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<br /> , - . `' ��' �—" v. �p � - - - -- - _
<br /> � ':�� Farm Credit Servicea � ..~J � O � '
<br /> � PitF9�RSi: P.O.Box 5080 N ,-Z . •
<br /> Carand tsland,NE 68802-5080 �r
<br /> (308)382 9028 ,
<br /> . _� L/st sssadotad fosn numberis sidawsys In uppei dpht camar above. ��� . � ' , : .
<br /> OtharwTs�do nai m1tN[Y➢�a6ow tlrJs lin� for fiGny Oaiposas onry.
<br /> .,� �` , . ..
<br /> RpN1E8TEliD DESfII.°JATICPI�ISC�ld6l'7EA �
<br /> .��
<br />' eecordance with the provisiona of the Nebraaka Farm Homestead P►oteodon Aot,Neb.Rov.Stet.SectiWOm electa�tot Olsdalm th�R18�rt to\ . ; .'
<br /> In , `
<br /> � the execution. end as a part of the foilowinp Trust Deed,ffie undersipned Trustor(s)being firet duly s , j_r ; _-
<br /> D�si�at�a Nom�st�ad. � �^' � -
<br /> .�,� ��
<br /> . �""�.�k.�_
<br /> I/We disdaim the �fafit to desiynate e Anmestead on the propertY described in the foitowiny Trust Dead_ No part of mylour homestead is , ._. � ._ �_
<br /> presentty,or In the tuwro wilt be,situateA upon eaid red estete. �lWe underatand that if Ilwe estebliah a homoatead on any pert of ffie rost . . i = �_-jr..
<br /> ' estate durinp tAe Bme the Trust Daed rer.:ana unsatisfied a�e Iien on the reai estete, I/we shsll have no riyht to meke e destynation of , _ ,
<br /> . homest�ad in the event of a Truateo'e sate. � • ' ..-'�.
<br /> _ '-,...;_r�-_.
<br /> ,�„���.��.�c..t.(._, , �, �..>�..
<br /> . �� � �'��"��� ���- DELORES WAOELL q
<br /> f DELMER WAOELL � . .�'•`s--�
<br /> . "7•
<br /> :`•: Fum Crsdi3&�rv{ns '�
<br /> �. . TR4JST DEfD AlUD ASSIGNl1AENT OF RENTS ��'��� `�`; � ;'�
<br />� . �'��� • _
<br /> . , Tnutart�?: ' ���,�.�. " : t ` -
<br /> • '.i
<br /> huaband end wite " . _
<br /> ' . L ..�. .
<br /> . • MaYhpAddrNS: --, "r•:` •.:;;:.
<br /> 1401 W 14RO ' . '� s':� �
<br /> - AUROAA NE 8381&5308 ��'• � 'L � �
<br /> ' Thia Trust Oaed end AesFpnment of Rente la made Ma:ah 19.1997 .by nnd emonp the above nemed Trustor(s)and ApAmerioa. ,�. '
<br /> ' FCB. 'Tn+stee; whoss mdlinp dCnaa lo PO Bflx TAF-Cb, Spotu�no, Weah(npton 98220�005, and ��,{;,
<br /> � Fq�Credlt ServFces of the Midlanda iLCA 'Beneflciary,' whose m�i0np addre» is 20B S 19th Street �;�_�,,
<br /> ;�;,afis NE 68102-1745 in consfderaUon of ths edvanae by 8oneflcfery to Trurtor(o) of the p�incipd sum
<br /> apec(fled below, tM roosipt of which is heroby acknowledped,and any fnturo, edditlontl,or proteotivo edvarices made to or on Dohatf ot - ;'��'
<br /> Trustor(s)st Bsn�flcluys option,Teustor(s)irtevaoably transfero,aonveys and asstpna to Trueue,IN TRUST,WITH POYYER OF SALE,for the ,
<br /> � bsnsftt�nd aeaurity o}Bensfldsry. its succss�on �nd�ssipnn, under and �ubjeot to the terms end condlUona of thts Trust Deed, the , ,�s'{_ �
<br /> � property,locatsd to"�I County0es).Stete of Nebraska,and deecdbea ea followa: _ _: �.__
<br /> .�,:;-.��,:�
<br /> - ,�::-_--—
<br /> • W 11Y SW 9/4 of Seatton 29,TowmNp 12N.Ranps 11 W 6tfi P.M.,except tfiat DoRlon ' • . ��-;
<br /> theroof dnadbed as fdlowa:Comrtwtwi�p st th�Southweat comer of said Seotion 29, �� .
<br /> � dso belnp ffie point of b�ynninp;tMnce on�n assumsd beadny o!N 00 deproes +,+� ,'��
<br /> � 00'00'E�lona the Wat Nn�of�aid SW 114.�disUnce of 827.65';thencs S 88 ,..,•�'?�}'
<br />� ' do,;.es9 08'S1•E e dfetenae of 578.56';thence S 00 d�press OS'88'E a�9tenCO O! ' ��•• r:s.r- � .
