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<br /> ' . _ . .:._ � � -_
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<br /> i 9?•• 1i��951 � . .--
<br /> • 16.Barrower's Copy. Barrawer shall be given one canformed capY of the Note and of this Security[nstrumex►L _ , •
<br /> •� 17.Transier of the Property or a Bea�cial Interes!in Borrower. If all or any pan of the Property or any interest ithout �
<br /> sold or ua�sferred (or if a bene�CC�aI mtczest�n B°rrower u sold or aansferred�nL iBn full of all s�ums�1 bY thu Security -
<br /> ua sf :
<br /> Lender's prior written consent,Lender may,at its opdon.require immediate paym : ' .
<br /> Instnunent However.this opuon shall not be e�ce�sed by Lender ff exercise�s prohibited by fcderal law as of the datc of this ,
<br /> - Secucity InsirumenL :- --- � -
<br /> If'Lender e�ceicises this option,L.ender shall g'sve Bonower notice ot asceteratian.'T'he nosice sha11 Prov►de a period of not less '
<br /> than 30 days from the date the nou�sese sums prin�r w the expirarion o this period.Lcndepr maylin ke any rembe,�d�'es pemi►d � , .
<br /> Instrumen�If Borrower fails to pay 4. .
<br /> by this Security Insuument ari�.hout further notice or demand on Borrower. , � , _
<br /> 18.Borrowex's Right to Re�smte. If Borrower meets certain conditions. Bo:rower shall have the right to have ` . - .
<br /> enforcement of this Security Insuunaent discontinued at any pme prior �rsaan�anY Pflwaer of sale aontaine�in tbis SecuritY �.. �
<br /> applicable law may for reinstatement)before sale of the propertY p � • .
<br /> Insuumenx oI N)en�a judgmeat enfon�ing this Security Insaumeat Those conditions are that Borrower:(a)PaYs I.ender all ' A�,,,�;�
<br /> sums which then v�oiild be due under dus Security Insuu�►ent and the Note as if no acceleration had occarred:(b)cures any —
<br /> � default of any other covenanu or ag�raements;(c)pay
<br /> s all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Insttument,includm8,but , :. :•. ,
<br /> a rae
<br /> aot limitcd w,reasonable aunmeys'feex and(d)takes such aaion as Lender may reasonablytrheq um�s��by�this S�eturitY � ' '�' .
<br /> g�rity Inst�ment, Lendea's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay � ._ ._.
<br /> Inshument shall ,.on,�ue uac anged. ;�po� reisistatement by Bosower,this Sec�rity Insmiment and ths obligations secured i ;�.��:��.: �,.��'
<br /> b��y shall remain fiilly e�ective as�f nu a�.:elerau�:had occnrred-However,this right to reinstate shall not apply m the case of � �
<br /> � acceleaation under patagraPh 17. • '•. ;.:-�.a��
<br /> 19.Sale of Note;Cbange of Loan Servicer. 'Ihe Note or a paitial interest in the Not� (wSether.with this Security . .� ?,.,-__�
<br /> f.-.'_.�
<br /> Ill$iNRICIII�I03}/ `e '
<br /> be sold one or more times aitl�out prior notice to Borrower.A sale�Y�InswmentanThere a9so may be�no e or � • ;:�;-:��;.. .--=
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")thaa collects monthlY PaYment�due under the Note and this Sec�mty -_- � � :. --_•
<br /> more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a cl�ange of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be , :.�,,aa _
<br /> • given written nouce of the change in accordance with paraB�aPb 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state the aame and . �.. � �_•��_- —
<br /> acidmss of the new Loan�.�cerlaw. the aAdress to which payments should be made.'Ihe notice will also contain any other .
<br /> infor[narion cequired by app the presence, use, dis[wsal. storage. or release of any ,
<br /> Z0.Hazardous Snbs�aces. Borrower shall not cause ar pea�mit , � •r. �.
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the P�opeity.Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyons else to do.anythu►g affe�unB the Pro�erty' � �:
<br /> that is in violaiion of any Environmentalus SubstancESp that are generally recognized w 1�ey�aPP emP�to nomnal reside�ntial uses ,
<br /> pcope�ty of srnall quantities of Hazardo that ° .
