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' .__...-_— � -- . . Y . ( �y- <br /> I {Y �=r. <br /> � • 03-141997 DEED OF TRIDST Page 3 4 " ' . �� __ <br /> { 'Loan No 421883 (Contlnued) 9�� ������ , — <br /> ,' fftteen(15)days aftor the Gan arises aT,it a�en is f'+.ed,wdhfn fitteen(15)deys 8fter Trustor has notiee ot th9 filirtg,sscure the discharge pf ths � <br /> � L�an,ot it requested by Lender, deposit wdh t-enQer cash or a sutfiaent corporete surety bond or other securily saksfactory to Lendar��an : ` � <br /> 1 amount sutfident to discharpe the lien plus any casts and attomeys'fees or other charges thrst coutd aavue as e resu�t of a toreelosure or sa�e � . . � <br /> under the�en. In any contas�Tntstor sha��defend Ftseif and Lender ttnd shall sa6sfy eny advarse judgment before anforcement agamst the � ` �_ <br /> PropeRy. TruStor Sha��na�ne Lender as an additionai obiiges under any surety hond lurnished io the contest proceedings. t , _�. <br /> EvldanLe Of PitymBn� Trustor shail upon demand tumish to Lender SaGSfactory evidenee of payment of the taxes or asSeSSmants and s�a�l i , �� �� <br /> ault�nriza the apprapriate Qovemmental offldal to deinre�to Lender at any Ume a wnrien sfatemant at the taxes and assessments apa�nst ihe � . ,. �yi � <br /> PrQDertY• - <br /> tBoUee of ConsUuction. Trustor shatl notity Lender at t2ast fifteen(15)days before any work is commencod,any Servlces ere tumished,or any �� ' �u <br /> matsrials are SuppGed to lhe P4�Operty,if any msehanic's lien, materialmen'S lien,er other lien could ba asseRed on axount ot trie wor�, i , <br /> serv(oes,or materiafs.Tnrsla will upon requsst of Lender fumish to lsnder advar�ce essurances satisfaGory to Lender tl�t Trustor can and wili <br />'= PaY tha Cast o!su�t imProv�rr�snts. `- —----- -- -- <br /> PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The ta�owing prwisions relating to lnsuring the Properly aro a pert of this Deed of Tnisi. F �• � - , _ <br /> N1Etntenance of Insuranee.Trustor shail procure and maintein policies of fire iruurance with standard extended coverage endorsements on a � .• : � f;� <br /> repiacement 6asis for the tu0lnsurab►a va►ua covering all Improvements on the Heaf Property in an amou�t sufficiant to avoid application of any <br /> cotnsurance dause.and with a stanCard mortgagee dause in tavor of Lender,together wiiA Such other hazard and Gability insurance as Lender � , <br /> may reasonably reguire. Pcfcias shall be written in torm,amounts.Coverages and basis reasonabiy aoceptable to Lender and issued by a � - :: _ <br /> campany or compaNes reasonaDly acceptable to Lendei. Trustor,upon requ2st ot Lsnder,w�l del:ver to Lender from time to time the poliaes __„�t�� <br /> pr cerUficates of insurance�n form satisfadory to Lender,induding Stipciatioas that coverages wiil not be cancelled or diminished without ai ,".�;;, <br /> least tea(10)days'prior vrri,",e�no�ce to Lender. Each insurance policy afso shall indude an endorsement providing that coverage in tavo:of _ - <br /> Lender wU nat 6e impaired�n any way by any act,omission or defau�t ot 7rustor or any othar parson. Should tha Aeal Propsrty at any time • • w �•�-- <br /> become located in an area d�ignated by the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency es a SpeGa1 fiood Aazartl area.Trustor _ ,.