. . � . . . . . , .. . . . . . � '4
<br /> , �`.." . �, . . t_ ----------- ._.._.._.._._. . ' V. �.
<br /> . .t: ,
<br /> . . '' , .. . i: .
<br /> Borrow�er �hall promptly give Lxnder written notice of any investigation. claim, demand. law•�uit ur other action hy :�ny
<br /> guvernmental or regulatory agency nr private Qarty invulcing the Propertg an�1 any Hazardou�Subscanre ur Envirunmental Law , ;. . . r-_
<br /> o f w h i c h B o r r a w•e r h�,a c t u a l knuuled ge. If Borro�ver Irarn�. ur i, nutilu�d by any governmental ur re�ufatory authurit}�. that _'.p,
<br /> any removal or ather remediatii�n o(any H:uerdou-,Substanre atfecting t he P n�pe rty n n e�.-e s s:�ry. &►rn��s e r ti h:i l l p rum ptl y tak y --
<br /> alf nc�e+wry rem�c iia l accion.in ucco n i s n�c�cith Environmental Iaw�. , _
<br /> A� useci in thi. p:u-agrspl� 20. "Har•rrduu+ Substan�'es" are tho,e+ub.tan���+dcfined :u toxic or h a z a r d��u+ .0 n,�s n«�n y� , ' �
<br /> Envimnmer.tal L.aw anJ the ti�lluµing +ubstances: gsu�line, kero.ene. uther tlantmab�e ur wxic �etmleum pn�Jurts. toxic �_
<br /> esticides and herbiridr+.�ulatilr,olvrnt_. materials cont:�ining a�besto.nr ti�rmdld,�'d��n Kh r���he'Property i.�lix:►tc:d th�at� ', . ' -
<br /> P �this paragraph'_O. "Env�ronmrnta► laa mram federal law s and laa•� af thc�u ' .,• _
<br /> relate to health.wfety ur rnvirunmeettal pnnection. , . -. - ,�� �_z=�::
<br /> NON-UNIFORbi COVENANTS. Borrower anJ C.ender further covenant:uid 3grec a�fuUuw+: , , . _
<br />- 21. Acceteration;Remedi�.l.ender shall give tiot[ce to Ban°not r dor to acceleruti+nf undernparagr'dPhr�� un�le+s� ' '
<br /> of ans cove�utnt or agreement ia this Security Gtstrument lbu P ' � :_.k-�,�.���;::_
<br /> . appltcable la�ti�provtdes othenvise). The notice shall specify: (a)the defauft: (b)thr action required to cure the default: ___ ;_
<br /> e
<br /> (c)a d a te. not tess than«e defaulroon�or before the d e�specified in the notice�hire���� nefa���t°°°f h�sa� • r ��•.."`
<br /> (d) that failure to cu
<br /> Secured by this Secudty Instrument and sale of the Property.The nottce sh�ll further inform Burroeer of the right to .` � � _ . i
<br /> � reinstate after acceleratton and the right ro br[ng a rnurt action to assert the nun-existence of a default or any other • -
<br /> defease of Borrower to acceleratio i���te 'ayment in fWi of all sums s�ecuredfbret is Seeurit}Instrument�w�it hout , ' .,.,..�;• ,� �*
<br /> ,,.;�.s..,=•.,_,.. _
<br /> L e e e d e r, a t i t s d p t t o n, m a y r e q u i r e P r m i t t e d�b a l i c a b l e t a w.1.e n d e r shal!be , :`,W�if9��'s
<br /> fnrther demand and may invoke the pow'er of sale and any'ot her rem e d ies pe y b il.including.hut aot timited '' '�'•�=".":_-
<br />. ` entitled to collect all expens�incurred in pursuir►g 16e remed[es provided iu this paragrap .�;� !,��"�_-,
<br /> to,reasona6le attocney5'Pees and costs of title evtdence. aq�e __�r=-----
<br /> If the power of sale is invoked.Trnstee shall r'ecocd a aotice of defauit in each county in wh�ch any par4 .�,;,•:-,.- �,,,,,.,
<br />• Property is tocated and shalf mafl copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Barrower and ta ,.:�.
<br /> the oiher persons presc�ibed by applfcable law•After the t[me required by applicable law,Trustee shall give pubfic notice �_as�, ,.
<br /> of sale to the peisoas and in Yhe manner prescr[bfd by appl[cable law.Tnutee,wtthout demand on Borrower.shall sel! _,,y �. -----
<br /> "'....�.��`_._--,- .
<br /> , the property at publtc aucHon to the highest bidder at the time and place aad wid�the�e�e of ull orn y pa*ce� oP he ���''°°� �`��''
<br /> sale in one or more parcefs and in any order Trustee determines.Trustee may po po ' :,.;•^ v� •'�
<br /> _ property by pubitc anttouncement at the time aud place af any previous�Y �ched°��d�e. Lender or its designce may . _, �'�"'
<br /> purcha�e the Property at any sale. yi ;�;� � �.�'
<br /> .� .�. " . r;1.,._:
<br /> � _ IJpon receipt of payment of the price bid. Tn�stee shall deliver to t6� purchaser Trustee's deed rnnve ng the _ .
