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<br /> 16.Borrower's Capy. Borrower sPiall t�e give�n one confonned copy of ihe Note and of thu Security Instnunen4 ( . • . �"
<br /> '� 1 7.Tra n s fer o i t h e P r o pert�o r a B e n�c i a l I n t e r e s t in Son'ower• If all or any part of the Properry or any interest in it is � . _
<br /> sold or aansfeaed{or if a ben e f icial innteresc in Ba�rower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a nadua!person)without �
<br /> � Lender's prior wriVen consent,l.ei►der may.ai its opuon.re�quire immediate paYment in full of all sums socured by t�s Securiry
<br /> Instrument However,this option shall not be exercised by I.ender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of the date of this �,
<br /> Sec�aity Insa'ument � "
<br /> ff Leader exercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleraiian.The notice shall provide a period of not less . .
<br /> than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all swns secured by ihis Security ; :
<br /> Inspument If Bormwer fails tn pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period,I.ender may mvoke any remed�es pertnit�ed i• , ,
<br /> by this Security Instrument without further nouce or demand on Bonower. ; • . ' . -
<br /> 18.Borrower's Right Qo Reinstata If Bo;rower meeis cectain conditions, Boirowu shall have the right m have
<br /> '+. enfo�ement of this Security Insuument discoatinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other peaiod as �, �
<br /> � app]icable law may spECify for reinstanem�t)before sate of the Property pursuant to any p�wer of sale contained ia tlus Securiry i .�> . ,
<br /> �• Instrument;or @)entry of a judgment enfoncing this Security Inst�ument Those conditinns are that Borrowea:(a)PaYs I.ender all ...
<br /> ` sums which ihen would be due ander this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceleiation had occurreck N)cures anY � , .,
<br /> ; de�z:ilt of any othrr cove�ants or agreemenrs;(c)Pays all expenses incarmd in enfo�ing this Sec�mty Ynsuument,mcluding,but .. � ,,�r..��
<br /> not IimitEd to,reasonable attomeys'fee�and(d)takes such action as I.endea may reasonably mquffe w ass►ue that the lirrn of this t
<br /> ` Seauity Inst[ument, Lende�'s nghts in th.. Property and Borrower's obligatian w pay the sums sec�ued by this Security � . `E
<br /> Listr�ment shall continue anchange�. UpQ� reinstatement by Boaower, this Security Insuument and the obliganons secured
<br /> haeby shall m,main fuUy effective as if no ac:;.leration had occurrc'd-However,this right to reinstate shall not apply in the case of , w . _
<br /> acceleaation under paragzaph 17. •�`
<br /> � 19.Sale of Note;Chaage ot Loan Servicex. 'ihe Note or a paitial interest in the Note (together wir� dris Se�uity F .
<br /> ' Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice w Borrower.A sate may result in a chan8e in tize entity(1�own • � '• , -
<br /> � as the"I.oan Servicer")that wllects mondily payments due under the Ptote and this Secunty Ins�trument There also may be one or : <._6'7.� •
<br /> more ct�anges of the Loan ServECer unrelated w a sale of the Note.If there is a chanBe of the Loan Servicer,Borrowa will be ' ' r ,.. _
<br /> given written notice of the change in accordai►ce with ParagraPh 14 above andapplicable law.The notice will state►he name and ` �'�� ��
<br /> ��� address of the new Loan Savicer and the address w wh_ch paymenu should b e made.The notice will aLso contain any other . �-�. ,.`
<br /> inforn�ation requined by applicable law. ' . ' y_'�r�'; ,
<br /> 20.Ha�ardous Snbstances. Borrower shall not cause or perrnit We presence, use, disposal, stflrage, or release of any , _
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Propeny_ Botrower shaU not do,nor allow anyone else to do.anything affecting the Propeaty `• a ;
<br /> that is in violarion of any Environmental Law.The preceding two seutences shall not apply to the preseuce.use,or storage on the , `
<br /> Pmpaty of small quantities of Ha7ardous Substanccs that are generally cecog�.ed w be appropnate w nom�al residenual uses �: *�. . _,
<br /> � and w mainteaance of the Pmperty. . � �_ ,
<br /> $orrower shall promptly give Lenda wriuen notice of any investigation, claim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any ,� Y �•�.
