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<br /> 97 , ,�
<br /> paym¢nts may no longa be re�uired.at th�option of Lender,if mortgage insurance covesage(in the amount and for the period . �.,,
<br /> ti�at Lender requires)provided by an insurer approved by Le,nder again becomes available aad is obtained.Bonower shall pay ihe , ,�-
<br /> premiwns requIIe� to maintain mortgage ins�uance in effect, or to pmvide a loss reserve. until thc requirement far mortgage . , •R
<br /> • insuiance euds in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower and Leander or applicable law. 1 . .
<br /> 9.Inspection. I.ender or its ageut may malce rea�onable entries upon and inspections of the Property. La►der shull give , ; ��
<br /> Borroaea notice at tt=e rime of or prior to an inspection specifYing reasonable c�use for the insgection. ' �
<br /> 10.Coademnation. The pror,eeds of any award or claim for damages.direct or consequential, in connection with any . . . • ,
<br /> -j, condewnarion or other taking of any part of the Praperty.or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation,aze hereby assigned and , � . -
<br /> • shall be paid tn Leude.r. ' '
<br /> In the event of a wtal taking of the Praperty,the proceeds shall be applied to tae sums secured bY this Security Iustrumer►t, . , ,
<br /> whether or not then due,with anY exc.ess Paid to Borrower.In the eveut of a partial ta1QnS of the PropertY u►which the fair market . •
<br /> value of the Properep immediately before the taking is equal to or gceater than the amo�wt of the sums secured by this Seciuity i '
<br /> Insrorument immediafely before the taldng, unless Borroa�er and Lendea otheiwise agree in writing,the sums secared by this : . .
<br />` g�ity lnstrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction(a)the tntal amount of ; .
<br /> i the suans secured immediately before the tat�ng, divided bY (b) the fair market value of ihe Pro�rty isnmediatcly before the i F� '. . - _
<br /> tal�g.Any balance s�1 be paid to Boirower.In che event of a partial tal�g of the Propeity�which the fair market value of the ; , ��. � �
<br /> : Propeaty �ediately before the taldng is less than the amount of the sams secured 'wnmediately before the taku►g, �nless ; ��-".�.t-'�"
<br /> Borrower 2nd Lendea o�heawise agree in writing or untess applicable law oiherwise provides,the Praceeds shall be applied tn the � , , :,,�`
<br /> $ sums secaued by this Seanrity Ins�ament whether or not the sums are thea�due. • •
<br /> .•�_•
<br /> , If the Roperty is abandoned by Borrowea,or if:after notice by Lende�r to B�rrowea thai ihe condemnor offers tn ma3ce an � . ���� ,;: .:•`�►=�
<br /> award or seule a claim for darnages.Barrower faiLs ta respond W Lender within 3a days after the darc the notice is given,Lend� � . ' ,�.�',_:.
<br /> is authori7.ed to collecx and apply t�e pmceeds,az its option.either m restoration or repau of the Propeaty or to the sums secured '� ��ri��,
<br /> ori
<br /> by this Security Instrumeat,whethea or not then due. , --��"
<br /> � Ualess Lender and Boaower otherwise agree in writing,any applicarion of proceeds w principal shaU not extend or posi�one .,
<br />` .I• the due date of We monttilY payments refared to m paragrapl�s 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paymenis. ; , ::�'�:��
<br /> '-� 11.Borrower Noi Reteased;For6earaace By Lender Not a Waiver. F.�tension of the time for payment or modificarion �� .
<br /> ..t of amorti�ation of the svms secured by this Sec�rity Insmunent granted by Lender tn any saccessor in interest of Boaower shall ; . =, ,. .
<br /> � not a p e r a t e to release the liability of the original Borrowez or Borrower's successors in interest 1.ended shall not be requiRed co 't'
<br /> commeennce proceed¢�gs againsc any successor in interest or refuse w eatend titne for payment or o t herwis e m a d i f y a m o r i"v a t i o n o f
<br /> $ �;' .f�.
