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, . . . . i� <br /> _... .� �<' � ,.; ' �. :. __ - =_=. <br /> I <br /> , <br /> 97'� it���0. � � _ <br /> (01 Ths raasyment in tu0 by Truetor(e)of di emounte edvsnc�d by BeneficiuY�lts option,to or on bahalf of Truatoris!es protoative sdvances j •_ �4:° <br /> autho�ised henfn,in tRe losn aqreement(s1,or in other insVUmer�t(e1 whieh evide�ce such edvanees,ptus interest on all auch adve�cea,payable f <br /> ea provldsd in the notot9),toan aQroomont(ol,or othor instrumont(a). . � � ;�;. <br /> ent in full of eny and NI other pe�t,pre�ent,or tuturo,dirsct or contin ent,debts and liabilitiea of Trustorls)to Bonefieiery of a�y � : ';"`� <br /> (dl Tha peym � v .��;. <br /> naturs whatsoever. � - <br /> f _ <br /> This Tntst Deed wift be due^"°•^'�Ol 2017 .or upon the DaYment in tull of eii sums secured hereby. _ <br /> � Tru�tor(s)heteby wenants that Truatarlo)holds fee slmplo tiUe ta the abova deacribad property,that Trustor(e) has 9oed and lawful euthority to : � : <br /> deed and eneumber Me seme,that the property �a free and cfear ot ali Iiens and encumhrences, exeept eneumbrances of record, and thai �:.� . <br /> Ytustorlsl will wenant end detend the property, at Trustorfa)expanse, ayainst a!I claimams whomsoever. Trustor(s)etso horeby waives end <br /> relfnquishas all dphta of dowsr,hom�stoad,d3sUibuti�s shere,and exemption in and to the above desuibed property. <br /> Tnxtodsl and each o!th�m t�utlur eownanu�d aQnes wlth 6as�eftdary as foltowr . - - : <br /> 1. To pay all liens,jud�nente,ot othar esse4smente epainst the property,and to pey when due all easessmente,taxee,rento,feea,or char0ea <br /> upon ths proDerty or under any lease,pemnt,license, or priwlepe essiyned to BanefiaeN n sdditionN security to this Truat Deed,includiny , <br /> � those in or on pu6lia dom�in. � _ <br /> 2. To insuro�nd keep insurod buldnya end othar improvemente includinp fixturos and attechmenri�ow on or hereafter ptaced on the pro�erty ' — <br /> to ths�itlafaation of Beneficiary. Sucfi insumnce wN be spproved by and deposited with Beneficiary,and endoned with Iosa payeble cisusa to � ,`t: <br /> 8eneftd�ry. Any suma eo roceived by Benefia�ry ma�be used to pay for reeon�uuctEon of rha destroyed improvememe ar if aot so epplied mn11 <br /> . be the option of Beneficiary,in payment of any inde4tednesa matured or unmatured secured by thia T+ust Deed. %::,: <br /> + 3. To keep ol buldinps,fixturo9,ettaehments,end other improvaments now on or hamafter placed oo the propa�t►r occupied and in paod ropar, ;;��_• <br /> � e�ntier upon the p opertY to insp et the seme ot o perform enY acts eutharized hero nnor�nt he!en apr ement(s).f the property. Banefieiary mey <br /> '� ... � .. <br /> � ' � �. In th� svent Truawr[s) fa'sfa w Day any liens, judpmenta, assessmenta, texes, rents,tees, or charsea or meintein eny insu�ance on ffie <br /> � � proyertY,buifdinys,fixNres,ettscfimenta,or(mprovemerrts aa prov(ded herein or in the loen apreement(s).Beaeficiary,at its optlon,may maice :r•, - <br /> sueh paYments ar provFda inauror�e, maintenance,or repeiru and any amounts paid thorofor w81 become part of the principsl indebtadoess <br /> � ! securad imm�diatdy due and peyabte and bear interoat at ths defauft rate provided i�the note(s)fram the date of paymant until paid. � <br /> � � The sdvenaemsnt by B�nefieiery of erry suc„smounta wiil in no manner limit the ripht of Benefidery to decfare Ttustorts)in dsfwlt or sxerdce �' � `� <br /> any o!Beaeflciaryro otf»r�phta and remediea. . .