. . . . . , . . .
<br /> �_ , . . .. . ..__ . �
<br /> .. _, � - -- •} ... - --�.._�... _. . _ � .. �..-- - - --- ------ -- . . .. . . �
<br /> �., ,.
<br /> ,ub.t:mtiall� �yu��alcnt mnrtgaLr�n.uran�r�u.rrag� i,n��t a•.�IlaMc. Burruarr ,h�ll �+.,, t�, L�r�trr �a.l� m�,nth a�urzi��yu�l u, �
<br /> �me-t��eltth ot thr�wrl� martga;=e�mur3nr�prrmium h�inL pa�J h� Hnrr�,wrr��hrn th�in.4r.m�r:�,�r:.i-�lap.cd��r .ra�r�1 tn :
<br /> � hC 10��itiL L�I1l�CF t�III 1iCl'�I.U�C d11t�il'lSlil lhty��S\i11CIil�J� :i�t)�� Yl'xRC Itl �I�U ul I11ittILd_� iil�tlC:llli� �.�1�� fC�C11t , . . _. , '-
<br /> • ps�mrm�ma} rn, I�,n_rr hz reyu�rrd.at [hc�,�twn�tf Lcndrr. if nu�rtgage m,urani�c����ra;�r un �h�.�im�un�an.►tor ahc p�nud -
<br /> � that Lrndrr rc�yuire.i pra��d�tii b� an in.urrr:spprmed hy L�nder aLain heromc� a:a�lahlr anJ i•��htamrd B��rn,u�r .h.�ll pat .. ; . $,
<br />, •� thc prrmium,rryuir�tii t��ma�nt;�in nwrt�:agr�n.urancr in�tfr.x. �,r tu pruci�r a I�,,.rc��n�. unul thr nyurcrmrnt h�r m��rtLegc� : .
<br /> �n.uranir rnd,in a�cvrdanc���uh an} �+ritten:�grrrment hrt��rrn Bnrruuer:,nd Lrndu��r.�ppl�rshlr la«. � F't
<br /> 9. Inspr�tion. t.�n JLr ur+t� aL�nt ma} ma ke rra,u n a h l r c n t n r.u p u n e n d m�p�c uun,uF the Pro pert� t.rndrr ,hrll rice � ��k
<br /> '� BurmHer nut�cc at th�timc��f ur pri�v tu sn in�pern��n.prr�f�mg nawnahlr cau.r tor th��m{��YU��n. Y.
<br /> 10. Condetttnation. Th� pruc�titi. uf;ui} :�«arJ or rlaim t��� dartagc.. Jucit ur�un,cyurnual. �n �unuecu�,n sulh an}� .. , •
<br /> • �undrmnatiun ur�zthrr tatiing ��f am part�,t thr Pruprm. ,,r t�,r �umry:in.•r m luv ul rund�mnatiun.arn c�r�h� :i..iLUt�i .�nJ'� • -
<br /> ,h�l!be paid tu L�ndtr.
<br /> �• In thr�cent ut a tt�tal tahmg��f th�• Propcm. thr prurr����hall hr app1��S t��ih� �um��«urrJ h�th�.ti«unt� In�lrumrnt. , .
<br /> ��hrther ur n�x th�n 1ttr. :+ith am t��c.• pai�1 tu Burru«er. In thr ���nt ��f a pamal tal,m� ��1 thr ffi�prrt� in ��h��•h Ih� tair'� _
<br />'' market �aluc ul thr Pr��p�m �mmcdiatch hrt��rc thr takin� n�yu�l t����r grrst�r than Ihc anwwu ul thr•um, .e.i►rrJ h� thi.� _ ',
<br /> Scrurit� Intitrument unm�Yi�atrl� h��f��rr the t��b�ng. unl�h+Burrower and LxnJrr��therH i.�.�zrrr�n�+num�. thr�um� ���urrJ hy
<br /> thu Secunt� Imtrumcnt yf1:tll h� rcdu�rd h} tl�� amuunt uf �he pn,«ed. muluplu.til hJ th� I�,Unwm�� Iraruurr �:���hr tuial . • . p
<br /> amount of Ihe,um, .rrurrd immcd�etrh hrt��rc thr tal�ing. ���idrd hy �h� th� C�ir marl.et �alur ul ih� Pn,pert} mimcJiat�ly .
