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�o1�os9�� <br />exercis� by Len,d�r when tbe uaavailability of insurance is solaly due ta Lender's failure to remit a <br />mortgage insurauce pnemium io the Secretsry. <br />10, Reinstetem�nt. Bartow� has a ri�t to be reiustated if Lender ha� requirai immedinte payment in full <br />beCause of Borrow�t's failu� w pay an amoiutt due ander the Note or tbis 5ecurfty �nsisument.l`his right <br />applies even after for�losuxo proceedinga are inazf�vted. To reinsrate the Se+C�t�city Yastrttiment, Borrowar <br />shall tendar in � lump snm �118rxtouuts required to bring Borrower's account cw iaaiudin�, to th� <br />ext�nt they ata obligations �of Borrovuer under t�►is Sec�ity Ynsmiment, fore�closure costs and mesonable �d <br />cnatomary attornays' �9 Atlf� 8Rp8D6s9 p1bpEX13► 1880CI8tiEd VY1TI1'tI18 f0I�145UfC PPDC2�1n� Upan <br />reinstetement by Borrawcr, this Sec�triry Ittsuvma� �nd �� pbiigatians tttst it secures shsll remain in effect <br />as if I.ender bad not re.quired immediac� payment in full. Ho�ver� Lender ia aot rer�uired u� permit <br />reinSt�tement �f: �) Lender has accepted rainstatement aftEr tf�e co�e.�c.anaent of foreclosnre proceedi�gs <br />withlln two yeat8 immed3ately pteeeding the commencement af �, current foreclos�r� proceeding <br />�ii) reinstatement will preclude for�losure oa different grt�nads m the faturE. ar (iu) iainsts�ement �vill <br />ad�ersely affeGt [he priority of W� lien createci by tt�is Security �nstrument. <br />17. Bpitpwer Not Fiafessed: Forbeer�hoe By Lender Not a Weiver. Extsnsion of the time of paym�t or <br />modificatian o� amortizatibn of ihe stuns se�u�ted by this 3ectuiry Ynst�ument gtanted by I.ender to any <br />sucxessor m infiaresc of Borraa►�r shall aoi ogerate to zel�ase the liabilicy of the origittal Borrower or <br />Bouower's saccassnr in inieresc. Lender shail not be reqtti�ed co commence pmceedin�s ag�st any <br />successor � interesc ar re,fuso to extend t�e for p��nac�t or otherwisa madify �ordzation of the sums <br />at�urca by thie Seectri�ty Inst�imae�t by reason of &ny demand made by che orig'vaaX Borrawer or �ormwer's <br />suecessazs in mtere�c. Any tnrbearance by Lenaer �a exezc�ing aay right or remedy s�au not be a w�d�r of <br />or pr�clude the axer�ise of any right or remed.y. <br />72. �uacessnrs �nd Ass9enc Baund; Joint �nd Severat Li�bil'rty; Co-Signers. 'tha co�ena�t� and <br />agreeme�s of rh4s Security Ynsts�ent shaU bi�ci and bene�it rhe succesaars ead aseigns of �nder and <br />Boxro�vver, subjeCt tn tha provisio�ts of p�ragraph 9(b). Borrower's cov�nents and agceements ehall 'be jomt <br />�d seversl. Any B�rrower who co-signs �is Sec�ui�Cy Iastrument but does not execuce the Note: (�) is <br />ca-signing khis �ec�ity Insixument oniy to rflOrtg�ge, �nt sad eonvey that Borrowar's inrerest in the <br />Prapc�ry imder the [erms vf thi� Secnrity Ins�ument: (b) is not personally obligated w pay the aums se�ured <br />by tiui� SeGUrIry Tnstrument; and {c� �e9 that L�dex �nd any ether Borrowar may �gree to extend., modify, <br />forbear or make eay accommodations with reg8td to the terms of tltis Seculzty Instrumenk ar the 1�1ote <br />without thai Borrower's consent. <br />13. Notice�s. A�y notice tfl B�oterower prov�detl for in this SecUSity Instrument shall be given by defiver'rng it or <br />hy mailing it by firat class mail unless applicable law ret�ufres usa of another met�otl. T'�a notice &hall be <br />direeted to the Pro�rty Address or any ot3�er address Borrower desigsates by notiCe to L�udet. Any not�ce <br />w Lender shall �►e given by �rst class mail4o X.euder's address steteci herein or any address Z.ender <br />d0sigaetes by notice ro 8orrower. Any notice provid� for in this Security Instrument shell be deamBd to <br />have beeu g�ven to Boaowar ar Lender �+hen. given as provided in this par�gtap�. <br />14. Govarnina Lew: $evereb�tty, This S�nr�ty Instrumenr shal! be go�►erned by Pedear�llew and the law of <br />the jurisdictioa fn whic,�. tb�e 1'roperiy is IoC�ted• In tha event that amy provi8ion qr claase of t�iis Se�cmuriity <br />���+*!+*�±pr*- or tbe Note conflict�S rwlth �plicable law, au�h contlict shpll not affect ather provision� of this <br />Secu�3ry Ynsv.vment or tl�e 1Vors which t�a be given effect vvit�om the c�n�lictiag provision. Z'o this end the <br />provfsions of this Se,�urity Ins�n�at and tbe Nafs ere decl�ed to be sev�able. <br />16, Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall bE given ane c:anformed capy of thp Note and of tt�fs 5eauiCy <br />Instrumen4. <br />�D�ed aF Tnm�-Nfi q/g5 <br />VMP4PpJ2! (140� .oD <br />wdmes fauwer Putie�lal serv�eo Pago e of to <br />