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201109089 <br /> Upon receipt oi payment of the price bid,Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee`s deed conveying the Properfi}�. <br /> The recitais in the Trus6ee's deed shall be prina facie evidence of the truth of[he sEatements made t6erein. Trustee shall <br /> apply the pmceedx oF the sale in the followiug or�er. (aj to ail crosfs xnd ezpenses of eFerctiseng the pawer nf sale, and the <br /> sale,includivag the payment ofthe Trustee's fees actually�inearmd and reasonub[e nttomeys' fees as permitted byApplicable <br /> Law;(b)to all snms seeured b}this Security Instrument;aad(c)an}�eacess fo the per�un or penons legally entifled to it <br /> 23. Reeonvey�nce. Upon payznent of all sucns secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shaTl request Tnastee fo <br /> reconve7 the Pmperiy and shall surreoder this Security Instrument and sll notes evidencuig debt secured by ttus Security <br /> Instivment to Trustez. Trustee shali reconvey the Property without v�arranry to the person or persons legally emitled co it. <br /> Such person or persons shztl pay any recorddtian cosls. Leu3ez may cl�arge such person ar persons a fee for reconveying the <br /> Properiy; but on3y if the fee is paid to a third par[t(sach as thc Trustec) for serc�ces rendered and the cl�rging of fl�e fee is <br /> permitted under Applicable Lacv. <br /> 7A. Substitute Trost�. T,ender,at its option, may from time w[ime iemace Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to <br /> any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instnunent recorded 'ui the county in which this Securiry lnstrument is recorded <br /> Without conveyance of the Property, the successor uvstee shalk succeed ta all the tiUe,power and duties wnferred ugon <br /> Trustee herein and bq Applicable Law. <br /> 25. Request for Nofiees. Borrower requests that copies of the notice of default and sale be sent to Borrou�er's address <br /> which is thc Property Address_ <br /> REMAIP[DER OB PAGS IlVTEI�TIONALLY LEFT BLANK <br /> SIGI�IATUAE PAC,E FQLIAWS. <br /> NEBRASI{A -Single Family-Fan�ie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUN�HT y� <br /> aa�e t2oria inirrois:.:��� i�' <br /> ��9ryp) (��1} Form 3028 1I07 <br /> IIII��'IIIIII'II�II����I�IIIIII�IIIIII �I�IiIII��IIIII� <br /> 6000NE9724966 <br />