<br /> bzt��re the taking. Any halanc� .hall h� patJ a, Burruwrr. In thc r�ent uf a pan�al tal��m� „f thc Pmp�m �n ��hi�h thr tair . ...• - =
<br /> market�alue uf the Prapert}• �mmrdiateh heti�rr the t.�king �.le..[han thr amuunt ut thr.um.+rrurcd �m��srJ�at�l� Ixli�rc the . ,..r � _ . �
<br /> � tatiing. unle.+Borto«rr and lxndcr�,thrn+�.r agrcr in writinL �>r unle•,applirahl�la�� nthen��,e pru�id��. thr pr���atf. .hall ..: i;,� �
<br /> hr applie�tu thr wm+�rrured h� thi.S�cur�ty In,trument+chedl�r ur nut the+unu arr th�n dur. ��++�.f
<br /> (f tlie PropCrtp i,abanduncd M B��rroaer.ur if.aftcr nutire hy I.enJer to Burr�iwer that the conJrmnor��ffen [u make an ,- ;y+,.
<br /> auard ur .ettle a rlaim tiir d:im3ge�. Burrower tail� tu re,pund te� Lcnder within 3(1 day+ aftcr thc datc thr noure i+given. .',;� .{� _ , , •
<br /> Lender i,authonzed[u collect rnd appl} the prn�eed,.a[it.uptiun,either to resturatic�n nr rrpau uf the Pruprny ur t��the sumti ,o-��•
<br /> secured by�thi�Security Instrumcnt.�ehether ur not then Jue. �``�
<br /> Unlea+ l.ender and Borruw�r uthensi,e agree in writing. any applicauun c�f proreed, to principal +hall nut ��tenJ or :- �s,_, __
<br /> ` postpune the due date uf the monthly pay�mentti referreci to m para=raph. 1 and 3 ur ch:inge the:unount��f wrh p3�menn. • ���.—_
<br /> 11.Borro«'er\ot Released;Forbprance By Lender\ot a N'ai�er.Exten,ion of thr time tix pa�•mert or m��diFcation
<br /> of amuniration of thr�um+�erured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender tu:u�y.urce�+or in intere�t��f Borrouer�hall
<br /> nnt uperdte tu relea,e the liability uf[he originxl B�>rrower or Borrower'��urce��ur+in intcretit. Lrndcr�hall nut he required to � � " -�_
<br /> - ' a�mmence procceding�ag:�inst any�ucre�sor in interest ar refuse to extend time for paymem or uthen��i5e modify arnunization __ ._�.. _ -
<br /> ' ` ��f the �um. �ecureJ by this Sc�urity� Instrument by rea�i�n of any demand made by the urigin:il Burrower or Bnrrowcr s
<br /> . . ,uccc��ors in intere�t. Any furhearance by LenJer in exercising any right or remedy shall nut be a waiver i�f ur pre�lu�3e the . . v.z.��-.�-
<br /> exercise of any right or remed}. .�
<br /> � 12. Successon and Assigns 8ound; Joint and Several Liabilit}�: Co-signecs. 7'he co�enants and agreemenh of this .�,. �":.�� �
<br /> Security Instrument shaU bind and benefit the wcces.��n and :is+igns uf Lender and Borcower, tiubjrct to the prc�ci,i��m uf '_ ��.� '
<br /> ara ra h 17. Bortower'. rovenant� and agrcement� rhall br joint and ,e�eral. Any� Bormwer K�ho rcr.ign� this Security _ '',���_= ,_
<br /> P € P . rdnt and conve that �"��"4: - 1•
<br /> Instrument but doe� not execute the Note: Is► i+ co-,igning thiy Serurity Imtrument unly to mort�.age. g Y .Y. ;,� ; ,
<br /> Borrow•er",intere,t in the Prupeny under the tcrm,of thi�Security Intitrument: �h) i�nut prnonally��bligate�l tu pay the sums `�� . ,
<br /> � �ecured by this Security In+trument:and Ic)agree�that Lender and eny ather Bonu�cer may agree to extend. modify. forbpr or �, ,•`
<br /> ' - make any acrommodationa with reguJ tu thc terms of thiti Security Imtrument ur the Note without chat Borrower'.curoent. -�'*F' �
<br /> ,.� .-�. .
