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<br /> � GE1VIItAL Di1RABY.E POWE�OF ATd10RNEY . � . .
<br /> (�PTCII.[TDIPIG Ai7THOI8I'�`�l U1ITDER'I'H�CO�.O��PAT�1V'r AUTONOIVIY AC97 � - ---- � - -- __
<br /> 1, Robert R. Zwink, of P.O. �ox 475, Elizabeth, Colorado, designate my wife, Betty R . ' . ..
<br /> Zwink, of P.O. Box 475,Elizabeth. �olorado, ��y aao�ey-in-fact(subsequeatly called agent.) .-. .
<br /> If my ageait ceases w act due W death, iucapacity. or resignation, I appoint . _• . •..'-., -
<br /> - of as succ�ssor agen� My agent shall . ,.: ,:-�:-_-
<br /> have the following authority: ` ` � .
<br /> , � . . -'�N�.•:..`:.. .
<br /> � �. . .--...�a -- ._.
<br /> . MY age,nt may do everything neoessary in my name and for my benefit whicb I could d�if '���. _
<br /> I were peisonallly presemt and able. It is my intentioa that my agent may pe�o� �y � �d . . f� � .�T --
<br /> nal �•---;_`
<br /> ` exercise any p�wer, duty, rigiat or obligation that I could perform or eaercise. Such authority is ..� .����::-
<br /> intende�i w relate ta any pessran, tcans�ction or irat�rest conceming seal and Personal ProPertY� . ' . ;£;,,��_
<br /> including intangible pmperty►interests,in which I now have an interest, and property in which nay : ri
<br />. inte�st is sub a►d acquired. I ea�power ffiy ag�ut w delegate authority w oihers. --��-.-. -
<br /> secN Y .�:T_:_
<br /> ;��� . �. �.-_ .-_-__-
<br /> , :
<br /> �` The following powers aze i7l�astrative of my agent's authority; they are not int�nded to be �
<br /> �:•
<br /> �i F'ixCi1�V�.�. r .� `�•
<br /> ._.t _ . .. �:�, ,.- —_
<br /> k
<br /> 1. To arquir+e,encvmber and dispose of any uaterest of mine in real or personal }� � � - =
<br /> � P�P�Y�n such tenms as my agent detern�ines W be appropriate. -�1`�-,"�.,, . � �
<br /> + � �.��' �;
<br /> ��, .4.'Y....rM .
<br /> .� .. . . ' , _ _ '_'
<br /> 2. To hold, a.�ves�,lease and othernrns:manage any interest of mine in real or .� j`r�;�,�`���
<br /> ,.
<br /> pers4nai property; to recover pos�ession of propertg►by lawful means; aud to maintain, Protect, ���'=;. • . �_.
<br /> rebuild alter or im e an of t� ':�.Y� ':Ic --
<br /> insure, move, stare, r�port, > > P�a�+ Y k��Y• _ � .:
<br /> ' �1€-�' —
<br />� 3. To tian�every ldnd of busin�s incladiag the collection, PaYm�nt, aad .`-.�.��� ��y._
<br /> setiles�.:nt of all am�nnts and intere.sts r+ecei�able by m��z payable by me or w me. • ,. ;
<br /> ��'- ��.��.
<br /> - .� . -
<br /> 4. To make, endone,eaecute,deliver and receive deeds,assigamea�ts,cont�rract, _-- . .'�!'":
<br /> hypoih�ons, checics,drafts, notes,receigis,releases aud any other written instrument�that may �_��.::T".�_
<br /> be necessary. This power expressly includes the autrior�ty w endoise and coll�ct obligations of the � � - .
<br /> ` United States Covea�mnent or any other governmental entity and w obtain duplicates for checics or ""-°. �_- .
<br /> �•.�;;;,v;=-=.
<br /> _ other instcume�ts wtush are missing for any reason. �= -_-.����--.�
<br /> �� c ���
<br /> S. To deposit or vrithdia� from any acaount or interest of mine in any bank, � .� .-,�:;4�,
<br /> .� investm�t institution, cr�dit union, savings and to�n association or sirnilar institut�on; W op�n -_""`f�.�.a`- .--•
<br /> accouats in any sucla institution ia my na�e, or in the name of my agen� �'�'^'�"��`���
<br /> ��.
<br /> � '�L �•-_ �.r�-_'�'•.--t•"i'y����.
<br /> 6. To borrow in my name and fmr my benefit, 11p0A SllC�d tEf[IIS 'dS Ill�l 'dgellt :r°"�.,K�r:'�t�,;;" '
<br /> .. �,ti�_�. �
<br /> determines to be necessary, and to pledge or give as sscnrity therefor any of�y pru�erty. . : :� � �
<br /> � �.�.,F'i.... . .
<br /> •2. .. ..
<br /> 7. To instibute, prosecute, defend, compromise, arbitrate and sets�e legal or �� .. .'. ...•. .,���-. '�`
<br /> adminis�trafive proceedings,or otherwise engage in lidgation on my behalf. f� ' . : _- -��
<br /> � fG� . • -
<br /> ....�...._._. .__�....._..._..._.._ ---------__---.____,----__..� . -�•- - -.-. . � . .
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