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<br /> � DEED OF TRLiST s Page 2 i , � , _. ;``-
<br /> 03-t4-1997 (Continuedl �Ii° �(j�,�l�"� • ,:�-:
<br /> Loa�No 421883 — �, _ ,
<br /> Note. The word'r�ate�meana the Wo4e dated MarcA 14,�es�,in the principal amouni or ss�,5u"u•uir Rom��«�����"��, �, ' ' • �^
<br /> ' tp4�iher wi�n eU ranewals,exiensions,modificaUons,�+nandngs,and subsUtutlons for tRa Note. The malurity date ot InLS Deed c1 Trust Ls �_
<br /> . ; Segtember t4,1997. � ?j
<br /> Perspnaf properiyf. rne words'Personal ProPe��ean alt equlpment,fixlures,and oiher artieias of Dersonal propertY now or hereaRer �
<br /> owned by Tnutor,and now or hereafter attached or affixad to the Real PropeAy: together with all acCessiorq,parts.and adNtiaru to,eU �
<br /> � , re�ds d etunds of premlumsl om any sals or other�d'sposition�of he PropeAyh�I p��� �ndud�ng without timdation au Insurancw , _
<br /> P � .
<br /> ptoperty.The word`PiropertY'means coitectivary the Rea�Property and tha Personal Property. � , .
<br /> Ret�Ptoyerty-The words'RBaI Property'mean tha prope�y.interests and rights dascnbed above in the'Convey8nce and Gr8n1°saetion.
<br /> � RNated Oocumenta The words'Related�gD��u�y 8gree ents!mortpaqes.tde9dst'ol trustpa�d�al to he r �n+�e 1ts8a�me'and k � _
<br /> ` agresmgnts,environmer.laf egreements.6 � � � ---
<br /> � doCUmentS,whethet now or het6aftet exi5Gn9.executed in conneCtion w�th the Indebtedn95s. I
<br /> ' Retlte. The wotd�ienis'means eU P��nt and future rents.revenues,inCOme,i�ues.roYalfies• D�ofits,end oiher benefits derived Nom the E
<br /> k
<br /> .1 Proparq,. _.
<br /> . i T�ustee•The word'i�uslee'means UNt7ED NEBAASfW BANK and any substitute or suCCessor Uustees- f �
<br /> �
<br /> '1 TNStor.The word'Tnuior"meaas any end all persons and enGliss executing this DeaG ot Trus�induding without rmilabon all Tnutars�amed � —
<br /> BbOVe. '�
<br /> , ON THE FGLLOW�Nti TEAMS: this Deed
<br /> PIIVMENT At'1D PERFORMJUICE- ExcePt as otherwise pro�ded in th�s Deed of Trust,7rustor shall pay to Lender aIl 8mounts Secured by , x_
<br /> pt TrttSt es they 6eCOme due,and ShBII strictlY end in a timsly manner perform a��ot Trustofs obliga6on5 under the Note,this Oeed of Trw-t,and ihe R , ��
<br /> Refated DoCUments. • ,
<br /> POS3ESSION ANB MNI+ITENANCE OF THE PROPERTY- Trustor agtees that Trustor's possess�on and use ot ihe Property shall be gavemed by �. -
<br /> % 1 the toUOwing provlsions: • "'
<br /> , :, . ,_��_,_.