<br />. 13. Loan Charges.If the loan,erured b� this Security Imtrument is subject tu a law which sea maximum I�an charges. '�. `' ��� '. .
<br /> . and that law is tinally interpreted ,u that Lhe interetit or�nher loan chargea coll�ted or to be collected in connection with the �'•
<br /> loan excced the permitted limu+. then: lai:n} such loan charge tihall be reciuceci by the amount neces�ry to reduce the charge �,�- `���.
<br /> to the permitted limit: and Ib►any �ums already collected from Borrawer which exc�eded permitted limits will be refundeJ to �& ,
<br /> Bnrrower. Ixnder may chnotie t� make thi� refund by reducing the principal owu! under [he Note or hy making a dimct
<br /> � payment to Borrower. If a refund reduce� prinripal, the r�xiuction will be treatcd as a panial prepayment without any ` •w.� ��}' .!" .
<br /> • prepayment charge under the Note. ., �`
<br /> 14.Notices.Any notice to Borrrnver providecf for in this Sr.curity Instrument shall be given by deliverin�it or by mailing �.,;,,�`�:,__
<br /> � it by fir4t clatis mail unless applicable law reyuire�u�e of another method.The notice�hall be directed to the Praperty Address ,: , _ �
<br /> or any other acidress Borrower designatc+ bp nutire to Ixnder. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first dass mail to ���'--
<br /> f,..;..
<br /> .. [.endcr's address stated herein or any other addresy Lender detiignate5 by notice to Borrawer. Any notice provided(or in this _ �__
<br /> Security lnstrument shall he deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given ati providal in this para�raph. , -�,�'°:��.
<br /> 15.Governin� La�r•; Severability. Thiti Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law uf the �«•� ,-��
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note ��_�_=�;,,.r.
<br /> conflicu with applicable law,.uch canflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Nore which can be �,,�,_�
<br /> � " �i�•en effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provision,of this Sec�riry Instrument and the Note are declared �'- '�'''
<br /> ��,� .
<br /> • to be severable. ""'=��
<br />• 16.Borro�cer's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Not�.�nd af this Security Instrum.nt. . 1_;, .
<br /> ' 17.Transfer of the Property or a Bereeticial Interest in Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any inreres[in it �_ • - --' __
<br /> • is sold or transferred lor if a beneficial interest in Borrowcr i+ tiolJ or transferrcd und Borrower is not a natural person)withe�: �
<br /> . l.ender'+ priar written consent. Lender may, at it. uption, reyuire immediate payment in full of all sums aecured 6y this —��*��s.,,�r;r �
<br />� Security lnstrument. However,thiti option�hall not be exercitied by L.ender if exerc�se is prohibited by federal law as of the date *"��"'^-.�:
<br /> of this Security In�lrument. �,�''^': �:"•s� "
<br /> � (f Lender exercises ihis option. Lender.hall give Bnttower notice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a period of not -•,.�,g�e��
<br /> Icss than 30 dayti from the date the notire i�delivered or mailcd within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this : • -
<br /> Security Inswment. lf Borrower fails w pay thetie sums prior to the expiration of thi,period, l.ender may invoke any remedies " ,. z�� _
<br /> � permitted by this Security Instrument without furthcr notice or demand on Borrowcr. �=s?��'•_`:. �
<br /> 18. Borrower's Ri�ht to Reinstate. If Borrower meet. certain conditinn�, Borrower �hall have the right tu have ��-Sr�r���•
<br /> enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinucd at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 du�•t (��r +uch othcr pericxi a+
<br /> . applicable law may specify for reinstatementl beforc tielc i+f the Propeny punuant to any power uf yalc cuntnined in this � � y.,r
<br /> Security Instrument:or(bl entry of a judgment enforcing this Security lnstrument.Those conditions are that Borrower.(a)pays � �"�•"-�-t���' .
