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201109089 <br /> Neithcr Borrower nor Gender may co�nce,join,or bc joined to dny judicial action{2s either an individual litigant or the <br /> member of a class)tha£arises from the othes party's actions pursuant to this Sec�in�dnsmunent or d�at alleges that the other <br /> party has breached any pro��ision of,or any dutv owed try reason af;t}us S�,urity Tnstr¢meot, until such 8orroti��r or Lender <br /> has notif'ied the othez parly (with such notice given in compliance with the cequvcmcnls af Secfiou 1 i)of such alieged breach <br /> and afforded the other parry hereto a reasonable period after the giving of such notrce to take wrrecti�•e acaoa]f App3icable <br /> Law pro«des a time period which must elapse before cenain aclioo can be takcz�that rime period n�ll be deemed to be <br /> reasonable for purposes of this paragraph The notice of accekration and opporns,ity to cure given to Borrower yursuarrt ta <br /> Secfion 22 dnd tlte natice of acceleration given to Borrowcr piusuant to Section IR shall be deemed to safisfy the notice and <br /> opporhmll-� ta take corrective actior,piovisions of this Section 20. <br /> 21.Hazardous SabsYances. As used in ilris Section 21 (a}"T-lazardous Substances" are fhose substa�ec defined as ioxic <br /> or t�azardocts substatices, pollutants, or wastes by Environmental Law and the folloniog substanccs: gasolme,kerosene,other <br /> flammable oi toxic petroleum produets, tor.ic pesticides and herhicides, volalile solvents, mafenals wntaining asbeslos or <br /> formaldehyde, and radioacUve ma�riaLS;{b)"Environmental Law"means federal iaws and laws of ihe jurisdiction where the <br /> Property is located that relate to health, safety or environmentai protectlon; (c) "En�iro�ental Clcanup" includes any <br /> response aciion,rcmcdial action,or removai action,as defined in Environmenfal Law,and(d)an"Environmea�tal Condition" <br /> means a condilion tb2t can cause, conh'ibute to,or othzrwise 7igger vi En��ironmcntal CIeamzp. <br /> Borrower shal]not cause or permit the presence, use, dis�sal, siorage, or release oC atry Hazardous SubsiaiKes, or <br /> ttueaten to release any C�azazdous Subslatices, an or in the Property. Borrower st�all not do,nor allow anyone else to do, <br /> anything affecting ihe Froperty (a)that is in violation of any S���ironL�ental Law,(b)which creates an Environmental <br /> Condition, or(c)wtuch due to the presence, use, or release of a Hazardous Substance, creates a condition that adversely <br /> affects Che ti�aLue of the Properry.The preceding tivo seillences shall not apply to the�rzesence, usc,or srorage on the Propeny <br /> of small c�uantities of Hazardeus Substances that are generally recogniaed to be appropr;ate to normal residendal uses and to <br /> maintertance of the Property(includiog, but not iimited to,hazardous substances ia consncner products). <br /> Borrower shall promptty give Lender written notice of(a)any inv�estigatioq claim,demand,lawsuit or othcr acrion try any <br /> govemmental or reguJato� agency or private party invalving tne Property and any Hazardous Substance or En��ronmental <br /> Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge, (b}arrv Em�"uotuuental C4ndilion, including Uut not limited to,auy spilling, <br /> ]eaking, discharge, release or threat of ielease of atry Ilazardaus Substance, and(c)any condition caused by the presence, use <br /> ar ielease oF a Hazardous Substnnce which adveisely affects the��a3ue of the Property.If Borrawer leazns,or is notified by any <br /> governmental or regulatory authoriry,or any private party,that any remonal or otLer remediation of any Hezazdaus Substance <br /> aftecting the Properi} is necessary, Borrower shall piomptty take all necessary remedial aclions in accordance roviih <br /> Envuonmental Law.Nothing herein shall cceate any obligation on Lender for an Environmental Cleanup. <br /> NON-T.JNIF�RM COVE\ANTS. Borrower and Lender furihcr covenant and a�ee as follows <br /> 22 Accelerafion; Remedies. Lender sh�ll give notice to Borrower prior Co accelera4ion following Borrower's 6reach ot <br /> any covenant or a�reEment ia fhis Security Insfromeztt(but not prior ta accelera[ion under Section 18 unless AppG��a61e <br /> Law grovides otherwise). The noflce shall specifr: (a)the defaalE;(b)the action required to cure the default;(c)a date,not <br /> less ihan 30 days from fhe date tBe notice es given to Burroner, hy which the default must be cured;and(d}fhx!Cailure to <br /> cure tfie dei'auit on or before fhe date specified in tiie noiice ma}result in acceieration ofthe sums secured byfhis 3ecurity <br /> Tnstrument and sale of fhe Property�The notiee shall further inform Borruwer of the right to minstate afber acceJeration <br /> and the righ[ to bring a court action ro asscrt the non-existence oi'a default or any otl�er defease of Borrower tn acceleratlon <br /> and sale. li'tLe default is nut cured on or be€ore the date apecified in the notice,T.ender at iis option may require immedialc <br /> gayment m full of aR sums secured hy this Securih Instrumcnt without further demaurl and may invoke the power of sale <br /> and�ny oWer remedies permitted by 9pplicable Law.Lcnder shell be enfitled to coRect all expenses incurred in pursuing <br /> the remedies prov�idedin tltis Section 22,inclnding,buf not limited to,reasonab[e attomeys' Cees and wsts of[itle evidence. <br /> If t6e power of sale is invoked,Trustee shall record a IIotice of default in each county in wluch any part of the Proper[y <br /> is located and shall mail cupies of such notice in the manner preseribed by Applicable Law ko Borrawer and t�the other <br /> persons prescribed by Applicabie Lativ.A£ter the time required byAppl�cahle Aaw,Trustee shall give puhlic notice of sale ba <br /> the persuns and in the manner grescribed by Applicable Law.Tcustce,vritltout demandan Borrower,shall selt the Properly <br /> at pablic auction tn the highest bidder at the time and place and wder the terms designated ia the notice of sale ia one or <br /> more parcels aud in any order Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel af the Propert9 by pu6lic <br /> announcement at tbe tzme and place oi any�reriously scheduled sale. Lender or its drsi�nee may purc�ase the Property at <br /> any sale. <br /> N�RASKA -Single Family-Fannie MaelPraddFe Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMEN7 �., � -y� <br /> ,w..��N� �p���� aaget��tia inrods:.-�!r�`-J,F°'� Fo�m 3029 1I01 <br /> �°��� I1l�II�!�II� I�nlll�ll I�II�Ill�lll�e�lllll�ll��l <br /> 6WONE9724966 <br />