�� <br /> � 5. I n t h�e v ent Ben�ficln ry la a party to eny litiaation effeadny the property or tha lien of thls Trust Deed,inctuding eny aadon by Bensficiery to � ` „��__ <br /> � enforca thla Truat Daad m any suit in wNcb 8snsfici�ry is named�def�ndent(i n c lu di�p co n dem n a t f o n a n d b a n k r u p t c y p ro c e edin{i s)Beneftcia ry � •,�. <br /> ° m�y ir+cur sxpr�end�dvanca pa�menta for abstraat fees,attomeys fees(to the extent allowed by taw),coste,exgenses.apprdsal fees,end ` i , . '.t�. t•: <br /> � other charQea end eny artrounts so edvanced will become pert of the prinefpal indebtedness aecured hereby,be irnnedist�tV dus and payeble nnd � .. . ;•'.f;,,i',. <br /> j . S.��.. ;j . <br /> • � bsar intenst at the defautt rate provided in the note(91 irom ffie date of edvance unt31 paid. <br /> I 4 ' ��. <br /> � 6. Any�war�ed w cooe t u�i�dr��G V�T*+n�1^payrrben of eny indebtedoessnmature or urun@eturad,socu dtby thi�s T s De d 8enefidary[o ,�. 1 � <br /> � hereby wtfio � . <br /> 7. In ths svent Ta:stor(o)defauite in the psytment when due o4 eny sums s��red hereby (pdncipel, interest. advencemnnu, ar protaothre ,::¢' �� <br /> advancesl, or fails to perform or obaerve eny covenante end conditiona contsined herein, in ths note(s1, ioan eqrnement(s1, or any oLhe� ;. �,•. �:,'� <br /> iosqrutn�Ma.or any proceedinpa is broupht by or apamst Trustor(s)under eny Bankruptay lawe,Boneficiary,ct it�option,mey deciere the enUre �,�'�,;i ,� <br /> indebtedness eecured hsreby to b�imm�diateiy due and payable and the whole wfll bear interest ot tho defauit rete as provided in the note(s) :; <br /> and geneflotary mey immediately authorize Ttustes to exarclao tho Powor of Salo gmntod herein i�the manser p�ovided in the Nebraska Trust t . ' <br /> Deeds Aat,or,rt the option of ths Bensficiary,may forecioIIe the Truat Deed In the menner provided by law for tfie foreclosuce of mortpages on �r+ K;r <br /> � red prop�rcy,inch�diny th��Doi���t of�Recetver upon ax parte appiloetlon,noUce beinp hareby exprossly waived,without repard to Me _ � <br /> vdue of ths property or the suffieiently thereo!to di�ahatye tha iMebtsdnesa sacured hereby or in the loan eqraement(s1• Delsy by Beneflcfary �-=3�� <br /> in exerolaiop fto dpfito upon deisult wilt not be oon9trasd es s waiver theroof and any act of Beneficiary watvin9 e�V aDecifled default witl not be 1 S; � �- <br /> consWod as e waiver of eny futun dsfatt. if the proceeda undar suah s�le or toreclosure aro i�aufflcieM to pay the totd indebtednesa secured ��*' <br /> � hereby.Trustorta)do heroby aproe to be pereondly bound to psY ths unpdd batanae,aod Beneficiary wii!be enUfled w e deflciency Jud�nnsnt. �,�'=`--_ <br /> . . '� , i"",,. _-. <br /> e. Should B�nsfloLry�leet to ex�rots�th�Pow�r ot Sat�pnnted herein,Beneflciary will noUfy Truates who w(II tecord,pubUsh,and dsiiver to .,. i:` <br /> ' Truator(s)suoh Notics ot Dstwit�nd Nodce ot Sd�es then ro�ired by law and wll���ahce ea�or�itefms aad i�n au h ordor ae Tnate wf I desm ,<•� ' <br /> and plac�of�al�flx�d in th�NoUee of Sd�, sithar��a whote or in Qeparete IoU,p <br /> •' � s�edien� Any person msy bid et the aals IncSudinp Trustorlel.Truetee,or Beneficfary. „ . -�� <br /> •��";• . t�.; •: <br /> ' 9. Trustor(�)h�nby n�ests a nopY of any NoUce ot Oefauit or Notic�of Sate hereu�er to be mailed by cerNfled mail to Truatorlt)st ths j �'� <br /> � <br /> addrefKas)aet torth h�reln. • _ � � ` <br /> �.-�. - <br /> � en aodon or roas�din �nd whb or wlthout rop�rd to the '� �.��=' <br /> 10. Upon d�tautt,B�n�flci�ry,�itMi in p�non or by sy�nL wttA or without brinyrrp Y P O � . ;'.•. � <br /> wfu�ot the ptopetty o►the suftici�noy theroof to disoharqs the indabtadnssa securad hereby,ie eutfiorfzsd and snUdad to enter upon end take <br /> � poases�ton o!ths ptop�rty in ita own neme or in th�name of the Truatao and Qo any eots or expend any�ums it deems neces4ary ot desitable .. .