<br /> Lender all wms whirh then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Nate a� if no acceleration had ocxurred:fb1 ,,,;,.s,,e�._
<br /> cures nny default of any uther covenunts ar agreementti; (c► pay.all expen�es incuned in enforcing thiti Security la�trument,
<br /> ��,..A.�-
<br /> including, but nut limited tu. reasonable attomeys' (ee+: and IdJ takes.uch action ati Lender may reationably require to a�sure .
<br /> ° that the lien of this Security Imtruntrnt. Lender's righ[s in the Property and Borrmver'+ubligatic�n to pny the.um�cecured by .
<br /> this Security In�trument �hall continue unchanged. Upon reimtatement by Borrower. this Security Instrument and the : �J �
<br /> obligations�ecured hereby shall remain fully effective as if nu aceeleration had occuned. However,this r�ght to reinstate�hall .
<br /> not apply in the ca�e of acceleration under paragraph 17. _ .
<br /> 19. 5ale of?�inte: Chan�e of Loan tiervicer. The N��tc or a partial interest in the Notr �togcther with this Security
<br /> ImtrumenU may bc wIJ une ur more timc,withi�ut prior nutice to B��rn�wer. A wle may resul�in a change in the entily (known :
<br /> a�thc"(.i�an Scrnccr"i that rallect�munthly pxymcnt.due under the N��te and thi�. Sttiurity Inttrumenl.There alsu may be one � ,.
<br /> or morc rh.uigcti uf thc Luan Srrvucr unrclatcd tu a>alr af thc Ni�tc.11 thcrc i.a changc of thc lwian Srn•ircr.Borru+vcr will bc .
<br /> given�vritten nuticc u1'thc changc in arrurJanre with para�raph I-1 abo�•e anJ applicable law.The nutirc will state the name and , •
<br /> • aJdre��of the nru Iw�an Serviccr and the �Jdre��t��«•hich payment� .hirold tx nu�de. The notice will also runtain any u�her • .
<br /> ., infum�ati��n rcywrcJ h) aPPlicable law. � : • . �..
<br /> 20. Ha•rardnus tiubstanc�w. Burruaer ,h:�ll not cause �tt perm�t Ihe prrun�•e. u.c. Ji.pi�wl. ,a�r.�ge. ur relea.,e of any _
<br /> � Ha�arduu, Suhtitancc. on itt in the Pmprn}. Anrcowcr .hall nnt Jo. nor :illuu anyunc rl�r to do. :�nytMnF affcrting the � •
<br /> Propcny �hac �. m �iulxi��m uf any Em•inmmcmal la«�. Thc prcc��Jin� twu ,rntcncc,�hall nut apply to the pre�enre. u.e. or � � ; i
<br />--. .--. .a,r.���r on the Pro�xtl} uf.mall yuuntit�e.uf Haiaidu��.Sub,tanceti that atr gcnerally recogmced tu he appropnatc to nortnal __--_ __-_-—
<br /> re�i�enual u,r.anJ tu mamtenanrr�,f thr Prupcm. -- .- •
<br /> _ ,,,�,,e..�a form30�8 9�90 �
<br /> . ... -----•- - � . _ . -
<br /> � . — - � . � �
<br /> _,_..-,------,.-..,�.,�...�__....... . _ •°-•-_ ._.T.._._ . . .
<br /> � , ..' . . • S . . , •� . , ',+ .. ..'.. � ;�• • ' ., �
<br /> . . �� . ._ ... . . • . . .. • ` , . . . . . • . '_ . •- . .• .-.
<br />