Borrowet may cure suth a delauft and reinstate. as provtded in paragraph 18. by causing the acdon or proceeding to �e t. . . _ . -
<br /> • , divn.'ssed with a ruling thet.In Lendars good talth detetm�aUon,predudes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest In tha Proparry or ``�
<br /> • other materlal impal►ment of the lien crentad by this Sacuri2Y Instament or Lender's sewrfry interest Ba.rower shall elso be in .
<br /> detauft if Borrower.dudng the loan appUcatlon process.gave mate�laDy tatse or inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or � .
<br /> fa.9ed to provide Lender witPi any matedal 1nlormaUon) in cannectlon with the loan evideneed by ths Note. incfuding, but not ` _
<br /> i:mtted to, represenmUons conceming Borrower's occupancy ot the Piroperty as a pdncfpai residenea If this Seeuriry� I , _
<br /> instrument is on a leasehotd. Borrower shall eomply with all the provisions of the lease. if Borrower acquiras fee title to the� , . , � . _
<br /> Properry,the leasehatd and ffie tee tftle shaU not merga untess Lender agreas to the rtserger in writ(ng. 1 � •
<br /> t�.
<br /> 7.Proteetion of Lsnder's Rig4►ts in tha Ptop�rty If Borrower tatts to pedortn the eover�nnts and agreemznts , .
<br /> � .
<br /> contalned in this�ewrriy Instrumen� or there is a legsl proceeding that may signHicantiy atfect Lender s �ights in the Property � �
<br /> (such as a proceeding tn banlwPtaY, probate,for condemnffilon or forte(ture or to enfoms lswa or regulaUons�,then tender may I '
<br /> do end pay tor whataver is necassary to prated the value of tha Property and Lender s dghls In the Properiy. Lender s acUons � f
<br /> may indude paying any sums secured by a lien whieh has prfariry over thts Sacurity Instrument, aPPeadng (n court. PaY�9� `
<br /> reasoneble attomeys'tees and enter(rtg on the Piropefty to make repaSrs.Atthough Lender may take acdon under this paragraph �
<br /> - 7. Lender does not have ta do so.
<br /> _ , A�ty amounts disbursed by Lender under paragraph 7 shali become add'Nonat debt of Bonower secured by this Securiry r'� � `
<br /> Insbument Unless Barrower and Lertder agree to other terms of paymen� these amourrts shaii beer li►terest fram tha dais of ; ,
<br /> d3sbursemerrt at the Note rate and shafl be payable,wiih interest,upon notice from Lender to Bortowe►requesting PaYment t
<br /> � 8. MOttgage 117SUfenCe. H Lender requlrad mortgage insurance as a cond'itlon of ineldng t►ie �e9n secttred by this , '
<br /> ; Secunty Instrumen� Bortower shali pay the premtums requUed to meintain the moRgage fnsurance tn effect fi,for any reason,the ,, .,
<br /> J mortgage insurance covera9e required by Lender tapses or eeases to be in efted. Borrower shal!pay the prem:ums required to , • _ ,"�
<br /> obtain coverage substantta[ly equivaient to the mortgsge insurance previousty in efiecl at a cost substentislly e4uivelent to the ,.__j;�,
<br /> _-�_,
<br /> 'i cost to Botrower of the moRgage insurance previously in effect, from en eftenlate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. It �' �_
<br /> � substantialty equivalent mortgage insurance coveraga ia nat avaaabie. Barrower shall pay Lo Lender each month a sum equal to _;w�
<br /> � one�twelN►o!the yearly moRgage insurance prerrlum 6eing paid by Borrower when the insurance coverege lapsed or eeased to : -' {�
<br /> be tn efted. Lender wn71 accep� use a�d�thage Paym$rrts 8s a loss r�serve in Ueu of mortgage insurance. Loss resenre
<br /> 'i payments may no langer be requlred. at the opUon of Lender, il mortgage insurance coverage pn the amount and for the perlod _'��_.l
<br /> j that Lender requires)provided by en insurer approved by Lender again becames avaiiable end is obtalned. Borrower shaU pay
<br /> jthe premiums required to meintain mortgage insurance(n eifeci,or to provide a loss reserva ur►U7 the requiremerrt fot mortgage ��
<br /> ! insurance ends in eccordanca urith anY w�ten 89reemerrt bel�"een Borrov�er and Lender or appGcable law.
