge by the • �^����—
<br /> � � ' Secretffiy instead of the monthty mortgage insutannse preauium; .;�.,-�
<br /> -� ' �nd,w any taxes,special assessmeats,te�sehold paymen•s or ground rents,and fire,tlood and other hazard --,,._=�:_-_
<br /> � �i , interest d nnder the Not�; •, N���=�
<br /> to �`.:+a=-:�
<br /> " gp�,to amo�on of the princiQal of the Note:and ° �'� ��-=�
<br /> �,w late ch�arges due ander the Note. ,.�'_�-+�e�°---,-_
<br /> .. 4.Fire,Fiood and Other He�ard Ins�ance.Borrower sdall insiue all improvements on the Property,whethet _ � �..�
<br /> now ia existence or subsequendy aected.against any ha7ards,casualties,and cantingencies,including fae,for which ^..�: -
<br /> Lender requires insivance.'Ihis insurance s4all be mainraiaed in the amounts and for the periods that I.euder requnres. . �;'�� .
<br /> � Borrow�shaU alsfl insure all'unproveanents on the Propeary,whether now in existence or subsequendy etected,against . ;. r - �'
<br /> .. loss by floads tn the exteut reqused by the Seaetary.All insur�nce sl�all be rarried with companies aPPmved by Lender. � .
<br /> 'Ihe insurance policies and any reuewals shall be held by Lender and st►all include loss payable clauses in favor of,and - . " •... �.
<br /> m a form ar,cePtable w,Le�d�. �� . .� �..�s
<br /> I n t h a e v e a t o f l o s s,B orrower sinall g ive I,ender immediate norice bY mal.Leade��Y�e P�f of loss if not ; . ',
<br />" ' made pronpi;y by Borrowet.Each insivance company concemed is hereby suthorezed and direc t�oo m a ke paymen t for ,��,�'; �,,'1 ,`—
<br /> such loss directlY to I.ender,instead of to Borrower and to I.ender joindy.All or any part of the enswcance proceeds may ;�..... ---
<br /> . � bs applied by Leuder,ai its option,either(a)w the reduction of the indebtedness under the Nota and this Security ��_.- ;;��•:. _--
<br /> Ia�uument,first to any delinquent amounts applied"m the order in pazagraph 3.and then to pcepaYment of PrinciPal,or ,�:�. .. ,.�, '•�
<br /> An lication of the to thep�incipal sha31 e�t extend , • � �'st :
<br /> ' (b)to the reswiarion or repair of the damaged PtupertY• Y aPP � b
<br /> ;- �.
<br />� =• or postpo�e the dae dats of the monthly payments which are referred tn in paraSraph 2,or change the amount of such �
<br /> , a �
<br /> ' •.�� payments.Any excess insmance procecds over an amount required to pay all ouutanding indebtedness undea the Note .�:" �: ...._�
<br /> � and this Security Instrument shall be paid w the entity legally earitled theretn. _ �':s���.�„Q
<br /> 1n the event of foreclosvre of this Securiry Instrument or othea tiansf�of title to the Prapeaty that eatinguishes the �,r
<br /> .. indebtedness,all righ�6de and interest of Bonower in and to insurance policies in force shall pass t�the purchaser. ��_�.� _
<br /> S. paupancy,preservation,Maintenance and Protedton of the Property; Barrower's I.oan Applkation; �."-•�:-
<br /> Leaseholds. Borrowea shall occupy,establish,and use the Property as Bonower's princi�al res'sdeace within sixty days [���.r�';'�=-_
<br />. efter the execution of this SecUrity Ins�ume,nt(or within sixty days of a lat�sale or transfa of the Property)and sdall -:�`•r�. --�s.=:.:�.�.-..
<br /> ' cantin�ce w occupy the Property as Bortower's prinapal residence for at lea4t one year atie� the date of occUQancy. ° ,_ _ _
<br /> . unless L.ender detemiines that requirement will e�use undue hardship for Boaower.ar unless extenuating circwnstances .;:�='" .` -
<br /> exist wluch are beyond Borrowea's conuol.Bairow�shall notify Lender of any ea�tenaatii►g circumstances.Botrower -' � " � �
<br /> - sfiall not commit waste or destroy,damage or substantially change the Property or allow the Prapeity to deteriorate. _ �'�;°y-s��+�-.-==
<br /> . reasonable wear and tear excepted.Lendea may inspect the Pioperty'vF the Property is vacant or abandoned or the loan is �'���•"`;
<br /> ,. , �,. r �: :
<br />• in default Lender may take reasonable action w protect and preserve such vacant or abandoned Prupeity. �{ `°°
<br />. . =�f`�:�
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