<br /> �e�ms secured by this geca�rity Instr�ment by reason of any deraand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors _, . _ �
<br /> in inteaest.Any forbearance by Lendex in ea�$any right or remedy shaIl aoi be a waivea of or preclude the exercise of any _ - '%'; ";
<br /> n � °
<br /> right or remedy. ',..� � �. , �} �:
<br /> 18.S�rse.ssflrs and Assigns Bou�d;Ja�nt and Several Liability; Casigness. The covenants and agrcements of this � .� ;� �
<br /> • g¢�ity Insmunent sdall bind an� bene6t the successois aad assig�s of Lender and Borrowea, subject to the provi�ons of ..-+ .
<br /> � paiagraph 17. Bomowea's cavenants and agreements shall be jaint and seveaal. My Borrowea wha co-signs this Security , '.�� _ ` �,.
<br /> I n s t r u m e n t b u t d o e s n o t e x e r ute the Note: (a)is oo-si g ning this Security Iasuument only to mortgaBe,8tant and convey thai - �:.�
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Property undex the terms of this Security Instrumen�(b)is aot pe�sonally obligared to pay the sums
<br /> - =.�1,.�:,:,_
<br /> secured by this Security Inslntmenr and(c)a8rees thaz Lender and any other Borrowea may agree w extend,rnodifY,fofiear or � :,,..,�� ��,�,��_
<br /> make any accommodations with regard w the tedms of this Sec�uiry Insuument or the Note withont that Borrower's consent '�., ,�.�:,�;:�-_
<br /> 13.Loan Charges. If the loan seGUed by this Security Insm�ment is subject to a law which sets maximum loan ct�acges, . •.j=��: ���'=�:two��..
<br /> �',-�::
<br /> and that law is finally inte�preted so thai the int�est or other loan cl�arges collected or to be collecfcd in connection with the loan �r � `
<br /> ea
<br />� - exc�eed tiie pennitted lirnits,then:{a)any such loan ct�arge shall be redu�ed by t�e amount necessary to reduce the charge W the .��,�-.�-1.'`
<br /> . pennitted limir and(b)any stuns already coltected from Botrower which exceeded penniued limits will be reftuideA to Botrower.
<br /> . �•j�,�;_'
<br /> I.ender may choose to malce this refund by reducing the principal owed under the NotB or by making a dffect payment tn :�,-�.�,�•=��:_-
<br /> � Bonowea. 1f a refund reduces principal,the reduction will be tre�ued as a parti.al prepayment without any prepayment charge ,;;���_,_.� -� _
<br /> undea the Note. �-�'r:y; . �4_�"
<br /> .��� 14.Plotices. My notice w Borrower provided for in this Security Insuument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it .• ,,.__�_
<br /> by fust class mail nnless apPlicable!aw requires ase of another method.The no6ce shall be directed to tlie Property Address or �.i t�".'��+"�:=�_
<br />. any other address Honower designates by norice to Lea�der.My notice w Lender shall be given by first class mail w Lender's =<<:'�`��_'��-
<br /> address stated herein or any od�er address Lendca designates by notice w Borrower. Any notice provided for in this S�c�rity _ ,. . .�_ �
<br /> Insuument shall be deemed w have been given to Bo:rower ar I.cnder when givcn as provided in this paragraph. . .
<br /> " 15.Governing Law;Severabillty. This Security Insuument shall be gove,rned by federal law and the law of the � , ' .
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is Iocated.In the event that any provision or clause of this Security InsWment or the Note _ • ' v- ` .
<br /> eonflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other pmvisions of this Security Instrument or the Note whict�can be -�-�;,,.,. �
<br /> given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to
<br />. be seveiable.
<br /> Form 3028�/80 ,
<br /> �-8R(NE)ce2�2�.0� Page 4 oI B �mua�a:
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