<br /> ' 9. 11t8�98Cf�am.Lender or its agent may make masonable enbie9 upon end inspedions of the Properly. Lender shali give , �_ --
<br /> i Bortower noUce at the Ume of er prior to an inspedion specilying reasonable eause tor the EnspecUon. "'�'
<br /> 10. Condemn2ttlofl.The proceeds of eny award or claim tor dema9es. dir�d or consequential, fi coanection wfth any ��- -�
<br /> -�.� ��
<br /> ' � cond2tnnaUon or other taldng ot any part of ffie Property, or tor conveyrance tn (leu ot cond2mnaUon.are hereby assigned and -;- .���_i
<br /> • x+ shall be peid to Lender. - �
<br /> In the event of a toffiI taMng of the Property, the proceeds shall be appped to th° sums sewred by thts Securily .,.
<br /> Instrumeirt,whether or not then due,with any excess Pald to Borrowet In the event of a partial taldn9 of the Properry In wh(ch ;.T,�
<br /> � �� the Tair market vatue ot the Property immediatetY before the�king Is equal to or grester than the amount of the sums secured _ • :
<br /> ' by this Security Instrume�t immediately beTore tha teking, unless Borrower and LenQer othervrise agres in writtng. the sums '""""'� �.. ,�,ai ...y
<br /> secured by this Secutity instrumerrt shall be reduced by the amount oi the proceeds multiplied by the toftowing fraction: (a)the
<br /> �� total amaunt of the sums secured[mmemately before the teldng.divided by (b) the tatr market value of the Property Immadlatety - �� k;
<br /> ' befora the taWng.Any bafance shafi bo paid to Borrower. In the event of a pertSe!tekin9 of the Ptoperty fn which the faU market ; :�
<br /> ���� value of the Property immediately betore the tekfi�is less than the amourt of the sums secured immed�ately before the tak(ng, ,. ; • , ..,; ,.
<br /> � unless Barrawer and Lender otherwise agree fn writing or unless epplicab�e law otfierwise provides, the proceeds shall be ., ,
<br /> • apptied to the sums s2cured by th(s Security instrument whether or not the sums are then due. �.�
<br /> � if t3�e PropeAy is a6andoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by Lendor to Borrower that the condemnor otfers to make an �a•' (�f �
<br /> award or settia a dalm tor damages. Borrower tails to respanE to Lender within 30 days aRer the date the noUce is given. : � ..
<br /> Lendzr is authar¢ed to coUect and appty the its option, eElher to restoraUon ar repair of the Property or to the ,.',��:� S`
<br /> � sums secured by th`s Security InstrumenL whether or not then due. - -- •-� �: :..
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwlse agree in wridn9� enY ePP��cation oi proceeds to prtncip8l shaU not extend or .!=�
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments reterred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or ehange the amourrt ci such payments.
<br /> � -• ti. Barrower Not R�Itased; Fo�earance By Lendor Not �Watver.Excension ot the nme tor paymem or ,
<br /> ' moC::caUon ot emorttr.atlon of the sums secured by thts Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in tnterest of �;'� _
<br /> BortaNer shall not operate to release tha Ilabflity of the odginal Bortower or Borrower's successors In interest. Lender sh�not � _ _
<br /> ��_�
<br /> be requlred to ec.-unence Proceedin9g BS�� �Y $uccessor in interest or retuse to extend 8me tor payment or othenvise . ,�-.r¢;�
<br /> � mudify amorttm'!on o!the sums secured by this 3ecurtry Insbument by reason o1 any demend made by the odgis�al Borrower or ,
<br /> Bortower's successors tn InteresG My torbearanae bY I.ender In exerdsing any dght or remedy shall not be a watver of or . •� �
<br /> predude the exeretse o!eny rigM or remedy �_ ."��6;_:,_—
<br /> � ` 12. Succassors and Aastgns 8ound; Jolnt and Several OJabllity; Co-eignera 7he covenan�and : .,�.
