. . . _ __ . _ i . ,
<br /> �- , ';4:.__
<br /> 17. Transfer of tha �roparty or a Beneficial Intereat in Bonow�r. e a�i or any part ot tne Property or !; . . , ;
<br /> any Interest in it Is sold or Vansferted(or if a benefielal interest tn Bortower is sotd or Uansterred and 8orrower is not a nature! � �
<br /> person)vaithout Lender's pdor vddtten consent Lsnder may,at its opUon,require immediate paymeni in full of all sums secured by '
<br /> ' this Securtry I�stnment. Howsver.this optlon shaU not be exerdsed by Lc�der it exercrcise is prohibited by ted�al law as of the� 4 , . . '
<br /> e r
<br /> � date ot this Sscurtty insbument F , -_
<br /> if Lender exerdses this option, Lender sh�ll give BoROwer notice of acceteratlon. TAe notice shali provfde a period of not � �� , , - `�
<br /> less than 30 daya from the date the notice is deiivered or mailed wfthin which 8orrower must pay all sams seaued by this � --
<br /> Seeurity Instrumenl If 8orrawer tails to pay these sums prfor to the e�iration of this period, Lender may lnvoke nny remedies �
<br /> • ; permitted by tMs Seeurfty Instrument withoui tuRher noUce or demand on Borrower. ' '�
<br /> � � 18. BOROtrfAPB Rlg11t to R91D18t8t9. If Bortower meets certaln cond'Nons, Borrawer shall have the dght to have � � -.�4[•°
<br /> ; entarcement o!thls 3ecuriry Instrument diseonflnued at any tlme prior to the eartier oi: (a) 5 days (or sueh other partod as � •`�
<br /> � appQcable law may speaty tor reinstatementJ before saie of the PropeRy pursuant to any power of sala conta�ned In thls Securtty _
<br /> Ins4rumenk or @�entry of a judgment snfo►cing this Securfiy InsUum�nt.Those cond�tons ere that Borro►ver. (e)pays Lendsr aEl � � , f'•
<br /> sums which then vrouid be due under this Secur(1y Instrument 8nd the Note es ft no acceteration had occurred: (b) cur@s eoy �
<br /> default of any other covenant or agreements: (c) pays all e�enaes ineurred in enforcing this Securityr Insuument, induding, but ` ' _
<br /> � not limited to, reasonab►e attomeys'fees: and (�ffikes such actlon as lender may reasonabty require to assure that the lien of � . .
<br /> •,i .
<br /> �� this Securfty tns�ument, t.enders rights in the Property and Borrower's obligsUon to pay the sums secured by this Securiiy �
<br /> Instrument shai conUnue unehenged. Upon reinsKatement by Borrower, this Securtry Instrument and the obagations secured
<br /> hereby shaU remain fuAy efteetfve as it no acceleraUon had occurred. However.this dght to reinstste shall not appy fn the case _
<br /> � of eceelersdon under paragraph 17. , —
<br /> � � 19. Sale of Note: Change of Loan Servicer. rne rtoce or a a parusi interest rn tne Note (tagether with thts ' _
<br /> Security Instrument) may be sold one or more ttmes without prior notice to Bortowet A sale may resuft in a change in the entiry . �
<br /> (imown as the 'Loan Servlcer')ffiat coltects monthry payments due ureder the Note and this Sscurity Instrument There also may , • _?-= '
<br /> be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelatad to a sate of the Nate. It there ts a change of the Loan ServicQr. � _ _,_
<br /> Borrower w(II be gNen mitten notice of the change in aa;ordance with para�aph 14 above and appneable Iaw. The noUce w(II � ' . . � '
<br /> state the name and address of the new Loan Servfcer and the address to which payments shoutd be mada The noUce will also
<br /> corttain any other intomiaUon requtred 6y eppltrable law. • ' "'""
<br /> ti_._
<br /> 20. HBZardous Su[��411ftC�t3. Borrower ahail not cause or pemitt the presence, use, disposal, scorage.or reiease of ',_ �- •
<br /> any HaraMous Substances on or in the Properiy. Borrower shaD noi do, nor allow arryone etse to do,enything affedfig the . . " � '•=:-
<br /> Properiy ffiat is tn vlo{aUon oi any EnvlronmeMal Law: The preceding two serttenees shall not appy to the presence. use,or , - '`�=r4
<br /> ' ", � storage on the Property of small quaniitles oi Hamrdous Subst�.�s that rue generalty recognized to 6e appmpriate to normal �. �: ��-:�-`j� T°
<br /> `•� residendsl ussa end to malntenence of the PropeRy. �.� .;� - r�
<br /> Borrower shell promptty gtve Lender w�itten natirs of a�y �vestlgatlon, claim, demand, tawsuit or other ncUon by any :.,,•:�^���
<br /> govemmental or regutatory ageney or prlvate pariy imvatvfig the Property end any Harardous Substenee or Environmetrtal Lew of . .V. �
<br /> • whtch Borrower has actual Imo�vledge. li Borrower leams, or Is notifled by atry gov�mmertal or regulatory authorfty, that eny •. , : � t��- !-
<br /> removel or other remediaUon of any Hazardous Subslsnce aftecUng Property is necessary. Bortower shali promptly taice all � .' : ��
<br /> ,,. �
<br /> necessary remedal acUons in accordance wfth Environmental law. � `� ;4 - �, ,
<br /> � � As used in thfs patagraph 20. 'HarBrdoua Substances' ere those substances deflned as toxic or hazerdous substences by ,� �'i•;.