<br /> s • prop¢rty. 'fhe r�ecitals in the Tcustee's deed shall be prG�a facte evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. �.,�r
<br /> Trustce shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the follo�ring order.(a)to al!sosts and expenses of exenising the power of :-��-:--� �:
<br /> • sale.and thesale.including tE�e payment of the Tnutee's fees actually incurred,not to exceed th�of $50 or 1��° -
<br /> of the principa!amaunt of the aote at the t,me;n;�►�Ideeclarand(c)any exeess to the�personeorttpersons le�ally ent�l�to �
<br /> � by law; (b)to all sums secured by thls Secu ty t
<br /> . �'
<br /> : tt. n a ment of all Sums secured by this Security Instrumen[. Lender shall request Trustee to ' ".�.�<
<br /> 2 2. R e c o n v e y a n c e. U p o p y
<br /> . reconvey the Property and shail surrender this Security Instrument an d a l l n o t e s e v i d e n c i n g d e b t s e c u r e d b y t h i s Securi ty �'��,.,
<br /> �?e
<br /> Instrument to Trustee.Trustee�hall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally , � ,:,.
<br /> entided to it.Such penon or persons shall pay any recordaUon cotit�. '��!7 '�'
<br /> 23. Substitute Trustee- Lender,at its option, may fsom time to time remove Trustee and aPPoint a succes�or trustee to ; � ;.
<br /> any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorde�.�'�'ithout :;��. :
<br /> ower and duties conferred upon Trustee herein i.:�
<br /> .- conveyance of the Properiy. the succes�or trutitee+hall succeed te.all the title,p �; s
<br /> and by applicable law. thac co ie.af the notices of default and sale be sent to Horrower's address ��
<br /> r r uest� �'" '
<br /> 24. Request for Notices. Borrowe eq P nt
<br /> � which is the Propercy Address. �-
<br /> 1S. Etldeis ta this Securlty instrument. If one or more riders are executed by Horrower and recorded together with this .�_-
<br /> ' Security Instrument,the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement --- �:;. _AA
<br /> • the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument ati if the rider(s)we:e a part of this Security Instrument.
<br /> � [Check applicable box(es)1 �;:°�r�_����:;
<br /> ■� fiT�r,,s,<<-
<br /> �Condominium Rider ❑ 1-4 Family Rider �� -->.-
<br /> �Adjustable Rate Rider �' ''��.__�--_.`
<br /> Q Planned Unit Development Rider ❑Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> �Graduated Payment Rider ❑g�ond Home Rider -----�-
<br /> �• �Balloon Rider �Rate Impm��ement Rider , ,.. _ ���r-
<br /> � �Otherls)(specify] °'�?
<br /> �' _� 0 V.A. Rider
<br /> ..,' n:—.•�,a•.,:-
<br /> 'r ' .
<br /> BY SIGNING BELOW. Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security lnstrument and °"�""_.
<br /> � in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it. � �
<br /> Witnesses: �%�! I ��'-
<br /> . lScal) . •�.
<br /> �,.,,�.�.,..�,,,�_.F..r: .
<br /> rvin L Webb -eo"°��� a �._—
<br /> . ---- -- ,,, _ r , .
<br /> /� ,� / � .�
<br /> [JoD.-,.,...e / ���'����i�" (Sea4 -.. ..., `-, --.
<br /> „,��:,
<br /> �Jeanne F Webb �$jfO9Cf =.-�'�"�� '
<br /> . _..�.«,_..:.-
<br /> . (Seall ISeal) - - � . .
<br /> � ' s�mu�cer ..
<br /> • -$urrm�er � .
<br />� STATE OF NEBRASKA. Hall County c�: .... .-
<br /> The foregoing instrument�var arknowleJgeei beforc me�his 3rd ��Y"� March • 1997 •••�� � '-
<br /> hy Marvia L and Jeanne F 41ebb m sa�d County,the Jate afnrex�id. � . . •
<br /> . Witnesti my hand and notanal�eal ai Grand Island, Nebraska �
<br /> My Commis,ion�xpire•: Z-�G` -` I� . — � , l L�2�
<br /> �,�r.�n � � .
<br /> - S£�.E°�kl�?T4QT•StatoofNe6raria - - -- - -
<br /> �-' - 11' JUDITN 4�UERT �
<br /> �, My[omm 6tD f!G 6.1998 Form 3028 9�80 � .
<br /> ..,�..a��s .
<br /> . . •
<br /> � ..�-r-.�rr:• _._' - . �-�-' _ . .
<br /> � � •• ��:.. . ` .. . , -. . .. • '` . . , '� ' . . . - � . ... , .. ����� .. . , . . . , _ .
<br /> _' . � . . .. . ... .. � . � .. . .�. . . � . . . . . .. . � . - . ,.. ... ' _ _ . -�''�� . . . . . . - ' •� ... �. � . � � �. .. � _ -
<br />