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�0110893� <br />7 6, Hezardous Sub�tanoes. �orrower shall not cause or � the presence. use� dl.sposel, storAge, or relel8e <br />of a� Ha�rdous Substanees on at � the Prope�Cy. Brnsbwer slaall not do, nor a11ow �yone eise to da, <br />anythmg aff�c�g the Proper�y that ie xn. vloladon o� �y Environ�nental Law. '�'he p�ceding cwo sentettt�s <br />sball not appIy bo the presence, use, or storag� on the PropASty► of sm� quentities oF Hazatdou6 5ubstances <br />�t ate gert�slly recog�oized to be appropriate Co normal reaidentisl uses �d W maintena�►t� of the Ptogerty. <br />Borrower shall promptly gve Lender wriueu aotice of ar►y iaveetigation, claim, de�maad� lawsuit or other <br />action by any goverr�ental or reb�latQry age�cy' Or Prieabe patry involving the Property ead any Ha�ardous <br />Substaztce or Envirtmmeatal Laav af which Ba�rower has aCNa1 knowledge. If Bormwer leazns, or is notifi� <br />by anp governmerual or regula�ory auth�rlty. that aay remov�l or othar remediauon of �y Hs�rdous <br />Substanc�s �ecNag the Property is nec8ssary, Barrowcr si�all prom�dy take a]I nec�seary r�1i�l actiQas <br />izt as:cordance urich �nviron�menrat Law. <br />AS used ia this paragraph 16 p Fiazardo�us Suisstenoes" are those substances defined as touc br hQzerdous <br />sabstances by Fnvimtlmeatel Law and the foIIowing substauces: gesoline, kt�xosene, ot}�ar flammable ar <br />Wxic getrolemn prodncta, t�dx3c pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvatts, makerieL� coniaining asbestos or <br />form�lciehyd�, and r�dioactive �terials. As used in this �aragraph 16, "Environmez�tal Iaw" me�ns fede�ral <br />laws and laws of the jurisdiction �b�ere the Pruperry ia locat�l. tbat relate to health, safery or environmeasal <br />protection. <br />Non-Unffvrm Coven�rr�. Bon�awer and �.ender fur[hcr enven�i aad ag� as �ollows; <br />") 7. As�ignment of Rents. Borrower wae�nditionally assigns an4 transf�rs to Lender �11 tb�e x'ents and revenues <br />of the Pioper�y. B�orr+ower �nthoriz�s L�nder ar L�ender's aga�ue to coIIeet the rents �cl rev�s ead hareby <br />directa eaah tenant of ths Froper�y to pay khe rents to Lender or Lander'8 age�s. However, prior w L�ndler's <br />nodce co Borrower af BorroWer's breach af aay caven�[ ar agreement in the Securlty InsAtunent, Borrower <br />shall collect �nd receive ad� rents and revenues of the �roperty as nustee for th� 1�nefit o� �.ender �ad <br />Borrovupr, This asslgnm�nt vf remts constitutes an sbseluCe assfgnment and not an assignment ior additional <br />securicy only. <br />If Lender gives noHee of breach ta �orrawer: (�) sll rents received by Borrower �111 be held �'y Borrowe�t <br />�s trastee fm b�eSt of Le.�der only, to be applie� to t�e s�s secured by the S�rity Irtstramenk; <br />(b) Le�nder sha11 be entitled ka c+allect �d receive all of the rcnts of �e pmperky; �ad (c) each tenant of tlae <br />Property s1�a11 pay �1 r� dae sad uapaid to Lender or Lendar's ag�nt on �.ender's wtitten demand w tha <br />Cenant. <br />Sorrower has n�t execnted any prior assigament oP the reuts and has not aad vaill not perform any s�Ci that <br />would prevent Lander from exercis'vng i�s rights u�ndcr this paragraph 17. <br />Y.eader shall not be reqnired to entar upon, take eontrol of or maintein the P'capeny befoxe or after gnting <br />notice oi breach to Banrower. However, Lender or a judicially appoint� r�Cefver may do so at any dm� <br />ti�re is a breach. �ny appliCaiiaa of rents sh�11 aos cure or waive aay defanit or invsiidate �y ather right ar <br />remedy ai Y,ender. This assignment of rents of the Pmperty shall terminate when the debt secnred by rhe <br />Seaurlty InsCtument is paic� im ficll. <br />1 S. ForeCla�ure Procedure. IP Lender recYuires unmediate ��meat in faJl tmdar garsgraph 9� Lendpr <br />may �invoke the pawer a£ �le and any otiier rem�ea germ�itted by applirable law. Lc�der ahell be <br />ent�tled t� coll�+c� eII expex�ses inc�red ia parsufng �e remcdies under t�u1s par�gr�pb 18, �nrdudin�, <br />but not �imfted tn, a�easonable attbrneys' fees �ud casts of ti�� evtdence. <br />�°a� °� T^� vMpaqtNp 1110 I OD <br />Wohwm lauwer Plnencl¢I 6onriem Pepe 7 of 7 U <br />