<br /> 8Z8.20'to s pdnt of ths South Nno ot crld SW 1/4;tAonao 89 dopr000 OB'B8'W : �� �
<br /> elonp the South tine o}�aid SW 1/4�disisnce of 580.83'to the potnt of bep(noinp. � '�,r:'.ii�:�l�
<br /> ..to�,��3�.
<br />. .,'.^C..��� t.
<br /> . . ��v' '�-'.: _'-7�!+ :
<br /> ' toastAa with dt Tru�tor's dQht,dtls, �:�d brter�sR in ths propsrty, now or hsreaiter scquired,ine:udiny: dl 6uildinpo, flxtures, orops, and ._j� ., : , �
<br /> (mprovsmant9 now on ot hereaite�ptacb upon th�propnty:�1��PuRenenass, watm,irripation,a�draineaa dpht�;n!1 ronts,lssu�f.uaa�, .��,��Y�� _
<br /> incoms,proftts. and tiphts to Do�aeacfon;dl oil, �s,pravd, rock,o►other m(ner�s of whstever nature,Inaludinp peothsrtnel resouross;�II , , -
<br /> � pereonai prop�rty th�t msy Intsprailq belonp to or hueefte►become an int�prol pert oi the real estste wheutier ettached or detsahed,includinp .
<br /> eny appurt�n�naes and�ocoutnmenu of eny struoture or reaiQence eecured hereby;eaaements end other dphte end intereste now or st any .
<br /> Ume Mr�sft�t bslonpinp to or In�rry way perteininp to tfis p�operty,whethet o�nat saecitioalty dasar3bed hareln;all abova and betow pround - . , .. .
<br /> � irripetion equlpmont and aaaeuodea;end ail i���ss,permito,lic�nse�, or p�ivitepea, appurtonant or nonappurtenant to ths propet4y.now or . .
<br /> heraaft��i�w�d, extenQed o�renewod by Truatot(s1, any St�ts, tM U�ted Ststes, o�any depertme�t,bu�eau. instrumentetity,or eaenoy
<br /> ther�of. Th�torepoinp I�coileoUvely reterred to in this daoument es the'propertyr.' ..
<br /> i
<br /> tt 6��Q�rstood�nd��d b�twMn Trwta(�1 and Gruflcia�y th�t th�Tnut DNd M yiwn to��eurr. � j-
<br /> ' (�) Promiseory notelo)executed by Truatorle)to Beneflciery desadbed es followe: � • _
<br /> � Eati of Not� �G+doal Llmount ' ' �
<br /> . :. ; �„9,� �,000.� 4 —
<br /> 1 . . .
<br /> • i .
<br /> • 1 payabte accordi�p to the terms of the notels),and any addandum to,reamortizetion or reatruotu�inp of the�otetal. , _
<br /> 1
<br /> _ i (b) The�epayment in fuil by Truatorta)o!eny end all future end eddiUonal losna or edvence9 whioh may be made by Bsneflciavy,et its opUon, . . ,
<br /> � at the reQueet of,end to or fo�ths�ccou�t ot Tntator(s),or eny of them,for any purpoae,plue intetest on all loana or advartaos,undor ony
<br /> � noto(91 or othe► inetrumeatte) ��d+W�np, Qefin�neinp, extendlnp, renewinp, reemortlzinp, or reauuotudn9, new exiBUnp, or edditionel r
<br /> � ind�bt�Qn��s or eny p�n thereof, sil payabb socordln9 to 4hs tertm of the note(s1 or other inswmentte); p�odded, howevor,that tho totel I.
<br /> , principal indebtedneae out�tanding�nd sacursd horoby at owy oiro timo wiil not exaeed the sum of: � . �
<br /> I - E THOUS D OOLLARS •
<br /> � l0 95.00O.QO 1,excluefve of iMereat and protective eQvances authodzod horoin or(n tho loon apreomontie); providad further,thet THIS �.
<br /> �.�.
<br />, — _.�-- - — i-'
<br />' - � � ' . :12
<br /> , Ap/:00093741; Primary Cu�tocrnr ID!:00081597; CiF A�:71340 Leyal Doo.Dete:Morch 19,1997 pege 1 '. �
<br /> � FCSM 5011 Trust Deed and Aseiprxnent of Rents j �., �
<br /> '. �
<br /> T�r...�._._�.--_ - - -- — - - — --= -. ' _ ----
<br /> .. - ,-� _ � _ ..5:.�-. _.__._�__.... . . - -- . , x':`
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<br /> a.. . . .. . . . . . .. � . ., . . . . ,.. ., . -,.. . .... ..... .. . . .. . .-. .. . .c` .. . . � .._. _ . . .... � -
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