<br /> • a�eements o1 this Securiry�nsLument shaD bind and beneffi tha suecessors and assigns of Lender and Bortower.subJed 4o the . �t,.
<br /> provisions of para�aph 17. Borrowera covenants end agreements shall be jolnt end severai. Any Borrower who co-slgns this '.•�. � " ��'
<br /> � 3ecuriry Instrument but does not axecute the[Vote: (a)is co-st�ing this Sewrity Instrument onty to mortgage, grart end convey
<br /> that Borrower's fnterest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrumenk (b) is not personaliy obllgated to pay the • ' ,;: ,
<br /> sums secured by this Securtly Instrument: and(c)agrees that Lender and any other 8orrower may a{�ee to extend moddy, .�
<br /> torbear or make any accommodaUons wfth regerd to the tertrb of this Security Instrument or the Noto wtthout that Eer�cwer's
<br /> i
<br /> consent . �
<br /> 1$, L,paP� �fa►ge8. fl the loen secured by this 8ecurtiy Instrument is subjact to a law which seta me�dmu:.+�oan
<br /> charges,and tha?�aw Is flnaAy interpreted ao that the interest or other loen eherges ca8ected or to be coDected in connecUon
<br /> with the loan exceed the pertnrited Umtts, then: (a)any such toen charpe sha0 be reduced by the emount neceasary to reduce ,
<br /> the charge to the pertnitted I1mR: end lb) enY sums aiready co4ected irom Borrower which exceeded permitted 11mY^s w`•II be . .
<br /> . � refunded to Bortower. Lender may efioose to make thla refund by reducing the p►incipal owed undor the Note ent bwfthoutnan8
<br /> . . direct payment to Borrower. fl e retund reduces pdncipal, the reductlon will be Veated as e partial prepaym Y
<br /> � prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> � 14. Notie�s.Arry notice to Bortower provided for in this Secu�fry Instrument shail be given by delIvedng it or by mfililling ft I a ,• �-
<br /> by Prst daas mall unteas appOcabte taw requires use of another method. The noUce sh�ll be directed to the Property Address
<br /> � er any other addtess Bortower desi�ates by noUce to Lender. Any noUce to Lender shall be given by t'uat ctass e�a�l to ,
<br /> Lender's address atated herefn or any other address Lender destflnates by no�ee to 8ortower. My no�ce provfded ter m this
<br /> � Securiry Msbument shait be deemed to have been given to BoROwer or Lender when glven as Provided In tAls paragraph.
<br /> 15. �uveming Law; Severabtl(ty. This Seeurity inshument shall be govemed by tederal Inw and the taw of the
<br /> � JurisdtcUon In which the Property Is locnted. in the event that any provision or ctause ot thls Secudty Instrument or the Note
<br /> , conflida wtth appticabte lew, such con}Iict shall not a{fect other provisions ot this Securiry Instrument or lhe Note which can be
<br /> , given eHect v�fthout the confllcUng provlslon.To thls end the provtsions of this Security Instrument end tho Note are dectared to � .
<br /> i
<br /> be severeble. "' ' •
<br /> 18. Bo�rowePs Copy Borrower ahail be given one sontormed copy ot the Note and of this Sawrity instrument. : �
<br /> ,� I i
<br /> � Vage f o�S [/�� ' .
<br /> F1316.LMG f1H71 /V'" � 1� - " ' °-
<br /> �
<br /> ,'
<br /> � � .
<br /> I 10435 .. . .. � ..
<br /> t —__.
<br /> • . � • �• I'^" .. �..�.,...�.�W..-..--._r'..r;.� .
<br /> - ' ._ . . . � . . . • - � . . - . . � _. '. ��'. '.c5�� '.. - . .' .':i' ' .
<br /> . . .. _ , � . . . �. � � • ' � 1 ' . - . . . . ' • .
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<br /> , ' �' .l: � ' . . . ' '4 , .
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<br />