<br /> EnvhonmenffiI law and the fodowing substences: gasolina kgrosene, other ttammable or toxtc petroleum produds, toxic ,��,� �'+ .
<br /> pesUddes and herbiddes,volstlie sokeMs.mat� containing asbestos or fotmaldehyde,and tadioactive mat�lais. As used in ,•, ti
<br /> paragraph 20. 'Envhonmental Law' means federaf laws end Iaws of the jurisdld(on where the Properly is located that retate to �- _
<br /> _ •��',�
<br /> heatth,setery or environmental protzM.ion. , � ��t
<br /> NON•UNIFOAM COVENAMS.Borrower and Ler►der tuRher covenant aztd agree as follaws: , � ` —
<br /> � 21. Accetoratlon; Remedies. Lenda� shali give na4lco to Bonovior prlor to accalaration __ . � �
<br /> ' foltowin Borrower's broach of any cr,vonant or agraomont fn thla fiecurifiy iestrument (but not k
<br /> 9 . -...��'�-�`� -
<br /> • prlor to acceloratlun under paragraph 17 untess app9lcabte Iaw prcvldea otharwtse). Tha nottce �_.-�
<br /> shall speaHy: (a) the detaut� (b) the actton roquirod to cun tho defaul� (c) e date� not less 4haao � ��- �_
<br /> • 30 days from tho dato tho notfco Is gtven to Borrowor, try which tha default mu� bo curod; and ' � �
<br /> . (d) that falture to cur� the detautt on or beioro tho dato specffled tn the noNxo may rosult in ��:;,_T.-�-
<br /> � acceleratioe� of the sums secured by thfs Security Instrument and eale af tho Property.The notice ' �•�.�_ �'�
<br /> ' : �hall furthor Ir�form 8orrowar of th� right to roiostat� aRor accatorat�on and thQ rfDht to briteg a " �- ��,���
<br /> _ co�a� action to ass�rt tho no�xlatonco af a difautt or any ottar dofansa of 6orrowar to �� "' '''"°��-
<br /> acaa:�ratlon and salo. i��1:a dafault Is not cu���l on or betora the da�m specitled In th� rto4tco, � '����" �
<br /> . L�ndar at ib optlon may �squlr� Immadiate paymont in fup of all sums sacur�d by thls Soca�ri4y �. � . ' . � =�'� � ---
<br /> ' ' instrumont wi47Yau! furtfier demand a�cd may invoko th� powsr of aafe and any other r�modl�s � ; . .-'�`'�
<br />� ' . po►mtttod by��alicablo lawr. l.ondar shall bo ontittod to colloct all oxponsos incurrad In purss�in�
<br /> tho r�medllea provided In thls pAragraph 21, Inciuding, but not iimitod to. voasonabiu attomeye' '` •
<br /> � teea and costs of title o�c���nce. ' �'a ;-�
<br /> If the power of sa4e is iavoked, Trustee shall record a notice ot dafault In each county In . � • —
<br /> wrhtch any part of 4he Property la located and shall mall c��ies of such nottce In tho mannor . :
<br /> . prescribed by appficabte law to 8orrower and to the other Rsasons prescribed by appltcable Isu:. ��
<br /> After the time requirod tr� applicabta law,Trustee shall give pabilc te�S?ca ot sale to the persons . �
<br /> and In th0 mannsr prescrii�od by appllcabte law Trustao, withau4 da�ee�nd o» Borrowor� ahafl sell . t�.
<br /> � tho P�operly at public auctlan to th� highest blt9dor tt th� tim� and �1aco and undsr the terms �:
<br /> ' .• � doaignatad 1� 4�'�s notic� of �salo tc� ce�a or moro parcels ac�d in ury ordar Truataa d�rminea � . `"
<br /> � Tnustee may �t�sipone aala of ail �r a.�� parcel of the Pr��smriy by public an�ouncom�nt at tfie : . • =
<br /> time and plaee of any proviously scraduled sale. Lend�r or its designee may purchasa the
<br /> Property at any sale. �
<br /> ' Upon recelnt of pa�.r�r.! of the prtcs bdd, :rustee shall doliver to the purchaser TrusteB'a f �
<br /> dsed conveyie�g the Proporty.Tho rocitals in the Trustee's daed shafl 6e prima tacle evidence af . ' r�=�
<br /> the truth of the statements made tcereln. Trustee shalt apply 4he proceeda of the sate In the .
<br /> . �
<br /> followiog order. (a) to a!I co�ts ar� exponama of oxocciaing tho pou+er of ualo. and tho sate, • =_
<br /> including the payment ef t�a Yrust�e'e fees actually incurred, not to exceed 1.00 ''" -
<br /> � 4b of the principal amount of the . ' .
<br /> note �'t the tfine o!the declaratior� eif'f defauli. and reasonable attorney'e tees as permi4ted by Iavw. �-x•..
<br /> � (b)to all suma secured by this Securlty Instrument; and (c) eny exceas to the person or persons � . —
<br /> �� logaity sntitied to !� : . �
<br /> , � �.
<br /> � �-�
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