<br /> possESSton end Use. UnU'I the occurtence of an Event of 0efautt,7rustor may (a)rema��in possession an0 conhol of the Property. (b)use, � �T:�___
<br /> � oparate or managa the Property,and (c)collect any Rents from the Property. . � • �.��r
<br /> Duty to MetntNn. Truslor 5hall rtaintaln the Properly in tenantable condiflon and promptly perlorm e!I repairs,replacemQnls,and malntenance ,
<br /> aecessarytopresenreiisvalue. ''}�: '
<br /> Hazardous Substancra.The terms'haiardous wastc�;'harardous substance:'d�sposal:tetease;and'lhreateaed release;as used In this � � ,, r�;
<br /> peed of Trust,shaA f�ve ihe seme meanings as set forth in Iha Comprohensive Envlronm$ntal Response,Compe�sation,and Uab�lity Acl o! —
<br /> tggp,es amended,42 U.S.C.Seclion 9601,el seq.('CERCW"1.the SupeAund Amendments and Reauthorlrali0n Acl of 1986.Pub.L No. k. �
<br /> 99-�499('SARA�.�he 1�Wrardous Matenals Transportation Acl,49 U.S.G Seeuoa 1801.et seq.,lhe Resoorce Conservation and Reaovery Act, , , ; ,�
<br /> a2 U.S.C.Sectlon 6901,et seq•.a other app�icabte state or Federal taws.rutes,o►rogutatlons edopted pu�suant to any of the foregoing. Th8 . .. �� �
<br /> , ' terms"hazardaus waste'and Ta7ardous substance'sha�l also mctude,without timitaron,petroieum and petrolaum by-praducts or any hacfion . �; - �
<br /> thireot end esbestos. Uustar represents 8nd warrants to Lender that: (e)Dunna I�e penod o1 Trustor�s ownershfp of Ihe ProDefh��there hes ' ''�
<br /> � beon no use,yenetaUOn,manufacture,stCrage,treatmenL d�sDosa�.rele8se or threatened relea59 of any h878rdous we51g Or subslanCe by aaY i •V
<br /> pe�aon on.undar,aboul ar h'om the Propertyr; (b)Trustor has�o knowledge of,or reason to be�ieve that Ihare has been,excepl es prevlously , i
<br /> � dlsctased to and acknowledged by Lender In writing, (i)any use,genaratlon,manufacture,storaae.Vea�ment,dis�osal,retease,or threatened t i � `1� � �:
<br /> � �8��p}a�y I�ar6ou9 waste a substance on,under,about or from Ihe Property by 8ny pdor ownQrs or occupants of the PropeAy or (ti)any ,` —
<br /> , � actual a threatened IIUgaUon or ctalms of any klnd by any person relating to such matters;and (c)Except as prevlousty disctosed to and �,, �
<br /> ' aCknowledged by Le�dor�n w A Ung, (i)n e�t h e r T n t s t o r n o r a n y t e n an t,co�tractor,a gent or other authorized user of the Proparty stt�ll usa, �r� ,�
<br /> '; ± penerate,manulaCttue,ctore.trea1,dispose of,or retease any haTSrdous waste or substence on,under.ebout or Bom lhe P rope r ry an d p i)en y ' ._
<br /> such acUvity shall be conducted in compliance wilh alI aODlicabte federal,state,and lacal laws,regutations and ordinences.including without �� f^�. '
<br /> GmitaUon those Iaws. repulaUOns,and ordinances desaibed abova. Trustor aulhorl7es Lender and its agents to enter upon the PropeAy to '� � .
<br /> maka such InspecUons and tests.at Trustor's expense,as Lender may deem approD►�ate to determine compliance ot the Property wiih lhis ���
<br /> section of the Deed ot Trust. Any Ir�spections or tests made by Lender shall be for Lender's purposes oNy end sha��not be construad to Create :.�_ _
<br /> •,:`•..
<br /> gny respons+bility ot Uebtlity on lhe part of Lender to Tmstor or to any othar person. The representations and warranties contelnad hereln are ���•. _ __
<br /> based on Trustor's due diligence In lnvestigating the Property for hazardous waste and ha=ardous substances. Trustor hereby (a)reteases and R�,,,�
<br /> watves any future clslms agalnst Lender for indemnity or contribution in the event Trustor becomes tiable tor cteanup or other costs under 8ny , �
<br /> such Iaws.and (b) agrees to(ndemnity and hold harmless Lender against any and a1l ctaims,losses. IiabiliUes, damages,penalties,and � _
<br /> expgnses whiCh Lender may diretity or indirecUy sustain or sutfer resulling hom a breach o)thls section of the Dead of Trus1 or as e :.(I�: •�' •�,
<br /> consequence ot eny use.generaUOn,manufacture,storage,dtsposal,retease or threatene0 retease occurrinfl pAOr to Trustors awnershlp or
<br /> Inlerest In lhe Property,whether or nOt the same wes or Should have been knOwn to TruStOr.The provislOns o1 thl5 SeCUon of the 08ed pi Tnlst, :,v � _,
<br /> . Includlnp the obllgatton to indemnily,shall survive the payment o1 the Indebtedness and the satlsfaction and reconveyance ot the lien of Ihis ._ ,:��y=
<br /> Deed ot Trust and shall not be aNected by Lender's acquisition of any interest in the PropeAy,whether by lorectosure or otherwise.
<br /> � NulsanCe,Waste. Trustor s1sa�1 not eause,conducl or permit any nuisance nor commil,permit,or suffer any striDPing of or wasle on or to fhe �
<br /> 1 Properly or eny porQon o1 the ProDB�Y• Without Itmiting the generality of the toregoing,Trustor will not remove,or grant to any other party the �.
