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<br /> �' 9 ��vy��s ! ' � �:`• -
<br /> •���iiaLV 4 _�. 5'.:._±-
<br /> in one or moae parseL�sad iz�any order Trastee deUermines. Trastee may po�tpone sale�aIl or any par�of the f , • ' �
<br /> � Propertp by pn�lic anaouacement at tlhe ttae and ptace of any pr+ev[oasly scheduled sale.I.emder or its des3gnee mayr � `'
<br /> purd�ase the Property a!aay sate. � - `. .
<br /> Upon reoe�pt ot payraent af the price bid, Trusta shaU deliver to the porchaser Trustee's dee8 rnnveying We �
<br /> Property.The redtals in ttce Trastee's d�d shaD be prima fade evideaoe of the truth of the statements made thweia. ; � , ' � ` �
<br /> - ' 'i`rastce shaD aPPly We proc�eeds of the saIe in tge foBowiflg order:(a)to atl rnsts and exp�ses of exercising the prnvea of � . `
<br /> satz,aQd t6e sale,iacln�ing the payment of We Txustee's fezs actnatly incarred,noY 4o exoeed 3.o 0 0 % f' ' � ' . .
<br />'- o f t he p r i ncip a l amonnt o f t he aote at t he time o f t he d e c l a r a t lon o f d e fu n I t,aB d reasona b le a tt orneys'fees as p e r m i t t e d by � ,•-� --- -� �
<br /> � law;(b)to aD sums seaue�by th[S Secarity Iastrament;and(c)any excess to We person or persons tegalt�y entit[ed to it. . � , _
<br /> 2Z.Iieoonveyante. Upon paycnent of all sums secured by this Securny Insoivment, Lender shall request TnLStee ro ` •. ,,�_ —
<br /> reconvey the Property and shall surrender tfiis Seturiry Insuniment and all notes evidencing debt seauad by this Security `ti.. �. .. �:r.�.`�
<br /> t Insuume�t to TnLStee.T�ustee shall reconvey the Property without waaanty and withont c6arge to t�ee peason or geasons legally . , 'a=--
<br /> . entitled to it.Such g�son or petsons shall pay any recordanion costs. � • ` ��4'�""''4�`',.
<br /> � 23.Snbstitute Trastee. Lender,at iLS opti�on,may from tirne to wne�emove Tmstee aad appoint a successor uustee to any . �
<br /> Trustee appomted haeunder by aa�ns�ument recorded in the county in wluch this Sec�uity ins�ument is recorded. Widiout . � .-..,�„�
<br /> :i conveyance of the Propeaty,the successor wstee shall succeed to all the title,powea aud duties wnf�red upon Trustee herein and . _ _
<br /> s bY aPPlicable law.
<br /> } Z4.Reqnest for Nottoes. Borrower mquests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Bamower's address � . _;����}-
<br /> � w�25 R�iders�fo t�iis��urIty Insdroment. ff one ar more riders are eaetuted by Borrowear and rec�rded tn�ethea with this . . --. -�__ __-
<br /> � Seauity lnstrume.s,the covenants and agreemenrs of eac6 such rider shall he inco:poiated intn and sl�a]1 amend and supplement . , "`°
<br /> the cave,nmmts and agreements of thi.s Security Instmment as if the ridea(s)weae a part of this Security Tnsuament " �.'�'�
<br /> , .
<br /> [Chec'c apptic�ble boa(es)] ' .''�-�.
<br /> 0 Adjustabte Rate Rid� []Condominium Ridea 01-4 Family Rider �_-_...:-
<br /> q, i i J
<br /> .:,; 0 G:aduafe�Paymeat Rider �Planned Unit Develop��,zt Rider 0 Biweekly Paymeat Ridea � —':,.{ t'
<br /> �B�Iloon R'sder �Rate Impmve�ent Rid�r 0 Sccond Home Ridea , . . '�".�'..-v-�
<br /> e ,:.�;�. ,
<br />. .�. O VA Ridet �Otlter(s)(specifyl�siynments oE Rent
<br /> .; .
<br /> �.�,
<br /> - - : �
<br /> ,;; .;
<br /> �{. . ..
<br /> BY SIGNING BIIAW,Boirowea accepts and agrees W the teims an vea�ants contained in this Seauity Instiumznt and'm `'i'�" `
<br /> ' any r�s)eacecuted by Boaower and recorded with it ' .7 '',�
<br />_ -:,
<br /> wim�s;es: ��
<br /> (Seal) ,
<br /> . (iERALAINE MARSHALL .Borrower :'t.i'
<br /> . . .
<br /> .. r ..''r: :.' --..
<br /> ($Pal) "����.^
<br /> -Horrowcr `
<br /> F;^�
<br /> p c . '4
<br /> �J�� �J�� �'���—�_
<br /> � "HOlIOWCf -SOITOWGT .�.��-"":,:�•5�--'-� t•�,-'.
<br /> f� �
<br /> ss•..� _.
<br /> ' $t1tC O�NlDriSIL� �+I+ COIInIp S42 _ _
<br /> The foregomg mstnunent was aclmowledged before me this i ez'H �y oy MARCH � 199� , '.i • y---
<br /> bY a�ni.nars r�aRSxazi,. A SLtiv"I.S PERSON . "`
<br /> Witriess my hand and notarial seal at ��►xD ZSI,Atvn, rtBSRASItA in said Caunty.the date aforesaid. �- -- —
<br /> , µ_ '_
<br /> � My Commission Expires: �a—�-•-,� 13"7��� 'R•� - -
<br /> . N ry Public —��
<br /> �s�u�orutrsbao��eor,s� �„� �� --.
<br /> ���ii��e �;�<��;�:: _
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<br /> _ ' •.t. ,. ..
<br /> �-6R�N�tozt2l.ot vapseae Form 862a 9/90 .'-._,��`-
<br /> :.��'.
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<br /> � � . ..�(: ' . �.. - �� . . • . . .. .. , ' t. . ' � .. . .. - . . .. „- . , � . , .��� ' , , .. � , , � . . ' � , ' .
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