' � � �---------- .. .. .
<br /> . .... _..._ . � . ... .. � -
<br /> , . _ . .__� • '
<br /> . .
<br /> ,��
<br /> -�--- -- ____ _.._ ..--- . _ . �,� .. _�. _ --- --
<br /> � _ ._ - -
<br /> , � by this MortgsRa Rllortgagor sLall gay to Mor6gagee the amonat of anyr de8oienoq be�een th��taaos.�ssess� ` '` , ^`�
<br /> Y
<br /> ments. i*++r,*ARse premiums and ground rents aad the deposits hereundeY within 10 days after demaad is made upoa -
<br /> " Mostgngor requestin8 Psymsnt ther�oi ,
<br /> @. �apair.Ma�nEenaase aad IIae.To promptly rep�air.resLOre or rebuild az�y buildings or impmvamonte uaw or , . .
<br /> her�ssaRer oa Ehe Prope�:to keep the Propet7�r ia good conditlon aad repair,without weste.and bree a+offi meohaaio's os . ,
<br /> s other liena not expresely enbordiaated to the lian herea�not to make.sufier or permit any nnisance to e�sf,aor to _
<br /> . diminish or impatr the value of the Prapert3►b9 anY act or omieaton to aa�aad to oomp�r mith ell requirement�oi law
<br /> r with ne�peat to tho ProPerty. �—
<br /> � 7. Condemnstioa. Ia the event the Property. or aay part ttiereoi,ehell be takea by emfnent domain.the ; '_
<br /> ; Mortgages i�empowered to collaot and reooive all aompenaasion whioh may be paid tor any properiy taken or for d�m• . ` _-
<br /> j ages to PYOperiy not ta�n,and Pdorcgagee ahell aPA�►suaH compeasatfnn,at ite option.either to a radnatl,on of the
<br /> . indebtedness seau�d hereby or w regair and restore the propert,y so dameged.
<br /> I _ �
<br /> i 8. F+erfosmance by Mert�ee.Mortgagee me,y.bnt ehsll hava no obHgatton,to do aqy aat whioh Ehe Mortgagoz ,'
<br /> � ha�sgreed b�fails to do,aad Mortgagee may elso do aqy aat it deems neaessns�ta proteot the liea heseoL 144ortgagor
<br /> ha �
<br /> � agrees;o repay,npoa demand.any sums so ezpended hy the Mort�gee for the above purpases.oad aqq sum�so . , �
<br /> ' ezpended hy the Martgagae ahall ba added to the indebtedaess seaared herehy and become sabj$a6 to the lien hareoi - . . .. .- �
<br /> " Moxtga,gee sloall not iaanr aa�peisonal Idability beosuse of aAything it ms4y do or omi!to do he�undsr. , 'S'
<br /> . � �; , . • �:
<br /> � g, De�ni�As�dgnmeat o2�ent�.Time is of the essence heseo�and upon Mortgago�e default 1n any coveneat . `
<br /> or agoeement oithis Mortgage,inoluding cottenants to pay when dne the aums seaursd Isy this Mortgaga.the Mortgageo • .. .
<br /> - ems11 be entitted,at fta sola optfnn and without notice.to deolata ull r�ums secured by thie Mostgage to tiie immedlaYely
<br /> ' due and Pa�Yable aad ma,y commence Lozeolosute oi this Mortgssge bY judiaial Amcaedings;an�.P:ovided further,that - . �.
<br /> . npon suoh detault the Mortgxgea,or a reaeiver appointed by a aowR,may aE its opbion and arithout�egard to the adequer -
<br /> oy of tTne eeau�/,enter npon and take possesaion of the Properqq snd colleac the rents.iasusa sad prnSb thesetmm and :, . .
<br /> appky them 8rat to the cosc o!colleation and operatioa of the Properql and then upon the indebtednesa seou�d hy thfs � . ,. ��,
<br />, �� Mortgage:said rents,issues and pro$ts being assigned to the Mortgagee ae furtHer seaurit,y for the ps�yment oi the : . •_w:.�- _
<br /> iadebtedness sem�red hereby. �,�+i�..'!�'°-`
<br /> - . 30. Tsades oi Ptoperty.If all or aay part oi the Property is sold or hansferred withont the e�►ress cQritten ooa� . ' �� l��—_
<br /> eont oi the Mortgagaa.Mortga8es may at i�eole optl9n,deolsne all sume eeanrad by Ehie Mostga,�e to be ia�mediately E -
<br /> T..,:.,f. I =.