�.� <br /> ag�ees to bbiain and meintain Federal Flood Insurance tor the tWl unpaid principal balance af the loan,up to the ma�dum poiicy limits set under �.;.�,_,_. ..�_: <br /> the National Flood Insurance Progiam,or as otherwise required by Lender,and to maintain such insurance(or the tertn o!the loan. � � • <br /> Appitca8on of ProcEeQs_ Trustor shail promptly noG{y Lender of any loss or damage to the Property. Lender may make proof ot toss it Trustor � ' � �`' <br /> fa7s to do so within fifteen(1�days o}the casualty. Whether or not Lender's security is impaired,Lender may,at its e►ection,receive and retain . •.� '�. <br /> - the ptacaeds of any insurance and appty the proceeds to the reduction ot the Indebtedness,peyment of eny lien aNecting the PropartY.or the s- <br /> ' restoraUon and repaU of lhe Property. II Len�er elects to appiy ihe proceeds ta restoration and repalr,Trustor shall repair or rep►ace ihe - .' � <br /> damSg80 cr destroyed Improvements in a manner satrsactory to Lender. Lender sha�l,upon 5stis(actory prool ot such expenditure,pay ar . ;,.,� ,a,� � <br /> retmbwse Trusta 6om the procaeQs for Ihe reasonabte cost of repair or restoration il Trustw Is not In defautt under this Daed of Trust. Any „� _— <br /> proceeQs which have not Eeen disDUrsed wdhin 180 days eHer the�r rece�pt and whicD LenOer hes ao1 committod to Ihe repuu or restorauon ol - �-:.�• ��__:- <br /> tho Property shall bo used firGl to pay ony amount owinp to Lender under I�is Daed o1 Trusl,ihen to pay accrued Intarest.and tho rort�indar,il -�, � <br /> any,bhall be epplled to tho pdnCipal bal�nCe ol tde lndobtedness. if Lendor�oIG3 eny proceed9 uftet payment ln tu11 of the Indabtodnoss,such � • 4� — <br /> c procaads shau be paid lo Trustor t9 Trustor's interest9 may appear. � � � � <br /> 1 ` ' ' �,`' <br /> •� 1k16uplt�d InwranCe ffi Sal4. Any unacpired insurancA sha11 inuro to Ihe benefd ot,pnd pass to,lhe purC�aser ol the RropeAy coverod by Ihls <br /> � Qeed of Trusl at 8ny Uusteo'9 sat9 Or oth9r 9ate held under the provisions of th�9 Oeed of Trusl,or el eny forgctosure sate ol such PropeAY. `.�i � <br /> EXPENDITUAES BY LENDER. II T�ustor fuiis to compiy with eny prov�s�on of thts Oeed ol Trosi,or it any acUan a prxeedmg�s commeaced thal � '•� " �, �,. <br /> wo�dd matedaily BHect Lendefs Interests i�Ihe Rroperty.LenQer on Trustor's behalt may,but shatl nol be requUed to,take uny acUOn that Lender � •'" _ .. <br /> deams apptoptiate. Any amosiM lhaf lAndw expends In so doing will beat interesl a1 the rate provfGetl tor In the Note hom the date Incurted or peid �,�� • <br /> � � by Lender to the date o!rep�►yment by Truslor. AU such expenses,a1 Lenders opUOn,wnl (a)be payable on damand, (b)be added to the batance , <br /> o}the Note and 68 appo Norte d emonp an d be paya b t e wi t h a n y in st a llment pe yments to become due dud r►8 either (i)lhe term o1 eny appticable - � �'�����.�;'� � <br /> insurance poGcy or (ii)the rennaininp term ol the Note,or (c)be treated as a balloon paymeM whtch will be due and payable at the Note's ma1uriry. . ��.,;.;y � �- <br /> ThCS Oeed of Trust afso wiU Secure payment of these amounts. The�ghts provided for in this paregraph shall be In addition to any other dghts or any ;•, " �i a'�'.�.