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<br /> -• G.AS�IGNMENT OF LEASES. Upon Lender's request,Borrower shall assign to Lender all leases of the �, ,
<br />- ' property and all seauity deposits made in coauection�rith lea..°es of the Propeny. Upon the assignmeat,Lende.� . � , � -
<br /> �- � � _-�.__ -----_ _..
<br /> .'.� shall have We right to modify,e�d or term±*+AtP the existing leases and to eacecute nea+leases.in Lender's sole . " ' .'
<br /> discretion.As used'm tLis paragraPh G,the word"lease" shall mean"subleate"if the Security�ent is an a � .
<br /> �'�'o�' OF RECFIVER; LENDER IN POSSESSION. � - � ,.
<br /> .� H. ASSIGNMENf' OF RENTS. APPOD�TMENT , =�.- �..:' • -
<br /> '! Boirower absolutely and uncandirionally assigns and tiansfers to Leuder all the rents and revenues("Renu")of the . --
<br /> �1 pi,opeacy.re�ess of to whom the Reats of the Froperty are payable.Borcawer authorizes Lender or Lender's , � :���_
<br /> agents to collect tha Rents,and agrees diat eac�tenant of the Propeaiy shall pay the Renss to L.ender or I.ex�dea's . . _:° .W�
<br /> . agents.Huwever,Boaower shall receive the Rents until(i)Lender has given Hoaovrer notice of default pu�svant to ..rr.;- ':.-_..°-:,
<br /> �'� paiagraph 21 of the Sec�uitN lnstiument and(n7 Lendea has givea notice to the tenant(s)tha3 ti�e Reuts are to be _ �=��-
<br /> ;` paid to Lender or Lender's ageat 'Ihis assignmenY of Rents constitutes � absnlute assigament and not an =��-:_:;=-�::s
<br /> ' assignment for addiaonal security onlY• . �":;.�;—�
<br /> ssi
<br /> If I,ender gives noflce of breach tn Bormwea:(�all Rcnts received by Bormwea shall be held by Bo�aoner as ___ ,.
<br /> tmstee for the benefit of I.endea only,ro Toe applied to the s�ms secured by the Security Ins�mmen�Cu�Lexider sball ' ' �-,:;._Y`---
<br /> � °.�^�•-
<br /> .•% be entided to collect and receive all of the Rents of the P�vpat.y:(m 7 Borrower a g r e e s t h a t e a c h t e a a n t of the � " ' �j::�:�A_'-
<br /> .t pmp�y�pay all Renu due and unpaid to I.endea or Lender's agents upon Lender's writien demand w the --- _--`° • ,:{, �.;_,T.r,�
<br />. . j tenan5 Civ) unles�apglicable law provides otheawise.all Rents collected by Lender or I.ender's agents shall be ; � � �,��.-y._
<br /> �costs of ml�► control of and ma�nagin8 the PcoPectY and collect'sng the Reau,includm8,bus not � ` r� _
<br /> `j aPPlied first W th B
<br />• ' limited to,attnnceys'fees,receiver's fees,premiwns on receivea's Uonds,repanr and maintenance wsts.insuran�e �.:'�'.
<br /> , � • - . --
<br /> pmaninons,taxes, asse.sIInents and other chatges on the Pmperty.and then w the swac secuced by the Security i: :�,.��_-
<br /> Insvtumen�(v)Lenda.Lendea's agents or any jndiciallY appointed receiver shall be liable tn account for only those ; � �_
<br /> � received;and (w�Lender shall be entided to trave a receiver appointed to take PossessiQ�ef and z;;:: . .� .` . . �
<br /> Rents acdu�Uy
<br /> ,: manage she Propeaty and collea the Rents and��ts deaived from the Property arithout any showing as to tfie , --<.�: - _
<br /> - inadeq�cy of the Proper►Y as seunrity• ::.t� _, '�'
<br /> • If e^�e Rents of the Property are not sufficient w wvec t�e costs of taking contcol of and managinS the �:�,". � '. ; �:
<br /> PiroPerty and of collecting the Reats any funds expended by Lender for svch purposes shall become indebiednes�of
<br /> Borrawea w I.endea sec�ued by the Seca�rity Instrument puzsoant tn Uniform Covenant T. . '='. ;� f •� �''
<br /> Borsower represc�u and waaants thaz Bonowa has not executed any�r�u assignment of the Kents and has ,: , �:Tj;. �c . �
<br /> u
<br /> not and wili not perfann any act that would prevent Lemder fmm exercising iLS rights under wss patag�'aph. _ _ ��.•. -
<br /> i�endea,as Lender's agents or a ju d i c i a llY aPPoin t e d receiv e r,s h a ll n o t b e r e q n i r e d w��u p o n,t a k e c o n tr o l � • � � •• ,•,�••�,. �..
<br /> of or maintain the Fropeaty before or after giving notice of default to Borrowea. However.Lender.or 1.ender s a '��•�.'�•:_
<br /> hcation of Renu �'' '� �`-
<br /> , agea�ts or a judiciaUy appointed receiver,may do so at any time when a default occucs.My app' .�:,,�r�=.-� °�-
<br /> shall not aue or waive any defaulc or invalcdate any other right or remedy of Lender.'Ihis assiSnment of Rents of � ���_`
<br /> .. the Property shall teamu�ate wheu all the sums secured by the Securiry Instrument are paid�ful1.
<br /> L CROSS-�DEFAIJLT PROVISION. Borrowea's default or breach undea any note or agreement in _
<br /> � which I.euder hag an int�est shaU be a breach urtder the SeciuitY Insaument and I.euder may�vofce any of the •:��.�.:
<br /> . m,anedies peamdued by the Seairity Instrumen� ' -�'�'°
<br /> � BY SdGNIIQG BELAW,Bonowea accepts xnd agrces to the te,nns and provisions contained�this 1�Family -- ° _
<br /> � • Rider. '•%+' _ - _
<br /> �:...:c- .,�=�--
<br /> ' (Seal) (Sean -..�..-
<br /> • OME J F T •Borrower PAIILA J POL T -3orrower �,a;,r. f-
<br /> °'�r.
<br /> (Seal) _. �Seal) "����"'� '��
<br /> . -8onowet •Borrower }°.'xiL•1rv•.' __i
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