<br /> goveanmental or regulatory age�y or private party invotvamg We Property and any Ha�ardous Substance or Envuonmental Law 4 :• '.��. .; ;; ,
<br /> o f w h i c b B o r r o c�e r h a s a c W a l knowled ge.If Borrowa learns.or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory authority,that any . . •' ��
<br /> removal or other remediation of any Ha�ardous Substance affecting the Property�s necessary.Borrower s�a ll promp fly t a k e a ll . �;s
<br /> a
<br /> necessary remedial actions a�accordance arith Environmental Law. : V�''� : _.
<br /> ps used in tlus paragraph 20,"Ha7ardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by �_ ��'
<br /> finvironmental Law and the followuig substartces: Basoline, kerosene, other flain3nable or toxic petmleum products, oouc �
<br /> ,�;�
<br /> i ides volatile solvents,mateaials containing asbestos or fomialdehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in . �.,`'�,._
<br /> � pesric�des and herb c ,
<br /> ' this patag�aph 20."Environmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is Zocated t1�at retate , �
<br /> ' to health,safety or environmental protecuon. :`°� '�.—
<br /> ` . . '��a
<br /> IJON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Boirower and Lender funhca covenant and agree as foUows: ,
<br /> f 21.Acceleratlon;Remedies.Lender s6a11 give notice to Borrower prior to accelwatton fottowing Borrower's breac6 of ` ��?!
<br /> •� any ooveaant or egrcement tn t6is Security Instrument (bat not prior to acceteratbn under paragraph 17 �nless -- ''�`�
<br /> �,� appUcable law pmvides othetiwEse).The uotice shall specify:(a)the detault;(b)the adion r¢quired to care the defaWt;(c) • __^__
<br /> _ a date,not tas than 3U days from t6e date the notice ts given to Borrower,6y w6ic6 t6e defaalt must be cared;and(d) �• .;x__�T_�:
<br /> �`� tl�at tellure to care the defanit oa or before the date spec�ed in Et►e notice may resnit in acceleratlon of the sams secared _ �,',�,;,..-�•
<br /> y b�4hiy Set�rity lnstrument and sale of the Property.T6e nottce sI�U further inform Borrower of t6e rig��to remstate ��•,,,�.,,,�,,,.L� ,_
<br /> '� a5ter acceleratioa aad the rlght to bring a wnrt adion to assert the non-existence of a detauit or any ot6er defense af .
<br /> •.� Borrawer to acoeleration and sale.It the defaait iv not cured oa or 6etore the date spedtieti in We notice,Lender,a4 its . .'`'•'�._
<br /> '• optioa,may reqWre immediate payment in full of all sums sea�red by t6i�5ecurI t y Ynstru�ent witt�ont PurtE�er demand - �" .: „�
<br /> and may invoke the p�wer ot sale and any other remedies permit4ed by appllcable Iaw.Lender shell be endtted to colfect . •
<br /> ap expenses incarred in pursuing t6e remedIcg provided in t6is paragrapb 21,including,bnt not limii� to,areasonabfe : •
<br /> attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> It t6e power o!sale iv invoked,Trustee shall reoord a notice ot default in each oounty in which anq part ot the � • . .
<br /> PropeTty is located aad shpll maU copies ot suc6 aotice in the manner prescn'bed by npplicabte taw to Borrower and to the � • : . .
<br /> other persons preacribed by applica6le law.After the time requtred by applicabfe law,Trustee s6aU give pablic notice e! • '
<br /> sale ta the per�ons and in We manner prescribed by applicable law.Trustee.without demand on Borrower,shall seU the • . � ' .
<br /> Pcoperty at publlc auction W the 6ighest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in tbe notice ot sale . '
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