� <br /> remedios to which Lender may be entilted on account ot the detaulL Any such action by Lender shall not be consUUed as curing the defauit so as to �� �., �;t .. .!.-- <br /> bat Lender from any remedy that it othervrise would have had. ' <br /> : : WARRANTY;DEFENSE OF TITLE. The fouowing provisions relating to ownership of ihe Propedy are a part of this Deed of Trus� �� �, � <br /> � TIUe. Trustw warrants thal• (a)Trusior holds good and marketabte litle of record to the Property in fee slmple,free and clear ot ell Gens and �' �� '�•_..'_� Y <br /> enCUmbrBnCes other than inose sel forth in the Resi Property description or in any title insurance poiicy,Gtle reAori,or final4tle opin(on issued in , -_ <br /> tavor of,and aeCepted Dy,Lsnder In conrtection with this Oeed of Trust,and (b)Trustor has the tu11 dgM,power,and euthodty to execute and `''�' �`� _ .,.�!__ <br /> ' deliver lhis Deed ol Trust to len�er. ` �r_��` _. <br /> . -:-i�'rs.'s�--� <br /> ' Oafense of Titte. SubJect to the exception in the paragraph above.Trusfor warrants en0 wdl torever defend the tiUe to ihe Property against the . ���� <br /> � IawtN tiaims ot aD persons. tn lhe event any action or proceeding is commenced Ihat questions Trustors UUe or the interest of Trustee or <br /> Lender under this Deed o!Trust,Uustor shall defend the action at Trustor's expense. TruSfor may be the nominal party in suCh proCesding,bul • .. ��r'-+�:�� <br /> s Lendat ShaU bo BnGlled t0 D�aDate in the prxeeding and to be represented in tt✓�proceeding by counsel of Lenders own choice,end • •:� � �' � <br /> c Trustor will detivar,or cause to be delivered,to Lendet suCh instruments as Lender may request hom Ume to time to permit such paAicipeBOn. <br /> ,' .F. . .:t.•t:T�.nl�"s. • <br /> .•� COmp11an4L Wl1h LewB. Trustor warrants that Ihe Property and Trustors use of the Property complies with all existing applicable taws, � _ <br /> :•� ordinar�ces.end regulaUom of govemmeNal authorities. ,;}��;},;� � <br /> � CONDEMHATlON. The tollowing provisions releting to candemnation proceedings are a paA of this Oeed o1 Trust. :�'Laet`.� __.:.n-. <br /> � Apptl�atlon o!Net P�oceeds. If atl or any paA of tne Prope r t y Is con demne d by eminen t dom a in pr o c e e di n g s o r b y a n y p r o c e s d i n g o r . . ���' <br /> purchase in lieu of condemnaUon,Lender may at its eleCtion require that all or any poAion of the net proceeds of the award be applieC to lne ''�r . <br /> � IndetoteQne55 or t ha rep 3 lr or res toraUOn of ihe Prope r y. The net proceeds of the award shall mean the award 8�er payment ol all reasonable . �' _ <br /> Costs.expenses,and ettomeys'feBS incurred by Trustee or Lender in connectlon with the conCemnatfon. •-- - �� �- � <br /> � 'i ProCeedinp9. I}any proeeeding In condemna6on Is filed,Trustor shall promptty notify Lender in v�rtiting,and Trustor shall prompliy take such • �,_. <br /> � step9 u may be necessary to defend ihe aclion and obtain the award. Trustor may be the nominal party in such proCeedi�g,but Lender shall � . <br /> ba�nUUed to participate In the proceeding and to be represented in the proceetling by counsel 01 Its own choice,end Trustor wiii deliver or • � � � <br /> eauso to be dellvered to Lender sucA InsUumenLs es may be requesled by i!hom Ume to time to permit such paztiCipaUon. � , _ <br /> IMPOSITIOH OF TAXES,FEE9 AND Ci�fARGES BY GOVERNMEtJTAL