�,,,,c,��-_ <br /> to prot�ot or prs�ervs th�valu�ot th�propeRy or eny intsreat therein,or iacreass the i�come theretrom;md with or without taklnp posseesion .. . _� _ <br /> of the propercy ia bvthod=ed to sus for or otherwi�e aoll�ot the rente,lesue9,crops,proftte,and income thoreof, includinp thoao past Que ond • , <br /> urpaid,and apD�Y the�eme uDOn eny Indebt�Anen secured horeby or in tho loan ogroamentlsl. .. - ''! -. <br /> No nm�dY MrNn conf�rred upon or r���rvW w Trusts�or Beneticiary is i�tended to be�YCtuaSve of any otMr remsdy herein or by lew � <br /> , �f i��ity or py t�ta�uLe�,�nd�tay b��xerc tted ooncu�rrenUy,inddsp�ndently or successivety��en hereunder or now or hareafter e�dstJnp st law <br /> i _ ,_,. <br /> 11. Tni�tor(�1�cknowl�dpes thst tM duU�s�nd obtlQnUono of Trutites w(II bs d�tsrtninM sdafy by the ezpres�provi�lons of this Trust Oeed or - <br /> ths Nebr�sk�Tnist De�ds Act and Trust��witl not be li�bl�sxapt tor the p�rformancs of sueh dutiss�nd obpy�tlons as�r��peclflcallyl s�t . _ <br /> ertdheuon�bly bNlwb bY�to b wnthorii�d o�vrkhin tih�Clsic it o�►piiphts o PowT e ctonfen��ed upo�it�y�thia T st Deed or st ts�aw.f�� , • — <br /> . 72. The lnteprlty and reeponsibiiity of Tntttor(a)consUtutes e pert of tho oonalderaUon tor the obiiflations eecurad hereby. Should Truator(s! ' �., <br /> eniUrerindebtedneas iymmediatefy due end paya5leend msy proceediin hs snforce ent of ite rlphta e on any other Gef u��on,may declere the � <br /> � <br /> � 13. Aeeipnment o!Rert�includinp VroceWs of Minenl I.�ases. Troator(e) heroby assiQns,tronefero,end conveys to FSeneflctary dl rente. � <br /> roydUes,bonuaes,end Ealoy monoyo or oth+er pracooda thot may from Umo to tlme become due and paysble under any real estete Iea�e or I �,. <br /> undsT�ny oil,pas,pravel.rock,or otMr minsrd ie�se of any kind inaludinQ peothertnai resourcoe now existinfl or thet may hereafter eome into � <br /> exletsnc�, covedng the proyerty or any pert Mereof. All suoh�uma so reaetved by Beneflciary will be epplied to the indebtedosss s�cured i <br /> hereby; or Beoeflclery, nt ite optlon,may tum over and deBver to Tntstorla)or their eucoeaaore in intereat,eny o� dl of suoh sume without ` �. <br /> prajudice to my of B�neflotary's rlpha to tak�and tetd�tutur�fuma,and without pre�ud4oe to any of its other ripht�under this Ttua't Oeed. . . <br /> This eaaiprmsM wiii b�conswed to be a provlsian for tho paymont or reduoUon of the debt,subjeot to tho Bonoflolory'e opUon es herei�bofore <br /> provlded, InAependent of th�lisn on the property. Upon payment in fuii of the Gobt aM tho reconveyanae of tNe Truat Deed of►ecord,this . , " <br /> asslpm�sni wili become iaopereUve end of no turNer force end eHeot. �� <br /> 14. Yhi�Trust O�ed oon�Utute��Seeurity Apreement with rsspeat to dl the property described herein. _ � <br /> 16. The aovenants contained in thle Trust Osed wUl be 4eemed to be aevareble;in the event tAat eny portion of thle Truat Deed 1e determined ` � ' <br /> to�e vold or un�nforcoablo,thnt detorminoUon wili not aHeot the vMldity ot the remaining portlons of the Trust Oood. � <br /> � Ay�:000937i1; D:imary f:uawmn�tD U:OQOE11S4i7; C!F Cl:71340 Lopd tloe.D�tr.Me�ch 18, 1897 pege 2 ��v� <br /> ' FCS►A 5011 Truet Deed end Ase+grvnent of Honta , � ~ <br /> ...-��-�-.--•'�+; - — - . �-^"^'^"•`►"• • <br /> . . .. . .. - - - <br /> - • _—:.-_; - .._-,—�-._.-..�, .._. -..---- —� ---- _ �a��� - - <br /> _ - , , . . .----�--T . �_ . -.--. - • . . . .. - -. <br /> - •. . .: - . .- . _ ,�� _ -<' , _ . '�? ,. : .. . , i ' _ � _ � . � , ... . .....•• ' ``t- .. �. ._ . . • ,� • ', �'� .'.. �� � _ .., <br />