<br /> . � and w mau►teaance of the�ropeny
<br /> wer shall rom dy give Lender written notice of any investigation, claim,demand,b��or Environcnental Law . �
<br /> rro P us Su Y'���"!,; _
<br /> ' B6 p �nvolving the Properry and any Ha�ardo
<br /> � govemmental or regulatorY aSen�Y oI Pnvate P�Y� `� .'• _ °
<br /> � of which Boaowea has acwal la►owledge.If Borcower leams,or�s not�fied by any governmental as regulawry authority,that any , ��"�•- j ,.
<br /> removal ar o5her remediation of any Ha�ardons Snbstance affecting the Property�s necessarY,Borrower shall prompdy ta'�ce all _ ,•r �''
<br /> • � necessary reaiedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> p� ��� �P�graph 2p, '.Hazazdous Substances" are thase substances defined as toxic or ha�ardous substances by � `;:. :<r .'
<br /> � Environmerdal Law and the following substances: gasoline. kerosene. other flammable or wxic petsoleum products, tnaic ---. - - ';.�� � _
<br /> �! pesticides and herbicides,vo),atile solvenu.matena1s contaming asbest°s or formaldehyde,and radioaarve mater�als.As used in '.�: ,�^s
<br /> SFiI
<br /> . this par�raph 20,"Eavironmental Iacv"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdicaon where the Property is located that relate ,;.f_��..r..
<br /> � w healih,safety or envfranmental Protec�ion. � . � ,,;�:`-
<br /> � � NON-UNIHORM COVENANTS.Bonower and Lender further cova�aut and agre�as follows: � . ��:.
<br /> ' ; Zi.AaeieTation;Ytemedtes.Lender shaU give notise to Borrower prior to accelerat�on tollowing Borrow�r�s 1? unless � ���
<br /> •� ` sny covenant or agreement in t6� Security Ins�r�ment (but not prior to acceleratton under paragr3p y��:�_-.,--
<br /> . :'.�'��*._ ....,--
<br /> ePP�b�¢I�R'pravides otheswlse).The notice s6a11 specity:(a)the detaa[t;@)the action requi�eed to ca�re the d_tanli;(c) - - ,�.,��.
<br /> a date,not lesv than 30 days from t6e date the Qotice is g�ven to Borrower,by whic6 t�e defaalt mnst be cared;and(d) _.,',.'�` �
<br /> that t'aIIare to cure 4he default on or betore the date specified in the notice may result in acxeleration oi the sums secored ', -,,,�„�. •-i-,•
<br /> • ,,. .,_�� .
<br /> , by this$ecority Insbru�emt aad sa[e ot We Properiy.The notice shaD fu�er inform BorroweT o!the right to reinstate Y . �Y.•�,.�,_,__
<br /> �_��:��-�_
<br /> after acceEeretton and the righ4 to bring a conrt acdon to s�ssert the non-e�cistence o!a defaalt or any other detense o! —_,,# _.
<br /> Borrower io acc�leration and sate.V the defauit is nai cured an or before t6e date spedfied 1n tlie not�ce,Lender,at its , 4._,
<br /> optlon,may recduire immediate PaYp°;ent in tuU ot all sums secared by this Securitp Instrume�t w►ithout turther demand _ :, _
<br /> and may invoke t6e poweT o?sale and any othcr remedies pesmitted by app9irable law.I.ender shall be entitled to wllect --.---='"�.�
<br />• �����rred in pnrsnin�the remedtes Drovided in this paragrepb 21,including,but aot Umited to,reasonab[e :. . �
<br /> � �
<br /> ; attorneys'fees and costs ot tltle evidence. . . .�
<br /> If the power o!sale is invoked.Trustee shall record a nodce of default in eac6 county in whicb any part a!the . �,
<br /> Property i�tocated tind shall mail c�pies of sac6 notice in t6P manner prescribed by ap�!'srable law to Borrower and to the �„:
<br /> �� other persoas prescrjbed by applicable taw.After the time reqnired by applica6le 1aw,Trustee shall give publIc nmtice o! _
<br /> ;, sale to the persons and in the manner prescrtbed by appGcable lew.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,shall sell the �,
<br /> Praperty at publlc a�rtion to the hig6est bidder at the time and place and uader the terms designated in the notice o!sale
<br /> Form 3028 9190 � ---
<br /> Ppg05016 It11�1818: � . � _
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