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<br /> 1 ��'� � � . ' , —
<br /> � � MOBTaA(�E
<br /> N �. . -v
<br /> � �mtor� isenrsaeaintohacrraan` Janet Pt. Billesbach. a sinqle nerson = , ,
<br /> (he�+ein'Mort8�8+o�� \�, � , _� .-.-,•_—
<br /> «:�-.
<br /> (herein°Mortgagee'�. "�.
<br /> Fivo Pnintc Rank�a jJp,bracba, r�rporat;^^ - . -
<br /> `.--'; ;` �a`
<br /> YVlortgagor la fadebted to Most�ageo!a the prinoipal sum oi S� 360 50 .evideaoed by Mor¢�oi's nnte . ' ; ,
<br />_ •�
<br /> �d �ld 1"Ch 17. I991 (henela`Note'�psoviding for pa,ymente of prinaipal aad fnteresk�th the balaace oithe . '`"`�'-'�;W-_-
<br /> �i•'T_ :
<br /> larrh 9(1_ 90�1 � ��y
<br /> indebtednasa it aot sooaer paid,duo aad pqyabla on� . *•�� ��"'4�`�
<br /> To aeoura tha paymenf ot the Note.artth intesast as provlded therein.the p�yment of all othes euma wiLh inter �•�,,;�,
<br /> ,.'.�_-:�y�----
<br /> i est.advanaed by Mortgag�ee to proteat the sem�st�y of thie Morigage.and the perlormaaca of fhe covenanto and e�ee� ,. - --;�-•
<br /> A .ff: Y�t�
<br /> ment4 oi the Mortgegor oonteined herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage an�Qanvey to Mortgsgee tha foIIowing .. . '
<br /> desaribed . . ���,�,F � `
<br /> proper�y loCated fII Hd�1 Couap7.Nlebsaa�a. � •r
<br /> "' �. �,���._�.
<br /> Fractional Lot 7en (10?, Fractional Block Three (3). in Ashton Place '����-
<br /> and its campliment to-uit Fractional Lot Ten (10;, Fractional 81ock Eight (8), .�: � �
<br /> in Woodbine Addition, both being additions to the City of Grand Island, Hall :�• e �
<br /> County, Nebraska. �•� �� �-_
<br /> . ..�.�.'.. :
<br /> ' , �ff .''
<br /> 4-I'.%1J __""
<br /> • ' ��tJ(
<br /> .. '__'. ''`�� �, �..
<br /> ;;; ,.�_
<br /> Togefher with all buildinge�improvemeate Ti�tures.streets.alle98.Das�a8�1�.easements.rlghte.P�rfvlleges - , -
<br /> and appuxtenanaes Eaoated thereoa or in a�ywlse perialuinQ 4heraLo.and the sents.issuee aad pio�fe.teversi�ne and , -: r ''� -
<br /> " remelade�the:eo� iaoluding.but aof limited to.heatiag and aooling equipment and suoh pe�sonal proper�y that ie �'��..- --
<br /> attached to the improvemente so as to aonatitute a fl�:all oi whioL.lnolndiag raplsoemente�nd additlons the�to.is
<br /> �' hereby deolara�to be e part of the real estate eeaased by the Sen of tLis Mortge�e snd all o!tha fosegoing beinB:efessed � ' '.��;
<br /> to hereiu ae tha'Proper�r". --
<br /> Mortgagor fsuthe:oovenaate oud a,�ees.with Moitgageo,es folta9v� : .�'
<br /> � 1, psymenL To p�y the indebtedness and the interest thereon as pmvlded ia this Mortgage and the Note. � �� '����r-"'R'��'
<br /> . � .
<br /> .� 8. Zitle.Mortgegor is the otvner ot the Property.hae the right aud authority eo mortgage the Piope�and war . � •t� . s�..
<br /> as+eatad her fs a�st aad rioz liea on the psoper�,e�aept as m�y other�vlse be sef iorth hereiw. �:�. �
<br /> �n t B t h a t t h e ll e n h Y p .
<br /> , Cl Th6 Plolpe7Ay 1fi Bltbjeot to 8 Mostgege wh0rei*� � . . 'ab• -_
<br /> t
<br /> ' the Mostgag�ea.reaorded at Book .Fage oi the Moitgeg�e Recnrde oi . � . .
<br /> ' .c.y3�„1�d�5'�'�:�..r{_
<br /> County.Nebs�sZm,wIInioh Moitgaga i8 a lian prior to the lien areated hareby. -• � �
<br /> D Other prios liens or enaumbrana°°•
<br /> �.,..
<br /> : —:
<br /> . . �
<br /> '�� S T�ei.Assesiments.To p�y whea due all t�ea. speoial aesesaments and alt other ohargos agsinat the � . '
<br /> Property and.npon written demand by Mortgagee.to edd to the Feymea�s required under the Notr�seaured herehy.suah . �i�
<br /> amount as me�y be auffioient to onable the Mort�gae to pay suoh t�ea,assessments or other obarges se they beaome � _°
<br /> � ; due.
<br /> jL *��++•s�ss.To keop Ehe improvementa now or hoseafter loaated on the real eatate desozibed herein insured . ' �
<br /> � ' e�sinst damsge Dy fi�and snoh other�azasde ae Mortgugae may reqnire,ia amouaffi and o�ith compaaiefl aaceptable to � -
<br /> � the Morigagee.and with loss payable to the Moitgagee.In oaso of loas under euoh poItoiea the Moltgagee ie authoilzed . � �: �
<br /> ' to adjuet,colleat and comprnmise.in ita disaietion,oll olaims theraunder at its sole option.suthorized to eithor app�y the , . . • ._
<br /> � pabaeeds to the resto=atian oi the ProperRy or upon tho lndebYedness eeaured hereby,but pa4qmenis hosennder ahall aon- _
<br /> t[nue untll the sums seaured hereDq aze are paid ia full. �
<br /> � . .
<br /> j g, p Es�w goi Ta:os anA lnsusaaoe.NotwiSLstanding snything con�ined in par�grapLs 3 and 4 hereof to �
<br /> � the aantrmy.Mostgager ehall pay to the Mortgagee ai the time o!paying the manthty installment�of yiinoipal Qud iater � �JT
<br /> j osc.oa�twelith oi the yeatly taaes.asseasmeats.ha�ard insurancu pro�luffis,nnd gsound s�nt9(14 a�r)whioh m�y atwin ; —`.
<br /> a prlorlfiq over thia Mortgage.all es reasonably estimatad iram tlme to time by the Mortgsgee.The amounts so paid sLall '
<br /> ; be held by the Mortgagee wtthout intorost c►nd ap�liod to tiae payment of tue iEeix►a L� respecA io shlah aaah:.maua� � �
<br /> . were deposited.The aums ptiid to Mortgagoe hosounder uro pladged�additional soourft,y for the indebtedna�s seoused _
<br /> , , �. s••
<br /> C . � ,,,._ .1
<br /> ---^--.^?^°____. - - - - -- - - �'��;—��,-- -- -� .. -r - - - -��--f- - �- . - ^ ., i,-. �----„ � ----._
<br /> �#k�� ' ' . - � . ; ' � , . . ._.. . • . . .. , . ( . ' .. . .. . �,Y _ �y..... . . . .. �
<br /> t 1.
<br />