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<br /> � g�—ioi��2 � - �
<br /> �' 8. To hire and dis�iss agents,counsel and other eYnployees,upon such terms as � � , �
<br /> �
<br /> ,1 pny agent deterra�ines to be agpropriats.
<br /> 1 ' .
<br /> � _ -` -- - --- �-
<br /> . 9. To gay peisons aud organirdtions for goods and services provided to me or � • •
<br /> for my bea�fit, inclu�utg r�sonable cosnpensdtion tfl my agea�� If I bec:ome disabled or � ; . _ _ �b 4
<br /> incompetent, my agent s6all�at be o b li g�l eo o htair►a�ro v a l o f suc h pa�rmea t s by any i n d i v i d u a l �. . . . . .- --
<br /> . ���,-- :..—
<br /> or court. I exonszate my ag�at for payments made in good faith pursuant to this authorization. . o
<br /> . - . ..,. . .� ��.��
<br /> 10. To prepare, execute aad file iacame aad ather tax return§in all appropriate : °�'—
<br /> taxing juasdictior�s; to executs Federal Tax Form 2848 nr any power af attomey farm required by . �'_?�'°""`—
<br /> the Internal Reveaue Service or stafe authori w eAercise an elections I ma h�ve uader fedeial, � �`-_: �::�-�
<br /> tY; nY Y :� .F ; ,� .,, .,�;.- . � �
<br /> state or local tax law; and generally to rep�esent me in ail taa�aatters and proceedi�gs of all kiIIds . '�`' �, � �_
<br /> and for all peaods before or after the date of this delegation,before all offices and officers of the .. � �''���� �:_
<br /> Internal Revenue Service, s�tate taxiag authority,and aay other taaing body. � , �°_ �'�-"'�°
<br /> .-���-�:
<br /> .� � 11. To h�ve access w any safe deposit box or boxes in which I am an owner, to . -: '-�. �,..�,�'...�-
<br /> � remove or deposit property of mine;w siurender any such baa or boxes;and to rent a safe deposit �• °• . � �_*`' <�
<br /> � box or boxes in my name or in the name of my agent,or both. , _ -' , �-
<br /> :.�-�
<br /> 12. To transfer aU or an of owned b me or in wtuch I have an .r�' � �
<br /> Y P� P�rtY Y �:�-. ,
<br /> inYe�est W the trustee of any revocable tcust createcl by me during my lifetime, such that the sarae -. ..;�',-- ,:`'� , f:,"
<br /> is held and bQCOmes a part of the corg�a.s of that tiust w be dealt a►ith in accordaace�vith the terms �. :�_ - ��� , ,
<br /> of s�ch trust. �".� �`i � —
<br /> _ .,�� .
<br /> 13. To act on my behalf in consen�ng to or r�fnsing medical treamne,nt as de�d � � . ' "_
<br /> ;,_ . �
<br /> in the Colorado Patient Autonomy Act(sections 15-14503 4�ugh 15-14-509, C.R.S.), with f�l -:::��: ��; �,
<br /> powers, to the maumum extent permit0erl in the Ad. My agent may act on my behalf when I n� �
<br /> � longer have the ability to grnvide informed consent to or refusal of ine��al treatment. My agent '� :;�"=y�==
<br /> ' Gs. •';J.
<br /> . may not consent to or refisse any pmpose8 medical tre�atment for me ovea cny objection when I h�� � .'���_��'°�
<br /> sucb decisianal capacity. All other medical provisions of the Act are incorporated inw this pm��. � '��`"-
<br /> _*,,,�-.�.
<br /> This geneial p�wer of attomey as durable. It sha�fl noi terniinate ia the event of m ' . ��'�r �.�"
<br /> al 3► :��:�:,.���-.;
<br /> incap�city and shall survive until my death. It is written and executerl in t'�e State of Colorado� �� . _,., . . _
<br /> shall be interpreted in accordance witt►the laws of that state. � , .�`-�.
<br /> �;-�
<br /> �,��,�;�;�,Y.—
<br /> IN WITNES�WFI�:REOF, I have hereunw set my ha��and seal on May 27, 1994.
<br /> �.•:�. -�'"'`�.
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<br /> . �7�''P.M!ri�.}:.LI.�.:-��y .�`S-,
<br /> , Robert R. Zwink, cigal _���� �.`����
<br />� �QS-bt�0708 : :ti:;�:;. ��►�,,:,� —
<br /> -b =-��-
<br /> Principal's Social Security Number � , � ��"
<br /> �;.
<br /> -2- � . --�-
<br /> / . _� . . . ,E...�.
<br /> ---._. ----__.___._.... ..- -__ -. _. _ -- --�-__.—..__�,. ...__ .._._�.___..._.._. � • .
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