AUTHOAITIES. The following provlsions relating to governmsntal taxes, � . <br /> faes and charpes are e paA o1 Ws Ooed o1 Trust: � . . � <br /> Curtent Toxes.Feae end Cherpe9. Upon request by Lender,Trustor shall execute suCh documents in addition to this Deed of Trust and lake . _ <br /> whetever other ection is requested by Lender to perfecl and continue Lender's tien on the Real Property. Truslor 5ha11 reimburse Lender for ail . �. <br /> 48x09,es desCribed betow,tagether with all expenses fncurred in recording, per}ecting or conUnuing Ihis Oeed of Trust,including without � , <br /> IlmitaUOn all taxes,fees,doCUmentery stamps,and other charges(or recording or regtstenng this Oeed ot Trust. , : �' <br /> �� Taxee. The foliowinp Shail constitute texes to which this section applies: (a)e SpeCiflC tax upon ihis type of Oeed of Trust or upon all or any i <br /> peA of Ihe Indebtedness SeCUred by Ihis Deed ot Trusl; (b)8 speC�fiC t&x On Trustor whiCh Trustor iS sulhorized or required t0 deduCt hom • <br /> paym9ntS on Ihe lndebtedness Secured by ihis type of Deed ot Trust; (c)a tax on this type of Oeed o1 Trusl char�eable against the Lender or ��' <br /> th9 hotder of the Note; and (d)a spectfic tax on an or any poAion o1 the Indebtedness or on payments ot principat and Interest made by .. , <br /> � <br /> Trus'.a. . <br /> Subsequent Taxes. B aay lan to which thls section ap0��es�s enacted subsequenf!o the date of this Deed of Trust,lhis event shatl have Ihe . <br /> � SansO eNect as an Event olOefaNt(as defined below),end Lender may exerC+se any or atl ot its avedable remedies lor an Event of Delault as �� <br /> provlded below unless Trustor either (a)pays the tax be�ore A becOmes delinQuent,or (bj contests the tax es provfded above in Ihe Taxes and _ <br /> Uens SecUon and deposits with Lender cash or a sufficienl eorpo�ete surety bond or other security satisfactory to Lender. —'��° <br /> SECUiiITV A(iREEMENT;FINANCING STATEMENTS. The folloµing provisions re�ating t0 this Daed of Trust as a secunty agreement are a parl of � <br /> �j Ihis Oeed ot Trust. � . — <br /> � $ecu�lty Aareement. This instrument shatl constitute 8 security agreement lo Ihe extent any of Ihg Property constitutes fixtures or other � � _ <br /> personal property,and Lender shall have all of the rights of a sec�red party under lhe Unitorm Commercial Code as amended hom time to <br /> Hme. ' <br /> � Securlty Interest. Upon request by lender,Trustor shall exeCUte tinanCing statements and take whatever other nctfon is requested by Lendar , � ' <br /> to peAect and contlnue Lenders secunty in!erest in Ine Rents antl Personai Property. In adtl�hon to record�ng this Deed of Trust m the real � <br /> i properly records.Lende�mey,et any time and without IuAher authonzat�on trom Trustor,6le executed cou(�:erpa�is.Copies or reproduCtions o1 j <br /> � ,. _ <br /> i .. �_. <br /> , . �.. <br /> � ..�_�..;_._-.-+ . <br /> -__:: --•---_'_--=�-�1t^�^�^.^�—�.=-�^_-'...� - . . . . .. . . . . .. � � ' 1 . - . . .. . <br /> _..�� . <br /> ..� . - , • � - . . - . <br />- . - � ' �' ._ �:� � .. _ . . . • _. " . . .... . . � . , • f ' . �, . �; . <br /> . _ . .,r l' .. _ '..1• .. . � ,�_ .. . . y.t . - . . .. , • <br />.. .,. Y • _ .. . .. . . � . • .. . . - . �. . . . � . .. . . . . .- . . .. . , . �. . • . � _ . . <br />