<br /> '" I dght to remove,any Umber,minerals(including oil and gas),soil,gravel or rock products without the D►�or written consent ot Lendsr. ,
<br /> 1
<br /> : i RemOVal o!Impfovement9. Trustor shell not demolish or remove eny Improvements hom the Real Properly wllhout the prfor writlen eonsent � '��. _
<br /> + of Lsnder. As e condllon to the removal of any Improvemenl5,lender may requlre Trustor to make arrangemen's satistactory to Lender to
<br /> i replace SuCh Improvements wilh Improvements of at least equa�value. ___
<br /> LenQer's Rlpht to Enter. Lender and its agenls and representatives may enter upon the AeaJ PropeAy at sIl roasonabte times to attend to
<br /> � ' lsndets interests end to insyect the Properly for purposes of Trustor's compliance with the terms and Conditions of this Oeed ol Trust. �_
<br /> � Compllanae wltb Governmental Requlrements. Trustor shall promptry comply with atl laws,ordmances,and regulaUons,now or nereatter in ti �
<br /> efteCt.Of all 9overnmental aulhorl6es applic2ble to the use or occupancy of the Property. Trustot may contest in flood taith any Such law, . .. .
<br /> ordlnance.or regutatlon and withhotd compliance during any proceeding,inctuding appropriate appeals,so long as Trustor hes notified Lender . ,
<br /> In wr(llng prior to doing so and so long as.in Lenders soie opinion,Lender's interests m the Property are not�eopardized. Lender may require �.
<br /> Trustor lo pos�adea'�ele SeCUriy or e Surely bond,reasonably satisfactory to Lender,to proteCt Lender's interest. .
<br /> Duty t0 ProteCt. T�ustor agrees nelther to ebandon nor leava unariended fhe Property Trustor sha��do all other BCts.in addition to those aets �
<br /> set torlh above In this sectton,whtch from the charaoter and use of the Property are reasonaWy necessary to proteCl and preserve the Property. _
<br /> OUE OH SALE-CONSENT BY LEHDER. Lender may,at ils oDtion,declare immediately due and payeble a11 Sums secured by this Deetl ol Trust •
<br /> upon the sal9 or transter,without Ihe Lendsrs prior written consent,ot all or any paA ol tho Real Property,or any interest In the Real Properly. A
<br /> • �te or Uansfe�means the convayance ot Real Property or any right,title or interest therein;whether legal,benefielal or equit8ble:Wh�ther voluntary �
<br /> or Involuntery;whether by ouUlghl safe,deed,installmenf sale conlracL 18nd conlraCl,Contracl lor deed,teasehold intere5l with e term greater than
<br /> thtea(3)years,lease-oplion Contraet,or by saie,asslgnment,or transfer o}any beneficlal interest in or to any land trust holding b1le to Ihe Real � �: .
<br /> 1 Property.or by 8ny other method o}eonveyanCe ot Reaf Property fnterest. It any Trustor is a corporetion.OaAnership or limlted liabi�ity Company, �
<br /> • . � bensfer also irtClUdes any Change In ownership pf more t�an twenty-five pe�cenf(25°�)of the�ot�ng stock,partnership interesls or limded liabtlity : � �
<br /> compeny interesl5,es 1ha Case mey be,of TruslOr. Houvever,this op�ion shall not be exerased by Lender if suCh exercfse iS prohib�ted by federal i
<br /> _ taw or by Nebraske 18w• �;
<br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The tollowing provisions retating to the taxes an�I�ens on Ihe Properly are e paA ot this Deed of TrusL �y
<br /> PiIyment. Trusto�shall pay when due(and in all e�ents p��o�t0 delinquency)811 taxes,speCial taxes,assessments,charges(inclutling water
<br /> end Sewer),fines end impositions lev+ed against or on account ot the Property,a�d shall pay when due all ctaims tor work done on or tor k 6•_°
<br /> servlces rend9red or material turnished l01he PropeAy. Trustor shall ma�Main the PropeAy f►ee of all liens heving pr.ority over or equsl to the t �
<br /> interest of Lender under this Deed of Ttust,except for the��en ot taxes and assessments no�due and except es otherwise proNded in this�eed ` •
<br /> of Trust. �
<br /> RIgM To Contest. Trustpr may withhold payment o�any lax,assessment,or claim in COnnecUOn wdh a good laith d�spute over the obhgation � �
<br /> �� !a pey,so long as Lender's�nterest fn lhe Property is not�eopa�tl,zed. �t a��e�anses or is filed as a resull of nonpayment,Trustor shall wilhin i -
<br /> ± , jI_. ,
<br /> . !'.:`r.�•'.
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<br /> . ., .
<br /> - .- . . . .. . - . . . . .
<br /> . , � • . . •
<br /> . - - , . . ._ ' . - _ . � _ . . . . . - .. ., .
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<br />