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<br /> APPL# 001-70123033 °
<br />� 1-4 FAI�iII.� RII�EI� 9?-�0��� , - � - . , -
<br /> Assigamertt ot Reats ' , "
<br /> THIS i-4 FANIILY RIDER is made this 13TH day of MARCH , 1997 ,and�s . .. . -
<br /> incoiporated into and shall be deemed w ameaid and supplement tt►e Mortgage,Deed of Tnut or Security Deed(the � �. .. __•
<br /> "Securiry Inswment")of the same date giveu by the undeasigned(the"Borrowec")tn secure Borrowea's Note to ' � ' — .�.,..
<br /> , ���-;���:
<br /> (the"I.er�der") -
<br />'� of the same datc aad coveaumg the Prope►ty described in the Sec�uity Insuument and located ar '°�����
<br /> � , .. �.T - _.
<br /> 6473 PIORTH CAMBRON ROAD p `�
<br /> � CAIRO, NEBRASIW 68831 � . -,—
<br /> � �•'��.
<br /> _ [�P�Y Addresr] f •
<br /> � •,�..9�..'��.
<br /> ';; 1-4 FAMII.Y COVENANTS. In addisian to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Instrument, , : "•�
<br /> °•,:3 Borrower and Leuder fiuther covenaut and a�ee ag follaws: ����
<br /> A.ADDTTIONAI.PROPE�TY SUBJE(°i'TO THE SECi1RTfY INSTRLTMEN'd'. In addition w ths � �"' �•
<br /> Propeaty descn'bed in the Security lnstrument,the following items aze added tn the Propeaty dessription,and shall •�'._�;,,,
<br /> ��.'i� ����e�Propeaty cnvered by the Securiry Insaumenr bni2ding materials,appliances and goods of everg+ --
<br /> ; 4 namre w6aisaever now or hereafter located in,on,or used,or intended to be used in conaearon with the Propeaty. • .:• �• ;'�
<br /> includimg,bat not limited w.those for the purposes of supplying or disdzbudng heating.cooling,elecaicity,gas, ' ' "•` �`"
<br /> .� _
<br /> �f water,air and lighL fire pre�ention and extinguishu�g ap�arams.se�uity and accesc control apparaws,plumbing, - ��'• ,
<br /> .� bath mbs,watea heaters,wates cIosets,s�ks.ranges,stoves,refrigeaators,dishwasheas,disposaLs.washers,dryers. � :;`�',:�
<br /> .. .,,G,�..:`L .
<br /> awnings,stomi windows,storm doors,screens.blinds,sbades.curtains and aurtain rads,avached murol's.cabinets, .. �,�;�; .�';��'
<br /> :� panellnng and a�hed Qaor coverings now or he�eafter suached to the Pra�eaty� all of which. inciudiag �.,'�-��`� �p�;',
<br /> repfac.ements and additions thaeto.shall be deemed w be and re�ain a part of tfie Property covered by the Security ,�
<br /> InstrumeAt All of the foregoing together with ihe Propeaty described in the Secarity Inswment(or the teasetiold -""' �';
<br /> .� es� if the Sec�ity Instrument is on a leasehold) are refared to in U�is 1�4 Family Rider and We Secauity • �� '`'`
<br /> ..�i �
<br /> iInstir�ment as the"���
<br /> B.USE OF�ROPER'i'Y;COMPLIANCE WITH GAW. Borrowar stizll not seels, agree w or make a ".�,.���3�
<br /> change in the use of ths Property or its zoning ciassification,unless I�ender das agrced in writing w the change.
<br /> Bmrowea shall comply wit� ail laws, ordinances, regulariorzs and requireanents of any govemmeatal body `��"
<br /> app}icabte to the Pruaeiiy. �� ���
<br /> � C.S�JBORDIIVATE LIENS. Except as pennitted by fed�a!law.Borrowe.r shall not atlow any lien Werior �" �•��
<br /> :_;�-.-�..,
<br /> to the Seauity Insmunent to be peafected against Ihe Propaty withoat Lecdea's pritfr aritten p�mission. -,_,f;�a;,«�
<br /> D.RE141T LOSS IIVSUItANCE. Borrow�shall maintain insurar.ce against rent loss in additaon W the olher � . �'`��-�s,-��r
<br /> � har�xd9 for whic6 ms�uance is requireA by Uniform Covenant 5. ,:�__-
<br /> '��t E."BORRO�►VER'S RIGHT TO RF.4NSTATE"DELETED. Uniform Covenant 18 is delet,ed. -r ,,�.�
<br /> E `� �
<br /> F.BORROWLI3'S OCCQJPANCY. UNess I.endea and Borrawer otherwise agree in writing, tha first � ���
<br /> sentence in Unifmm Covenant 6 concean;�.za Borrowe,r's occupancy c5 the Praperty is deteted. All remaining �'�`�' `� � -
<br /> - �.s�sa�:q:'!_�s','�,'s�l��-
<br /> covenants and agreements set forth in Unifarn Covenant 6 shall remain in effect. `"""° � ^�
<br /> -T•� .
<br /> . _.``%. -� � .
<br /> AIULTIBTATE 1-4 FASIILY Ro�rii•Finol��Ats/Fnddl�AAao Uniform Inst�umsm Foim 8170 8/�3 " ."���'�'1'."�I ,-
<br /> Pe �t o12 , ��. �`... , .
<br /> D �-t�7Ft+�-�,:.,r,.,�-
<br /> ��57(9304).Ot VMP MOHT�ACiE i08619•(800)521•728+ Initlalf: : �,:'^_
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