<br /> 'T..i,aR f�'
<br /> �. � dne eiad P�b�- --._ �-
<br /> ' � iL Bnture Advances.Upoa reqnest of Mortgagor.Mortgc�gee mey make addittonal aad future edvancea to . �� .
<br /> Mortgegor.Suah advances.with interest thea�on.ef�all be seoured by this M,ortgage when evldenced hy pmmisso�y notes �`
<br /> �ating tbat said notes ate seaured heneby.AL no t[me ehall the prinaipal amonn!01 the iadebYedness seaused by tLia � � � --
<br /> au .: �:.
<br /> ' ' Mo:tgage.na�f.�:.ludin�eams advance�Ea proteet the s9ourity oS E�is Mortgege.ezaeed tho uri�nal Nots. ' ..�_ � ' .
<br /> ��
<br /> _ fS. B�SCa7Hanaona Paovlslona. •� ,:�
<br /> �
<br /> (ab Any forebearaaae in e�ercisiag any r18hi or ramedy ahall not �a a waives theseoi � , . �� .�`S i =
<br /> (�D All:emediea provided herein are diatlnoL and aumnlstive to an�y other right agorded hy taw or equi�►. ,._.�_.:� `.,�4. � _
<br /> m � ;�
<br /> and m�y be ezeroised aoaauaentiy.independea t i q or suc o e s a iva�y. _�' �.'�
<br /> �s'_
<br /> (o) The oovenants and agreemente containad herein shall bind.and the rlghte inusa to.the respeottve s¢o- . i�`�-.
<br /> oesso�and rssalgne olthe Mortgagor and the Mortg�g�e. �''• � '�
<br /> • ..:�—
<br /> (� pll oovenante and e�eementa of fhe Mostgagor are loiat and sevesal. . �, ."
<br /> �:_. j _ . - ,�-
<br /> j (e) The heaclia�oi ffie pasagrapLs ot this Mortgage are fo:aonvenianco only end a b a l l not D e u s e d t o in t e r � � �••,
<br /> . . , ;. � �
<br /> j p�t or de�.ae the provisioas�hereoi �` � : _
<br /> { . ..`_a+s�i<-:,_ �
<br /> ' 13.8elease. Upon pa�yment oi sll sume aea�ed by thie Mortgage.Mortgagae ehall disohatge this Mortg�+�d , . � �`
<br /> � sbsll e=eaate and deliver s aaEisfaotory release theretor. . , . .
<br /> ,�.
<br /> ' '� . ;.. . ----
<br /> ' ,+ . . , � -
<br /> . ' IN WITNE88 WFIEgtEOF,Mostgag�r has e�eauted this Mo�igage on the of d1�Ch 19 97 - s.;
<br /> ,i l � �-:
<br /> (J ' t ht. 8i 11 esbach) HO"°"'s � �. . �__
<br /> . ��
<br /> • Sffite o!l�tebra�ka. H a 11 County se:
<br /> � � On this ��q day oi �A���ti -19 Q� -before me,4he unde�igned,a Notary Publio � .
<br /> duJycom�iesionedandqualifledforeaidooun�.Fa:sonauyoame �anet M. Billesbach. a single person
<br /> � �
<br /> � to mo�aoava to be the �
<br /> identtoal po�n(s)whflse name(s)ere eubsortbed to the toregoing inatx�iment and aolmowledgecl the eaeautton thereoi . ,
<br /> to bo h r -voluntary aot and deed. �-::
<br /> . Witnee9 h8nd8IIdIIOlBS18188a18t_rrgnd Teland� tJohraclta insFridoounLy.tho � f -"
<br /> �
<br /> dnte atoreaeid. '
<br /> _ � .. �....
<br /> M,q Commiasfoa mcpire� GEhEAAi NOipHY,St�p Ot RtEnsb 1/� 1 � G �
<br /> OEVRA 11k£LROY
<br /> ' ►U�. �
<br /> � Yy tme.Fsp�qy�tfit Nataey Publlo I ��
<br /> \ �
<br /> �,
<br /> �
<br /> � t�cto�ee�s •
<br /> 0 Natianal BarJc o}Comma�oo Trusl and Savings IlssocyaLOn.l,ncotr►.Kfbraska � ' �
<br /> �'-
<br /> l �a'"'�'"�
<br /> � . � '��,�-..--•. -- _�� .
<br /> _ -_ + ; _ ,- 1=_— - --.. T�l.i �� � ,-_ _�. ,� ; . :
<br /> . � . . . . , .�. . • �•�.`.. . .. . . .< <' . . :� .
<br /> . • ... . . ' ._ '.� . ' � . . .. � .. . �• . • - , . " . . _. ,. � . . � . � . . . . .
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